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Flash Fire

Page 3

by Cathryn Fox

  Instead of answering her friend, Megan stood there taking pleasure in Brady’s athletic gait while her hormones played an aggressive game of leap frog. As she once again thought about exploring a brief affair with him, heat ambushed her pussy, scorching her in a way it never had before. For a moment she had difficulty remembering how to breathe. The idea of having a hot affair with him was simply scandalous.

  Megan could feel flames licking at her thighs, a flash fire threatening to overtake her. Lord knew if she didn’t do something soon to extinguish the heat she was feeling, the fire station was going to go up like an inferno.

  His eyes full of desire, Brady stepped into her personal space. His earthy scent assailed her senses. He held the ball out to her. “You want to play a little one on one?”

  Oh God, those innocent words held so many innuendoes. Her mind raced with the possibilities. Her eyes locking on his triggered a craving deep inside her. She licked her lips as they itched to get reacquainted with his.

  Her voice hitched. “Sure, but I must warn you that I played varsity in high school.”

  His reckless grin turned her insides to Jell-O. He widened his stance, forcing her to work overtime to keep her eyes from drifting downward. His hand touched hers and lingered an extra moment as he passed the ball. “Then I consider myself duly warned.” He waved toward the net. His perfect teeth flashed in a smile. “Ladies first.”

  Her shoulders rolled as she relaxed into conversation. “And here I thought chivalry was dead,” she said.

  He fell into step beside her. His sweet-scented skin curled around her like a powerful aphrodisiac. He chuckled easily. “Hang with me for a while, Megan, and I’ll show you chivalry isn’t dead.” He winked at her. “I believe in ladies first, second, and third.”

  Oh. My. God. Yes.

  It was official. Her libido had struck gold.

  Dribbling the ball, Megan made her way to the net with a shirtless Brady keeping pace beside her and his words ringing loud and clear in her brain. How the hell did he expect her to concentrate on the game with his promise of triple orgasms dancing in her head?

  He jogged ahead, positioning himself in front of her, providing her with an unobstructed view of his magnificent body.

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “Just don’t think I’m going to go easy on you because you’re a girl,” he said, a gleam in his eyes.

  Heck, she didn’t want him to go easy on her. She wanted him to go hard on her. Perhaps she should let him know that. “I’d never want you to hold back, Brady. I’m sure I can take all you can give.” She bounced the ball through her legs, showing off her ball-handling skills.

  Her words brought passion to his eyes. “You think so?”

  She puckered her lips in defiance. “I know so.”

  “So if I play my hardest, you think you can keep up?”

  She bit back a grin. “Not only can I keep up, but I can probably keep going long after you’re finished.” Megan was pretty sure they were no longer talking about basketball. She was also pretty sure surfer boy here had the stamina of a stallion and could long outlast her any day. Especially since she’d been out of practice for the last couple of years.

  His soft chuckle made her wet. “Perhaps we should make a wager.”

  Her glance went from Brady to the net, back to Brady again.

  Damn he was hot.

  Never one to back down, she gave a casual shrug. “Perhaps we should.”

  His eyes darkened with lust. “If I win, and you lose, then you’re mine for one hour.”

  She gulped for air. Uh…how exactly was that losing? “And if I win?” Did she get him for a whole hour, too? Damn, talk about giving a whole new meaning to a little one on one.

  “Well, what do you want?” Brady asked.

  Megan kept the grin from her face. “I do have some laundry to do.”

  Brady laughed out loud. “You want me to do your laundry?”

  “No, I was just thinking out loud.” She crinkled her nose in thought. With a casual nonchalance that she didn’t feel, she said, “I supposed if you get me for an hour than it’s only fair that I get you for an hour.”

  Dear God. Brady Wade. Hers. To do with as she pleased. For one whole hour.

  Hell, yeah! She really had to win this. Then again, losing had its appeal too…

  “Deal.” Brady held his hand out to her.

