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Too Enchanting

Page 10

by Bethany Lopez

  “Too late,” she said with a blush and a giggle. “Sorry, I had to know what was under there.”

  “It’s been a long, busy week, so I haven’t had time to do the weekly cleaning I usually do. I hope that doesn’t change your opinion of me.”

  Serena shook her head, seeming shy as she headed straight for the wine and took a big gulp, then clasped the glass to her chest as she looked anywhere but at me.

  Wanting to jump her warred with wanting to put her at ease. I looked around the room, trying to figure out what my approach should be. Did I suggest we watch TV? Netflix and chill? Did I offer to give her a back rub, which everyone knew was the universal sign for let’s get busy?

  Then my gaze landed on the camera I used to take pictures of furniture I liked, or anything that gave me inspiration for a piece, and an idea took root.

  I grabbed the Canon off my dresser and held it in one hand.

  Serena’s eyes flitted to it and her gaze became questioning.

  “Remember when you drew me?” I asked, my tone lowering with excitement at my intention.

  She nodded, eyes wide.

  “Let me photograph you.”

  I could sense her hesitation, and saw her internal debate play across her face, so I also saw when Serena decided to comply.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked, her voice thick, and I knew she was already getting turned on.

  “Go stand by the wall,” I ordered, lifting the camera so I could take off the lens cap, find the right setting, and turn it on.

  When it was ready, I looked up to see Serena leaning against my wall, shoulders back, legs crossed at the ankles. Those shoes were staying on, but the rest … well, we’d get rid of it slowly.

  “Unzip your dress,” I said as I raised the camera and looked through it.

  I snapped in rapid succession as her hands disappeared behind her back and lowered the zipper. The dress slid down one shoulder, then the other, before finally slipping down the length of her body and pooling at her feet.

  “Hang it up.”

  My lens tracked her as she moved to the closet and hung up the dress.

  I snapped her tight ass in black satin bikini briefs, then lifted the lens to capture her breasts as she turned. Her bra was the same satin as her panties, and as she positioned herself back against the wall, her hair falling down to cover her face, I noticed the jewel in her belly button.


  I shifted, my cock so hard that my pants were suddenly very uncomfortable.

  I moved the camera so I could capture all angles, sometimes getting her whole body, while others just focusing on certain body parts. Her legs, those shoes, that fucking diamond in her belly-button. Her soft flesh spilling over the cups of her black bra. Her hair.

  “Show me your face,” I demanded, my voice no longer recognizable.

  Serena raised her hands, using one to gather her hair and twist it back, as the other hand trailed slowly over her breast, down her taut side, and over her hip.

  That’s when I couldn’t play the game any longer.

  That’s when I lost it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  One second Jed was watching me behind the lens, the next the camera was thrown to the side and he was there.

  On me, over me, in me.

  I was so primed and ready that I matched him in speed and frantic need.

  He was wearing too many clothes. I put my hands on the opening of his button-down shirt and pulled with all my might. The sound of buttons flying and hitting the floor and wall was extremely satisfying, but it still wasn’t enough.

  I needed skin … heat.

  My bra was gone and his lips were everywhere. Jed’s fingers were digging into my hips as I tried to push his shirt off. When it got stuck on his forearms, I brought my hands to his pecs and leaned in to cover his flesh with my lips. My tongue.

  We were primal, grunting, both too far gone for sweet promises and light caresses.

  I teased his nipple with my tongue as my fingers danced down his hard abs to the front of his slacks. When he bit down on my shoulder, I became momentarily distracted, leaning into him and angling my head to give him better access to whatever he wanted.

  He pushed my panties down, and that brought me back to my senses enough to remember my goal. I undid his fly and shoved my hand inside, moaning loudly at my first contact with his thick, hard length.

  Needing more, I worked my hand under his boxers and caressed his velvety skin.

  Jed groaned and thrust into my hand, then his fingers found me and he muttered, “Fuck,” when he encountered my wet heat. I’m not sure how long we stood there, me jacking his cock and him fucking me with his fingers, but I was almost ready to come when I suddenly lost him.

  “No,” I panted, too far gone to care how needy that sounded.

  I was needy, and as I watched him frantically try to get off his shoes and pants, I knew Jed was too.

  “Get on the bed,” he told me, and the strength of his tone had my knees weakening.

  I pushed my panties the rest of the way down and stepped out of them, but when I moved to slip off my shoes, Jed said, “Leave them on.”

  Both naked, I turned to go to the bed, then let out a yelp when I felt his heat at my back, then his hand on my hip.

  “Bend over the bed,” he said huskily in my ear.

  My whole body shivered in anticipation as I did what he asked, my hands clutching his bedspread as I felt his cock against my ass.

  I heard the ripping of a condom wrapper, then his hand was running over my ass cheek and running over my wet seam. I pushed my face into the bed and shoved back as first one, then another finger entered me, and his other hand came around to play with my clit.

  I was bucking and writhing, so close, when finally his fingers were gone and I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance.

  “Yes,” I gasped, coming up on all fours so I could have leverage.

