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Black Melt

Page 17

by Indy McDaniel

  The pain in Kari’s head vanished as Allen twisted her body around and rolled her back over, overridden by the stabbing agony of her broken leg being moved. She howled and extended her arms, fingernails scratching at the floor as he tugged her ass into the air. Wet crackling poured from Allen’s mouth, along with fresh dribbles of black gunk as he gave her rear a few hard slaps before yanking the crotch of her panties aside.

  The infected man stared down at Kari’s exposed sex. A cacophony of voices screamed within his head, including that of Allen. But despite his body being the vehicle in charge of Kari’s consumption, he was far from in control of his actions. That role had been claimed by another within the multi-consciousness.

  Dr. Madison Davis was dead; her body melted away and her mind fragmented and absorbed into the fungus. Freedom had stirred something deep within the organism. Madison’s mind – twisted and perverted by the fungus – had come oozing to the top, asserting a dominance unlike anything the melt had known before. With her newfound control and an all too clear image of what the fungus intended to do to the world, Madison had set off with a singular goal.

  Protect Felicia.

  But Madison knew all too well what the fungus required. Seeing it from the inside, she understood the need to consume, to build upon the already daunting mass of personas trapped within the bliss of the melt. Deep beneath the writhing orgy of ecstasy and agony a kernel of purpose lay buried. The simplest purpose in the universe.


  Kari whimpered and sobbed as the stiff tip of Allen’s cock pressed against the dry folds of her cunt. “Don’t,” she groaned. “Oh god, please, don’t!”

  Pain speared into Kari’s sex, drawing a fresh howl of agony from her lips as every thick inch of Allen’s member entered her in a single, brutal moment. Her eyes clamped shut, tears flowing freely down her cheeks as her body unwillingly hugged her infected lover'’ erection firmly. The rigid thing stabbing into her from behind felt both regrettably familiar and utterly alien.

  The inner walls of Kari’s vagina itched unnaturally as Allen’s tainted pre-cum dribbled out of him. Although not nearly as caustic as some of the other fluids eager to pour out of him, the semi-acidic jizz was more than enough – along with his rough thrusts – to scrape her raw, further escalating the pain rushing through her. Fleshy slaps underscored Kari’s shrieks as she smacked her hands against the floor, desperately trying – and failing – to crawl away from the infected man she’d once loved so deeply.

  Allen’s eyes rolled back, showing only the dark fungus-tainted whites as he rammed his cock into Kari again and again. His testicles swung heavily, swelling with jizz eager to ejaculate into the warm, gripping hole squeezing rhythmically around his girth. The already sensitive nerve endings in his cock screamed pleasure through his loins and up his spine. Only the corrupted psyche of Madison Davis kept the cum at bay, desperately searching for an answer to a question her fractured mind couldn’t even think of any longer.

  Madison wanted to tell Kari how delightful her cunt felt wrapped around Allen’s shaft, but the collapsed trachea made that impossible. Anger sparked within Allen’s melt-fused consciousness, encouraging him to hammer into the sobbing young woman harder. As the frustration built, Allen reached up to his neck, frantically digging his fingers into the skin until he gripped the dented windpipe. With a fleshy rip, he tore his throat out, unleashing a dark geyser of corrosive vomit. The sick sprayed into the air before arching down to splatter across Kari’s back, sizzling its way through her shirt in moments.

  Kari’s eyes bulged as the scorching agony of the acidic bile ate into her back. The strap of her bra briefly joined with her skin, fabric and plastic melting into flesh before both were burned through completely, leaving behind glistening red muscle and stark white bone.

  The backs of her ribs fizzled and foamed as the digestive enzymes ate through them. Kari’s mouth gaped open, desperately trying to suck air into her rapidly dissolving lungs. Her lips smacked wetly, tongue flopping out onto her chin as her face reddened from asphyxiation. Her tear-dampened cheeks glistened in the overhead light as her wide eyes struggled to comprehend the nightmare her life had become. Hearing a meaty thud, she turned to see her right arm lying beside her on the floor, ragged stump sizzling as the caustic puke continued to eat away at her.

