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Scout's Legacy (Charon MC, #7)

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by Khloe Wren


  Charon MC

  Book 7

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Scout's Legacy (Charon MC, #7)

  Books by Khloe Wren





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15



  ISBN: 978-0-6483085-6-0

  Copyright © Khloe Wren 2019

  Cover Credits:

  Model: Darrin Dedmon & John Wayne

  Photographer: Jean Woodfin of JW Photography and Covers

  Digital Artist: Khloe Wren

  Editing Credits:

  Editor: Carolyn Depew of Write Right

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, please delete and purchase it legally. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Books by Khloe Wren

  Charon MC:

  Inking Eagle

  Fighting Mac

  Chasing Taz

  Claiming Tiny

  Saving Scout

  Tripping Nitro

  Scout’s Legacy

  Fire and Snow:

  Guardian’s Heart

  Noble Guardian

  Guardian’s Shadow

  Fierce Guardian

  Necessary Alpha

  Protective Instincts

  Dragon Warriors:

  Enchanting Eilagh

  Binding Becky

  Claiming Carina

  Seducing Skye

  Believing Binda

  Jaguar Secrets:

  Jaguar Secrets


  Other Titles:


  Tigers Are Forever

  Bad Alpha Anthology

  Scarred Perfection

  Scandals: Zeck

  Mirror Image Seduction


  Kings of Sydney: Daniil

  Mine to Bear


  Writing Scout is always a pleasure, and I am so grateful that Scout and Marie’s story lead to me being able to write a second book for them. This book is the first time I’ve ever written a second book for one of my couples, so was a new experience.

  Massive thank you as always to my wonderful husband and girls who continue to put up with all the crazy things I do in order to get my books written in time.

  I couldn’t have written this book without several people who patiently answered all my many questions. Claudia, I’m sure at this point you regret that you let me know you’re an EMT! Thank you for always answering my queries. Stacey and Brent, where would this book be without you both? I love the body disposal method we went with in the end.

  By beta readers, Andrea, Miranda and Tracey, thank you for taking the time to help me get Scout’s Legacy right.

  I’m quite certain there were more people that helped me with this one and I’m sorry if I missed you by name here but know that I appreciate everyone who has helped me.

  To my editor, Carolyn, no matter what I throw at you, you always come through with a marvelous edit. And this one was almost last minute, but not quite. One day I’m going to shock the pants off you and give you a book with plenty of time left on the clock! I appreciate everything you do and thank you for another job well done.

  And of course, a huge thanks to my fb sprint group, the Night Writers, thank you all for the many, many sprints that got this baby done. To my street team, Khloe’s Kickass Bikers, Beasties and Babes, thank you for all your love and support.


  Khloe Wren


  Khloe Wren grew up in the Adelaide Hills before her parents moved the family to country South Australia when she was a teen. A few years later, Khloe moved to Melbourne which was where she got her first taste of big city living.

  After a few years living in the big city, she missed the fresh air and space of country living so returned to rural South Australia. Khloe currently lives in the Murraylands with her incredibly patient husband, two strong willed young daughters, an energetic dog and two curious cats.

  As a child Khloe often had temporary tattoos all over her arms. When she got her first job at 19, she was at the local tattooist in the blink of an eye to get her first real tattoo. Khloe now has four, two taking up much of her back.

  While Khloe doesn’t ride a bike herself, she loves riding pillion behind her husband on the rare occasion they get to go out without their daughters.


  To Stacey and Brent,

  who needs google when I have you both?


  Char·on ˈsher-ən, ˈker-ən, -än

  In Greek mythology, the Charon is the ferryman who takes the dead across either the river Styx or Acheron, depending on whether the soul’s destination is the Elysian Fields or Hades.

  Chapter 1


  Even if I lived for a hundred years, I’d never get tired of waking up like this. With my son kicking at the palm I had resting over my old lady’s rounded belly. Our boy was strong, that’s for sure. I moved my hand, stroking over Marie’s soft skin gently until he settled down his morning football practice.

  Despite having woken up with a hard-on that was throbbing for some relief, I didn’t want to wake her. Growing our baby boy was really wearing my girl out and he did a good job of keeping her awake during the night. I wasn’t a heavy sleeper so knew there were often nights she tossed and turned for hours, unable to get comfortable. Glancing over her to the clock that sat on the table beside the bed, I saw it was still early. We had maybe another two hours, if we were lucky, before Ariel would be up and around.

