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Wild Heart

Page 28

by Lori Brighton

  He pressed his lips to her, and she tilted her head, deepening the kiss. His fingers slipped through hers, and he raised her arms, pinning her hands to the mattress above her head. Being captive, and completely under his control felt wickedly right. Slick and velvety, the tip of his arousal pressed to the intimate entrance of her soul. A slight sense of fear sliced through her, and her body tightened.

  “It’s all right, Ella,” he whispered against her lips. “Trust me.” With her hands still pressed to the bed, he kissed her. Ella sighed, pushing aside her fear and parting her lips for his tongue. As his kiss deepened, she felt his arousal press into her.

  He tore his mouth from hers. “Look at me, Ella,” he whispered. Her lashes fluttered up, and she stared into his swirling, amber eyes. His jaw clenched, and with one smooth stroke he plunged into her. The sting of pain made Ella gasp, replacing desire with worry. She squirmed against him, biting her lower lip to keep from crying out. His need, his desire mixed with her pain, and she wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore.

  “Shh.” He released her hands and brushed back her hair. “It will go away.” He pressed his lips to hers, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, and the pain was instantly forgotten. His hips moved, slowly at first. Need shot through her, and she arched, taking him deeper. Leo groaned and plunged into her again.

  “Please, Leo,” she gasped as he thrust into her again and again.

  “You are mine, Ella. Do you understand that?”

  She nodded, unable to speak, only wanting to ease the pulsing ache between her legs. His arousal grew harder, and the waves of pleasure increased, coiling inside her body. She felt Leo’s muscles strain, and his cry of pleasure was her undoing. Ella clung to him, needing his weight as reassurance. His pleasure rushed into her, combined with her own intense feelings, and pushed her over the edge. When his shaft stroked her one last time, the brilliant pleasure exploded into a million white stars. Shuddering, he collapsed on top of her, but she was barely aware. Ella closed her eyes, holding him tightly as her body buzzed with a heady satisfaction.

  “You’re mine, Ella,” he said, his breath harsh against her neck.

  And she knew she would be his forever. Even when he left her for good.

  Chapter 20

  The click of metal entered his muddled mind, and Leo came awake with a start. Cuddled up next to his side, warm and soft, Ella slept, oblivious. Slowly, he turned his head toward the door. A short, round woman stood there with a pistol pointed directly at them. Instinct flared through his body, the need to attack, to protect rushing through him.

  “Would ye like to explain to me why yer sleeping on me master’s clean sheets?” she growled.

  Ella blinked her eyes open, her back to the woman; she had no idea what had happened. “Leo, what is it?”

  He slipped his arm around her back and cupped her head with his hand. If the woman pulled the trigger, he’d have only a split second to throw his body over Ella.

  Leo ignored her question and focused on the woman with the gun. “Easy, love.”

  Her bushy gray brows snapped together. “Don’t ‘love’ me. Just cleaned those sheets, I did. Me master will be ’ome this eve, and now I’ll ’ave to clean them again.”

  Leo relaxed. She was no threat, merely an angry housekeeper with too much work.

  Ella, on the other hand, paled. “Tell me I just imagined that voice.”

  He grinned. “Afraid not.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Oh, my Lord,” she whispered. Her face grew red, and she buried herself into Leo’s body.

  “Now, no moving about. Keep yer ’ands where I can see them.”

  Ella threw her arms in the air, and Leo rolled his eyes. Pushing himself up, he looked pointedly at the woman. “Do you mind turning around so I can dress?”

  “Oh, no, ye don’t. Ye’ve nothing I ’aven’t seen before.”

  Leo sighed as he stood.

  The housekeeper grinned and looked him up and down. “Might let ye off the ’ ook just for that little show.” Her grin fell before Leo had time to react to her statement. “Now, explain why yer ’ere.”

  He snatched up his clothes and dressed. “My grandfather is Lord Roberts, The Earl of Blackhorn.”

  The woman’s eyes narrowed. “And?”

