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Love Under the Mistletoe

Page 5

by Anthology

  This position was fantastic. I wrapped my legs around him and he seemed so deep within me that he hit all the right spots with each thrust. As well as that, because we were facing each other I could look into his eyes as he claimed me and see the mutual desire reflected right back in his blue depths. The intimacy of our liaison soon had me swelling towards a huge climax and as I came around him, Sean continued to stare into my eyes and draw out my orgasm with his skilled movements.

  He barely broke eye contact once the entire time; in fact I think the only time he closed his eyes was when he threw back his head to climax as he rammed himself inside me so forcefully that it sparked a second, smaller climax from me and had me whimpering and burying my face in his neck as the bar stool rocked from his fierce thrusts.

  I was clinging to him like a limpet, unable to move, but Sean simply wrapped his arms around me, and then with his softening erection still buried inside me he carried me upstairs. Every step with him inside me caused my channel to pulse around him and by the time he had carried me to an unfamiliar bedroom – his, I assumed – he was groaning his approval and semi hard again. With a low, amused curse he laid me down, gently pulled out of me and then wrapped the covers under my chin. Flashing me a grin as he ruefully eyed his cock which was now almost fully hard again, he disposed of the condom and then crawled in beside me, dragging me into his arms.

  We snuggled for quite some time, but even though it was only early afternoon I started to get sleepy from our sexual antics and decided I should probably move back to my own room to avoid any awkwardness later. Sitting up I started to slide from the bed when Sean’s hand reached over and caught my wrist tugging me back towards him.

  ‘Don’t you want me to leave?’ I asked softly, trying to hide the excitement at the thought that he might want me to stay with him. It would sure beat going back to my freezing cold bed sheets for a post-sex snooze; that was for sure.

  ‘No. Stay,’ he murmured, looking at me quizzically with an expression I really couldn’t understand.

  The two of us snoozed for a time and when I woke up I found that Sean was still cradling me against him. I knew he was awake, because one of his hands was trailing gently through my hair and I couldn’t help but push closer to his contact. ‘Sleep well?’ he enquired, and I’m fairly sure from his tone that there was a smile on his lips.

  Grinning myself I looked up at him, ‘Yep. You wore me out,’ I joked. He smiled along with me, but then suddenly his eyes darkened and he began chewing on his lip as he looked away from me, apparently agitated.

  Wondering if I had done something wrong I tried to sit up, only to have Sean pull me closer to his body, holding me tightly as if he was worried I was going to escape, and then as I relaxed against him he let out a long sigh. ‘I need to keep you close,’ he muttered. Snuggling into him to reassure him, I was just trying to work out what he meant when he started to speak again. ‘The day that Elena went snorkelling and had her accident … I … I told her I was tired, but in reality I was sleeping with another woman,’ he confessed suddenly, his words coming out in a rush.

  My eyebrows practically rose to my hairline. Wow, no wonder he felt guilty. ‘I feel awful, still to this day I blame myself for her death, if I’d been there I would never have let her go behind the boat, but I wasn’t, I was screwing some waitress instead.’

  Gulping down my shock, I wasn’t quite sure what to say or do. As irrational and insensitive as it was I initially felt a pang of jealousy towards the waitress, but then had to forcefully push that aside and consider how to respond. His girlfriend had died for goodness sake, I needed to get a grip on my emotions. It turned out I didn’t have to say anything, because Sean continued. ‘We were both so young; we’d met on a film shoot and ended up fooling around a bit, we weren’t ever officially dating even though the press declared us as an item, but we were filming together for four months and hooked up quite a bit. I suppose it was kind of a friends with benefits set up.’

  Reaching up he ran a hand through his hair in apparent agitation. ‘The day of the snorkelling trip I’d been chatting to a pretty waitress at breakfast. She made it perfectly clear that I could have her if I wanted, and the prospect of a hot blonde in my bed beat a snorkelling trip hands down. So that’s why I wasn’t there to help Elena, perhaps it would still have happened, who knows, but I felt like utter shit. I’ve never dated properly since in case I fail like that again.’