  Just thinking about my adopted daughter brought a smile to my lips. That little girl may not have an ounce of my DNA in her, but she was mine and if anyone ever dared hurt her, I’d rain hell down on them like they’d ever dream possible. She’d already been through so much in her young life. Her first lessons were to be unseen and unheard. When we first took her in seven months ago, she barely spoke. Born into a compound where she was the only child, we had no idea which of the fuckers out there was her biological father. Her mother, Sarah, had been the only woman and they’d been testing a drug on her, a drug that not only made her horny and lowered her inhibitions, but it also fucked with her memory. Poor Sarah. Guilt swamped me. She was Marie’s foster sister and twenty-six years ago, when they’d gotten into trouble at a party at the Iron Hammers MC clubhouse, their foster father had brought them to me to keep safe. Fine fucking job I did of it.

  After their ordeal wi
th the Hammers, Sarah had been scared of all bikers. She’d left within a month of arriving and hadn’t looked back. Marie had been gutted, but had refused to leave with her foster sister. Then, last year all hell broke loose and she turned up. The leader of the cult she’d fallen in with came after me. Stupid fucker took me off the side of the road when he caught me riding alone. Turned out the Iron Hammers had taken his sister and destroyed her, and the stupid bastard blamed the girls for the fact they got free while his sister didn’t. It was a complete clusterfuck. I was used as bait to get Marie and Sarah and Marie fell for the trap. My boys came after us, but got there too late to save Sarah. She’d been injured and died in the hospital a few days later. After all she’d been through, it was probably a blessing, but it had left little Ariel an orphan.

  Before Sarah died, she’d woken from her coma briefly and told Ariel that she should stay with me and Marie, that we would take care of her and she could trust us. We hadn’t realized Ariel could even talk before she’d whispered a few words to her mother. And even after Sarah told her she could trust us, she didn’t speak to us. She was more like a mouse than a child, sneaking around everywhere, trying not to be seen or heard. The poor girl was only a child. Originally, we’d all thought she was around two, but once we found Sarah’s diary, we discovered she was actually four. Years of not eating properly, not getting enough sunlight or fresh air, had taken its toll, stunting her growth. She’d turned five last month, and thankfully she’s grown some since we took her in. I’d never thought I’d be so excited to buy little girl clothing, but twice she’s needed a bigger size, and Marie and I were overjoyed. Our daughter was getting better, and we were hoping like hell she wouldn’t have issues in adulthood from her rough start.

  I’d never forget those early days and weeks when she would eat everything she could get her hands on before dashing off to hide in her room. None of us had any idea what she’d really been forced to suffer through in that fucking compound, but watching her recover from it made me want to kill each one of those fuckers all over again for what they’d done to her.

  With a small moan, Marie wriggled her ass against me, rubbing over my already hard cock, making it twitch. Unsure if she was awake or asleep, I held still, trying to decide what to do next. I’d love nothing more than to roll her over and slide in deep, but she needed her rest more than I needed to fill her up. Maybe. To be honest, in my mind, it was a close call on which was the more pressing need.

  Her hand slipped over my hip until she could dig her fingers into my ass and pull me in tight against her. Realizing she was, in fact, awake, my blood heated and I grinned as I nuzzled my face in against her throat while shifting my palm up to cup her breast. I gently rubbed my thumb over her nipple—pregnancy had not only made her tits bigger—it made them super sensitive, so I made sure I was always careful not to hurt her with my playing.

  I kissed my way up her neck until my mouth was over her ear.

  “Morning, love.”


  She squirmed against me, trying to push me, but I didn’t budge. I knew she wanted me to shift over to allow her to roll over onto her back, but I had other ideas. Running a hand down her body, I lifted her leg and hooked it back over mine. With another of her little moans, she got what I wanted and tilted her ass back at me. Trailing my fingers down her inner thighs, I then ran them over her pussy, growling at the moisture I found.

  “You’re so fucking wet, babe. What were you dreaming of?”

  “I was down at the beach staring over the water, when...” she paused for a moment as I slipped two fingers inside her and began to tease her. “Jason Ma— Hey!”

  Her words cut short when, with a growl, I pulled my fingers out of her heat and gave her inner thigh a sharp tap.

  “Woman, that’s not nice.”

  She was giggling as she reached a hand back to run through my hair and pull my face in against her neck. “Sugar, you know full well you’re the only one who gets me worked up like this. And you do it by just being yourself. I wasn’t dreaming of anything, simply waking up in your arms does this to me.”

  “That’s a much better answer.”

  I didn’t let her get another word in before I shifted, then thrust forward and buried my cock deep within her soft, slick core. Our moans filled the air when I pulled back and thrust back in again.

  “I’ll never get enough of you, of this. I love you, Marie. So fucking much.”

  She arched her body, tilting her hips back and taking me deeper.

  “Back at you, Charlie. Love you more each day.”