  “And we were attacked on the road last ’eve. Our horses are in your stables.”

  She tilted her chin in arrogant dismissal. “I saw them.”

  Leo worked the buttons up the front of his shirt, then stepped toward her. She jerked the pistol upright. Slowly, he held out his hand. “For you. Ten pounds. It’s all I have on me.”

  She snatched the coins from his palm and stuffed them into her apron pocket. I’d be ’appy to get the constable.”

  “Wait until midday.”

  She shrugged and shuffled toward the door. “Doesn’t matter to me, either way. It’s a deal then.” Without another word, she left the room.

  When the door shut, Ella let out a deep breath and scampered to her feet with the sheet clutched to her chest. Her hair fell in golden-brown waves down her back, her face flushed. She didn’t bother to glance his way as she pulled her shift over her naked form. Even though she was a room’s width away, he felt her all the same. Was aware of every slight movement she made, every breath she took, her scent invading the air and hardening his body. Dear God, instead of easing the pain, taking her last night had only increased his torturous need for the woman.

  In quick, determined strides, he crossed the room to her. “Ella,” he said softly.

  She paused, her body stiff, but didn’t look at him.

  Did she regret their night together? Why did that thought make his heart clench? “Ella,” Leo said again. “Look at me.”

  For the first time in years, he’d slept in a bed and liked it. Because she was next to him. Slowly, she met his gaze, and warmth spread through his body. He could see the uncertainty in her eyes, and he had the sudden urge to comfort her. Unable to stop himself, he pulled her into his arms. And it felt…right.

  He closed his eyes and wished he could forget the death of his parents and his need for vengeance. He wished he could settle down with this woman and spend every night with her. Most of all, he wished he could give in to temptation and open his heart to Ella.

  Silence hung in the air, thick and heavy like the fog currently hovering over the land. Through the field of wildflowers they trudged on horseback, too exhausted to speak or too anxious, Leo wasn’t quite sure which. Ella hadn’t complained once during the day as they’d made their way through the outskirts of London and then onward south. For hours they’d traveled and not once had a frown marred her beautiful features.

  Her hair hung wildly down her back, having long since come loose from the knot she’d twisted at the back of her head this morn. Under her eyes were dark smudges, and her chin had fallen to her chest in obvious exhaustion. Merda, if his heart didn’t tighten with guilt. He should have procured a carriage, but feared his cousin watched the roads. Through unmarked fields and back lanes, he’d assumed they’d be safe. Now Ella suffered for his decision. Would people always suffer for the choices he made?

  She must be sore after last night. He knew it’d been a mistake to take her innocence, but how could he refuse when she’d been so tempting, her desire mixing with his and making him forget any possible consequences of their actions? By the Gods, not even a saint would have said no.

  They crested a small hill, and he tore his gaze from her. Below, the castle sprawled across the landscape, a domineering presence in the twilight. Instead of relief, his anxiety grew. Cazzarola, he didn’t want to be back here where he could trust no one. His hands tightened on the reins. He should turn around and disappear with Ella. Take her to Italy, wherever she wanted to travel.

  “We’re home,” her voice sounded flat.

  Dare he think she felt the same way as he?

  “Yes.” He should say more…something about last night…anything. “Ella—”

  “Your grandfather should be happy to see you,” she added, staring straight ahead.

  He wanted to laugh at that statement. He highly doubted Grandfather would care. Suddenly, it didn’t matter if her uncle was guilty or not. But Ella cared, didn’t she? He reached out and grabbed her reins, stopping her mount.

  “Ella, come with me.” He’d said the words that had been in his heart for days. It was as if a breath of crisp, refreshing air had entered his lungs and he could finally breathe with normalcy.

  She jerked her gaze toward him. “What do you mean?”

  “When I leave…go back to Italy. Go with me.”

  She blinked, her lips parting in obvious surprise. “I…I can’t. What about Fran?”

  “She seems better. We’ll make sure she’s taken care of.”

