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Mail Order Bride: Westward Dance

Page 12

by Linda Bridey

  Maddie walked down the hallway and entered the ballroom. It was dimly lit except for a few candelabras place strategically around a table set with fine linen and china. It was a beautiful, intimate arrangement and Maddie couldn’t believe Seth had thought of it. Every day she saw another facet of the man that surprised her.

  Seth was frozen in place when Maddie had come in. Her ice blue gown showed off her delicate shoulders and dangling diamond earrings caught the candlelight. The look of surprise on her face made him smile. He let his eyes trail down over her curving figure and back up again. She wore one of those intricate hairstyles and while she looked gorgeous, he found that he wanted to take it down and run his hands through the soft waves.

  He cleared his throat and Maddie jumped a little. She saw him and felt like the breath had been knocked out of her. The suit Seth wore showed off his broad shoulders and chest to perfection. His hair was combed neatly and he was freshly shaven. Maddie couldn’t take her eyes from him as he strode towards her. His eyes never left hers as he took her hand and kissed the back of it.

  “Hello, Maddie,” he said.

  “Hello, Seth,” she replied.

  “I hope you’re hungry.”

  Maddie nodded. “Yes. Very.”

  “Good.” He picked up a bell that sat on the table and rang it.

  Two maids brought in their first course as Seth helped seat her.

  Seth sat across from her and waited until they left. “So, how was your day?”

  “Very interesting,” she said.

  “I wish I could say the same,” Seth said. “I don’t know how I let Claire talk me into going to observe one of her classes. I almost fell asleep a few times.”

  Maddie smiled. “I think it was more like show and tell for her.”


  “She didn’t take you along to show you her class, she took you to show you to her classmates,” Maddie informed him.

  Seth stopped the progress of his water glass to his mouth. “So I was on display like a bull at a cattle auction?”

  “Yes,” Maddie said.

  “That little vixen. You wait ‘til I see her,” Seth said.

  “So do you still think she needs protecting?” Maddie asked.

  Seth hated to admit it, but said, “No, I guess not. I can’t believe I didn’t catch on to that.”

  The meal was delicious and Maddie enjoyed their private dinner immensely. They laughed about all kinds of things and discussed more serious matters as well. Once their dessert of chocolate soufflé was finished, Seth asked her to dance. She graciously accepted and Seth signaled for someone behind her. A violin trio entered and began playing a waltz. It was first waltz they’d ever danced to. It brought tears to Maddie’s eyes that he’d remembered.

  Maddie took Seth’s hand and went willingly into his arms. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this close to someone and felt like she’d finally come home. Seth’s movements were graceful and Maddie was filled with admiration that he’d come this far. His leg wouldn’t be quite as strong as before his accident, but it was close and if someone else was dancing with him, they wouldn’t have been able to tell he’d ever been injured.

  Seth held her closer than was necessary to waltz. He craved her touch, her scent, and wanted to always hold her like this. Her eyes were luminous in the candlelight and he felt like he could drown in their depths. Her mouth captured his attention and he leaned down and kissed her while they moved around the floor. Seth and Maddie never stopped dancing as they shared a passion-filled kiss.

  The song ended and Seth held her for a few moments and then tipped her chin up so he could look her in the eye.

  “Maddie you’re the most exciting, beautiful, brave woman I’ve ever met and I love you. I’ve never fallen in love before and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  He released her and knelt down on one knee. Maddie covered her mouth as he took a jewelry box from his inner suit pocket and opened it. The ring was simplistic in its beauty and sparkled in the light from the flickering candles.

  “Madelyn Ann O’Connor, will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife?” Seth asked.

  Maddie’s shock showed on her face as Seth watched her. He waited as she recovered her voice. Maddie hadn’t seen this coming and wasn’t sure what to say. She loved Seth and needed him, but marrying him meant that she would have to move to Montana because she knew that there was no way he would ever stay in Pittsburgh. She didn’t think she could do it. She wasn’t like Tessa. She wanted to stay with her family, but she wanted to be with Seth.

  Maddie felt like she was being torn in two as she looked down at Seth. He was waiting for an answer. She saw the hope in his eyes and the love and hated herself because she couldn’t marry him.

  “Seth, I love you, more than you’ll ever know, but I can’t marry you. I’m so sorry. I can’t leave my family and my home for good and you can’t stay. It’s an impossible situation,” she said.

  Seth rocked back a little on his knee. This wasn’t the answer he’d been expecting and he felt as if his heart was being crushed. He’d b01een so sure she’d say yes to his proposal.

  “Maddie, you would still be with family in Montana. Your sister and everyone else are there,” he said. “And I would be there to love you and I’d make you so happy.”

  Tears stung Maddie’s eyes. “I don’t think I could get used to your way of life, Seth. You would be gone a lot and I would have nothing to do. I wouldn’t be able to adapt like Tessa. I’m sorry, Seth, but my answer is no,” she said.

  Seth hung his head for a moment and then got up. His movement was slightly awkward and he cursed the weakness that still existed in his leg. He drew himself up straight intent on keeping his dignity even in the face of her refusal.

  “Well then I guess that’s it. I don’t know what else to say, Maddie,” he said.

