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The Other Side

Page 2

by Shawn Lane

  His mouth went dry. “Tonight?”

  “Yes. Is that a problem?”

  “Well…no.” Okay, this was a first for him. No one involved in a case had ever asked him out. He wasn’t even sure if it was a good idea. Of course, he was off the case, so maybe.

  “Good. I’m a fairly decent cook. I’d like to make you dinner. I’ll give you directions to my home in Bel Air.”

  Nick swallowed, stared at the phone receiver. His own apartment was in Van Nuys, for crying out loud. And a dump. He knew Ray was well-off, but…Bel fucking Air?


  “Okay.” Nick ran his fingers over his stubbled jaw. “Uh, Ray?”


  “We have nothing in common. We’re completely different. I drive an old run-down Ford Pinto.” Nick winced, briefly wondering what Ray’s Bel Air neighbors would think when the Pinto rattled into their hood.

  The same low, throaty sexy-as-hell chuckle rumbled from the phone. “What can I say, Nick? Opposites attract.”

  Chapter 2

  Nick’s Pinto sputtered to a stop on the long winding driveway leading to Ray Carmichael’s house. Mansion. The place was freaking huge. It was Spanish Mission style and had a million rooms. Okay, so he couldn’t really tell how many rooms it had, but it was two stories with a tiled red roof, and Nick was pretty sure his own dive would fit in the man’s garage.

  He tapped his fingers against his steering wheel and wondered if this wasn’t a really stupid idea. What did he have in common with Ray? Both of them being gay certainly wasn’t enough. According to all those online dating programs you were supposed to have all kinds of shit in common with your soul mate. Okay, not that he thought Ray could or would be his soul mate. He was so getting ahead of himself.

  The double front doors swung open and Ray walked outside. He was dressed in gray dress slacks that fit across his ass so well they might have been tailored for him. And most likely were. Across his muscular chest he wore a pressed white dress shirt open at the throat to expose a smattering of black hair.

  He smiled in welcome, but his smile faded as he glanced at the gold-colored Pinto. “Is that thing leaking oil on my driveway?”

  Nick winced, but got out of the car. “Um, no. Well, I don’t think so anyway.”

  Ray eyed the Pinto suspiciously.

  “I can move it to the street if you’d rather,” Nick offered.

  “No,” Ray said, after a lengthy silence. “Come on in, Nick. I’ve just started dinner.”

  Ray gestured for him to precede him into the house.

  Nick felt pretty underdressed. Hell, he just went straight from work so he wore the same ratty jeans and stained rock T-shirt he’d worn earlier. There was a mirror immediately to the right of Ray’s front hall and Nick found himself looking straight at his reflection. Damn, he hadn’t even combed his hair.

  He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through the rumpled mess. He glanced down at the intricate tile floor, then at his own battered sneakers.

  “What do you think of my house?”

  “Great. Nice.”

  Directly in front of the hall was a winding staircase. Apparently medical school paid off. A lot more than a mere cop’s salary.

  Ray smiled. “I’ll give you a tour later. For now, come on.”

  Nick followed Ray down a long hallway lined with hardwood floors. He turned right and they entered a large room with a red leather couch and a couple of chairs in front of a fireplace.

  Next to that room was a dining room with a round table and chairs and then the kitchen after that. These three rooms could have held two of his apartments.

  “Have a seat.” Ray indicated one of the easy chairs. “What would you care to drink? Chardonnay? Pinot Noir?”

  Nick brushed off the seat of his pants and plopped down. “A beer?”

  Ray frowned. “A beer? I don’t have any beer.”

  “Oh. Um, well sorry. I’m not really into wine.”

  Ray folded his muscular arms across his chest. Nick bit his lip, admiring the man’s physique. He really was hot.

  “How about a soda?”

  “No, I don’t really like that either.”

  Ray raised an eyebrow. “Juice? Scotch? Vodka?”

  Nick shook his head. “No, sorry. Water?”

  “We’ll get you some beer.”

  “No, that’s all right. I don’t want to be any trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble,” Ray assured him. “Harold!”