  Pushing me backwards so he could look into my eyes he stared at me intently, ‘You need to understand that I was barely nineteen, sex was kinda new for me so I was taking advantage of the fact that I was getting plenty of offers. I’m not like that now, Allie. The rumours about me and my female co-stars are a load of rubbish, I swear to you that’s the truth.’

  For some reason I believed him; he might be an actor, and a good one at that, but I highly doubted he was faking this; his eyes were glazed and sincere and the look of utter desolation on his face so real that my own eyes had begun to sting with unshed tears. ‘I believe you,’ I murmured, pushing myself upright so I could lean over him. Stroking his cheek I shook my head, ‘The accident wasn’t your fault Sean, you need to forgive yourself. It was a horrible, horrible thing, but it could have happened regardless of whether you were there or not.’

  ‘Maybe.’ He gazed up at me, his eyes softening. ‘I hope this goes a little way to explaining why I was so brusque with you at first.’ He stroked my cheek and a small smile curled his mouth. ‘I was attracted to you instantly. As crazy as this sounds, Allie, as soon as we met I felt a connection with you that I haven’t ever felt before, and that terrified me.’ Pausing he licked his lips and I couldn’t help but follow his movements. ‘That’s why I tried to keep you at a distance. I … I don’t ever want to let you down like that.’

  Sean was almost talking as if this was a long term relationship and not just a few-day fling, but I didn’t let myself get too caught up in his words. He was full of emotion at the moment, his memories of Elena no doubt affecting his words.

  Letting out a long breath as if finally releasing some small fragment of his past, Sean chewed on his bottom lip before eventually nodding and tipping his head up to place a soft kiss on my lips. ‘Thank you for listening, and for not judging me. It means more to me than you can imagine,’ he murmured, before pulling me down into a crushing hug. His cuddle had nothing to do with sex, it wasn’t even a prelude to something naughty, but to me, the minutes spent in his arms were some of the best of my life so far.

  After Sean’s huge confessions in bed he was quiet and reflective for a while, but once we were up and about, lighting a fire and pottering around preparing some food he seemed to lighten up, his mood definitely improving more and more as the evening wore on. When we sat down together for dinner he was actually being affectionate, jokey and kind, like a totally new man, and as I fell asleep in his arms later that night after another delicious round of sex I decided that I had high hopes for this Christmas after all.

  Chapter Six

  Christmas Day morning literally couldn’t have started off in a better way. First I woke up early snuggled against Sean’s side with him possessively holding on to me in his sleep, which made me grin as broadly as a Cheshire cat. Then, after drifting back to sleep I was woken by the confusing sensation of a delicious warmth travelling up my leg from my knee to my inner thigh, which turned out to be Sean under the covers – or more specifically Sean’s mouth, as he explored what seemed like every inch of my skin with his lips and tongue.

  Every time I tried to squirm away from his teasing exploration he would growl, pin me to the bed more firmly with his hands, and then when I’d stilled he’d continue with a little happy sigh. Eventually, after what seemed like hours of his incredible torment, his hands left me and I watched as the duvet formed a large lump as he obviously sat up on his knees. Hearing the rip of a condom packet I then experienced several seconds of almost unbearable anticipation before I felt him crawling up my body.
r />   His face finally emerged from below the covers with flushed cheeks, ruffled hair, and a thoroughly wicked twinkle in his blue eyes. ‘Merry Christmas, Allie,’ he murmured as he shifted to his elbows, aligned himself with my moist entrance, and pushed himself inside of me in one firm thrust.

  My first Christmas greeting to him was a soft swear word at the suddenness of his delicious intrusion, then recovering myself with a gasp I shifted slightly to accommodate his size and smiled shyly at him, ‘Merry Christmas, Sean.’

