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Bear Pack's Nanny: A Reverse Harem Romance (Nanny Shifter Service Book 5)

Page 17

by Sky Winters

  “And I love you,” said Caleb.

  “And so do I,” said Nick.

  “And we want to spend the rest of our lives making you the happiest woman on earth.”

  Tears streamed from Cassie’s eyes. She’d never before felt so much joy.

  “Yes!” she shouted out, attracting the attention of everyone nearby. “And I love you all!”

  Josh reached forward and slipped the ring on Cassie’s finger.

  She knew right away there was going to be much in front of them. The kids, the expansions, and now a wedding. But she knew that with her men she could do anything.

  Cassie knew her life was just beginning. She was thrilled to get started.


  Preview of Daddy Dragon: Nanny Shifter Service

  "I don't need to tell you how valuable an employee you've been."

  Anna Clinton sat nervously in the office of her boss, Kenneth Walloon. Kenneth, a round-bellied man in his late forties, with a brown horseshoe of a receding hairline and a thin mustache above his puffy, pink lips, leaned forward, placing his substantial weight on the surface of his desk. The desk groaned and creaked.

  "Thank you," said Anna, still not sure of the purpose of this impromptu meeting.

  Behind Kenneth, the city of New York seemed to sprawl out forever. Despite the strange nature of the meeting, she couldn't help but admire the view of her boss, one of the senior executives here at Flintlock Investments, the massive firm where Anna had been employed for the last several months. The sun was setting, and the sky was brilliant with orange and cream.

  "I don't normally bring my subordinates into my office after hours to discuss matters like this," said Kenneth, his watery blue eyes like tiny marbles behind his thick-rimmed glasses, "but I do like to have little checkups every now and again."

  Anna wasn't sure how to respond. This meeting was impromptu, with Kenneth placing his hand on Anna's shoulder as she packed up for the day, asking her if she wouldn't mind stopping by his office. Kenneth had normally never talked to her unless it was in the form of barking commands, so his inviting tone struck her as strange. But she wasn't about to turn down some one-on-one face time with a boss who she desperately needed to impress.

  "Um, thank you for your time," said Anna, rubbing her hands together.

  Kenneth sat back into his seat, and now it was time for his chair to groan under his weight.

  "I see that tomorrow marks your third month here at Flintlock," he said, looking over a file on his desk. "Has everything been going as you'd hoped when you joined on?"

  Anna took this as her time to shine. Sure, she was just an assistant, barely making enough to afford her room in the three-bedroom apartment in Queens, which she shared with two other girls, but Anna felt she could muster up some enthusiasm. It would look good, after all.

  "Everything has been wonderful," she said, lifting her voice. "I've been learning so much, and everyone's been really nice to me. I can't wait until I get my first year under my belt; I think I'll be able to bring a lot of value to this organization."

  Kenneth nodded, his jowls spreading out with each lowering of his head.

  "Just what I was hoping to hear," he said.

  He picked up the file from his desk and looked it over.

  "This is all very impressive," he said. "Top grades from Penn State, an internship with a great firm, and an attitude that is, overall, extremely professional. I think it's safe to say, a young woman like you could go a long way here. Yes, a very long way indeed."

  "And if there's anything I can do to improve my performance," said Anna, hurrying to add the words, "please, let me know. I'm eager to learn."

  "Eagerness is a virtue here," said Kenneth. "I think it'll take you far."

  Kenneth raised to his feet once again, walking down the length of his spacious office to the front door. Anna watched him over her shoulder, noticing that the hallways outside the office were empty and dark, far from the bustle of activity that was common during the day. It appeared that Anna and Kenneth were the only two people still on the floor.

  Then, to Anna's surprise, Kenneth locked the door. She felt her stomach twitch as he did this, not sure what to make of it.

  Why does the door need to be locked for a meeting? she asked herself.

  "Just want to make sure we're not bothered," said Kenneth, a little smile forming on his face as he made his way back to his desk. "Just want to make sure I can give you all the attention you deserve."

  As he returned to his desk and sat down on the edge of it, the tight feeling in Anna's stomach began to worsen. She was getting a very bad feeling about all of this. Where Kenneth sat, he was only a few feet from her, his position, sitting on the edge of his desk, making him loom over Anna.

