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Too Enchanting

Page 7

by Bethany Lopez

  Neither of us tried to take it farther than a kiss; even though we’d known each other a while, it still felt too soon for that. For once, I felt no need to rush things. Not only did we live next to each other and share the same friends, but we’d be working on the same project for the next week, and I was content to prolong the beginning with Jed.

  The stolen kisses, the butterflies, the anticipation.

  Eventually, I released Jed’s mouth and got off of him, holding out my hand to help him up as I said, “I hate to say it, but I should probably finish up here if I have any hope of getting sleep tonight.”

  “Yeah, I don’t want to hold you up,” Jed said, his voice rough with residual desire.

  I felt that deep rumble of his voice all the way to my core and enjoyed the tingle that ran through me.

  When he bent to clean up, I said, “No, let me take care of this, it’s the least I can do.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, pulling me into his arms and holding me close.

  He was tall, much taller than me, but I liked the way we fit.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Will I see you tomorrow?” I asked hopefully.

  Jed nodded.

  “Supposed to report at noon.”

  “It’s three for me, and I believe we’ll be going shopping.”

  “If I don’t see you, I’ll shoot you a text.”

  “Okay, sounds good,” I replied with a smile, my eyes closing when he bent to brush his lips against mine.

  “Be careful locking up, and text me when you get home so I know you’re safe.”

  Wow, I really like that … him looking out for me.

  “I will,” I promised.

  We kissed again at the door, and then he left. I turned around and let out a small squeal, not wanting him to hear from outside, then walked into the gallery, my eyes falling to the blanket.

  I couldn’t help it; the sight of his makeshift picnic made my heart flutter with joy and I couldn’t stop myself from dancing a little jig and squealing again. Louder this time. I was spinning around, smiling and giddy, allowing myself a moment of silly girlishness before putting my work hat back on.

  That’s when my eyes crash landed on Jed, who was standing in the foyer, a large grin on his face.

  “Oh my God,” I cried, stopping so fast I almost fell over, my hand coming to cover my mouth.

  “I forgot my keys,” Jed said apologetically, pointing to the blanket.

  I looked down, eyes wide and hand still in place, and noticed the silver sheen of his keys. Quickly, I bent and picked them up and walked in a slow death march over to where he was standing, fighting back a grin.

  Jed held out his large hand and I dropped the keys in his palm, utterly mortified. He bent and dropped a kiss on top of my head, then placed his finger under my chin and tilted my face up toward him.

  “I had a great time, too,” he said simply, then winked and turned, leaving me alone in the gallery, where I expired on the spot.

  Chapter Eighteen


  It had been a great few days working on the set of Fix it Up.

  Being on a crew was always fun, and luckily I had a great group of guys surrounding me. They were all talented, helpful, and pretty laid back, considering we had cameras in our faces most of the time.

  I’d even had a couple guys over for a beer one night after we knocked off, cause they wanted to check out my workshop.

  Unfortunately, I hadn’t seen much of Serena. Our hours were long and while I spent my time onsite, she spent most of hers off. I’d seen her in passing, but by the time I dragged myself into bed at night her lights were off, and when I got up in the morning her car was already gone.

  We’d been texting, so I knew she was slammed between the work on the show and getting ready for her gallery opening. Luckily, we would be filming the big reveal in two days, and then Serena would be able to focus solely on the opening. Then a week after that, she’d have her big night and be able to settle into a routine.

  Although from what she’d told me when I asked, she’d always be planning for a showcase, so I didn’t think things would ever really slow down for her. But she seemed to like it that way.

  I could definitely relate. I wasn’t the kind of guy who enjoyed a life of leisure. I needed to be busy.

  It had been another long day and although I was eager to get home, take a shower, and get a little time in my shop, my eyes went to Serena’s house as I pulled in my driveway. I felt a twinge of disappointment that her house was once again dark.

  As I walked into my house I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.

  What do you say after the wrap party on Saturday I take you out for a real meal in an actual restaurant? I know you’re going to say you have work, but I promise not to keep you out late. Just dinner.

  After I showered, I grabbed my phone and jogged down the stairs and out the back door, grinning when I saw Serena had replied.

  Yes! I’m in. I’m allergic to shellfish, but other than that, I’m not picky. Are you home now? I’d like to bring something by…

  I unlocked my shop, turned on the lights, and crossed to my sound system.

  Yup, in the shop out back.

  Once my music was going, I walked over to the dining table and bench seats I was making with the boat wood, surveying it to see how much left I had to do before it was finished. I’d uploaded a picture of my progress that morning and already had two people interested in buying it.

  Fifteen minutes later, I was deep in the zone when I heard a commotion at the door and looked up to see Serena walking in carrying a large, wrapped package.

  I jumped up. “Let me help you with that. Rena, I would have come and grabbed this so you didn’t have to carry it over.”

  From the size and shape, I knew it was the painting.

  “Oh, I’m used to it,” she said from around the side of the painting, which was almost as big as she was, then her eyes locked on the beach wood furniture. “Ohhh, that’s beautiful.”

  She leaned the painting up against the wall and crossed to look at it more closely.

