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In the Arms of an Earl

Page 2

by Rose Pearson

  “Regardless of what Amelia believes, you know what my intentions are, Harmonia,” Luke continued, so softly that Harmonia had to strain to hear him. “Do not forget that.”

  He turned around and walked away into the crowd, leaving her to stare after him. Apparently, she had not convinced him about her lack of regard, even though it had been made clear to him multiple times. Deep in her heart, she had hoped that he might come to accept how she felt, that he might even be caught by another young lady’s attentions, but it appeared not to be the case.

  “What did he say to you?” Amelia murmured, as they began to walk through the guests once more. “And what dances did he put himself down for?”

  Harmonia shook her head, lifting her dance card. “The quadrille and the waltz.”

  Amelia stopped dead, her face a mixture of frustration and anger. “I specifically said –”

  “He is used to getting what he wants,” Harmonia reminded her, with a slight shrug. “I cannot refuse him.”

  Amelia shook her head, her face a little red. “You could always be in the retiring room when it is time for the waltz,” she muttered, before continuing to walk to the side of the ballroom. “Come now, we need to greet a few more acquaintances.”

  Harmonia smiled and nodded to a few more of her friends, before being greeted by a gentleman she did not recognize. He seemed to know Amelia and Lord Northfell. That led to even more introductions to other ladies and gentlemen and, very soon, Harmonia had her dance card all but filled. It brought her a great deal of happiness to know that she was wanted and desired by those in the room, that her company was now sought after. She did not feel like the wallflower she usually was at such things as this, grateful for Amelia’s guidance and help.

  Listening politely to one gentleman talking about his recent purchase of a pair of greys, Harmonia suddenly caught sight of the blue-eyed gentlemen from only a few minutes before. He was now talking to a young lady, standing just behind Amelia. She could not help but study him for a moment, taking in his strong features and broad shoulders. He was impeccably dressed, with not so much as a hair out of place and, for whatever reason, Harmonia felt drawn to him.

  Which was quite ridiculous, given that she did not so much as know his name. As she gave herself a stern talking to, the gentleman looked up and caught her gaze, only for Harmonia to drag hers immediately away from him and back to the gentlemen who had been speaking to her about his stables. A flush of embarrassment crept up into her cheeks, almost feeling the blue-eyed gentleman’s gaze remaining on her – although she dared not look back at him. It was almost a relief when Lord Donaghy came to claim her for his dance for that meant she was no longer in close proximity to the mysterious gentlemen. At least while dancing, she would no longer feel confused and distracted by him. She need to focus on making sure each step was done correctly.

  Lord Donaghy was a polite, genteel young man with a sparkling wit and sharp eyes. He complimented her on her dancing, smiled at her response and made a joke about one of the fop’s choice of cravat which made Harmonia laugh. He was, all in all, a very nice young man although there was no spark of interest in Harmonia’s heart.

  When the dance came to a close, Lord Donaghy led her back towards Amelia, still chatting amicably. Harmonia was enjoying the conversation, but her response died on her lips as she saw her sister talking with a small group of gentlemen and ladies, which included the blue-eyed gentleman from before.

  Her heart began to hammer wildly in her chest as she drew near, seeing the gentleman look over at her, his smile widening as he took her in.

  “Ah, Harmonia,” her sister exclaimed, a smile on her face. “I was just making some new acquaintances although, I confess, that I have not quite got to know everyone’s name just yet! Of course, you know Lady Sophia Winterthorn.”

  “Yes, yes of course,” Harmonia replied, a little breathlessly. “This is Lord Donaghy, to those of you who might not know him.”

  Lord Donaghy gave a short bow, the conversation beginning to flow again – and yet Harmonia could not look anywhere but the blue-eyed gentleman.

  “I confess that I do not yet know your name,” the blue-eyed gentleman asked her, seemingly ignorant of everyone else around him.

  His voice was deep and rich, his expression warm as he drew near her. Harmonia drew in a sharp breath, her skin tingling all over as he smiled at her.