  "Now," he said, "in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a man with a lot of pull in this organization. I'm the sort of man who can get that little butt of yours moving right up the ladder. Consequently, I'm also the sort of man who can keep you right where you're sitting, spinning your wheels for years, still making just enough money for you to get by. I guess, in a way, I'm like the god of your career."

  He chuckled again. His laugh set Anna's teeth on edge.

  "And…I'm happy to do whatever it takes to get ahead," Anna said. "I want to be a valuable member of the team."

  "That, my dear," said Kenneth, "is exactly what I was hoping you'd say."

  With that, he stood up from his desk and walked in a long, lazy circle until he was just behind Anna. The skin on the back of Anna's neck tingled as he moved behind her, and she wondered just what the hell he was doing.

  Moments later, she got her answer.

  Kenneth's sweat-sticky, warm hands fell onto Anna's shoulders, her body tensing at his touch. Then, he began to gently knead her flesh, rubbing the muscles of her neck.

  "So tense," he said. "But I can think of a way to get you to loosen up."

  Anna couldn't take another moment of this. She sprang from her seat, sending Kenneth lurching forward from the movement.

  "Mr. Walloon," Anna sputtered, barely able to speak. "What the hell is going on here?"

  Kenneth stood up straight and shook his head, that little smirk still on his lips.

  "What do you think is going on here?" he asked. "Come on, you're a smart girl, you can figure it out."

  Deep down, Anna knew. But she didn't want to accept the reality of what was happening; that her boss was making a move on her.

  "It looks like what's happening is that you're trying to do…something," she said. "And I don't even want to think about what that is."

  "Oh, please," said Kenneth. "I'll just come right out and say it, then. I want you to have sex with me, right here, right now."

  Anna could hardly believe how bold he was being.

  "But…you're married!" she exclaimed, her eyes flicking to the gold band on Kenneth's ring finger.

  He waved his hand through the air, dismissing the thought.

  "What wifey doesn't know won't hurt her," he said. "Not like she's found out about any of this so far."

  "This is disgusting!" shouted Anna, staggering backward and away from Kenneth, who was now moving toward her.

  "It's a very simple proposition," he said. "You give me what I want –a little now, a little later- and I'll make sure you move up in the world. And if not, I'll make sure you stay right where you are until kingdom come. Easy as that."

  "No!" shouted Anna. "Not a chance in hell!"

  Kenneth's expression darkened.

  "Last chance, girlie," he said. "Last chance to do the smart thing."

  Now he was close enough to place his hand back on Anna's shoulder, which he was quick to do.

  The idea of Kenneth touching her again sent Anna into a rage she didn't know she was capable of, and not just a rage, a strength. Building within her was some sort of power that forced her to take pause. It was almost as if some inhuman spirit had taken hold of her and filled her with its power.

  Forming he
r hand into a fist, she pulled back and drove it right into Kenneth's stomach, the impact causing his fat to jiggle. A shocked expression crossed Kenneth's face, and he stumbled backward. And as he stumbled back, Anna looked at her fist, surprised at just how hard she’d been able to hit him.

  How the hell did I do that? she wondered.

  "What…what the hell did you just do?" he said, his face red.

  "I, um," said Anna, struggling to form the words. "I just quit!"

  With that, she hurried toward the office door, fumbling with the lock to get it open.

  "You can't quit!" shouted Kenneth. "Because you're fucking fired! Fired! And consider your ass blacklisted!"

  Anna didn't want to say another word. Snatching her purse off the floor and opening the door, she rushed out of the office, slamming the door behind her and hurrying to the elevator. She pressed the "call" button over and over, as though she were in a murder movie and the killer was just at her heels. Once the elevator arrived and she stepped in, the doors sliding shut slowly in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  What the hell just happened? she asked herself, unable to process the events of the last twenty or so minutes. Did my boss actually just do that? Is this all a dream?

  Soon, she was back into the spacious, modern lobby of the office. She rushed through, not making eye contact with a soul. Stepping through the tall, glass doors of the building and back onto the city street, she leaned against one of the tall columns of the building's façade and attempted to catch her breath. Her heart raced, and she felt as though her knees might buckle under her at any moment.

  She felt as though she'd just woken up from some kind of dream. But the buzzing of her phone in her back pocket snapped her right back into reality.

  It was a text from Kenneth.

  ‘Don't bother coming in tomorrow. Pleasure working with you.’