  Ella shook her head, her gaze dropping to her lap. “If anything should happen to her while I was away, I’d never forgive myself. I promised her…”

  “She’ll go with us, then. The heat will do her good.”

  “She can’t travel, Leo.”

  He sighed and raked his hands through his hair. “I have to leave.”

  She met his gaze, a determined glint in her eyes. “I can’t.”

  Did she mean leave Fran or become his mistress? He was afraid to ask. He could marry her…but what if…what if she changed her mind after a year with him? What if she realized how uncultured he truly was? Would she still love him or regret her decision?

  “Merda,” he snapped and nudged his mount forward.

  The soft clomp of her horse’s hooves told him she followed, but he didn’t dare look back at her. One glance and he feared he’d pull her from her mount and, whether she wanted to go or not, he’d take her to Italy. Before they reached the steps leading to the house, the butler opened the front door, stealing any privacy they had left.

  Leo turned to Ella. He wanted to say something more…anything, but the words wouldn’t come. What to say? Especially with a footman and butler standing nearby. With a sigh, he slid from his mount and tossed the reins to the lad.

  Crossing the few steps to her mount, he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her from her from the horse. So close, she stood. He could feel her heat, smell her sweet scent. She stared at her chest, her body trembling under his touch. Did she feel the electricity between them? Or did she shake from exhaustion? He let go, and she slumped toward the ground. Before she hit earth, Leo swooped her up into his arms. He frowned. Apparently, she trembled from exhaustion.

  “Ella, why did you not tell me how tired you were?” he demanded, sweeping up the stairs, with her pressed tightly to his chest.

  “What does it matter? We needed to get to home.”

  He felt like the worst cad for letting her exhaustion get to this point. How could he possibly think he could take care of a wife?

  “Leo,” his grandfather rushed from the dinning room. “Dear God, where have you two been?”

  Ella slid down his body, and he ignored the trail of heat she left behind. “Did Akshay not tell you?”

  “No, the man disappeared.”

  A shiver of unease raced up his spine. “Since when?”

  “Two days hence.”

  “And has anyone searched for him?”

  His grandfather sighed. “Leo, the man comes and goes, lurks in the shadows. I assumed he’d gone on some excursion. We can send footmen, if you’d like.”

  Leo’s anger flared. If it had been a friend of Henry’s, the footmen would have been sent long ago. “Don’t bother.”

  “Please,” his grandfather demanded. “Explain where you two have been. I deserve to know as much.”

  “We went in search of Convey’s brother.”

  His grandfather stumbled back onto a chair, his face pale. After what seemed an eternity of silence, the old man spoke, “And what did you find?”

  “Nothing. The man was gone, had disappeared. Seems to be happening a lot lately.” He took Ella’s hand and pulled her up the stairs.

  “Leo, wait.” His grandfather stood and started up the few steps toward him. “Your cousin…Henry, he’s in London.”

  He didn’t have time for Henry; he had to find Akshay. “And?”

  His grandfather sighed and clutched the railing. “He told me he was going there to make sure all of England knew the real you. After my death he plans on having you declared insane and a committee appointed to take over the estate in your name.”

  “He can’t do that. It won’t work,” Ella spoke for the first time since entering the house.

  “He may not win, but he can make Leo’s life awfully difficult.”

  Leo released a wry laugh. “Do you honestly think I give a damn what that man says?”

  His grandfather’s fingers grew white around the railing. “This is your heritage. Whether you want it or not, it will be yours. After you, your children.”

  Children. Cold reality pierced his soul. Children. Even now, Ella could be carrying his child, a child that would deserve a life of ease and love, a life he could never provide. At least, not now, the way things were.

  “What will you have me do?” he said softly. “They will think what they will. When my own cousin is out to make sure I look the fool, there isn’t much that can be done.”