  Jed’s hands came to my hips as he pushed in slowly, inch by inch, until he was fully seated, then he pulled out and thrust back in. My knuckles turned white as I held on, pushing back to meet his thrusts as he pounded me from behind.

  Needing more, I moved one hand to my clit, rubbing it in tune to his rhythm until I felt the orgasm building.

  I came with his name on my lips, and he followed soon after as my pussy clenched around him.

  I collapsed to the bed, exhausted, wonderfully sated, and pretty proud of myself.

  “That was…” I began, unable to put it into words.

  “Amazing. Exceptional. Fucking hot,” Jed managed between pants as he pulled out and fell next to me.

  I felt his arms come around me, and I turned to snuggle into him, kissing his chest as I murmured happily.

  “Yes, all of those things.”

  “I hope I wasn’t too rough, or too fast. I promise, next time I’ll be more gentle,” Jed said, and I shifted so I could look up into his face.

  “It was perfect,” I assured him, although the prospect of more … and gentle, had a tingle shooting through me. Which was crazy, because my tingles should be as tired as the rest of me.

  “You’re amazing,” he said, hugging me tighter.

  He was warm, we were cuddling, and he smelled great.

  Within seconds, we’d both dropped off into a happy, satisfied slumber.

  When we woke up a few hours later, the lights were still on, it was dark outside, and since we were still naked, it had gotten cold.

  Still exhausted, and not fully awake, we got up long enough to pull back the covers, then got under and snuggled back against each other.

  “So tired,” Jed said with a yawn.

  I don’t know if he was apologizing for not jumping me again right then, but he needn’t have worried. After the amount of work we’d been doing and the lack of sleep I’d had, coupled with the amazing bout of sex, I was barely functioning myself.

  We had plenty of time for more sex, what we
both needed was rest.

  “Me, too,” I agreed, throwing my arm around his chest, my leg around his waist, and burrowing into his side.

  It was so toasty and comfortable that it didn’t take long until we were both dropping off again.

  My last thought before falling asleep was that I couldn’t remember ever feeling so content and happy while being completely myself with another person.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I woke up slowly, feeling fucking fantastic and not quite remembering why. Then, her scent hit me and I rolled over to find the bed empty. I hugged the pillow she used and inhaled vanilla and spice, then forced my eyes open and looked around the room.

  Her shoes were on the floor by the door, so, although Serena wasn’t in the room, I assumed she was still in the house.

  I got up, stretching as I stood, grabbed a pair of basketball shorts, and headed out in search of Serena.

  I followed the sounds to the kitchen, but rather than go inside, I leaned against then door jam and just watched.

  She was wearing one of my T-shirts, which fell all the way to her knees, with her hair piled up on top of her head. Her phone was playing music, which she sang along to while she moved around the kitchen.

  Her singing was really quite bad, which made me grin.

  The smell of bacon hit me, making my stomach growl loud. I watched as she put scrambled eggs, toast, and some of that bacon on a plate. When she turned to the coffee and began pouring a cup, I came into the kitchen, clearing my throat so as not to startle her.

  Serena spun around, the steaming mug in her hand, and smiled at me in a way that had my heart stuttering.

  “Good morning,” she said sunnily.

  “Morning,” I replied, moving toward her and bringing my hands up to cup her face.

  Once I’d kissed her softly, yet thoroughly, I pulled back and grinned down at her.

  “Tell me that’s for me,” I said, nodding down to the cup of coffee.

  “It is,” she replied, so I let her go and took the offered cup from her hands.

  “Thank you,” I said, taking my first fortifying sip, then looked to the counter and added, “This all looks amazing.”

  “Thanks. Hungry?” Serena asked.

  “Famished,” I replied, my stomach once again growling.

  This time I was close enough, and it was loud enough, for Serena to hear. I just shrugged and picked up both plates and said, “Let’s eat.”

  She giggled, grabbed her coffee, and followed me to the table.

  “You didn’t have to get up and do all this, but I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty happy you did.”

  “It’s no problem. I like to cook when I get the chance.”

  We both dug in to our food and ate in relative silence. I didn’t often eat breakfast, usually just grabbed coffee on my way to a site or back to my workshop, and I couldn’t remember the last time a woman had cooked for me.

  It was really nice, and the food tasted great. Definitely something I could get used to.

  “What’s on the agenda today, the gallery?” I asked, pushing back my empty plate and picking up my mug.

  Serena nodded.

  “Yeah, I’ve got to finish up there, finalize everything for the opening on Friday and go over the guest list one last time, to make sure I have all the RSVPs, then contact the people I haven’t heard from yet. I’m also interviewing a couple of part-time employees.”

  “Sounds like a full day.”

  “It is, but, it’s finally almost here. The grand opening. I almost can’t believe it … I feel like I’ve been planning it forever.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fantastic.”

  “You’ll be there, right?” she asked quietly, her tone hopeful.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” I promised. “Let me know if you need any help before, after, or during.”

  “Thanks, I will.”

  “Then, in two weeks, we’ll have the viewing party. Are you planning to go?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I think it’ll be fun.”