  Shoving the phone back into her pocket, Anna's fear gradually shifted into rage. Part of her wanted to storm back up to the office and work Kenneth over with her purse. Instead, however, she headed home in a daze of anger. Once she stepped off the train at her stop in Astoria, the reality of what just happened dawned on her. In about the span of an hour, she'd gone from gainfully employed to without a job, all because she didn't want to give that pig of a boss what he felt entitled to.

  Reaching her building, Anna stormed up the stairs, into her apartment and then to her room, not saying a word to Katie or Eleanor, her two roommates. She plopped down in front of her laptop and, after a little digging around, found the email address for Kenneth's wife. Still boiling over with anger, she typed up a professional email outlining exactly what had happened in Kenneth's office only a couple of hours ago. Once done, Anna held the cursor over the ‘Send’ button, knowing that, with a click, she'd be blacklisted from the industry that she'd fought so hard to get into.

  She took a breath and clicked, the tension draining out of her body as soon as she did.

  So much for my career in the investment industry, she thought to herself as she sat slumped in her chair.

  But she wasn't interested in sitting around. The email sent, she headed over to Craigslist and began looking for something to bring in some money while she figured out her next step.

  But before she even had a chance to scan through the postings, the chime of an incoming email sounded.

  Oh, no, she thought, figuring the email was a response from Kenneth, her stomach tightening at the prospect. As she read the email, however, she saw it wasn’t from any address she recognized. It appeared to be from some kind of headhunting company.

  Ms. Anna Clinton, the email began, a local company is looking for enthusiastic new hires. After reviewing your profile, we have determined that you would be an excellent candidate for the position. Please review the posting, and contact us if you’re interested in learning more.

  - Silver Talon Headhunting Agency.

  Confused, not to mention struck by the uncanny timing, Anna read the description.


  That last part gave Anna pause. Why would a nanny service need their employees to be discreet? Still, the middle three bullet points made this job too good to pass up. Anna clicked the job.

  Looking for a good-paying job in the city? Ready to work with the children of some of the wealthiest clients in Manhattan? Apply now to Ladon Nanny Services! Our salaries start at 50K, and we provide full medical and dental, as well as free accommodation with client. Full background required, as well as an NDA. Apply now! Positions available immediately for the right candidate.

  It was strange; Anna couldn't get over why a nanny service would be paying so much money, as well as offering such solid benefits. She'd had friends who worked as au pairs during college, and they were all in it for the experience of living abroad, not the money. And the background check and NDA; it struck her as something that'd be more appropriate for a job with the CIA, not a nanny service.

  Still, assuming it wasn't a scam, it was an opportunity too good to pass up. Anna pulled out her resume, updated it, and sent it off along with a cover letter to the headhunting agency.

  I'll start pounding the pavement tomorrow.

  After this, she headed into the living room where her roommates were both well into a bottle of wine and their reality TV. Plopping down on the couch, she poured herself a glass and vowed to not get too emotional about her situation. However, a couple glasses of wine later, that all went out the window. She burst into tears in front of Eleanor and Katie, telling them both her sorry tale. After a little more wine, as well as some commiseration, she felt a little better, and more than a little tired.

  Okay, time for bed, she thought. Big day, tomorrow, of trying to piece my damn life back together after this mess.

  As soon as she changed into her PJs, she decided to check her email one last time before bed, a nagging feeling that Kenneth's wife might've responded to her tugging at her stomach. She turned her computer back on and, to her surprise, there was already a response from the nanny service. Eagerly, Anna opened the email.

  Ms. Clinton,

  Thank you for your application. After reviewing your information, we feel you would potentially make a great fit here at Ladon Nanny Services and would like to interview you in person. Please come to 432 Fifth Avenue tomorrow at nine sharp. Bring your identification, passport, and multiple copies of your resume, and let the front desk know you've arrived. Professional attire required.

  And that was it. Anna was excited that her job hunt might already be over for the time being, but she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was seriously off about all of this. Still, a job was a job, and she wasn't in any sort of position to be choosy. Anna gathered her information and interview clothes, making sure everything was set for tomorrow. Getting into bed and turning out the lights, she couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow had in store.

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  About The Author

  Sky Winters is drawn to writing paranormal fairy tales with bad-ass shapeshifters. She likes her heroes and heroines to be the unexpected ones, and their passion to be steamy! She writes these sizzl'n and surreal tales for you, late at night, when the wolves are howling from her Northwestern home.

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