  “This is precisely why I have come to London, sir,” she replied, quickly, hoping that she was not speaking too quickly nor appearing too eager. “My acquaintances are in much smaller number in the country, mostly because there is a severe lack of society particularly during the winter.”

  She was babbling now. She knew it and her cheeks warmed immediately.

  “I quite understand,” he said with a smile, his gaze still fixed on her own. “I suppose we must give up convention and introduce ourselves to one another without your sister or another being involved.”

  Harmonia felt her smile spread across her face, pleasure spinning through her. “Indeed, I think we must. I am –”

  “Ah, there you are!”

  A loud, brash voice interrupted her and, looking behind her, Harmonia saw none other than Luke striding towards her.

  “Come now, it is our dance and I will not lose this opportunity,” Luke said, coming to stand beside her, her gaze on the gentleman she had been talking to. “Nor will I give you up to another.”

  Harmonia, mortified by Luke’s arrogant speech, turned towards him and gave him a tight smile. “Yes, of course,” she said at once, suddenly desperate to get Luke as far away from the gentlemen as she could. “Do excuse me, sir,” she murmured, giving the gentleman one last look, trying to hide her frustration that she still did not know his name.

  “But of course,” he replied, with an easy smile. “I will not keep you. Good evening.”

  Harmonia did not have time to reply, having been quickly hurried away by Luke. She did not enjoy the dance, despite Luke’s clear delight at having her all to himself. She found him frustrating, irritating and much too full of himself. He did not take her refusal of his intentions to marry her seriously, seemingly believing that if he continued to pursue her enough, she would simply agree. Was she truly that weak? Did he see her as this small, easily intimidated, eventually willing to do what he asked if he pressured her enough?

  The evening began to lose some of its sparkle, her heart sinking into her toes as Luke twirled her around the floor and, suddenly, all she wanted was to return home.

  Chapter Three

  “Did you enjoy the ball last evening?”

  Harmonia threw a sidelong glance over towards Amelia as they walked through the park, wondering how much to give away. “I was enjoying myself until Luke…”

  Amelia sighed as Harmonia struggled to find the words to explain his behavior last night.

  “Luke acted rather possessive, did he not?”

  “Yes, that is it precisely,” Harmonia agreed, with a small shake of her head. “He seems to think that I belong to him when, all the while, I have been doing all I can to dissuade him.”

  Amelia grimaced. “Maybe I should say something to him.”

  Harmonia shook her head. “I do not think he would so much as listen.” Frowning, she paused in her walk and looked over at her sister. “You do not think he would go to papa directly, do you? As I said, papa is now quite eager for me to wed and I know he has a fondness for Luke.”

  Her sister did immediately answer, making Harmonia’s worry rise even further.

  “I do not know what Luke will do in order to get what he wants,” Amelia replied, eventually. “But you should perhaps speak to papa before Luke has the chance, just in case you are right to be as worried as you are. I can go with you, if you wish.”

  Harmonia nodded slowly, her stomach tightening. “I may take you up on that offer, Amelia. I am concerned that Luke is determined to have me as his wife – but I am equally determined to refuse him. I do not think that he
expects me to be so stubborn, however. I think he believes that he can bend me to his will in time.”

  “Then you shall just have to make yourself more than clear over and over until he finally backs away,” Amelia declared, now appearing a little cross over Luke’s behavior. “Why that man has been intent on pursuing you, I shall never understand.” Throwing a quick look over at Harmonia, Amelia tried to smile. “Not that you are not worth pursing, Harmonia, but not by a man who has been told repeatedly that you are not interested in furthering your acquaintance with him. He is as stubborn as a mule!” She tossed her head and began to walk again, muttering to herself.

  Harmonia smiled to herself and continued to walk alongside her sister, her anxiety slowly fading away. She knew that Amelia would stick by her and was truly grateful for her company, especially when it came to matters of the heart. Amelia had been through a difficult time herself before she found Lord Northfell and she appreciated her determination to ensure that Harmonia was, in no way, to be tied to Luke.

