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Wearing Him Down

Page 3

by Jessa Kane

  “But I already have summer clothes.”

  “You’re getting new ones.”


  “My love,” Janice cuts in, clucking her tongue. “Let the man get his way. He will be happy. You’ll have pretty new clothes. Everyone wins!”

  Janice goes back to sorting garment bags and I stand in the center of the living room, no idea what to do with my hands. Grant takes a seat on one of the low, gray leather couches, about ten feet away from me, legs outstretched in front of him.

  “Are you going to watch?” I breathe.

  “But of course, he will watch. You wear clothes so he’ll be enticed to take them off, no?” Janice’s laugh is bawdy. “Might as well get his opinion.”

  That’s when I realize that Janice doesn’t know Grant is my stepbrother.

  His eyes capture and hold mine, watching as I reach that conclusion.

  A muscle ticks in his jaw.

  I’m suddenly so hot, I wish I could go outside and stand in the rain to cool off. But that would mean leaving Grant’s magnetic presence and I don’t want that, so I stay put.

  “Let’s start with a couple of dresses, designed by yours truly,” Janice says. “Now, no need to be modest. We’re all friends here.” Even though I hear what Janice is saying, I’m totally unprepared when she whips off my nightshirt, leaving me in nothing but a pair of miniscule pink panties and my bare breasts on display.

  Speaking of Grant, he makes a hissing sound, sitting forward on the couch.

  My urge is to cover myself, but I don’t.

  I don’t, because I’m supposed to be wearing him down and maybe, just maybe, the unexpected arrival of Janice will assist me in that endeavor.

  “Arms up,” Janice instructs, dropping a baby blue silk dress over my head. It caresses my skin as it flutters to a stop at my ankles. She pulls together the back and the low neckline cinches tighter, presenting my breasts. “This is lovely with your coloring, Sienna. You look like a princess!”

  “Yes,” Grant says, sounding strained. “She does.”

  “I love this dress,” I say to Janice, without taking my attention off my stepbrother. “But I would love to try something shorter. The shorter the better, actually.”

  I don’t miss the way Grant’s right eye twitches.

  “Shorter than a Frenchman’s temper! Yes, ma’am.” Behind me, Janice rummages through the garment bags. “Coming right up!”

  This time, she fits me into a strapless, silver minidress that barely hits the tops of my thighs. There is a built-in corset that pushes my breasts up high, the material hugging my curves like a second skin. “What do you think of this one, Grant?” With a lot of confidence I don’t necessarily feel, I saunter forward to stand in between his outstretched legs and run my hands up the front of my body, over the slopes of my cleavage. “Do you like it?”

  “Sure,” he growls. “If you plan to never leave the fucking house.”

  “Oh, he is a jealous one,” Janice croons behind me.

  “Jealous?” Grant shakes his head slowly. “You have no idea.”

  “Why don’t you tell me, then?” I whisper.

  When Grant only narrows his eyes at me, I decide it’s time to break out the bigger guns. “You said summer clothes, right, Janice? Did you mean bathing suits, too?”

  “Yes, my love! I have several colors and styles!”

  Grant loosens the tie around his neck with deliberate movements. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re trying to rile me up, princess.”

  Feeling bold, I rest my hands on his thighs and lean forward, watching his interest flare at the sight of my breasts so close to his mouth. “No one is forcing you to watch.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You force me to watch by being so goddamn gorgeous, Sienna. I couldn’t take my eyes off you if I tried.” He looks me over, top to bottom. “And I have tried not to look. I’ve tried to be noble and keep away—and failed. I’m so fucking close to being done trying.”

  “How close?” I whisper, swaying slightly under his intensity.

  “Very. Close.” Grant bites out. “Don’t push me.”

  The fact that he’s close to losing control and touching me is music to my ears. Up until today, I wasn’t even sure Grant found me attractive. I knew he cared about me a lot. I knew his body reacted to the nearness of mine. But what he’s showing me now is new. A whole new side of my stepbrother that makes me wonder what he’s been hiding under the surface.