  Allen released a wet growl of ecstasy as he savored the feeling of Kari’s dying cunt shivering around him and the taste of her every molecule pouring into him as he melted her away. He snapped her half-dissolved spine with a particularly forceful thrust of his cock. The skin of her belly, lying in a pool of Allen’s bile, split open as he pulled the lower half of the woman up from the floor. Steaming, sizzling innards poured out of her into a mushy pile. He let out a bubbling gurgle of amusement as he bounced Kari’s lower half against his crotch, admiring the way the tip of his tainted cock jabbed out of the scorched opening of her vaginal canal. His chest jerked as another series of retches worked their way through him before he let loose with another geyser of digestive bile.

  The fingers of Kari’s outstretched left hand clung to the floor just as she clang to life. Her mouth hung open, dry clicks echoing up her throat as her face went purple from lack of air. The second messy torrent of Allen’s bile splattered across the back of her head. Her hair shriveled and shrank away from the caustic fluid, providing her scalp little defense. Kari’s jaw snapped shut suddenly, teeth burrowing into the meat of her tongue, as the vomit ate its way through her skull and into her brain. Spastic muscle spasms crept across her face as hot blood pumped past her lips from her partially severed tongue. Her eyes rolled back as merciful darkness drank her up scant moments before the digestive juices poured into her sinus cavities. The skin of her nose bubbled and sank inwards as the fluid poured from her nostrils and dissolved her lips away, leaving behind a macabre, toothy grin.

  Allen came as Kari’s very essence melted and merged within the crowded psyche of the space fungus. Ropey strands of blackened ejaculate shot from the lower half of Kari’s corpse, streaking across what remained of her intestines. He sat back, drawing ragged breaths through his torn open throat as he basked in the afterglow of his climax, Kari’s crotch still pulled tight against his own. Her splayed legs stretched out on either side of Allen, an occasional tremor working its way through her right leg. From the waist down, Kari’s body remained largely intact and untouched by the digestive bile. The same could not be said for the rest of her. Her torso was gone, reduced to a semi-chunky pool of black vomit, red muscle tissue, off white bone, and yellow fat. Her head was well on its way to joining that puddle. Thinner puddles of half-dissolved slop followed after the woman’s outstretched arms, creeping further along their length with each passing moment.

  Allen’s imprisoned consciousness wept at the sight of the woman he loved, too distraught to come to terms with the realization that Kari was now a part of the fold. Kari’s consciousness, still in the midst of the agonizing final moments of her lifetime, screamed out one maddened shriek after another. Madison’s consciousness basked in the afterglow of the sexualized feeding, using Allen’s hands to slowly pull her sister’s lifeless snatch away from his still rigid manhood. Time for the only taste test that truly matters, the corrupted psyche of the medical mycologist thought as she forced Allen’s body to lift Kari’s lower half higher into the air. He brought the dead woman’s crotch against his torn throat, mashing her labial folds against the wound. The small trickles of bile already oozing from the man’s throat sizzled against the sensitive flesh. Fresh flavor exploded across the melt’s joined consciousness and in moments another gush of vomit spewed from Allen’s torn throat. The bulk of it flowed down over his chest, but enough of it got into Kari’s body to scorch the inner walls of her cunt before squirting out the other end of it.

  Chunky pieces of Kari’s rapidly melting pussy dribbled into Allen’s throat-hole, thoroughly broken down before they had a chance to reach his stomach. With a sharp crack, Kari’s pelvis br
oke and the cheeks of her ass split apart. Allen lost his grip on the slippery flesh, allowing her now fully separated legs to flop back to the floor on either side of him. As the frenzy of the feeding faded, Madison’s thoughts shifted from the sizzling remains of her dead sister to her daughter.

  It’s time for us to be a proper family again, she thought, forcing Allen’s messy form up onto his feet.

  Chapter Nine

  Protective Custody

  Murphy hugged Felicia to her chest with her uninjured arm as the little girl sobbed. Staring out into the darkness, the FBI agent felt a fear the likes of which she hadn’t felt since she’d been a child. She’d not seen Kari’s death, but the sounds that had oozed up from the house below painted far too vivid a picture in her mind. Five months of training doesn’t seem nearly long enough to deal with this shit, she thought as she tried to gather her nerves. Despite the horror show breaking out all around her, she still had a job to do. The sobbing child clinging to her was more than enough of a reminder of that. This attic is a fucking death trap if one of those things finds us up here, Murphy thought. And it’s only a matter of time before one of them does. We’ve gotta get out of here.

