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Journals of the Damned (Book 2)

Page 26

by GJ Zukow

  Yesterday half of my remaining men were ambushed and murdered. Joe was one of those casualties; I’ll pay you back, brother. Besides myself, as I write this, I have four men left. There were three priestesses still alive, until a few hours ago, before the ‘kitchen’ exploded. Now the worshippers of Yama-Kali have died without even the blessed resurrection, the Goddess turning them into lumps of charcoal for their failure. The fire burned so damn hot before we could put it out we feared the flames would spread to the temple. Miracles abound as the Temple was untouched.

  After Joe’s return he barely lasted an hour before he died from what should have killed him instantly. I don’t think Joe was ready to die yet. I’m ready. Bring it on bro. He swears the guy they killed on the hunt was, had to be, set as bait. He said that he remembered the kill as being one of those that had gotten away from us before, “In that big ass truck with the big ass tires that got us stuck a while back.” He never mentioned if the girl were there or not, at least her never saw her. If she had been the shooter then she was pretty fucking good with her weapon. Anyways, at least we finally killed the idiot who tried to greet us while we looted his town. Now I got to track down that girl. That’ll be fun when I catch her.

  Once we put out the fire, the five of us who remained immediately went to the emergency stash of the sacred crystals. The amount left could barely keep one man alive for a mere month. The batch the devotee’s of Yama-Kali had been brewing up, the batch that exploded, was more desperately needed than we were led to believe. No one else here knows how to cook, any directions or recipes were lost in the inferno. Damn those bitches. As soon as I saw how little of the sacrament was left, as soon as we all saw how little was left, everyone had the same thought cross their minds. I saw it in their eyes. Without hesitating I drew and fired. I killed three of them with point blank shots to the head in a bare second before they could react. The last man had no weapon with him and although he begged for his life, begged me to take the meth and leave, I put a bullet in his face anyways. I am positive that they would have done the same to me had they gotten the chance. Screw them, they were nothing but fucked up cannibals and murderers anyways.

  I am the only one left.

  Tuesday, January 15, 2014

  I don’t remember when I smoked the last of the meth. I do remember binging on the last of it but I thought I saved some. I tore through everything and searched everywhere in the hopes that I stashed some small chunk of the crystals but I haven’t been able to find any yet. I am still alive, completely covered in scarlet. I should be dead by now, I guess I’m a carrier. I have only vague memories of how I spent the past weeks. All memories more than a day or two old blur into a mix of dreams and hallucinations.

  I’m hot, I feel like I’m burning up inside. The fever boiling inside of me along with the heat and humidity of summertime in central Florida causes me to run around almost naked. It’s just too damn hot for clothes. The only item of clothing I can stand to wear is a pair of cargo shorts. I need pockets to hold what I have to carry with me but that’s not the main reason I’m still wearing them. The main reason I wear anything at all, to be brutally honest, is to keep my balls from bouncing around all over the place and to keep my pecker from getting scratched up on the myriad of things I have to climb over or through. Some of these damn vines that grow here have those fuckin’ little thorns all over them, scratching and piercing my junk. If it weren’t for those reasons I’d be running around naked as a blue jay.

  There was one hot little vixen priestess that hadn’t actually died in the inferno of the lab. I found her naked and cold corpse wandering around the base, I didn’t see any outward signs of wounds on her delectably cold skin so I can’t rightly say how she died. All I know is that I dressed her beautifully cool and pale flesh in some naughty lingerie and I keep her in the temple. She serves me well, always receptive, never complaining as I slide into her. Her ash white skin is a comforting, soft and cool pleasure. When I’m inside of her it’s like my cock is inside a velvet air conditioner.

  I can’t believe I just wrote that. I actually had to check myself while I was writing, forcing myself back into reality. It’s just another example of my madness I guess. Here I am, writing about hot zombie luv instead of what I planned to jot down.

  I saw that little bitch again, the one that killed Joe, the one that keeps getting away from me. Yesterday I spotted her, I’m going to spend a lot of time with her when I catch her. The things I’m planning on doing to her makes me shiver with anticipation. The little cunt caused an inferno at the prison, burning up the majority of the undead that we crammed in there months ago. When I saw and smelled the smoke I knew where it was coming from right away. That bitch is going to die for trying to free any of the pigs still hiding in those buildings. I shot at her yesterday, three times in fact, but the range was too far for my failing eyesight and she got away. I tried to follow her, oh how I tried.

  These damn zeds keep following me around and getting in my way. They remind me of lost puppies and they’re goddamn annoying. I can’t go anywhere without them trying to tag along. No matter how many of them follow, I will hunt that tasty girl down if it’s the last thing I do.

  Saturday, January 18, 2014

  Somebody had the balls to try and spring survivors from the prison. Little good it did, I killed and took the long pig that tried to leave. Better he should have stayed inside and starved to death instead of running outside to die and become meat for my dinner. I’m almost positive it was that fuckin’ girl that cleverly melted the locks off those doors to effect her failed rescue. Once again she got away from me, fleeing north into the city.

  I didn’t care, I had decided to harvest any other pigs that were still trapped in the ruins. It was a good thing I did. I didn’t find anybody else to eat but I did come across the body of some damned Doctor that had died months ago. Incredibly the fucker had discovered the secret of ammonia. In fact he left a god damned journal of sorts, detailing his experiments upon the undead and some unlucky carrier. The fuck had written all about what ammonia could do all over the blasted walls of the building. When I saw that I took the journal, which now rests on the altar to Yama-Kali and set the whole building afire. Then I came back with the tank and used the last of the shells, turning the whole of the place to rubble, dust and smoking ash.

  The Goddess would not be pleased if her secret ever got out. I’m sure to be rewarded by her holiness for my quick action. To celebrate I am going to start a harem, why limit myself to just the one priestess when I can have a bevy of girls to satisfy my desires. Then I’m going to get good and drunk and break the new girls in. Then I’m going to hunt that bitch that keeps sticking her nose in my business.

  Table of Contents


  Book Three Jannie’s Second Journal

  Wednesday, October 30, 2013

  Friday, November 1, 2013

  Monday, November 4, 2013

  Thursday, November 7, 2013

  Sunday, November 10, 2013

  Wednesday, November 20, 2013

  Monday, November 25, 2013

  Wednesday, November 27, 2013

  Monday, December 2, 2013

  Tuesday, December 17, 2013

  Friday, December 27, 2013

  Friday, January 3, 2014

  Tuesday, January 14, 2014

  Friday, January 17, 2014

  Wednesday, February 12, 2014

  Saturday, March 8, 2014

  Friday, May 17, 2014

  Friday, June 20, 2014

  Saturday, June 21, 2014

  Thursday, June 26, 2014

  Friday, June 27, 2014

  Saturday, June 28, 2014

  Sunday, June 29, 2014

  Tuesday, July 1, 2014

  Friday, July 4, 2014

  Book Four Martin’s Journal

  March 1, 2013

  March 2, 2013

  March 3, 2013

  Book Five Lance’s Journal

  16 October 2012<
br />
  20 October 2012

  24 October 2012

  28 October 2012

  4 November 2012

  13 November 2012

  22 November 2012

  13 December 2012

  22 December 2012

  13 January 2013

  28 January 2013

  3 February 2013

  16 March 2013

  18 April 2013

  14 June 2013

  12 August 2013

  24 October 2013

  11 December 2013

  4 January 2014

  Tuesday, January 15, 2014

  Saturday, January 18, 2014




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