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Scout's Legacy (Charon MC, #7)

Page 14

by Khloe Wren

  “Assuming the vote passes.”

  Arrow was smirking as he spoke and I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Like anyone will vote no on either Mac or any of the prospects. C’mon, let’s get to church and get this shit done already.”

  It had only been about an hour since I’d seen them all, but I was already missing my wife and kids and wanted to be back with them. Strange how much my life had changed in the last year. I still loved my Charon family, still felt strongly about keeping them safe. Was still proud to wear the president patch. But Marie, Ariel and Joey were above that, they were now my first priority. And I wasn’t complaining one bit. Nope, I fucking loved where my life had led me. If only all these crazy bastards after my club would leave me alone to enjoy it.


  Five weeks later


  The day had finally arrived. Marie had gone for her six-week check up with the doctor today and all was well. She’d healed up as she should have and we had a green fucking light.

  We also had two kids at home, so the light could be fucking green all it liked, until we got them both in their beds, sleeping, I was fucked. Well, it was more a case of not being fucked, really. Not that I was truly complaining. As much as I wanted to be back inside Marie, I adored spending time with Ariel and Joey. Ariel loved being a big sister and was already super protective. Whenever we had visitors and they wanted to hold Joey, little Momma Bear Ariel was always there keeping a very close eye on the situation. Heaven help any kids at school who thought to pick on Joey when he was older. I could just see Marie and me getting hauled into the school because Ariel had knocked out some little bully who’d looked the wrong way at her baby brother.

  Lord help us all if Cindy showed her how to swing a bat.

  Speaking of the little munchkin, I’d just finished reading her a bedtime story.

  “Right, sweet angel. Time for sleep.”

  “But, Papa, Mommy always reads me two stories.”

  She did? Since when? I raised my eyebrow at Ariel since this is the first time she’d mentioned this to me. Surely if Marie normally read her two stories, Ariel would have pulled me up on it when Marie had been in the hospital? But she didn’t cave in to my stare, just looked up at me with her big, hazel eyes, pleading with me to read her another damn book. With a sigh, I relaxed, leaning back against her bed headboard as she snuggled in tight to my side and slipped another book into my hand. The kid came prepared for this whole two book thing, that’s for sure. I’d ask Marie about it later. Not that it was a big deal or anything, I loved reading to Ariel. Even after all these months, she soaked up affection and information like a sponge.

  Some nights she wanted a book that taught her about something. Like tonight. I’d just read her one all about a kid and her pet horse. Clearly the book was aimed to educate and Ariel had sat silently enthralled the entire time. I had my fingers crossed she didn’t wake up in the morning and start begging us for a pony.

  “Right, well, I guess another story it is, then. What are we reading, angel?”

  I turned the book over and groaned at the cover. Dr. Seuss. Yeah, sometimes she just wanted some crazy silliness. Although, I had discovered there were actually some good life lessons in a lot of these Dr. Seuss books. Even Green Eggs and Ham, which is what it looked like I was reading tonight, had the underlying lesson of trying new things no matter how odd they might look. Not that we had that issue with Ariel—she’d eat anything we gave her. She was always so hungry for new experiences.

  “C’mon, Papa. You do the best voices.”

  With a smile I opened the book to the first page. I loved doing stupid voices for her, making her giggle. I couldn’t wait for Joey to be a little older, then I could have one of my kids on either side of me as I read to them while Marie watched on.

  Who needed a fucking white picket fence to have it all? I had two happy, healthy kids and the best woman in the world as my wife. That was all a man needed. Sure, the nice house on a great street was good, as was the bike and car in the garage. But it wasn’t what truly counted. It was the people in your life who completed you, that formed the legacy you would leave behind once you were gone. The men and women you called your family. And in that regard, I was extremely blessed. The Charon MC was one, huge family, and each one of them had my respect and came under my care. Which meant I felt every loss they suffered, too. My smile dropped for a moment as I thought about Bash once more. I hadn’t known how bad his mother had gotten. Had been too caught up with all the fucking drama going on to see how much he’d been struggling. I’d failed in my promise to his mother, to him. I didn’t think I’d ever fully forgive myself for it. But at least he’d found his place in the world now. Sucked it wasn’t with a Charon MC cut on his back, but still, I knew Wolf would take good care of him up north.