  Our rhythm was slow and gentle and relaxed. Sean used his skilful hips to thrust smoothly in and out of me, making sure to hit all the right places, but at a tempo that while turning me on immensely wasn’t quite fast enough to take me over the edge. Before long I was begging him to take me ‘hard and fast’, a comment that made him grin first, before he complied, pushing himself deeply inside me with more force until our hips were banging together and our earlier gentle rhythm was well and truly forgotten. The sound of our pleasured moans and sweaty bodies moving against each other filled the air and after several more hard thrusts I came undone, screaming his name and gripping his back so hard that I no doubt left nail marks. With a groan of approval Sean bucked inside of me two more times before finding his own release and collapsing on top of me.

  My arms were flung above my head, Sean was practically unconscious on my stomach and my body was still receiving lovely little aftershocks from my incredible orgasm. Best sex ever.

  Showered, dressed, and in an insanely good mood, I was now in the kitchen about to try and work out what I could cook for our Christmas dinner. Deciding to continue this morning’s festive spirit I turned on the radio in the kitchen and retuned it until I heard the familiar crooning tones of Bing Crosby singing ‘White Christmas’. Glancing towards the snow covered garden I smiled contentedly, how very appropriate!

  Humming along with Bing I set about scouring the fridge, freezer, and cupboards for possible menu options. There was no turkey obviously, because apparently Sean hated it, and we were fast running out of fresh ingredients. I hated using frozen food, rarely ever did at home, but here, after six days of being snowed in there was little choice. There was a bag of roast potatoes and a beef joint in the freezer, which I now had out and defrosting, some slightly bendy carrots in the fridge, a can of peas, and all the ingredients needed for Yorkshire puddings, so a roast beef dinner it would be. It wouldn’t be the most fantastic Christmas dinner ever, but at least it would be slightly special, and given the circumstances, was about the best I could do.

  Christmas morning sex with an incredible man and now cheesy Christmas songs on the radio. I sighed happily, this day couldn’t really get any better. I was midway through belting out my best accompaniment to Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’, when I became aware of Sean entering the kitchen grinning in amusement at my no doubt tuneless wailing.

  Flushing with embarrassment I snapped my mouth shut and tried to supress my smile by rolling my lips between my teeth. ‘All you want for Christmas is me, eh?’ he asked, strolling towards me with a twinkle in his eye. His cheeky tone made me smile, but also feel a twinge of sadness knowing that this thing between us was no doubt going to end when the snow melted. Unaware of my sudden melancholy Sean rested his hands on my hips and placed a quick kiss on my nose. ‘Well, your wish is my command. I’m all yours, sweet girl,’ he murmured, before moving his lips to my mouth and kissing me softly. He was mine. For today at least, I thought with a sad smile.

  Once I had shelved my sad thoughts the rest of our Christmas day was fantastic; there might not have been any Christmas decorations or presents, but we’d spent the morning listening to Christmas songs on the radio while snuggling up together in front of a roaring log fire which Sean had lit.

  At lunch time we’d eaten the beef roast, and it had been delicious. Actually, considering my limited ingredients it had turned out far better than expected, the meat was succulent and tender, the potatoes crispy and moreish and after devouring four of my Yorkshire puddings Sean had pronounced them to be the best he’d ever eaten.

  Our afternoon had been one of pure indulgence as we snoozed and snuggled together on Sean’s huge sofa, which was just ideal for a lazy day like this, and proved to be perfect for afternoon love making too.

  Chapter Seven

  Boxing Day morning broke clear and bright and as I made my way to the bedroom window I was amazed to see the snow outside was thawing it last. I was finally free to leave, but the relief I’d thought would engulf me didn’t emerge at all, in fact, if anything I felt disappointment sear my heart at the thought of leaving Sean.

  Sighing heavily I tried to rouse my spirits. All in all it had been a pretty incredible two days with Sean, one of my best ever Christmases by far, and I needed to appreciate what we’d had for what it was; a quick, enjoyable fling. Blushing, I licked my lips and grinned. If I was being truthful I needed to rephrase that last thought; we’d had a quick, amazing, mind-blowing, best-orgasms-ever fling. My giggles faded with a small sigh, there was no way in the world that someone like Sean – a Hollywood heartthrob – would be interested in more than that with someone like me – a normal everyday school teacher.

