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Hewitt: Jagged Edge Series #1

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by A. L Long


  Copyright © 2016 A.L.Long

  About the Author































  Author Note

  Author Books

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  Copyright © 2016 A.L.Long

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in an for or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval sys ten, without the prior consent of the author

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictionally, and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Interior edited by H. Elaine Roughton

  Cover design by Antonio Stojcevski

  Formatting by Elvis Ouano

  This book is intended for mature adults only


  ISBN: 978-1533012937

  About the Author

  A. L. Long lives in Greeley, Colorado sharing a home with her wonderful husband and granddaughter. When she isn’t reading or writing, she enjoys spending time with friends. She also enjoys her morning jogs and family weekend outings. Out of everything, she most enjoys driving in her little two-seater convertible with the top down which she received from her gorgeous husband of twenty-one years.


  To my husband, who has been so supportive of my writing. If it weren’t for him my dream of writing would have never been fulfilled. I love you, sweetheart. And to my family whom I also love dearly. Through their love and support, I can continue my passion for writing.

  To the many readers, who took a chance on me and purchased my books. I hope that I can continue to fill your hearts with the passion I have grown to love.

  A special thank to all of the people that supported me at SPS. If you would like to learn about what they can offer you to become a self-publisher, please check out the link below. You will be thankful you did.



  By A. L. Long



  His lips were so close to mine that I could feel the warmth of his minty breath on my face. I could feel the thump of my heart beating against my chest the closer he came. All I wanted was to feel his lips on mine. His body pressed against me. So when he took my mouth, I welcomed him in. Parting my lips, his tongue thrust inside, giving me what I had desired since the first time I saw him. His strong hands began moving up and down my body, leaving me wanting more. Our kiss broke, but only so he could taste the arousal he caused to my body. The warmth of his mouth enveloped my pert nipple as he began tenderly kissing and sucking the hard bud. I could do nothing to tame my desire for him. I was his. As his mouth continued its ministration on my breasts, his hand began moving even further down my body. I only hoped that soon he would take me and relieve me of the burning need inside. I could feel the moisture building between my thighs as he continued his assault on my sensitized body. I wondered if he knew the effect he was having on me. My arousal for him deepened with my moans of pleasure when he spoke one word, "Beautiful," before he plunged his finger inside.

  "Wait, wait, no, no. Not yet." God, how I hated my alarm clock at this very moment, and just when I was about to get to the good part. It was the same dream over and over. Never getting to where it needed. Only leaving me wet, alone, and in need of release. It was no wonder that my handy butterfly vibrator which I now named "Max," wasn't worn out. We had a regular thing going on. I guess you could even call us a couple, seeing as how we went to bed together and woke up together. For two years, three months, and fourteen days, Max had been taking the place of the one man who constantly consumed my thoughts. I am Lilly Davis, daughter of Lawrence and Kate Davis, strong, confident and in command of my own life. Not even Peter Hewitt could take that from me. I only wished I had someone to share me with.

  As I pushed out of bed, I thought back to what my best friend Dylan used to say, "Everything happens for a reason. God has a plan for everyone." It seemed like just yesterday we were fighting about who was going to ask Bobby Jensen to the Sadie Hawkins dance or who was going to wear the shiny bracelet we found one day in the gym. That was, until our parents found out and we had to turn it into the Lost and Found at school. Who would have thought our lives would end up the way they did? Life was so much simpler then. Now, Dylan was married and had a beautiful baby boy named Isaac. I always knew she and Rade Matheson would end up together, I just didn't realize how it would impact our lives. She was blissfully happy and I was just, well, let’s just say... alone. Don't get me wrong. Of anyone, she deserved to be happy. I just wished it was me.

  While I was deep in thought about how my life sucked, I heard a knock at the door. It could only be the delivery I was expecting. I had to ship all of my personal belongings here since there was no way that I could get them all on the plane. I had accumulated so much stuff during my time in Paris, most of which was clothing. A girl had to keep up with the latest fashions.

  I wasn't exactly dressed in the best attire to answer the door, so I went to my bedroom and grabbed my robe to cover my cute teddy pajamas, which happened to be one of the first things I bought in Paris. Walking out of the room, I could hear the knocking getting louder and louder. Whoever was on the other side was very impatient. "Hold your horses. I'm coming."

  When I opened the door, an older chubby man pushed his electronic clipboard at me. "Sign here," he said, showing his annoyance with me.