  Clearing my throat, I started the entertainment that was reading Green Eggs and Ham to my girl.

  “I am Sam, Sam I am...”


  After changing and feeding Joey, I was sitting in the rocker in his room, waiting for him to drop off to sleep when I heard Scout’s deep rumble of a voice reading Green Eggs and Ham. A smile tugged at my lips as his voice pitched differently for each of the characters. That girl had her papa wrapped firmly around her little finger, that’s for sure. Big, tough, Charon MC President, was in Ariel’s overly girly room reading her Dr. Seuss complete with crazy voices...

  I’d never loved him more.

  “Your papa is the best, baby boy.”

  I lightly ran the tip of my finger over his round cheek. He had Scout’s blue eyes and nose and I just knew he was going to grow up to be as handsome as his father. Look out girls.

  Eventually he was soundly asleep to the point I could put him down. Carefully rising from the rocker, I walked to our bedroom and laid him in his bassinet where he snuffled a few moments before relaxing back into peaceful slumber. I stood watching him for who knows how long, just taking in each little rise and fall of his body as he breathed. He was just so beautiful—utter perfection. I could watch him forever.

  “There’s my woman.”

  Large hands slipped under my shirt and around until his arms were wrapped around my middle, pulling me back against him. I tilted my head when he nuzzled his face in against my shoulder then neck, his beard tickling my skin. Lifting my shirt to reveal his hands, I ran my palms over them, as we both stood there staring at our son. At least, we did until he started kissing his way up my neck, nibbling on my ear for a moment before whispering.

  “I want you, Marie. So fucking bad. How about I move Joey to his room? We can bring him back in later, if you want.”

  I stiffened against him. “But he’s only six weeks old, Scout. He’s not—”

  He cut me off by spinning me around in his arms and kissing me firmly on the lips before pulling back and staring me straight in the eye.

  “Marie, love, I need you. You have no fucking idea how much I need to be inside you right now and I’m not gonna be quiet about it. And I’m not fucking you in front of our son. Ain’t happening, babe. He’s fast asleep, safely in his bassinet. He’ll be fine. I, on the other hand, will not be fine if I don’t get some lovin’ from my woman in the next five minutes.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure whether to laugh or not. He was being so adorably desperate. Not that I didn’t understand where he was coming from. I’d missed making love with him so much over the past couple months.

  “Fine, but please be careful. If he wakes now, he’ll be up for hours.”

  I chewed my thumbnail as I watched Scout lift the bassinet from its base and walk out of our room. Jumping into action, I grabbed the base, and wheeling it along the floor, followed Scout to Joey’s room. In silence, we got him all set up in there. I raised an eyebrow at Scout when he grabbed the baby monitor that we hadn’t used yet, but apparently he’d taken the time to get all set up at some point today.

  “I was optimistic about how tonight would go.” />
  That did make me giggle. Then again when, with a low growl, he grabbed my hand and dragged me back to our bedroom, where he quietly shut our door. All levity left me when his heated gaze locked onto mine and stayed there.

  “Strip, baby. ‘Cos if you let me do it, I’m gonna tear the hell out of your clothes.”

  The desperate glint in his eyes, along with the rough way he started pulling his own clothes off, left me no doubt that he would, indeed, rip my clothes off if I let him. As mesmerizing as it was watching him strip down, I forced myself to focus on getting my own clothes off. Grateful we’d already gone over how much he didn’t care about my new scar, I didn’t hesitate to drop my panties. I carefully took my bra off and instantly cupped my heavy breasts in my palms. I’d only just fed Joey so I shouldn’t leak all over the place, but I was still nervous I’d squirt all over Scout and ruin the mood.