  I’m going to find out.

  “I’d love to try a bikini,” I call over my shoulder. “Do you have red? Or pink?”

  “I have both!” Some plastic crackles. “I have a pink string bikini with little red hearts on it. Look! It is precious!”

  I do actually fall in love with the bikini at first glance. It’s whimsical and sexy and I can’t imagine wearing it and being anything less than confident. I stand still while Janice zips me out of the silver dress, then I take a deep breath and let my panties drop to the living room carpet. I feel Grant’s hungry gaze on me while pulling up the thong bottom, the thin strip of red material separating my butt cheeks. I hear his low groan when I tie the strings of the top and give my breasts a little shake, to make sure they’re in securely.

  Finally, I turn and face Grant where he sits on the couch. He’s not even bothering to hide the hard flesh tenting his dress pants. Or the warning in his eyes.

  Knowing he wouldn’t hurt me if his very life depended on it, I feel totally safe taunting the eye of the storm, however. While Janice is distracted, I put some extra swing in my hips and cross to the couch, sitting down on Grant’s lap, tucking my backside into his groin area and feeling the enormous ridge of his manhood.

  “Christ,” he says on an exhale, thrusting his hips up. “Don’t do this to me, princess. We’ve almost made it.”

  “Made it where?” I don’t wait for him to answer, but turn in his lap, eliciting another growl from that perfectly masculine mouth. I’m all prepared to purr something seductive in his ear, but instead I say, “You didn’t come for your hug today.”

  His eyes close briefly. “Believe me, I missed it more than you did.” He runs a hand up my bare thigh, resting it on my hip, rocking me against him and gritting his teeth. “I look forward to that time with you every day more than I ever looked forward to anything in my life.”

  Certain he’s close to admitting he wants me—or maybe even loves me—I know I have to push. Wear him down. If he’s being noble for my sake, he needs to know it’s unnecessary. “So don’t leave anymore,” I whisper against his mouth. “Lie down with me, kiss me and take my clothes off—”

  “You can’t make that decision yet,” he says harshly, his fingers splaying on my belly and moving higher, toward my breasts. “I’m your caretaker, Sienna.”

  “You’re my Grant,” I sob, pushing aside the triangles of my bikini top and letting my nipples peek out. “Everything else is just details.”

  “Maybe to you,” he chokes out, his gaze eating me alive, from the tips of my breasts to the scrap of red barely concealing my femininity. “But God help me, I need to do this right.”

  “There’s nothing more right than you and me.”

  His fingers graze my right nipple and I arch my back, mewling. “In time, you will be correct,” Grant rasps. “But I think you’re forgetting we have an audience.”

  He’s right. I completely forgot. Sitting on Grant’s lap in nothing but a string bikini and having his undivided attention—and touch—is heaven on earth and everything else has faded to the background. Cheeks burning, I look over at Janice and find her turned away as she makes some notes on a pad of paper. Any minute, she could glance back at us. Grant and I won’t have this illusion of privacy for long, but lord, I don’t want to leave this sanctuary. His erection is huge against my bottom and there’s no way I can try on any more clothes when every inch of my skin is achingly sensitive. I need more. I need to feed my body whatever it’s after.

nbsp; No guts no glory.

  I reach up and thread my fingers into his hair, twisting a little in his lap. “I got your present,” I whisper. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” His fingertips drag lightly up and down my thigh, coming dangerously close to my mound. “Just don’t get used to owning one of those.”

  “How can I get used to my present when I don’t know how to use it?”

  “You don’t know how—” His mouth snaps into a grim line. “Sienna.”

  Okay, so he’s skeptical. But I’m not one hundred percent fibbing. Until I read the instructions, I didn’t even know the function of the gold wand. So I give my stepbrother the most innocent, wide-eyed look I can muster and continue to toy with his hair. “Is it a back massager? I mean…I suppose that might help me sleep, but—”

  “You know damn well what it is.”