  I looked at the wrapped painting, then back at her.

  “Let me just take this in the house real quick so nothing happens to it. I’ll be right back … don’t leave.”

  Serena smiled at me over her shoulder and said, “I won’t. Promise.”

  As quickly as I could, I took the painting into the house and laid it out on my dining room table, then jogged back to where Serena was still looking over the table.


  “Yeah?” I asked, enjoying the sound of my name on her lips.

  “Can I ask you something that may sound a bit strange?”

  “You can ask me anything,” I assured her, stepping closer.

  “Would you mind if I painted you?” she asked shyly. “I’ve never asked anyone before, at least, not anyone who wasn’t family. I would do a few sketches of you first in here working, then maybe later you could sit for me. Once I had a few different poses, I’d paint using the sketches.”

  I knew she was an artist and admired her work, so the thought of her wanting to paint me was flattering, although totally unexpected.

  “Uh, yeah, sure … I don’t mind. You want to start tonight?” I asked, taking in her excited expression.

  “If you don’t mind,” Serena said with a nod. “It’s just ... it’s been so long since I’ve been inspired by a subject and I kinda need to strike while the iron is hot, you know? But, if you’re busy or it’s too late I understand, we can do it another time.”

  She looked so hopeful and adorable I couldn’t say no, so I said, “Yeah, I still have some work to do. You being here won’t bother me.”

  “Great!” she said and took off.

  I chuckled, then got back to work.

  I was vaguely aware of her coming back in, pulling a seat over, and sitting down with her sketch book, but with the music pumping and the wood speaking to me I was able to tune her out and keep doing
what I was doing without it getting weird.

  After about thirty minutes, I got up and grabbed a couple of waters out of the mini fridge. With my arm outstretched, I walked over and offered one to her.

  “Thirsty?” I asked.

  “Yeah, thanks,” she said, and when our fingers brushed, I noticed her cheeks pinking prettily. “Um, Jed, can I ask you something else?”


  “Can you take off your shirt?”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I watched, my breath in my throat, as Jed crossed to his workbench. He placed his water bottle down then, with his eyes on mine, placed his fingers at the hem of his shirt and began to lift.

  Tanned, flat, hard stomach was followed by a very nice chest with a smattering of dark hair, and finally those shoulders I’d felt beneath my palms.

  The man was a work of art all on his own. If I placed him in my gallery, I’d have women coming from miles to throw their money at me … that’s how good he looked.

  My gaze trailed over his taut, dark skin, memorizing every inch until I reached his knowing grin. Not trusting my voice, I picked up my sketch book and began to draw once more. Once my eyes were diverted, I felt Jed move and peeked up to see him getting back to work.

  That’s when I saw the magnificence of his back. Damn! Working construction was obviously good for the body, because his back and shoulders were the stuff wet dreams were made of, if that’s the kind of thing that does it for you … and, it totally is.

  I bit back a groan and returned to the page before me.

  I focused on getting his eyes right. To me, they were the most important part of any piece. If you could capture the truth of your subject in their eyes, then the viewer would have a better chance of connecting with it.

  Every once in a while, I’d glance up to check out what Jed was doing, mentally noting his latest pose, and the way his body flexed and rippled with each movement.

  It was really not fair. I was a petite and slender woman, but if I was shirtless, my skin would bunch and roll when I bent or squatted, it was just the way skin worked. Not Jed, the man seemingly didn’t have an ounce of body fat, and each movement just showcased another inch of beautifully carved man.

  Maybe I should sculpt him.

  I shook my head, dismissing the thought as soon as it entered. Sculpting had never been my medium. Nope, it was better to stick to my strengths and capture Jed properly.

  At one point, I looked up to see Jed bending over the table, his glutes taut against the light fabric of his running shorts, his thighs big and defined. My eyes roamed over the muscles of his back and his trim waist, and I suddenly lost all interest in sketching.

  My gaze drank in his tanned form and I noticed my body was beginning to throb.

  Unwittingly I let out a sigh and dropped my pencil, causing Jed’s head to turn toward me. When he caught me staring and probably drooling a bit, he grinned and stood, then began to prowl toward me.

  That’s what he looked like, a large, wild cat on the prowl, like a lion, or tiger, who’d caught sight of his prey and was about to pounce.

  I sat completely still, frozen, my thoughts scattered as his well-formed chest grew near.

  “Can I see?” he asked, and I was so transfixed that what he asked didn’t immediately register, and Jed had my sketch book out of my hands before I could protest.

  When I realized what he was doing, I stood up and tried to grab the book back.

  “No, wait, it isn’t…” before I could say finished, he turned and looked pointedly at me as he flipped through the pages I’d just drawn.

  “These are all of my face,” Jed said, his voice low.

  I felt the blush spreading down my face, over my neck and under my shirt.

  “Yes,” I admitted softly.

  “If all you’re doing is drawing my face, why did you need me to take off my shirt?” He sounded honestly confused, and my embarrassment became so overwhelming that I thought I might actually die.