  Murphy gave Felicia a couple more minutes to cry before she gave the girl a gentle shake. “Look,” she said, keeping her voice low and doing her best to sound as soothing as she could. “I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re feeling right now. But we can’t stay here, okay? I’m going to get you out of here, keep you safe, but I need you to do me a favor. I need you to be as quiet as you possibly can and do exactly as I say. Okay? Can you do that for me?” She’d never had to deal with a kid before, let alone an emotionally distraught kid who’d just lost everyone she loved. Asking Felicia to keep her shit together seemed incredibly cruel, but also incredible necessary.

  Felicia pulled her face away from Murphy’s chest. Although she’d left the bulk of her tears soaking into the woman’s shirt, her eyes still glistened with moistness. Her face scrunched up, using every ounce of strength she had in her eight-year-old body to hold back her sobs. She gave Murphy a silent nod, not wanting to risk speaking. Forcing even a syllable past the aching lump in her throat would only lead to more tears, of that the girl was certain. Felicia had no hope of comprehending what was happening, but the haunted yet serious look in the federal agent’s eyes told her everything she needed to know.

  “Alright,” Murphy sighed. “Step one. Getting out of this fu-“ She caught herself before finishing the curse, glancing back at the little girl still half-clinging to her. “This attic.”

  “It’s okay,” Felicia sniffled. “My mom used to use that word a lot, too.”

  In the grand scheme of things, censoring her language around the girl seemed a bit ridiculous. The slim odds they faced were far more offensive than an entire tirade of F-bombs. Disentangling herself from Felicia, Murphy carefully crawled her way deeper into the attic. She slid dusty boxes of Christmas decorations and old receipts out of the way, doing her best to make as little noise as possible. Her jaw clenched, tears of pain springing to her eyes as she bumped her raw stump against one of the boxes. She breathed heavily through her nose, taking a few moments to let the throbbing agony calm down before continuing to search for an escape route.

  The pale moonlight Murphy saw as she moved another box out of the way gave her a small flicker of hope. Scooting forward and clearing the way, she found a ventilation window. It was small, but she was pretty sure she could fit through it with a bit of squeezing. Crawling over to the window, she peeked out to see where it led. The slanted roof was just beyond. Not the most secure footing, but significantly better than a sheer drop. The window faced out into the backyard. It was too dark in the yard to say for certain if it was clear, but she couldn’t detect any movement. Without any better options, she decided to risk it. Turning back, she whispered for Felicia to follow her over.

  Murphy unlocked the window and worked it open. Judging by the resistance, it hadn’t been opened in years, but she was just glad no one had nailed the thing shut. She slid an arm through the threshold and rested it against the outer wall, pushing her head through. The cool night air smelled crisp. She could hear crickets chirping, but no shuffling feet or voices. The backyard still looked empty. Slipping her injured arm through the window, Murphy scooted herself further outside. Her breasts were forced flat against her chest to clear the tight passageway and pulling her legs through was a little awkward, but she made it without incident. Keeping a firm grip on the edge of the window, she got her footing on the slanted roof. Thankfully, it was a modest slope. Doing one last check to make sure none of the infected were around, she looked back through the window and motioned for Felicia to climb through.

  Once the girl was outside with her, Murphy carefully scooted her way to the edge of the roof. It was a two story drop to the ground. Not necessarily fatal, but far from pleasant. “C’mon,” she whispered to Felicia. “We need to find a better way down. Be careful.” They crept their way along the roof until they reached a portion that led down to an area of the house that was only one story tall. Murphy slid down to the lower roof and helped Felicia come after her. It was tricky with only one hand, but she managed. They were still a good ten feet off the ground, but it was the best they’d be able to manage. Murphy crouched at the edge of the roof and jumped down. Her boots sank into the soggy grass a little but she managed to stay on her feet.