  "Thanks," I said, taking the small device from him.

  "Where do you want my guys to put all your stuff?"

  "Anywhere will be just fine."

  When the delivery guy left, I couldn't believe how much stuff I actually accumulated. Box after box consumed every inch of my living room. Unpacking everything was just going to have to wait. There was something more important that I needed to get done first. I had to find a location for the new gallery. It had to be somewhere that would get a lot of exposure. Some place on Park Avenue would be nice, but I wasn't sure if anything would be available to rent. More importantly than that, I needed to get in touch with my bestie.

  Walking to the kitchen, I grabbed a cup of Java and headed back to my bedroom. Stripping off all my clothing, I headed to the bathroom. I to
ok a quick glance in the mirror, and saw someone that I hardly recognized. Living in Paris gave me time to take advantage of the beautiful scenery. I did a lot of hiking and biking. I even started going to the gym to work out. My efforts had certainly paid off. My body was more toned than it had ever been. I liked what I saw. Even my breasts were perkier than they had ever been. Rubbing my hands over my plump breasts, I could feel how much firmer they were. I needed to make it a priority to find a gym, something nearby. Who would have ever thought I would like working out? Looking at the results made me want to go even more.

  Spring was my most favorite time of year. Everything was beginning to turn green. Even the flowers were beginning to bud. It seemed like there were more people out and about as well. It was as if they were all coming out of hibernation. I needed to focus on getting ready instead of gazing out the window watching all the people. But before I did anything, I needed to give Dylan a call. Pulling my cell from my purse, I found her number and pressed send.

  "Hello," Dylan answered.

  "Bonjour, Mon ami," I said, with excitement.

  "Bonjour to you too. What has you so happy?"

  "Oh nothing, just the fact that it is a beautiful day." It was a beautiful day. I wanted to do something with my friend instead of wasting it unpacking boxes. "So do you have any plans for the day?"

  "I was going to take Isaac to the park. Do you want to come along?"

  "I would love to come. What time?" I couldn't wait to see my little godchild.

  "How about I pick you up in an hour? I need to finish packing lunch. I thought it would be nice to have a little picnic while we’re there."

  "Perfect. I'll see you in an hour. Au revoir,” I replied, ending our call. Dylan was always doing fun stuff, like picnics, with Isaac. She said it was important for him to get used to being around people and interact with other kids.

  If I was going to go to the park, I needed to change. The skirt and knit top I was wearing might not be the best attire to wear to the park. I decided to change into something a little bit more comfortable. I found my favorite pair of jeans, a New York Yankee’s t-shirt, and slipped them on. My hair was down, so I grabbed one of my hair ties and pulled it back into a pony. I was glad that my hair grew rather quickly since I had it cut shorter a few years ago.

  Dylan couldn't have arrived any sooner. I was so happy to see her. When she told me she was pregnant again with twins, my heart just about did somersaults. It was especially funny when she told me how Rade reacted to the news. She thought he was going to have a heart attack. I had never seen her so happy. I hope that when the day came for me to be a mom, I would be a good mom just like her.

  It was a short drive to Central Park. The park was always busy on Saturdays. It seemed like everyone in Manhattan was there. Since the park was so big, it wasn't hard to find a place to set up for our picnic. Isaac spotted the children's playground right away. He was so cute the way he kept tugging on my arm to take him to the play area.

  "Nant Illy, come, come," he said with excitement, pulling my arm with everything he had.

  "I'm coming, little guy," I said as he pulled me towards the playground. I never knew a child could be so strong.

  While Dylan was setting up the picnic area, Isaac and I played. Isaac tried to convince me that I needed to go on the jungle-gym with him. There was no way that was going to happen. Instead, I pointed him to the swing set, and offered to push him while he swung. It was an easy trade considering he loved to swing.

  By the time we finished playtime, I was exhausted and starving. Dylan already had everything laid out for us. She always thought of everything. She had our place settings perfectly placed on the picnic table along with more than enough food. Dylan made ham and cheese sandwiches for us, while little Isaac had peanut butter and jelly. She also brought fruit and chocolate chip cookies. I was hoping that the chocolate cookies were for me. What’s the fun in eating fruit, unless it happened to be the grape kind served in liquid form?