  “What’cha doing, babe?” He prowled up to me and slid his palms up my sides, coming in under my hands until he had my breasts cupped in his big palms and mine were wrapped around his wrists.

  “They’re sensitive. And bigger, heavier. I’m also kinda worried I might squirt milk at you.”

  He scoffed out a laugh before shaking his head at me with a grin. “Squirt all you like, love.” He paused to wriggle his eyebrows at me and I couldn’t help but laugh at the crazy man. “So long as I’ve got my hands and mouth on you, my cock in you, it won’t bother me at all. And trust me, I’ve noticed how lush your body has become and I fucking love it.”

  He slipped his hands down again until he got to my waist and lifted. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he spun us until my back was against the wall. Just like that first time back in that hotel in Houston.

  “Is this okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  My eyes stung with tears. Even at his most desperate, when I knew what he really wanted was a long, hard fuck, he was holding back, making sure I was comfortable.

  I cupped his face between my palms.

  “I love you, Charlie Dalton. So much. My tummy’s a little tender still, but other than that, and my boobs of course, I’m back to my normal self. Please, take me. You’re not the only one that has been missing this. I want to feel you inside me so damn bad I’m about losing my mind!”

  Before I could say more, he took my mouth with his as he lifted me up and lowered me down on his cock. A groan ripped up my throat at how good having this thick length within me felt. I clenched against him, caressing his dick with my walls until he was moaning and broke the kiss so he could stand back and start thrusting deeper.

  I wrapped my fingers around his shoulders, digging my nails in as he sped up his tempo and my arousal spiraled higher. When he shifted his hips so he rubbed my clit with each thrust in, my body tightened on the verge of climax. Forgetting all about the kids, I opened my mouth to scream, but before I could make a sound Scout’s lips were over mine, absorbing everything as I shuddered and came in his arms.

  When the stars cleared from my vision I was lying on the bed, Scout over me with a big shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Welcome back, babe.”

  With that, he thrust forward, filling me once more and making me realize he hadn’t come when I had. With a moan I pushed my hips up, taking him as deep as I could. He moved to hold his weight on one arm and palmed my breast with the other, leaning down to wrap his lips around my nipple and tease the hard little nub. Running my fingers through his hair, I clutched him to me as my body continued to burn and spiral toward the edge of another climax.


  “Let go, love. Let go and take me with you.”

  He took my mouth with his again and tweaked my nipple. The jolt of pleasure-pain enough to send me over the edge and once more, I screamed into his mouth. His thrusts sped up until, with a grunt he held still, his thick length pulsing inside me as he emptied himself. Moments later, he shifted off the bed and I rolled to my side, happily lost in bliss as I floated on my high. It wasn’t until he returned and lifted my leg so he could clean me up that I realized I hadn’t seen him put a condom on. Being the observant male he was, he picked up on my suddenly tensing up.

  “Shit. Was I too rough, babe? Did I hurt you?”

  I shook my head. “Not hurt, but did you put a condom on? Because I am so not ready to be pregnant again.”

  The relief reflected in his eyes confused me for a moment before he spoke.

  “Thank fuck. You scared me for a minute there that I’d hurt you. I took you bare up against the wall, but I didn’t come inside you then. I wrapped it up before I took you on the bed. We’re all good, babe.”

  After tossing the cloth back into the bathroom, Scout slid onto the mattress and pulled me closer to him. With a contented sigh, I wriggled back against him as he tightened his arm around my torso, just under my breasts so he didn’t hurt my still tender tummy, because that was the kind of man I’d married.

  The best kind.

  “Love you, Marie. Always and forever.”

  Yep, my man was totally the very best kind of male.

  “I love you too, Charlie. Always have, always will.”

  He pressed a kiss in against my neck before he snuggled down to go to sleep. As I drifted off, my mind ran over all the things that had happened that led me to this moment and I decided that it was all worth it. All the loss and heartache and hard times were so very worth this paradise I found myself in. Wrapped in my man’s arms while our two kids slept peacefully down the hall.