  I saw the change in his eyes the moment he realized what I’d done but, needing to be brave and own up for my behavior, I jutted out my chin and told him truthfully, “I just wanted to see what you looked like without a shirt.”

  His jaw dropped, a choked sound came out, and then he started laughing so hard that one hand gripped his beautifully toned stomach and tears started coming out of his eyes.

  Seeing my opportunity, I reached out and snatched my sketch book back, then closed it and tucked it under my arm. Utterly humiliated, I turned and started walking to the door, eager to escape and go hide in my house … preferably under my covers.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Jed asked, then I felt his arms circle my waist as he pulled me back against his chest.

  His warm, hard, naked chest.

  “Home,” I replied, trying to keep my voice even. “It’s late and I have to get up early tomorrow.”

  “C’mon, don’t leave. I’m sorry for laughing,” Jed said as he turned me around to face him.

  I looked up, cognizant of the feel of his heat against my arms. My body wanted to sway into him, but I held my ground.

  “If you stay, I’ll take my pants off,” Jed teased, and I slapped him on the arm, even though I really wanted to take him up on the offer.

  Still laughing, he lowered his head and captured my mouth with his.

  Already buzzing with need, I met his kiss enthusiastically, dropping my sketch book as my arms came around his waist. I groaned at the feel of him against me, snuggling in to try and get closer.

  His lips left mine and began to trail down my neck, so I tilted my head to the side to give him better access, groaning when he nipped my soft flesh lightly.

  Jed’s hands crept under my T-shirt, his palms caressing the skin on my stomach, before he grabbed the material and pulled, urging me to take it off. I stepped back enough to comply, then tucked myself back into him, so we were skin to skin.

  I kissed everywhere I could reach, which was mostly his chest, until he placed his hands on my shoulders and lightly pushed me a step back.

  I glanced up at him, slightly dazed, and saw him run his hands through his hair, then say, “Fuck it,” and suddenly he had one arm around my ass and was lifting me up, while the other hand reached into my bra and unleashed my right breast.

  Jed’s mouth descended and I was looking at the top of his dark head as my hardened nipple was sucked between his lips. Instinctively my hips thrust against him, a loud moan emitting from my lips when my core rocked against his straining cock.

  Before I knew what had happened, I was back on my feet, my bra was pulled back in place, and Jed was bending to pick up my shirt and sketch book and held them out to me.

  “What?” I asked, not yet able to form words from thoughts.

  “That’s enough for tonight. Go home and get some rest, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  When I just stood there, staring at Jed, my mind still on how his mouth had felt on my breast, Jed’s brought his hands to my shoulders and shook them slightly, probably to snap me out of it. His lips brushed mine lightly and he murmured, “Go,” so I turned and fled.

  Chapter Twenty


  Jed, can I get your help over here?”

  I looked up from what I was doing and jogged over to Jose, who was standing at the base of the stairwell.

  “What do ya need, boss?” I asked.

  The guys and I had taken to calling Jose boss or Jefe, just because it drove him nuts. He complained he was no suit, but just a hardworking guy like the rest of us. Still, we were a group of men working on a site together, so busting balls came with the territory.

  “Can you work on getting these in? I have to go to a meetup with Sadie, I’ll be back in twenty.”

  “Sure thing,” I replied, then got to work.

  Most of what I’d done up until then had been demo, then some restricting and rebuilding. We’d taken out the wall that had closed off the kitchen and dining
area from the living room, to make it one large, open area, which was something on the Camus’ wish list.

  I’d also been a part of refurbishing the bathroom, tearing out the old tiles and tossing the outdated sink, bathtub, and toilet. Now, the entire thing was redone in whites and grays, with a separate tub and shower, complete with backsplash on both, a pedestal sink, separate shelving, and a small closet for storage and a new, top-of-the-line toilet.

  That was the one project I’d been on from start to finish, and I was really proud of what we’d accomplished there. It looked amazing.

  Shit, I’d happily hang out in that bathroom all day … get some reading done.

  Now, I was looking at the shelving we were putting under the stairs. I’d never seen anything like it, and thought Jose was kind of genius for coming up with the idea.

  He’d put the shelving units on wheels and cut the tops diagonally so when they slide under the stairs, they fit perfectly and look like a wall. When you slide them out, there are shelves, with space for bins, files, or really anything you want stored out of the way.

  I was bent over, adjusting one of the shelves, when I heard behind me, “Well, there’s a sight I could get used to.”

  I sighed and stood, knowing who I was going to see standing behind me, staring at my ass.

  Kylie was in her version of work wear, a pair of tiny shorts and a tank top that left little to the imagination, with her enhanced breasts spilling over the top. So much so, that I wouldn’t be surprised if a nipple popped out over the top of the white fabric.

  “Morning, Kylie,” I said, keeping my tone polite.

  Luckily, during our construction days, Kylie had stayed off site, and it had been the crew focusing on what we needed to get done. But, now that we were doing mostly the cosmetic stuff and finishing up so the design crew could get started, Kylie was back.

  I noticed a cameraman in the distance, his lens focused on us.

  “Morning, hot stuff,” she said, annoying the shit out of me.


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