  We had so much fun at the park that we really didn't get much of a chance to really talk to one another. Isaac kept us both busy with the playground as we alternated in taking him. It was approaching two o’clock when Isaac finally had enough. He ended up falling asleep on the blanket that Dylan had spread out on the grass. She gathered Isaac in her arms, while I gathered everything else. He didn't even stir when she picked him up. He was out.

  On the way home, Dylan suggested I come to her house for a while. She thought we could catch up while Isaac took a nap. I hadn't spent any real girl time with anyone in such a long time, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity with my BFF. We had so many things to catch up on. The last time I spent any time with Dylan was the night her life fell apart.

  When she told me Rade was taking her to this sex club, I tried to convince her it was a bad idea. It was funny how things turned out. She managed to get past what happened to her. Now it’s a weekly thing for them. Not too sure how on board I was with this weekly "date night," but it seems to be working for them. Still, I would like to know how it fits into their lives, especially with little Isaac in the picture.



  Maria took little Isaac while Dylan and I settled on the back patio. When Dylan told me that Rade had found the perfect home for them on the outskirts of New York, I wasn't very happy being so far away from my friend. Even though I was still living in Paris, I knew that I would be coming back to New York and living here permanently. Call it selfishness, but I wanted to have my best friend close to me. I didn't want to waste any time driving to be with her, especially if I needed her when I was having an emotional breakdown, which I was having a lot of lately.

  So how are things with you since you moved back to the states?" Dylan asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

  "Pretty good, actually. All of my things arrived this morning from Paris. I still need to find a place for the new gallery, but other than that, really good." I shifted slightly in my seat, hoping that my answer satisfied her question.

  "That's not what I meant Lilly. I was referring to you and Peter. Have you seen him yet?" Dylan asked, smiling as she handed me a glass of ice tea.

  One thing about my friend, she could be direct and to the point at times. I shouldn't have been surprised though. I didn't give Dylan any reason to believe that my relationship with Peter was over. All she knew was that we had gone our separate ways when I moved to Paris. Now, that I was back, it only seems reasonable that we would hook up again. "I haven't seen Peter. To be quite honest, I'm not sure if I want to see him. We didn't end things with the best of terms when I left."

  "I just thought you guys would be able to work things out now that you’re back on a permanent basis. He still asks about you," Dylan confessed.

  "What do you mean, he still asks about me?" I shouldn't have cared, but deep down, I thought about Peter more than I should have. Even though things between us ended badly, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about him. He was the only man who could make me feel things that I had never felt before. I was by no means inexperienced, but some of the things he did to me, well, let's just say, you couldn't learn them from a self-help book.

  "He still cares about you, Lilly. I really think he feels bad about the way things ended between you two. I'm not telling you what to do, but you should think about talking to him. Give him another chance."

  Maybe Dylan was right. Everyone had secrets. Look at her life with Rade. He had enough secrets for the entire population of Manhattan. Everything worked out for them. She had a beautiful home, a beautiful little boy, and, a man who loved her more than anything. "I'll think about it," I replied. I just wasn’t sure if I was ready to get my heart broken again.

  Dylan grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, signaling her appreciation. "So what is this about a new gallery?"

  I was thankful that she had changed the subject. As I told her what my plans were, her eyes lit up with excitement. I almost believed she was m
ore excited than I was. She even offered to have Maria watch Isaac while we looked for a spot for the gallery together. Dylan even went as far as offering to help me name it.

  "I almost forgot," Dylan blurted out. "We are having a grand opening for Tetralogy. I want you to come."

  "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Dylan. Let me know when and where, and I'll be there." I knew how important this was for Dylan. She worked so hard in getting the new facility up and running. At first she wasn’t sure she would be able to run the new company Rade had purchased. I knew she would make it a great success, especially since everyone wanted the latest in new software to make their lives easier.

  "It's a couple of weeks away, but it will be at the new site. I'm very hopeful that there will be a lot of people there," Dylan said.

  "Knowing you, my friend, it will be a hit," I giggled, lifting my glass in a toast


  By the time Richard took me back to my condo, it was dinner time. Dylan had offered for me to stay, but I knew there were boxes waiting for me to unpack. I wished I had taken her up on her offer. When I opened the door, I was hit with twenty-plus boxes needing to be unpacked. I wasn't sure where I was going to start, but first things first. If I was going to tackle these boxes, I was going to do it in comfortable clothing. Heading to my bedroom, I took in a deep sigh of regret. "This is not how I planned on spending a Saturday night. Then again, what kind of plans did I really have?"


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