  Maddie could see how much she’d hurt him and regretted her words, but she had to be true to her feelings. The only problem was that her emotions were divided and she was confused.

  Seth kissed her cheek and said, “Goodbye, Maddie. I’ll never forget you or stop loving you. I wish you well.”

  Maddie began to sob quietly as she watched him stride from the room and she sat down heavily on a chair as crushing grief filled her.

  In his room, Seth quickly shed his suit. As he took off each layer it was as if he was trying to leave behind this life he’d led for several months. He didn’t belong here and he would never fit in. During the days in the O’Connor house, he’d come to love Maddie’s family and he would miss them terribly. But it was time to go home, back to the life he loved and his own family.

  He fell deeper into misery as he put on his old clothes and slipped his feet into his boots. He laid the suit on his bed. He wouldn’t be taking it with him because it would just remind him of the night when his heart had been rent in two. He threw his meager belongings into his leather travel bag and took one more look around the room before leaving it. Then he went back inside and sat down on the bed and took out a tablet from the drawer in the nightstand and began to write. As he worked, Seth tried to imagine how Marcus would write something like this. When he was finished, he found an envelope and put the letter into it. He took the engagement ring he’d bought for Maddie out of the box and put it inside with the letter. Then Seth sealed it and left the room for good.

  Geoff and Maureen looked up as he came into the parlor where they sat. Geoff had been reading the paper and Maureen was working on some needlepoint. Seth came to stand in front of them. Geoff wondered why he was in his western clothes and then saw Seth’s bag and knew what was happening.

  “I’m leaving. It’s time for me to go home,” Seth said. “I’ll never really ever be able to repay you for what you’ve done for me and for opening your home to me. You’re the best people I’ve ever met and I’m going to miss you all a lot.”

  Maureen’s face registered her confusion. “I thought everything w
as going so well with you and Maddie.”

  Seth nodded and his eyes began to brighten with tears. “Me, too. But I guess it’s just not meant to be.”

  Geoff could see Seth’s pain in the slump of his shoulders and the grave lines in his face. His heart went out to Seth and to his daughter who must be hurting just as much as Seth.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that, Seth,” he said. “You’re sure there’s nothing to be done?”

  Seth nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure.” He held out the envelope to Geoff and said, “Will you give this to her for me?”

  Geoff took the envelope and said, “Of course.” He ran his hands over it and felt the piece of jewelry in it.

  He rose and hugged Seth. “We would have been lucky to have you as a son-in-law, Seth.”

  Maureen also came to Seth and embraced him as Geoff moved back. “Geoff’s right. I should have loved seeing you and Maddie wed. I’m so terribly sorry to see you go. We will miss you awfully.”

  Claire came in and saw her mother hugging Seth. He’d changed into his old clothes.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  Maureen released Seth and replied, “Seth has to go home, Claire.”

  Claire was stricken and it showed on her delicate features. “Why? Please don’t leave.”

  The lump in Seth’s throat grew as he saw her eyes well up. “Aw, Claire don’t do that. This is hard enough and it’s breaking my heart, but it’s time, sweetheart.”

  Claire threw herself on Seth. She’d come to love Seth as a big brother and couldn’t stand the thought of not having him there. “Why do you want to leave us? Aren’t you happy here?”

  “It’s time I get back to my life and my family. You’re family, too, you know. Maybe you could come visit us some time,” Seth said. “I’m going to miss you cutting up my food and talking with you about the cattle business and such.”

  Claire laughed through her tears. “I’m going to miss that, too.” She called on her inner strength and broke away from him. “I understand that you couldn’t possibly stay here for good. This isn’t the life you were meant to lead. You’ll always be a cowboy.”

  Seth gave her a sad smile. “I can’t believe how smart you are for your age.” He kissed her cheek and said, “Don’t you ever change.”

  To all of them he said, “Well, I best get going. I’m not going to say goodbye because I hope you’ll come to see us. I’ll just say see you later.”

  He turned and walked out of the room and out the front door. As he closed the door, Seth felt as if he was closing it on the most wonderful chapter of his life. He went down the steps and walked away from the O’Connors and Maddie with a heart filled with sorrow.

  Later that night, Geoff found Maddie in her room. When she answered his knock and opened her door, Geoff saw that she’d been crying. Her face was red and puffy and there were tear tracks on her face. Geoff entered her room and she came to him, wrapping her arms around his midsection.

  Geoff held her, telling her how sorry he was and that time would heal her heart. She sobbed into his chest and Geoff could feel her tears soak into his shirt. Finally she was cried out and stepped back. Geoff guided her to the bed and sat her down. He sat next to her and put an arm around her shoulders.

  “Seth is a good man with a good heart. It’s obvious that you love each other. What made you refuse his proposal?” Geoff asked.

  Maddie’s voice was hoarse as she said, “Papa, I would never fit in with his life. Can you imagine me living on a ranch and working in the house and in the fields and whatever? I can’t. I don’t know anything about all that. And he couldn’t stay here. He would be so stifled in the city. He belongs out on the plains with the cattle and horses.”