  “Might I ask, was your attention caught by anyone else at the ball last evening?” Amelia asked, after a few minutes of silence. “You were introduced to a great many people, I know, but was there anyone in particular you might wish to know more about?”

  Immediately, the image of the blue-eyed gentleman threw itself into Harmonia’s mind and she felt her face blush with just the thought of him. Knowing that she could be entirely honest with Amelia, Harmonia told her about the man in question.

  “I was actually wondering if you knew a certain gentleman’s name,” she began, as Amelia lifted one eyebrow in anticipation. “The only reason I am asking is because I was in the middle of conversation with him – a bit of a strange conversation since neither of us had been introduced – but we were about to give one another our names and titles when Luke came to take me for the next dance.”

  Amelia pursed her lips, thinking hard. “He was in the group with us?”

  “Yes, he was,” Harmonia replied, her heart quickening just a little as she thought of him. “He had the bluest eyes I have ever seen and very dark hair. He was tall, even taller than Luke, and yet gave all the appearances of gentleness. I know it was most improper to be talking in such an easy manner without being introduced, but there was no-one able to do so and I did very much want to talk to him.”

  Amelia laughed, looping her arm through her sister’s. “You need not worry about that, Harmonia, certainly not for my sake. Convention has to be ignored sometimes, particularly at a ball! The man you are describing is, I think, the new Earl of Newford. He is only recently arrived in town, I think. I am quite sure we will see him again very soon at some ball or another.” She gave Harmonia a sidelong glance, her eyes filled with interest. “Do you think you might like to know him better?”

  “I do,” Harmonia replied, honestly. “He seemed like a pleasant fellow and I do think I would like to know him a little more.”

  “Then I shall do all I can to do just that,” Amelia declared, squeezing Harmonia’s arm. “I do not know anything about the man myself, but we shall both find out more about him. And I am glad there is someone that has caught your attention, for it shall be another way to try and dissuade Luke.”

  “Luke is….” The words died on Harmonia’s lips as a sudden shout caught her ears. Coming to a complete stop, she looked over at Amelia who was frowning heavily, her eyes narrowing as she looked out across the park.

  “Is that Luke?” she whispered, her heart squeezing with dread. “I really do not wish to see him.” The memory of how he had behaved only yesterday still clung to her mind, her dislike rolling up through her.

  “Then go for a walk on your own,” Amelia replied, with a quick smile. “I shall meet you back at the entrance to the park, shall I? I can try and distract Luke for you – although I will not guarantee that I shall be successful. It may be that he has already seen you.”

  Harmonia rushed away at once, her heart slamming into her chest with such force that she struggled to catch her breath. She did not want to see Luke, not now. His persistence continued to grate on her, her distress over his behavior only yesterday evening still upsetting her greatly. He had been rude, overbearing and possessive – and she did not so much as want to speak to him today.

  The trees, she hoped, would hide her and, glancing over her shoulder, she saw Luke approaching Amelia, gesticulating over – most likely – where Harmonia had got to. Not looking where she was going, she managed to run almost directly into the path of an oncoming rider. On hearing the shout of the man on horseback, she looked up and instantly stumbled back, a sharp pain coursing through her ankle.

  “My goodness!” the gentleman declared, pulling his horse to a complete stop and jumping down from his seat. “Are you quite all right?”

  Harmonia, her hand at her ankle, glanced up in mortification. “I am terribly sorry, that was entirely my own fault. I did not look where I was going and I –” Her words hung in the air as she realized that the gentleman looking down at her was none other than the blue-eyed gentleman from last evening.

  “Trying to get away from someone, it seemed. I quite understand,” the man replied, with a kind smile. “It appears we are finally going to be able to introduce ourselves. Phillip Marshal, Earl of Newford. Might I assist you in getting to your feet?”

  Harmonia consented at once, aware of just how ridiculous she must appear to be so crumpled on the ground. His presented arm was strong and, as she clung to it, she felt his free hand slip around her waist, helping her to rise. His touch burned her skin, making her blush with both embarrassment and awareness.