  A tall thin older man with a crooked nose and a neatly trimmed gray beard appeared from the direction of the kitchen. “Yes?”

  “Go to the market and get Nick some beer, will you?” Ray glanced at Nick. “Brand?”

  “Oh, anything.”

  Ray rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me that. Tell Harold what you like and he’ll get it.”

  Nick wondered who Harold was. Did Ray have a live-in lover already? Did he misunderstand what tonight was about, or did Ray plan on some sort of threesome? He definitely wasn’t into that.

  “Budweiser would be great.”

  Harold nodded and disappeared into the kitchen once more.

  Ray went to a small bar and poured himself a glass of red wine. He walked over to the other chair and sat down. “It’s going to be a while before dinner is ready.”

  “What are we having?” Nick was afraid it was going to be something he really wasn’t into like sushi or something trendy like that. He’d have to eat it to be polite.

  “Filet mignon, au gratin potatoes, steamed green beans, and salad. Harold is making baked Alaska for dessert.”

  Nick’s stomach growled in appreciation. It all sounded way better than he expected. Definitely better than his usual diet of salads and frozen dinners. He cleared his throat. “Um, about Harold.”

  Ray leaned back in the chair and took a healthy sip of his wine. “What about him?”

  Nick felt his ears and neck heat. Great. His damn fair skin. “Well, I just wondered, you know, what he is.”

  “What he is? I don’t follow you.”

  Nick gritted his teeth, feeling like a gigantic ass. “I mean, is he your boyfriend or what?”

  Ray laughed. “My boyfriend? No. I did tell you I was attracted to you. Do you think I would have invited you to my home for dinner so I could show the young stud I was interested in to my boyfriend?”

  “Well, maybe.” Nick grinned at being referred to as a young stud. “I don’t know. Maybe you’re into threesomes or something.”

  Ray’s lips twitched. “I am not into threesomes. In any event, Harold has been married to his wife for over thirty years. She is my housekeeper. They are both in my employ. This is a large house with extensive grounds. I employ a staff to care for it, Nick. I have a busy, active live with work and politics and dating. I don’t have time to handle everyday duties.”


  Ray set his wine glass down on a side table and rose. “I need to check on dinner. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  * * * *

  “This is really good,” Nick said.

  Ray’s gaze followed Nick’s tongue as it darted out to lick the corner of his mouth. It put wicked thoughts in Ray’s head. Thoughts of where that tongue could go. Oddly enough, Ray found himself liking the man. There was no way to deny Nick’s sexiness. He didn’t know any gay man who wouldn’t want to get into Nick’s pants. Or straight women for that matter. He’d asked Nick out simply because he wanted to have sex with him. He hadn’t expected to like him, given their recent association, but, strangely, Ray did.

  “Glad you like it. The marinade is my dad’s recipe.” Ray sliced another piece of steak from the filet on his plate. “My dad loves to cook. I think that’s where Devon got it. He went to culinary school, you know.”



  “No, I didn’t know that.”

  Ray nodded and took a sip of his wine. “And he also took restaurant and hotel management courses. Since
he was a boy his dream was to own a restaurant.”

  “How’s he doing? Since…since—” Nick blushed and ducked his head, seeming to be very interested in his food.

  “Since the cops beat him?” Ray let his anger seep in for a moment. “He’s doing better. Still only able to work part days at the restaurant though. He gets tired very easily.”

  Nick toyed with his potatoes, still not looking up. Ray noticed he blushed a lot. It was very attractive, actually. He didn’t know why, but the spots of red on Nick’s pale cheeks were a real turn-on. Hell, the whole man was hot. Ray couldn’t remember being this attracted to a guy so fast in a long time. A guy so obviously different from him.

  The truth was, when Ray thought of whom he’d live happily-ever-after with, if that notion was actually real, he supposed he’d end up with another black man. His dates with white men were generally about sex and not much else. Most were curious to find out if black men were as well hung as the rumors said. Anyway, Ray ended things pretty quick with these sorts once they’d had their physical fill. He’d not been that curious to get to know them better.