  Reluctantly packing up my minimal amount of possessions, I folded the clothes that Sean had leant me and wrote him a quick note thanking him for his hospitality. As quietly as I could, I then made my way to the front door, hoping to escape an awkward goodbye where I would no doubt get far more emotional than he would be expecting or hoping.

  My stealth skills apparently weren’t very good, because I only made it as far as the front door before he caught me. Or perhaps secretly I was hoping he’d catch me … ‘Wait! You’re leaving?’ Sean called urgently from the kitchen doorway and he jogged across the large expanse of lounge towards me, frowning.

  Shuffling awkwardly on my feet I smiled weakly at him, feeling my chest tighten in a way that told me that I’d definitely fallen harder for this guy than I should have allowed. ‘Yeah … I need to get back really …’

  Stepping closer to me, well within my personal space as he always did, Sean looked down at me with an unreadable expression on his face. ‘I can’t believe you were going to leave without telling me,’ he murmured, and I now realised that the expression on his face had been hurt mixed with confusion.

  His apparent upset made me feel so ridiculously guilty that I only just held myself back from throwing myself into his arms in apology, but that wouldn’t help either of us in the long run. ‘I didn’t want to … I just thought it might make things easier if I slipped out.’

  Inclining his head to one side Sean still looked a little put out and now I felt really awful, not to mention awkward. This was the very reason I’d wanted to sneak away, to avoid a scene just like this one. ‘Plus, a snowplough went up the road about half an hour ago and your lovely neighbour seems to be clearing your driveway for you,’ I said with an amused expression, trying to lighten the mood as I indicated with my thumb to the guy outside shovelling snow like his life depended on it.

  ‘Really?’ Sean’s tone lifted as he leaned around the curtains to watch as the heavily coated man continued shovelling fiercely at the layers of snow. Finally a smile curved his lips, ‘Ahh, that’s Sam. He’s my gardener in the summer but I pay him all year round so he randomly turns up and does jobs for me throughout the year.’

  Turning back to me Sean sobered his face. ‘Look … before you go, can I get your number?’

  I sighed and allowed a sad smile to slip to my lips. This had been my main reason for wanting to leave undetected. ‘Sean, we’ve had fun … especially since you stopped acting like a bear with a sore head … but you don’t have to try and make me feel good by pretending it was more than that.’ I was a realist, and as much as I’d like it to be the case, I knew that a film star dating a school teacher wasn’t exactly a likely combination.

  There was long pause where he simply stared at me. ‘OK.’ He shrugged. I felt my stomach
drop at his confirmation as Sean tilted his head and shoved his hands into the pockets of jeans. Talk about awkward. It was definitely time to leave, but as I turned away he caught my elbow. ‘What if I still want your number anyway?’ he asked coyly, a small smile on his lips that made my heart squeeze ridiculously in my chest before I gave in with a laugh and sigh at the same time.

  ‘Fine.’ I shook my head, positive that Sean was just trying to make my exit less uncomfortable by requesting my number. Digging out a pen from my handbag I scrawled my number on the back of a shop receipt and held it out to him. ‘I won’t hold my breath,’ I teased lightly with a wry smile, wishing that what he was saying could only be true.

  ‘I wouldn’t if I were you, providing the weather holds so that I can fly out I’ll be filming in the Colorado hills for the next week so I probably won’t have phone reception, but …’ He paused, reaching out for the phone number he instead grabbed my wrist and tugged me against him, ‘I will call. Make sure you stay safe until I get back.’ Then he lowered his lips to mine and I found myself helpless to protest as he gave me a goodbye kiss that I’d never forget.

  Chapter Eight

  Several weeks had passed since I’d left my snow enforced stay at Sean’s house … two weeks, five days, and twelve hours to be precise, and I was seriously pissed off at myself for pining over him like a schoolgirl with a crush. As I had expected, Sean hadn’t called me. After making such a fuss about getting my phone number and then laying me with that stunning final kiss I’d stupidly believed for a while that he actually might, and had answered my phone with enthusiasm for at least ten days, but now reality had set in and I was simply trying to get him out of my system and move on.


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