  “Want to go together?” I asked, catching her eye. “I mean, we agreed to take this seriously, to date each other exclusively … I hope that also means, publicly. I want the world to know you’re with me.”

  Serena’s face filled with pleasure and she reached her hand out over the table.

  I took it, enjoying the weight of it in mine.

  “Yes, of course. I want that, too. And I’d like for you to be my date for the gallery opening as well, even though I’ll be working.”

  “Gladly,” I replied with a grin.


  “Good,” I mimicked softly.

  I knew she had a lot to do and needed to leave, but I found myself wishing I could take her back to bed and spend the day there.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go,” I admitted, wanting full transparency.

  “Me, too,” she replied, and that was good enough for me … for now. “After the opening things will slow down a bit.”

  “Can I see you tonight? I’m meeting up with the guys to watch the UFC fight, but later, after you get home, will you call me? I can come to you, or you can come to me. Either way.”

  “I’d like that,” Serena said, then she rose and started to clear the plates.

  “Nuh-uh, you cooked, I’ll do the cleaning,” I said, standing as well.

  “Okay, well, I’d better go then. I need to shower and change before I head in,” she said, then looked down at my shirt. “Can I borrow this to wear home?”

  I stepped around the table to her, placed my hands on her shoulders, then ran them down her arms.

  “Keep it as long as you like,” I replied, then took her lips with mine and kissed her until she buckled against me. “Thanks for breakfast,” I whispered, then let her go.

  “You’re welcome,” Serena replied throatily. “See you later.”

  I nodded, staying right where I was so I could watch her walk out the back door. Before stepping out, she looked over her shoulder, gave me another small smile and wave, then she was gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I looked around the gallery as I walked through, checking, double checking, triple checking that everything was done. Once I was satisfied that it was, I did a mental tap dance, and a bit of a literal tap dance, then let out a squeal.

  Finally, I’m ready.

  “What’s going on in here?”

  I whirled around, then gave a jump of delight, along with a little clap, when I saw Jasmine standing in the entrance.

  “Jazzy!” I shouted, then rushed to give her a hug. “Why does it feel like I haven’t seen you in forever?”

  “Uh, I just saw you at the hospital, and before that at Dillon’s wedding, and before that at the bar,” Jasmine said wryly. “I mean, I know that’s over the course of a few weeks, but considering you just moved here, and before that I was lucky to see you that much in one year, I’d say we aren’t doing too bad.”

  “True,” I agreed, then hugged her again and said, “I just wish I saw you more.”

  Jasmine chuckled.

  “We’ll work it out. You’ve just been so busy with this place and that TV show you did. Is that over? And, I’ve been burning the midnight oil at work. Did you know Dillon wants me to go back to Boise again? Ugh, why isn’t it ever Paris?”

  “You want to go to Paris, let’s plan a trip,” I suggested.

  Jasmine pulled back and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “What’s going on? Why are you so fluffy and happy?” she asked suspiciously.

  I shrugged and answered, “Because I did finish that TV show, which was a pretty cool experience, and my gallery is finally ready for the grand opening on Friday. What’s not to be fluffy about?”

  “Uh-uh,” Jasmine countered with a shake of her head. “There’s something else at work here…” She walked around me in a circle, looking me over from head to toe, then she snapped her fingers and guessed, “Yo
u’ve been laid.”

  I giggle snorted and asked, “What? Why do you say that?”

  “Cause, you’re all glowy and stuff, and like I said … fluffy. You’re not a fluffy person,” Jasmine said, her hands on her hips. “Who’s the guy?”

  I sucked my lips between my teeth. My first instinct was not to tell her, but Jed and I had just agreed this morning to a public relationship, so I knew she’d find out sooner or later. Still, it was hard to admit after the last time we’d spoken about Jed, given my adamant denial about liking him.

  So I replied vaguely, “My neighbor.”

  “Your neighbor?” she asked, then gave me the evil eye and said, “You mean Jed? Stubbilicious Jed, your neighbor? The one you said you weren’t mooning over at the bar? That Jed?”

  “That’s the one,” I replied softly. A little guilty.

  Rather than breathing fire like I expected, Jasmine’s expression lightened and she clasped her hands together with glee.

  “I knew it,” she said, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Shhhh,” I said, pushing my hands down to mimic what I wanted her to do with her voice.

  If there was one thing Jasmine loved, it was being right. And winning. And being nosy, loud, brash.


  “I knew it that night, the way you were jealous of Becs hitting on him. Gosh, I love it when I’m right,” Jasmine said, ignoring me. “And, why are you shhhing me? We’re alone here, right? Who cares if I’m loud, or that you’re banging your sexy neighbor?”

  “You have issues,” I said dryly.

  “Yeah, that apparently I’m the only Lewis not getting laid in this town…”

  “Oh, please, you can have any guy you want. All you have to do is crook your finger, and they’ll come running,” I said, then, feeling the need to tease her like she was teasing me, I added, “Especially Shane.”

  Jasmine’s eyes narrowed again.


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