  She switched the ball over to her left arm and shook his hand with her right. The warmth of his flesh ignited a fire inside her and bombarded her with desire. A deep ache between her legs drew her focus. She took a moment to rein in her lust and strategize her next move. Okay, all she had to do was dribble the ball around him and do a lay up. Easy-peasy. She’d done it a million times before. Then again, she’d never had a sexy, half-naked firefighter blocking her path before, derailing her concentration.

  Truthfully, not only would it be impossible to get around that huge, rock-solid body of his, but his near nakedness was throwing her off her game. And from the way she stood there ogling him, she suspected he knew it.

  Well, two could play his game, she mused. She wasn’t without her own feminine wiles. In her most sultry voice she said, “My goodness, it sure is a warm night.” She undid the top two buttons on her blouse and dragged a finger over her throat, trailing lower until she felt the swell of her breasts. As if on cue, Brady’s gaze dropped to her cleavage. With his attention diverted, she dribbled around him and went in for the lay up.

  She shoots, she scores.

  Brady grinned and cocked his head. He gave a low, throaty chuckle. “So that’s the way we’re going to play it, is it?”

  She threw him the ball and rolled her eyes. “It’s the big ones who are always the slowest,” she teased. “This is going to be a cake walk.”

  Brady grabbed the ball and gave her a sly grin. God, she loved that sexy grin of his.

  Megan positioned herself in front of him. Guarding the net, she reached out and palmed his stomach. Okay, maybe that wasn’t her brightest move. The second her hand came in contact with a row of densely packed muscles, a shiver stole over her. Brady took advantage of the situation, rolled around her, and took a jump shot.

  “That’s a three-pointer, Megan.” He caught his rebound and tossed her the ball.

  “Hmmph,” she groaned, ignoring the look of victory on his face. “Lucky shot.”

  Switching tactics, Megan turned and put her back into him. Her plan was to bump him backward, but unfortunately, hitting that rock-solid body was like hitting a brick wall. One bump into him sent her flying forward. She lost her balance and hit the ground with a thud. Arms and legs spread wide, she groaned. Shit, that hadn’t gone quite as planned.

  Within a second Brady was at her side. “Megan, are you okay?”

  She rolled to face him and touched his stomach. “Damn, Brady, what are you packing?”

  He glanced at her apologetically. His knuckles brushed her cheek and pushed back a strand of hair. “God, Megan, I’m so sorry.” The emotions in his voice took her by surprise.

  His gaze panned her body. “You ripped your jeans, and your knee is bleeding.”

  She went up on her arms for a better look. Bits of gravel were embedded in her leg. Ugh…

  Crouched on his knees, Brady cradled her leg in his hand. He bent forward for a closer inspection. “Let me take care of this for you.” When he lifted his head and met her gaze, her heart nearly stopped. The compassion and warmth she met there did the weirdest things to her.

  He adjusted his body and scooped her into his arms. His nurturing side sent myriad emotions rushing through her bloodstream. It had been a long time since someone had taken care of her and she had to admit that she rather liked it.

  As Brady packaged her in his strong arms, his long legs made quick work of the parking lot. “Let’s get you inside.” He pulled open the firehouse door and carried her in. Her libido roared to life as he pulled her in tighter. She sank into the warmth of his magnificent body as he hu
stled her down the long corridor. Her skin flushed hotly and she wondered if he felt the desire rising in her.

  With his expression both tender and sensual, he pitched his voice low and said, “I need to remove the gravel and cleanse your cut.”

  Remove the gravel.

  Cleanse her cut.

  Give her an orgasm.

  Or three.

  Really, the possibilities were endless.

  A wheezing sound crawled out of her lungs.

  His voice softened again. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she lied.

  Bypassing the others, Brady carried her through the locker room and into a private-shower area. He locked the door behind them while she studied her surroundings, taking note of the decor. Gray and white marble tile covered the entire shower area, floor to ceiling, wall to wall. She noticed a small cabinet tucked away in the corner, out of spray range.

  Gesturing with a nod toward the built-in perch beside the shower hose, Brady said to her, “Have a seat.”

  “Uh, my clothes will get soaked.”