  I can’t believe I was so stupid I nearly missed out on this. I have no clue what the fuck I was thinking, ignoring what we had for over two decades, but now I’d woken the fuck up, I was all for making the most of every moment. Needing to see her face, I pulled free of her body and rolled her over onto her back. Cupping her face in my palm, I took her mouth with mine, kissing her deeply, until she was moaning and squirming beneath me. When her hand snaked down and gripped me, my cock twitched against her palm as a groan tore from my throat. I pressed my lips to hers once more before I pulled back and shifted until I was kneeling between her thighs. I let my gaze run over her body. From her messed-up hair and half closed eyes, to her belly swollen with my son growing inside her, down to her slick pussy that was wet and waiting for me, she was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. And she was all mine.

  Taking my cock in my fist, I stroked myself twice as I smirked at her, stroking my beard with my other hand as she grew restless. I loved teasing my woman. She was a sight to see all riled up.

  “Stop teasing me already!”

  A ripple ran over her belly and my attention zeroed in on it instantly, my focus shifting from my cock to my son. My heart softened as I rested both my palms over her stomach, stroking our son as he rolled around within her. The breath froze in my lungs for a few moments. Even after all these months I could scarcely believe we’d created a life, that Marie was so fucking perfect that she could take my seed and grow a baby within her with it.

  Tears pricked my eyes as I leaned in and pressed a kiss to my woman’s belly. I’d never be able to thank her for everything she’d gifted me, for the way she’d forgiven me for all the shit I pulled and took me in. Made me fucking whole and giving me a family I hadn’t realized I’d needed.


  In an instant, all levity evaporated from between us. Our boy had rolled over, his knee or maybe his elbow, raising my skin as it shifted around, gaining Scout’s full attention instantly. The laughter vanished from his gaze as he caressed my stomach, soothing our son with his big hands. As serious as the moment was, it didn’t cool down my arousal for my husband. Nope—if anything, it increased it. Seeing this big, strong man completely humbled by the fact his baby was growing inside my womb did things to me.


  My voice broke with emotion. This man was the center of my universe, had been for decades, but now that he was officially mine, it was different. Better. No more of only being able to dream of how it would feel. Now I could wake up and with a roll of my hips, have him inside me. Life with Scout and Ariel was so much better than what I’d had before. All I’d had was my cafe and empty dreams. My pining for this man had nearly driven me over the edge, but it had been worth it. Every single thing we’d been through had been worth it, because it had led to this. We were living together, married, with a daughter and were pregnant with a son.

  He lifted up from kissing my stomach to gaze up to my face. His eyes shone with unshed tears and my heart melted.

  “Make love to me, Charlie. I need you.”

  I needed the connection I only felt when he was inside me. Nothing beat how it felt to have his thick length stroking within me while his big body hovered over me.

  Without taking his gaze from mine, he moved with smooth efficiency, sliding his hard erection into me. I felt every ridge as he slowly glided in, taking his time, clearly enjoying me squirming beneath hi
m. I tilted my hips, trying to get him to go deeper, faster. He was driving me nuts with his teasing today.

  “Shh, Marie. Let me love you right.”

  He leaned forward, holding his weight on one arm as he cupped my face with the other. My belly pressed against his as he leaned down and gently kissed me, his lips teasing mine. It wasn’t enough. When he tried to move away, I threaded my fingers in his hair and pulled him back for more. He kept the slow pace of thrusting his dick deep within me as he ate at my mouth. He nipped and licked between kisses until I was drunk on him and my hands loosened their grip, allowing him to pull back to kneel between my thighs. He ran a palm over my stomach, grinning when our boy nudged his hand.

  “Love you, Marie. So fucking perfect.”

  Tears pricked my eyes as I stared up at my man, his muscles bunching and releasing as he kept his movements slow and steady. He was so damn beautiful, and this slow lovemaking had my arousal gently building as it curled through me. It was sweet and gentle, but I wanted more, needed more this morning.

  “I love you too, Charlie. But you’re driving me crazy with this slow and steady thing. Please, babe, I need you to take me. Own me.”

  He smirked, tilting his head down until he could look at me through his eyelashes.

  “But if we keep it slow, I can keep at you all fucking day, and I don’t ever want to stop.”

  I chuckled at that and glanced over at the clock.

  “I think Ariel’s a little young for the sex talk, so you’ll have to save tormenting me all day long for another time.”

  His body tensed for a moment, as though he’d forgotten we had a little person in the house who liked to come and say good morning when she got up.


  His rough hands gripped my hips and his movements sped up. I nearly sighed in relief as he leaned forward and got serious about taking me. I ran my hands over his face, gave his beard a tug, then ran my palms down his arms where I gripped his biceps as he took me just like I wanted him to. The faster movement had me spiraling toward my climax, but before I could go over, he growled and pulled out of me. Before I could ask what the hell he was doing, he had me flipped over and on all fours, running a palm over my stomach, making sure it wasn’t pressed against the mattress, before he moved in behind me.


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