  Geoff sighed. “That’s very noble of you to care about his feelings and want him to be happy, but you don’t have to be a martyr. You’re a smart, competent young woman who can do anything you put your mind to. You have to look inside your heart and decide if letting him go is the right thing to do or if you have the courage to claim what he’s offering you.”

  Maddie gave him a surprised look. “You would approve of it?”

  Geoff nodded. “Yes. He comes from good stock, as they say. I would have approved of Tessa and Dean marrying if I’d have known about it before it happened, so why should it be any different with you and Seth? Think about it. Maybe this will help you make up your mind.” He handed her the letter Seth had left for her and left the room.

  Maddie felt a lump inside the envelope and traced her fingers over it. She gasped as she realized that it was the engagement ring Seth had wanted to give her. She opened the letter.

  Dear Maddie,

  I want you to keep this ring. I bought it for you and you alone. I would never give it to anyone else. I want to thank you for helping me get through the toughest thing I’ve ever had to face. You stood by me and kept my spirits up when I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I came to realize that you were that light and I’ll always be grateful to you.

  You have to know that my heart belongs to you and always will. You are the most incredible woman I’ve ever met and I’ll never love anyone the way I do you. It’s killing me to leave, but there’s no way I could stay now. But my offer still stands, Maddie. I still want to marry you. I would spend every day making you happy and giving you the life you deserve.

  I left the ring because I’m also hoping that maybe someday you’ll come here so I can put it on your finger. I’m hoping that you’ll remember what we mean to each other and that you can’t live without me because I’m not sure how I’m going to live without you.

  Well, you know where you can find me.



  As she finished reading Seth’s letter, determination filled Maddie and she berated herself for being so weak. Her father was right; she needed to find the courage to take what she wanted and to be happy. Suddenly she knew what she had to do. If she was Seth’s light, he was certainly hers. It was time to face her fears and not let them hold her prisoner any longer.

  The next day, Geoff was reading the paper at breakfast when he spotted an article that made him sit up straighter. Maureen noticed his alertness and asked, “What is it, Geoff?”

  Geoff read:

  Theodore Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wilson was brutally attacked last evening and left badly injured in an alley off Everett Street. Though severe, his injuries are expected to heal. Mr. Wilson couldn’t identify his attacker except to say that he was tall and very strong. Mr. Wilson also said that he’d done nothing to incite such violence against him. Although police are investigating, there is little hope that they will ever find the culprit.

  Geoff finished reading and said, “You don’t think…”

  Maureen nodded and said, “Yes, I do think and if he were here right now I would thank him and kiss him.”

  “Me, too,” said Claire. “Serves Theo right.”

  “Yes, it does. He got a big dose of his own medicine. God bless you, Seth,” Geoff said.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tessa was playing with Mikey out in the barn. They were having a game of hide and seek. It was easy to find Mikey because he kept giggling from his hiding place, but Tessa made as if she couldn’t find him. She pretended to search for a while, enjoying the sound of his laughter. Finally she “found” his hiding place and snatched him up.

  He laughed loudly and hugged Tessa and she kissed his chubby little cheek. She was filled with love for the child that she and Dean had created. Tessa remembered the terror on Dean’s face when she’d gone into labor. He’d sent Ray to get Lydia as soon as Tessa’s first contraction came upon her.

  Her labor had been intense but short lived. It seemed that Mikey had been in a hurry to enter the world and all had gone well. Dean had cried openly as Lydia had laid the little bundle in his arms. Tears of joy had streamed down Tessa’s face as she watched him hold Mikey close and kiss his tiny forehead. There was something so touch
ing about watching her big, strong husband hold their small infant so tenderly.

  She swung around with Mikey making him laugh more before kissing him again and putting him down.

  “Would you like a snack?” she asked him.

  Mikey nodded. “Cookie.”

  Tessa laughed. “Yes, you may have some cookies. Come let’s get some.”

  She took Mikey’s hand and they walked out of the barn together. As they strolled towards the house, she noticed movement in the driveway out of the corner of her eye. When she turned to see what it was she was shocked to see that Seth was walking down the drive. She let go of Mikey’s hand and began walking quickly in his direction.

  She watched him striding towards her with the long, rolling strides she’d remembered. There was just the slightest hitch as he walked, but other than that he looked healthy and happiness for his excellent recovery filled her heart.

  “Seth!” she said and ran to him.

  He folded her in his embrace and laughed. “Hey, Tessa. How the heck are you? You look as good as ever.”

  Seth was truly happy to see his sister-in-law and hugged her close. He looked around the ranch as he did so and was hit hard with how much he’d missed his home. Tessa drew away.

  “You look wonderful,” she told him. “You’d hardly ever know anything ever happened to you.”

  The next thing they knew a little ball of fur flew to them and stating leaping up at Seth.

  “Hey, mutt, come here,” Seth said and picked up Trouble and was promptly covered in wet kisses. “Ok, ok, knock it off,” Seth said through his laughter.

  Trouble wiggled and his little tail was a blur as he welcomed his master home. Seth put him down and Trouble ran excited circles around them. Then he picked Mikey up and threw him in the air.

  “Look at you! I think you grew a foot while I was gone,” Seth said.


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