  His gaze darkened. He moistened his lips. He jammed his hands in his pockets, pulling his low-slung jeans down farther, gifting her with a nipple-hardening view of his sexy oblique muscles, which just happened to be one of her favorite male body parts. He narrowed his gaze. “Yeah, I guess we should do something about that.”

  Hormones on overdrive, and needing desperately to quell the restlessness inside her, Megan reached for her button, eager to shed her pants and see where that led them. Even though she’d never engaged in a one-night stand, she wasn’t inhibited sexually. She was merely deprived sexually. And by God, it was about damn well time she did something about it.

  Brady stopped her. “Here, let me. It might be easier if I pull them over your cut.”

  “Okay.” Her voice came out a little rough.

  Brady dropped to the floor before her and worked the button free. With the utmost care, he eased her jeans down her legs. As she took in the length and thickness of his fingers, her heart hammered. She could only imagine how good they’d feel inside her. Shaky hands gripped his shoulders for support. Her nipples began to tingle and the incessant ache between her legs demanded attention.

  Brady stepped back and turned the shower on. Megan eased herself onto the perch and stuck her leg out.

  “Are you comfortable?” The sincerity in his eyes tugged on her emotions.

  Brady was so sweet, so caring, and so damn sensitive…so different from her ex. Megan drew a long breath and gave herself a quick lecture. This wasn’t about relationships or marriage. It was about a cut knee and orgasms. Yes, “orgasms” with an “s,” as in plural. He’d promised her three.

  She shifted, her body aching for his touch. “Yes. I’m comfortable.”

  Pulling a professional face, he removed the nozzle from the hook, tested the water and then let the warm stream spray over her knee. After a minute or two, he grabbed a washcloth from the cabinet and cleansed the area. She watched in speechless fascination as he took care of her, the same way he would anyone under his professional care.

  She found that damn sexy.

  When he glanced up at her, his eyes were dark and hungry. His jaw clenched and unclenched. “There you go. I think you’ll be fine.”

  Oh no, she was far from fine. She cleared her throat. “Are you sure?”

  She met his glance, her eyes conveying without words what she wanted, no…what she needed. As though he understood her desires, Brady dragged the nozzle higher on her thighs, his fingers following the path. Without taking his gaze off hers, he spread her legs and tipped the showerhead toward her. The soft spray sluiced over her flesh as it drenched her silky underwear. It felt erotic, stimulating. Her soaked panties pressed against her sex. Her clit puckered and throbbed in response. Blistering heat exploded in her veins and she ached to feel his cock inside her.

  “Oops. I accidentally wet your panties.” His voice caressed her all over, and the bulge in his pants told her he was equally aroused.



  “They were already wet.”

  * * *

  The way Megan lifted her hips invitingly off the marble perch had his body reacting with primal need. Heat, desire and passion whipped through his blood so it was all he could do not to tear off her panties, pull her onto his lap, and drive his cock deep inside her. Moisture broke out on his skin. His hands shook with need.

  She gave him a smoldering look, then leaned forward, her mouth hot against his ear. “See for yourself,” she said in a breathless voice.

  Lust hit him so hard he nearly toppled backward. Brady roughly tugged her panties aside and pressed a finger into her heat. Megan threw her head back and sobbed with pleasure.

  Christ, she was so tight and so fucking hot. Her sweet cream soaked his skin and nearly shut down his brain. Sex muscles clenched around his finger and he knew she was desperate for release. He was just as desperate for it. He slipped another finger in deep and pumped in and out until her muscles tightened and spasmed. She clutched his hand and held it inside her while her other hand went to her clit. As she stroked her puckered nub, he rolled the tip of his finger around her G-spot. Her face flushed. Her body vibrated. Her eyes clouded.

  “Oh, my God,” she cried out. She bucked forward, once, twice, and then came all over him.

  Hunger clawed at him. His body trembled and his cock nearly burst through his zipper in an attempt to reach her slick channel. Christ, he needed to release the tension inside him before he blacked out.

  Brady lifted her to her feet and hauled her under the warm spray. Her lashes fluttered but her blue eyes were still glossy from her orgasm. He adjusted the overhead nozzle. Water drenched them both. The clothes stuck to their bodies and clung like a second skin.