  I shake my head, sending blonde hair curling around my breasts and shoulders. He watches it arrange itself in rapt fascination, his shaking fingers creeping ever closer to the juncture of my thighs. “No, I don’t. Will you show me?”

  Perspiration is begging to break out on his brow and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Grant Foster—the overlord of Wall Street—so ruffled. His arousal is so stiff now it’s wedged up in between my butt cheeks and the position is so much more pleasurable than I would have expected. I wiggle on it and he growls. “You’re killing me, little girl.”

  For some reason, when Grant calls me “little girl,” something hot and delicious coils up inside of me, like a snake getting ready to strike. He’s never used that endearment with me before. It’s always “princess.” I love him calling me “princess.” But the term “little girl” makes me feel small and cherished and girly. I want him to say it again and again.

  “I don’t want to try on more clothes. You spoil me so much already,” I murmur, laying my head on his shuddering chest and playing with the buttons of his shirt. “You give me almost every single thing I want.”

  Grant stiffens. “Almost?”

  Peering up at him, I nod. “I want kisses. From just you.” Hot moisture presses behind my eyes. “When I don’t get them, I feel sad.”

  “No.” Some of the color leaves his face. “No, princess. Don’t be sad. I can’t stand it.”

  Against my will, more moisture wells in my eyes.

  He makes a harsh sound. Without taking his attention off me, he calls to Janice. “She’ll take one of everything. Shoes to match.” Finally, his fingertips brush across my sex and I jolt, sucking in a breath. “Leave us,” he shouts.

  We stare at one another as Janice gathers her things and clicks from the room in her high heels. In the distance, I hear the apartment door snick shut and then we’re alone. Grant leans in, his gaze rapt on my mouth, but instead of bringing our mouths together, he lays me down on the couch and stands. He lets me look over the thick ridge in his pants leg, stroking it just once with his big hand before turning to stride across the room. My mouth falls open when he plucks the vibrator box off the bookshelf and returns to me.

  “I’m aware of your movements at all times, Sienna,” he drawls, planting one knee on the couch and the other between my legs. “Remember that.”

  I should be embarrassed over getting caught smuggling in sex toy contraband, not turned on over my stepbrother’s awareness of me.

  My bad.

  Grant watches me through narrowed eyes while opening the box, taking out the gold wand and tossing the packaging aside. Then he sets it down beside my thigh and loosens his tie, removing it and dropping it on the floor, leaving him in the white shirt with rolled up sleeves and black dress pants. His virility, power and masculine beauty keep me pinned to the couch as he leans over me, half-covering my body with his own. “Now you know, Sienna. All this time you could have broken me with tears.” He presses me down into the cushions with his weight, groaning when our lower bodies lock together. “I would tear down my empire and sell the parts for scrap to stop you from crying.” His mouth comes to a rest against mine and a thrill blows down my spine. “How do you plan to use your weapon against me, little girl?”

  There’s that endearment again. It turns over new soil inside me and I find my thighs spreading wider, my voice emerging in an innocent purr against his partially open lips. “To make you play with me.” I rub the arches of my feet up and down his calf muscles. “To make you kiss me.” Without breaking the contact of our mouths, I pick up the gold vibrator and press it into his grip. “To make you teach me what I need.”

  His groan is guttural. A surrender.

  And then my stepbrother is kissing me for the first time.

  A firework explodes and blossoms in my belly, my thoughts blurring into swipes of color and sound. His texture is rough and smooth, all at the same time, his nighttime beard abrading my chin while his tongue gentles me from the inside. I’m his human sacrifice. This is where I want to die, beneath him on the couch, being conquered by his mouth. And Lord, does he conquer. The sounds of hunger coming from deep in his chest and throat coax my whimpers to life as he angles his head one way, then the other, tasting me deeply and without gentleness. All the while, he drags his erection side to side against my right hip, rubbing that turgid flesh there, growing more insistent until he’s humping me.