  Turning back, Murphy looked up at Felicia. The girl had made it to the edge of the roof, but the fear in her eyes said that she wasn’t going to make it any further without some encouragement. “It’s not as high as it looks,” Murphy told her.

  Felicia shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “It’s the only way you can get down,” Murphy explained, feeling far too exposed standing out in the open. She did her best to keep her frustration at bay. “I’ll catch you. It’ll be fine.”

  “You’ve only got one hand,” Felicia pointed out, sniffling.

  “Yea, but you’re not very big, so it’ll even out,” Murphy insisted. She spread her arms and beckoned for the girl to jump. This is gonna be a real short rescue mission if I can’t get her down from there, she thought.

  A look of resigned determination entered Felicia’s terrified face. She scooted a little closer to the edge of the roof and took a deep breath. “You better catch me,” she told Murphy.

  “I promise,” Murphy assured her, bracing herself for the impending collision. Felicia didn’t so much jump as drop from the roof. Murphy stepped forward to line herself up with the descending girl. The small form slammed into her chest and she quickly wrapped her arms around Felicia’s back, but she lost her balance in the process. Stumbling backwards, Murphy dropped onto her ass, still hugging Felicia. “See?” she said with a smirk. “That wasn’t so bad, right? Maybe even a little fun?”

  Felicia gave Murphy a surprisingly icy glare. “That was not fun.”

  “Fair enough,” Murphy conceded, sliding Felicia out of her arms and pushing back onto her feet. She helped the girl up. “Alright, we’re out of the house. Now we just need to get to my car and we’re home free.”

  “If it isn’t the fountain that got away,” the gurgling voice of Benjamin called out.

  Murphy spun towards the voice, shoving Felicia behind her and drawing her gun to take aim at the infected man. “Stay back, asshole,” she growled. “I was sick of this shit before I lost my hand.” She shifted her aim to the man’s very exposed and very throbbing cock. “So don’t fuck with me or you’ll lose something even more precious.”

  Benjamin giggled, black ichor dribbling down his chin. “But you’re such a spicy fountain. That little taste we took from you isn’t nearly enough to satisfy us.”

  “There’s a fucking child present, shithead,” Murphy told him. “I don’t know what kind of fucked up disease you have, but if you’ve got even a shred of humanity left in you, you won’t do this.”

  Benjamin’s eyes lit up, amusement fillin
g his face. “Humanity?” He fell into a fit of laughter. “We’re brimming with it.” His laughter shifted into a growl as he rushed for Murphy.

  The bastard was fast, giving Murphy almost no time to weigh the options between making enough noise to draw more infected to them and grappling with the man. The persistent ache of her missing hand made the decision a bit easier. The last thing she wanted was to let the freakish monstrosity anywhere near her. She adjusted her aim and squeezed the trigger. The gun bucked in her hand as it dispensed hot lead at high speed directly into Benjamin’s crotch. His cock exploded in a messy splatter of black blood, bringing an abrupt end to the infected man’s advance. He shrieked, hands cradling his mutilated genitals as he faceplanted into the grass. Murphy stepped closer and aimed her gun at the back of Benjamin’s head. “I fucking warned you,” she growled, pulling the trigger again and sending the sobbing man’s brains through his face.

  Murphy turned back to Felicia. The girl looked a good deal more traumatized than she had a moment ago, but she was otherwise alright. “Sorry about all the bad wo…” She gave up on the apology halfway through. “Ah, fuck it. We need to get out of here before any more of them show up. Let’s go.” She took the lead, heading for the side of the house so they could make their way around to her car.

  Murphy’s unmarked black sedan was parked directly in front of the house, no more than fifteen feet from the front door and maybe twenty from the side of the house. Reaching it shouldn’t have been an issue, except there were over a dozen infected men gathered in the driveway, waiting patiently to intercept the federal agent and the young girl trying to make their escape. Anders stood out in front of the crowd, his mold-tinged lips curled into an overly pleased smile. Murphy skidded to a stop, dread pouring into her. Felicia stopped just beside her, staring out at the horde of infected men with wide, frightened eyes. Murphy lifted her weapon, although she already knew she didn’t have nearly enough bullets to kill her way through the problem.


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