  His grandfather shook his head, his bushy white brows drawn together in confusion. “Henry only wants to help. He doesn’t want to see this place destroyed. He understands how much work I’ve put into this estate. Perhaps if you went there and spoke to him…”

  Leo rubbed his hands over his face, weariness weighing down on him. Henry could be stabbing Leo in the chest and their grandfather would still make an excuse for the man.

  “Leo, we are loyal in this family. Henry is only trying to save me pain.”

  Anger mixed with frustration. “Your loyal family killed my father!”

  His grandfather took a step back. “What are you saying?”

  Leo took a step forward. Damn them all, he’d had enough. “Henry, his father, they were responsible for my parents’ deaths.”

  His grandfather swayed on his feet. Ella cried out and rushed to the man’s side, supporting his frail body.

  “Leo,” she called out for assistance.

  Surprise made him pause. Leo blinked the shock from his mind and reached out for the man.

  “No,” his grandfather whispered, shaking his head. “Do not touch me. How dare you come here and accuse your own family. Henry…his father…I know them.”

  “And it’s my fault you don’t know me?” Leo replied.

  His grandfather’s jaw clenched, and he stepped back onto the marble floor of the foyer. “You could go to London. You could behave yourself for once. But you cannot even do that for me. I thought…perhaps you may have some feelings for your family, but you have resisted us at every turn. Maybe Henry is correct. Perhaps you do not deserve the title.”

  “My lord,” Ella said softly.

  His grandfather did not respond to her plea, but turned and stumbled toward the study.

  Ella’s wide eyes focused on him. She didn’t have to say a word; he could read her face…the pain, accusation, the pleading. He hated when she looked at him like that.

  Leo shook his head. “You don’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like to see your parents murdered by your own family.”

  She took a step up, toward him, her hand resting on the railing. “Leo, that’s why your grandfather is so important now. He is the only one left, the only one you can trust.”

  Guilt swept through him, making his gut twist. He shook his head. He couldn’t stand here anymore and see the disappointment in her eyes. They didn’t understand. They never would.

  Leo gazed out the windows of his bedchamber. A full moon peeked from behind a dark cloud, and he could just make out a sliver of silver ocean. The urge to go down to the docks, find a ship, and sail away overwhelmed him. It would be so easy to leave, to cross the ocean to Italy. To leave behind the guilt
he felt over his grandfather…the guilt he felt over Ella…to go back to his former life and lose himself in women, painting, and drink. So easy. So why did he continue to stand here?

  A soft knock broke the stillness of the room. Ella. He knew it before the door opened. Merda, he even knew her knock now. He didn’t bother to go to the door, and as he expected, she didn’t bother to wait for a response. The door opened, and she slipped inside, closing it behind her. Even after dinner and a bath, her face was still pale, exhaustion stealing her usual cheerful smile. How he wanted to sweep her into his arms and lay her upon the bed. To merely hold her in the silence and feel the comfort of her body.

  “Your grandfather has taken to his bed. The doctor isn’t sure what ails him, but he seems too weak to walk.”

  Leo cursed and paced the length of the room.

  “Before he had his episode, he sent footmen out to search for Akshay, but they found no trace. They’re still looking.”

  “I told him not to,” Leo snapped, angrier with the situation than his grandfather’s actions. He’d searched himself, around the estate, but found nothing, and his worry grew with every minute that went by. Perhaps Akshay had found a lead and gone to London.

  “Leo, your grandfather needs you.”

  He spun around to face her. “What will you have me do?”

  “Go to London. Try.”

  “I won’t leave you.”

  “I’m safer here. Leo, it’s time to tell your grandfather about my attacks. You know he’ll keep me safe. In London, you’d be at balls; I’d be alone—”

  “You’ll attend with me. I won’t leave you behind.”

  She gave him a soft, sad smile. “This is about repairing your reputation. With me, an unattached woman…well, that’s far from helping.”

  And it would destroy her reputation if anyone found out.

  He went to the windows and rested his forehead against the cool glass. London, with all those people…staring, judging him mad. But Akshay could be in London. Where else would the man have gone? Had he received word from the jeweler?


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