  Life was good. It truly was.

  The End

  You met the men of the Satan’s Knights MC now learn what happened when the Charon boys showed up on Jack Parrish’s door step.


  It’s not a wicked world that drives a man to sin, it’s a deranged mind. Baptized in dirty water by Satan himself, I’ve spent my whole life fighting the good fight, searching for the light in the darkness of insanity. Now, the light I’ve basked in for so long is finally dimming and the time has come for me to take my final bow before the curtain closes on my sanity.

  After making a deal with the district attorney and providing my club with full immunity for the crimes we’ve committed, I have twenty-four hours to remind my wife, Reina, why she fell in love with a bastard like me before I turn myself in and break her heart.

  But twenty-four hours isn’t enough.

  Not for me and certainly not for the Devil.

  Tragedy strikes, and my world implodes. It’s lights out for Jack and Reina and a man can’t survive without his sunshine. Engulfed in darkness, consumed by the crazy, I’m a weapon of mass destruction, ready to wreak havoc on the wicked world.

  Word to the wise—proceed with caution, motherfuckers.

  The Bulldog is back!


  “I didn’t realize you would be joining us today, Mrs. Parrish,” the district attorney, Matt Ritzer, says, tearing his eyes away from me to glance thoughtfully at my wife. Turning my head, I watch Reina lift her chin and stare at the man looking to lock me up and throw away the key. Without responding, she tucks a golden strand of hair behind her ear and for a split second I forget we’re in a room full of attorneys and federal agents. I forget we’re teetering on the edge of a sentence and imagine fisting those long locks as I bend her over the table and fuck her raw.

  Raw and hard.

  Wild and reckless.

  Like a ruthless savage, branding her over and over so that long after those iron bars close in on me, Sunshine feels me between her legs.

  “I go wherever he goes,” she says calmly, forcing me back to reality. Without looking at me, she reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together. “Until you take him away from me and I no longer can.”

  To the room full of suits, her voice is strong—her words cunning but I hear the despair laced with every syllable and I feel her hand slightly tremble against mine. It forces my gaze downward. Dripping in faded ink and silver rings, my fingers i
ntertwine with hers. Pale, dainty and perfectly manicured—that’s my Sunshine.

  The beacon of light in my dark and cruel world.

  Lifting my head, the voices around us fade and I just stare at her profile, cementing her delicate features to my failing mind. I remember the first time I saw her face, the first time she acknowledged my existence. Her dull eyes called to me, beckoning me to dig deeper and discover the heart and soul of their owner.

  Her soul was broken, that I knew but, her heart—I never expected it to be as generous as it’s been and I sure as fuck never thought I’d be the bastard she gave it to. She saved me the trouble of stealing it because come hell or high water I would’ve taken it, anyway.

  I’m selfish like that.

  Always taking what I don’t deserve.

  Dirtyin’ up the clean.

  Tainting the pure.

  Corrupting the innocent.

  Playing God with everyone who comes into my life. Reina never stood a chance with me as her acting messiah but, fuck if I don’t love her. For every bit of wrong I’ve done in my life, I must’ve done something right for her to stick with me.

  You can say it’s because she loves me but, I’m no fool and I’ve lived enough life to know love isn’t always enough. Another woman would’ve run for the fucking hills. Another woman would’ve committed my mentally deranged ass. And another woman wouldn’t be sitting next to me holding my hand as I break her heart and destroy our lives all for the sake of brotherhood.

  It’s more than love.

  It’s salvation.

  It’s knowing you were born to complete the other half of someone. It’s finding the remedy to heal your fractured soul, to piece together the broken parts and make them whole.

  “There’s always visitation,” my lawyer whispers to her. That’s when she breaks her stare with the district attorney and turns her eyes to me. I watch them fill with tears and I lean into her, lifting my free hand to her face. I pull her closer, touch her forehead to mine and give her what she needs to hear.


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