  Nick, though, seemed different somehow. He couldn’t put his finger on it exactly. He definitely picked up on vulnerability in Nick, so maybe that was it. Ray liked to come to the rescue. He certainly couldn’t deny his cock had been half-hard all day. Actually just now as he sat across from Nick he was fully hard. His erection had been pressing against his slacks all through dinner. He shifted a little in his chair.

  “So, why did you become a cop?” Ray broke the silence.

  “Because I was saved by a police officer,” Nick said, his voice soft.

  “Saved by one? What do you mean?”

  Nick toyed with his beer, his gaze distant. “I was a troubled kid. My father left my mom when I was seven. We didn’t have a lot of money. With three kids and a drug habit, she couldn’t keep it together very well. We lived on welfare and whatever money she got from her latest boyfriend or trick she turned.”

  “Jesus, I’m sorry, Nick.” Ray reached across the table and without thinking covered the other man’s hand with his.

  “Yeah. Anyway, I was pretty much in and out of trouble growing up. With no supervision I guess it’s not that surprising. I joined a gang, stole a car. Ended up in juvie.” Nick shrugged. “That’s when I got put in the Big Brother program. My Big Brother was a police officer. He turned my life around. My record was expunged. He vouched for me when I wanted to join the force. Not sure they would have taken me otherwise.”

  “Wow, I had no idea,” Ray admitted. He knew Nick hadn’t come from the same background as he had come from, but he hadn’t imagined Nick being involved in criminal activity. He’d assumed Nick had a lower middle-class lifestyle.

  Nick’s smile was grim. “Yeah. To be honest, I wanted to work with gangs and troubled youth myself.”

  “Then why are you with Internal Affairs?”

  “It was where the advancement opportunities were for me at the time. But I’d still like to do it someday.”

  “Then you definitely should,” Ray said. “What happened to the cop who was your Big Brother?”

  Nick downed the rest of his beer, tilting his head back, his Adam’s apple sliding down his throat as he swallowed. He set the bottle aside. “He died in the line of duty. He was shot by a gang member in South Central.”

  “That’s really sad.”

  He nodded. “Depressing subject. This food is great, though. I can’t remember last time I had a real meal with meat and veggies and stuff.”

  “Don’t tell me you eat a lot of fast food. As a physician, I’ll have to give you a big lecture.” Though judging by the way that stained T-shirt clung to Nick, he had not an ounce of fat on him.

  Nick blushed again. “Well, not always. Sometimes I heat frozen food. I’m not much of a cook, honestly. I can grill fish. Anyway, I’m surprised you eat red meat being a doctor and all. Isn’t that taboo?”

  “Moderation. I don’t eat steak every night. I’d be huge. Speaking of, you must work out.”

  “When I can. How about you?” Nick held up his hand. “Wait, don’t tell me. You have a home gym.”

  Ray laughed. “Yes, I do. Look, I’m not about to apologize for doing well in life, Nick. It’s true my immediate family has never struggled, but certainly my grandparents did. They worked hard to provide for my parents. And my parents worked hard. Not to mention I’m no slough off either.”

  “I didn’t mean to imply you were.”

  The swinging kitchen door opened and Harold came out carrying flaming baked Alaska. Nick’s blue eyes widened comically and Ray couldn’t help but grin. He was finding the scruffy detective more appealing by the minute.

  * * * *

  “You have an amazing house.” Nick stood on the deck of the balcony outside an upstairs guestroom. It overlooked a kidney-shaped pool and a spa.

  “Thank you.” Ray had just come outside. He left the sliding glass door open. “What’s your house like?”

  “My dream house?” Nick laughed without humor. “I live in a dumpy apartment in Van Nuys. Can’t go out at night. Well, not unless you’re an armed police officer. But it’s cheap.”

  “Do cops really make so little?”

  Nick leaned on the railing. He didn’t really feel like getting into his family situation with Ray. “I’m used to doing without. No sense in getting too comfortable now.”

  Ray walked up to stand behind him. Nick could feel the heat radiating from him. He’d wondered if Ray would make a move or expect Nick to make one. Nick bent a little at the waist, pushing his ass against Ray’s crotch. He could feel the man’s erection. Nick’s own cock perked up in reaction.