  She blinked up at him through the hair plastered to her forehead. Her eyes glittered with dark sensuality. She looked so damn beautiful standing there in her panties with her wet blouse hugging her breasts. When her body melted against his, his breathing grew shallow as he marveled at how crazed she made him feel.

  He bent forward and gave her a soft kiss, letting her know what she did to him.

  A moment later, his fingers went to her buttons, ready to advance their relationship to the next stage. “Let’s get you out of this.” He heard the impatience in his voice.

  She arched into his touch, her mind still two pages behind. “Brady, that was amazing. I’ve never come so fast before.”

  “I guess you must have needed it.” He cleared his throat, barely able to speak.

  She tore at his shirt. “That’s not all I need. I’ve been dying to see you naked since I first laid eyes on you.”

  He gave a low, rough laugh, pleased as hell at her bold behavior. He stepped back, ripped his wet clothes off in record time and rejoined her under the spray. “You know, Megan, I think that’s what I love most about you. You say it like it is and don’t hold anything back.”

  Her eyes widened as they settled on his engorged cock. She licked her lips. “You’re so…impressive.” She sheathed him in her hands and squeezed.

  Was that concern he spotted in her eyes? “I’ll go easy.”

  She furrowed her brow. Passion burned in her eyes. “I told you already I don’t want easy. I want hard.”

  He knew it had been a while for her and wanted to take it slow. “Megan-”

  She cut him off. “Since I don’t hold anything back, I don’t expect you to either.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her.

  His lips crashed down on hers. Their tongues mated as he peeled off her blouse. Her bra quickly followed. Gorgeous breasts pressed into his chest and weakened his resolve to take this slow.

  He growled with longing. Brady knew the first thing he needed to do was taste her. He pushed her back against the wall and bent forward, his mouth going to her breasts.

  She cupped them in offering. He brushed his tongue over her damp flesh b
efore drawing her taut nipple into his mouth. Her fingers raced through his hair. She gripped his head and held him to her. He sucked her nipple. Hard. The way she wanted it. God, she tasted like heaven. A moment later she moved his head to her other nipple.

  Brady inched lower, running his tongue over her stomach until he found the hollow of her belly button. Ever since he’d glimpsed her in her pajama bottoms, dipping into her button was all he’d been able to think about. He slid his hands around her ass and gripped her. His tongue made slow passes over her stomach, poking in and out of her sexy little cleft. Megan shook beneath his seduction. She writhed, opened her legs, and rubbed up against him. As Brady inhaled the sweet scent of her arousal, his body went up in flames.

  He trailed his tongue lower, until he reached her hot pussy. He pulled open her lips with his tongue and ran the pad of his thumb over her plump clit.

  “Brady,” she whispered and sagged against the wall, “that’s…” Her words fell off.

  He inhaled her, then moved in for a taste. At the first touch of his tongue to her clit, she came again, taking him by surprise. She leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders. Her body shook violently. Small whimpers caught in her throat. Jesus, he’d never met a more responsive woman.

  He spent a long time lapping up her silky heat. His cock throbbed with need. His desire mounted, his liquid heat spilling from the slit.

  “Brady, I need you to fuck me. Please…”

  Shit! He wasn’t equipped. He glanced up at her. “Tell me you’ve got condoms, Megan.”

  Her mouth twisted downward, then she splayed her hands on the wall. “Oh no…” she whimpered. “You have to fuck me, Brady. You really, really have to. You have no idea how much I need you.”

  Fuck, he needed her just as badly. His gaze went to the cabinet and he gave a silent prayer. Please let there be condoms in there. Actually, he’d pretty much make a deal with the devil himself right about now.

  He inched back. When he did, her hand went to her sex. She slipped a finger into her pussy and began to masturbate. Her boldness excited him beyond anything he’d ever known.

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “Hang on, sweetheart.” Leaving her writhing against the wall, he rushed to the cabinet and tore into it. His heart raced as he tossed towels and washcloths over his shoulder. He nearly cried out in euphoria when he found a half-full box of condoms tucked in the back.


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