  Finally, he breaks the kiss with a growl and presses his forehead to mine. “I’ve spent a year wondering what you’d taste like when I finally pried those pretty lips open and tongued you, Sienna. Somehow you’re even sweeter than I ever imagined.” He licks into my mouth, groaning as our tongues meet and rub against each other. “The first time we met, you kissed my cheek with these sweet, pink lips and I almost turned my head and ate you alive, right in front of our parents. I’ve hungered for this fucking mouth, princess. Every word that comes out of it, every piece of food it chews, has been a taunt aimed directly at me.”

  His words are a symphony for my senses. “I’ve just been waiting to give it to you.”

  “Make no mistake, your mouth has been mine this whole time.” He frames my jaw with a hand. “All fucking mine.”

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  “That goes for every single inch of you. From the crown of your head to your pinkie toes.” His hand tightens just a touch on my jaw, tilting my head up so I meet his eyes. “You are your brother’s perfect little princess.”

  If I thought the ache between my legs was bad before, I had no idea how much worse it could get. Every word out of Grant’s mouth makes my core clench and produce moisture. I’m wet and quaking inside my bikini bottoms, unable to keep my thighs still where they circle Grant’s hips. “Are you…all mine, though?” I ask, giving voice to the concern that has plagued me since I can remember. “Or are there other, um…”

  For a beat, he seems almost perplexed by my question, but understanding dawns and immediately gives way to disbelief. “Other women don’t exist for me, Sienna,” he says harshly, as if the very idea of touching anyone else disgusts him. Knowing he’s been faithful to the relationship I’ve pined for in my head makes me pine all the harder for him to possess me fully.

  “I hurt all over,” I gasp. “I need…”

  “Shhh,” he breathes against my mouth, his hand dropping away from my jaw. “I take care of you in every single way. And very soon, Sienna, you’re going to find out what it means to take care of me, too. It’s how you’ll spend your mornings, nights and weekends. Taking care of me from your back or hands and knees.”

  Another firework goes off below my belly button. Pow. “I want to start now,” I sob.

  “No. I’ve made my vow and I won’t break it,” he grits out, robbing me of thought with another hard kiss. “It’s bad enough that I’m dry fucking your half-naked little body.” My disagreements are stemmed when I hear a buzz. It’s almost imperceptibly quiet, but I can feel the vibration in Grant’s hand. It goes through me and makes me moan. “But I can’t deny my princess something she needs, so open your thighs and let me satisfy my girl’s virgin pus

  I follow his instructions blindly, staring down the writhing length of my body, marveling over the size difference between me and my stepbrother. How much leashed power his body radiates as he moves to one side, reaches down between my spread legs and gently, so, so gently touches the speeding vibrator to my clitoris through the bikini bottoms.

  My scream is so unexpected, it gets trapped in my throat. Flames lick up my torso and I can’t fill my lungs. My thighs shoot together, but Grant takes away the mind-blowing buzz when I do that, so I open them again and whimper for more.

  “Look at those pretty schoolgirl tits,” he says hoarsely. “Spilling out of that tiny bikini. I’d love to fuck you blind right now, princess.”

  “Yes.” I twist my fingers in his shirt. “Yes.”

  “Did your pussy get wet parading around in front of me wearing nothing but strings?”


  “Oh, I know, little girl.” He slides the vibrator inside my bikini bottoms and presses it down hard on my clitoris. “I can feel it.”

  “Grant,” I wail. “Please don’t stop. Please.”

  He presses a button on the device and it starts to pulse. Oh God. Oh my God. It’s the most incredible torture. Awful and amazing at the same time. “Your first orgasm was supposed to seep out all over my cock, Sienna. But you have a horny pussy that needs attention now, don’t you?” He introduces the back curve of the vibrator to my entrance, tucking it just inside and grinding on the sensitive ring of skin, making my back arch on another scream. “Who does it need, princess?”

  “You.” My body twists and writhes on the couch. “It needs you, Daddy.”

  My eyes fly open on a shocked gasp and lock with Grant’s. A hot wave of primal satisfaction radiates from his muscular body, but I watch as he struggles to subdue it, not without a concerted effort. Did I do something wrong? Why won’t he say anything?


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