  Ray inhaled sharply, rubbing along the crease of Nick’s jeans.

  “Hmm.” Nick straightened and turned to face Ray. He reached for the collar of Ray’s dress shirt and tugged him closer. Ray’s lips were mere inches from his. He could feel the man’s breath. Smell a mixture of wine and the after dinner mint Ray had recently eaten. Nick lifted his chin until their mouths touched. They melded together briefly, hot and heady. It had been a while since he’d had sex, Nick realized, which was probably why he was being so bold. And on their first official date. He wasn’t normally so easy.

  “Want to see my bedroom?” Ray murmured against his lips.

  The thing of it was, he did. He wanted to have hot, mind-blowing, no commitment sex with the gorgeous doctor. Nick really couldn’t see it going anywhere permanent. Not with their differences. But Nick didn’t do that kind of casual sex. Not ever. So as horny as he might be, and he definitely was, he couldn’t do it. He just hoped he wouldn’t piss off Ray with his hot and cold act.

  Nick gently pushed at Ray’s shoulders. “Look, as much as I’d love to see your bedroom or your bed anyway, the truth is, I don’t have sex on the first date. And I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on or anything. I know it probably sounds stupid or old-fashioned coming from a guy like me, but that’s the way it is.”

  Ray stared at him for a long time in silence and Nick was afraid he really had angered the good doctor. But then Ray grinned, flashing perfect white teeth. “No problem, Nick. I apologize for coming on too strong.”

  “Oh, no, not at all. I was, too.” Relief flowed through him. He glanced at his watch. “I should probably be going.”

  Ray nodded. “How about a movie tomorrow night?”


  “Good. I’ll come by and get you at the station. I have a meeting with Detective Johnson about Devon’s case anyway. I’ll call you tomorrow with the details.”

  Chapter 3

  Ray smiled as Nick buckled the seat belt in the passenger seat of Ray’s Lexus. Nick glanced around the parking lot, scooting down just a bit in the seat. He guessed Nick didn’t want to be seen in the car with Ray. He knew he wasn’t exactly a popular man with the LAPD these days. Still, Nick’s obvious discomfort bothered him.

  “Do we have time to make a stop?” Nick
asked, straightening as Ray pulled out of the parking lot. He twisted his hands in his lap. “I…well, I need to drop something by my mother’s place. It won’t take long.”

  Ray glanced at Nick. The other man had his bottom lip between his teeth, twisting it. “Sure, no problem. The movie plays several different times. We’re okay. Just punch the address of your mom’s into my Garmin and it’ll give me the directions.”

  When Nick put in the address, Ray frowned. He was familiar with the area. It wasn’t a great one. Well, that was an understatement really. “Are you sure you input the address right?”

  Nick ducked his head and turned a dark shade of red. “Um, yeah, it’s right.”

  He felt like an ass. He’d embarrassed the man. “Sorry, Nick. Your mom okay there?”

  “As okay as you can be there, I guess.” Nick sighed. “That’s where I grew up. My brother, Caleb, and sister, Vanessa, still live there. I wish I could afford to move them, but it’s kind of tough.”

  Ray had been lucky and he’d be the first to admit it. He’d never gone hungry or been in trouble. But because his grandparents hadn’t been so lucky and had struggled hard all their lives to give their children and grandchildren opportunities, Ray made sure he was very active in charities and his community.

  They lapsed into silence as Ray drove the rest of the way into the Los Angeles neighborhood. He knew of worse areas. But he still found himself concerned for Nick’s family. And Nick for that matter. He couldn’t fathom growing up there.

  He pulled up to a curb in front of a tiny little bungalow style house with bars on the window. In the driveway were two junky cars that didn’t appear to run. Every other house on the narrow block looked pretty much the same.

  “Go to hell!” The front door flew open and banged against the wall. A young blond girl of about sixteen or seventeen came flying out. She crossed her arms across her chest and stared at them as Nick and Ray got out of the car.

  “What’s going on?” Nick asked.

  Her bottom lip quivered. “Mom’s a bitch.”

  “Don’t call her that. She’s still your mom, Vanessa.”

  “I wish she wasn’t!”


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