  “Ouch!” Trying to put her foot on the ground, Harmonia found that, whilst she could stand, there was still some lingering pain.

  “Twisted it, mayhap,” Lord Newford murmured, his eyes on hers. “Can I help you home, Miss….?”

  “Lady Harmonia,” she answered, her hands still clinging to his arm. “My father is the Duke of Westbrook.”

  “Glad to make your acquaintance,” Lord Newford said, quietly. “Now, what are we to do with you? I would be happy to escort you home, if you would consent to going onto the back of my horse? He is a gentle creature, despite appearances.”

  Harmonia looked up at the big, black stallion and managed to smile despite the pain in her foot. “I am sure he is, Lord Newford. I think I will be able to walk, thank you.” Her fingers loosened on his sleeve, both disappointed and relieved when his hand left her waist. “Thank you for your assistance.”

  “But of course,” he replied, with a small smile. “And I am glad to be introduced to you.”

  Harmonia opened her mouth to say that she was as glad as he, only for her name to be called. Closing her eyes briefly, she heard the sound of Luke’s voice coming ever closer and, with a brief smile towards Lord Newford, she turned towards her cousin.

  “This is my cousin, Lord Newford,” she murmured, as Luke drew closer. “My sister, Lady Amelia is with him.”

  Unfortunately for her, Luke continued to do exactly as he had done before and completely ignored Lord Newford, his eyes narrowed as he drew near her.

  “For heaven’s sake, Harmonia, whatever are you doing over here? Your sister and I have been looking all over for you.”

  Amelia, appearing just behind Luke, curtsied quickly towards Lord Newford and began to ask him what had happened, only for Luke to take Harmonia’s arm and begin to walk her away from both her sister and Lord Newford.

  “Luke!” Harmonia protested, her ankle burning. “Stop! I have twisted my ankle and you cannot simply –”

  “Whatever were you doing running away from me like that?” he interrupted, slowing his pace just a little. “That was quite ridiculous of you, Harmonia, and now look what has become of it! You have hurt yourself and now, as a consequence, will most likely not be able to dance at tomorrow evening’s ball. This is all your own fault; Harmonia and I do hope you learn from it.”

  Her face burned, and, with an effort, she wrenched her
arm from his, standing a little unsteadily. “I am not a child that you need to correct me, Luke,” she said, firmly, her frustration growing as she saw Amelia incline her head and take her leave of Lord Newford. “And it is not your place to take me away from the gentleman who was assisting me. Your rude manner is quite uncalled for.”

  Luke’s face grew a dark shade of red, his eyes narrowing as he glared at her. “You and I are –”

  “Now, Harmonia,” Amelia interrupted, cheerfully, taking Harmonia’s arm and smiling at her. “Let us get you home. Lord Newford said your ankle appeared to be twisted but you could walk on it.”

  “I am sure I will make it home,” Harmonia replied, wanting nothing more than to get away from Luke. “Good day, Luke.”

  “Oh, but I had hoped to –”

  “Good day,” Amelia interrupted, the cheerful smile still on her face. “I am quite sure we shall see you again very soon, Luke. I do wish you a pleasant afternoon.”

  And, so, without another word to him, the sisters continued their slow progress towards the park gate, leaving a rather frustrated and angry cousin Luke in their wake.

  Chapter Four

  Phillip, the Earl of Newford, groaned as the theatre curtain came down.

  “Whatever is the matter with you, Phillip?”

  Turning to his friend Lord Benjamin Marshall, Phillip shook his head. “It is quite all right for you, Marshall. You are married and settled and quite happy out to do as you please and go wherever you please without fear of any ladies coming to accost you.”

  “Accost you?” Lord Marshall repeated, with a look of astonishment. “And here I was thinking that you quite enjoyed the company of young ladies, Newford.”

  Phillip shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Of course, it is rather flattering, Marshall, but I find that none of them particularly interested in me.”

  “But they are,” Lord Marshall argued, his astonishment turning to confusion. “They are so interested in you that they practically haunt your every step!”


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