Book Read Free

Common Ground

Page 24

by Wendy Smith

“Nervous?” he asks as we take a seat. I do enjoy coming back to LA. The media aren’t in my face as much as they are in other places, and we all but get ignored for the most part.

  “A little. I just hope I make them happy.”

  He shoots me a wistful smile. “They love you. Neither of them will care about anything else other than being with you. I wish I had that.”

  “Stop chasing every piece of skirt you come across and maybe you will.”

  He chuckles. “I always used to think I made up for your celibacy. Now I have no excuse.”

  Silence falls over us. This is right up there as one of the most important days of my life. Delaney’s given up everything she worked for to be with me. I have to make this worth it for her.

  “You’re a lucky man,” Reece says.

  Neither of us say anything else while Reece finishes his drink and I watch the clock. Every second that ticks down is a second closer to her.

  I can’t wait.

  When it’s time, we wander down the hall to arrivals.

  It might take a while for them to clear through TSA, but it’ll all be worth it.

  I blow out a breath, fighting my impatience to see my family. My family.

  “Daddy!” Amelia’s voice breaks through the noise and I look up. Delaney pushes a luggage trolley laden with bags while holding our daughter’s hand against the side of the handle.

  “Is that her?” Reece asks.

  I grin at him. “There are my girls.”


  Tears prick my eyes as Amelia breaks free from Delaney’s grip and runs for me. I bend down, and she runs to me, throwing her small arms around my neck. Holding her tight, I stand as Delaney gets closer.

  Her tired eyes are full of emotion as I slip Amelia onto one hip and use the other arm to embrace Delaney.

  I press a kiss into her hair, so relieved to have both of them finally with me.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” I whisper.

  “We had couches on the plane, Daddy. I had a big sleep,” Amelia declares.

  “Did you?”

  “She did. Me? Not so much. You’re on child watch for the rest of the day.” Delaney’s lips twitch.

  I chuckle. “That’s fine with me. I brought someone with me for you guys to meet.”

  “Who, Daddy?”

  Turning around, I grin at Reece.

  “Amelia, this is my friend, Reece.”

  Reece winks. “Hi, Amelia. You’re every bit as pretty as your daddy said you are.” He takes Amelia’s hand in his and plants a kiss on it. She’s wide-eyed and giggles as he lets it go.

  “So, this must be Delaney.”

  Delaney’s eyes are so wide that it bugs me. I want that look of astonishment from her.

  Reece smiles that charming smile of his, and leans over to peck her on the cheek. “I’m Reece.”

  “I know who you are.” She beams as she looks at me.

  “Enough of the hero worship. It’s just Reece,” I mutter.

  She turns to me and cups my cheek. “Oh, poor baby. Someone’s jealous.”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  “You’re still my favourite.” She’s talking to me in a baby voice, and I just roll my eyes at Reece’s laugh.

  “Dude. I love her already.”

  “Don’t get too carried away.” I shoot him a pointed look. “Babe, do you have all your bags?”

  She nods.

  I lower Amelia to the floor. “Stick with your mother, and I’ll grab the luggage.”

  Before I know it, I’m pushing the trolley while Reece loops his arm around Delaney’s shoulders and holds Amelia’s hand.

  I could be annoyed, but all I can do is smile.

  They’ll be settled in before I know it.

  Amelia chats up a storm in the back seat of the car with Reece. She loves her new booster seat I bought during the week, and has to tell him all about it.

  I reach for Delaney’s hand across the centre console and she smiles as I link my fingers through hers.

  “Love you,” I say.

  She leans her head back on the seat. “Better make this worth my while, Carter.”

  I laugh. “It will be. I promise.”

  “I love you too.” She still looks tired, but at least she’s smiling. “I had an offer for the diner too. A good one. I think I’m going to take it.”

  “That’s fantastic.”

  Delaney yawns. “They’ll keep Trina and Jo on for continuity. That was what really mattered to me.”

  “Sounds great.” I change gear. “We’ll be home soon.”

  She shuffles in her seat, leans back against the headrest and closes her eyes. “Home.”

  “Is this our house?” Amelia calls out a short time later when I stop and press the remote to open the gate.

  “It is. There might even be a bedroom in it for you.” I chuckle.

  “Mummy, it’s so big.”

  I’m half expecting a smart-arse comment from either Reece or Delaney, but neither of them speak. I turn to Delaney, but her head’s to the side and it looks like she’s asleep.

  I give her arm a gentle nudge and she opens her eyes.

  “We’re here.”

  She raises her head. I know it’s a lot to take in. The land is two acres, so there’s plenty of space, and up the circular driveway is a two-storey house. The house itself has a ton of rooms. Six bedrooms, with the living spaces all upstairs. Downstairs is a large reception-type room which I’ve never used, but I think was designed for parties.

  I pull up to the front door, and Max, walks out to greet us.

  After we’re all out of the car, I take Delaney’s hand. “Max, I want you to meet Delaney, and this is Amelia.”

  He smiles. I’ve had staff here since I bought the house four years ago, and while I haven’t been home a lot in the past, I’ve been able to rely on him to not only drive me to important events when I’m here, but also to help organise things around the property.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Delaney, Max is my driver, and he sorts out things like getting people in to look after the grounds.”

  She nods. I didn’t tell her I had staff. Ultimately, she’ll be in charge of everything if she wants to be. It’s her home too.

  “I’ll take the bags to the bedrooms,” Max says.

  Delaney nods again. “The smallest two cases are Amelia’s.”

  He smiles. “They’ll be in her room shortly.”

  “Thank you so much.” She gives him that Delaney special smile that tells me she’ll warm to him. I’m sure they’ll be like old friends by the end of the week.

  “Let’s go inside.”

  Delaney’s mouth hangs open as she looks around when we step in the door. It’s not dissimilar to her reaction to Reece’s place in Hawaii, and the houses do have some similarities with the sweeping staircases up to the second level.

  “Josh. It’s so much.”

  I wrap my arm around her waist. “It’s ours. All ours. And together, I think we can make this the home it should have always been.”

  She leans her head on my shoulder. “This is insane.”

  “Come here,” I say. She turns toward me, and I slide my other arm around her waist, pulling her close. “I know it’s big, but it’s private, and you’ll have all the peace you need.”

  She nods. “I can see that.”

  “We can raise our family here, Delaney. We can turn it from a house into a home.”

  Her eyes meet mine. It’s clear this is a lot to take in, but her smile warms my heart.

  I lean in and kiss her, caressing her lips with mine.


  We break apart, and I turn to see Reece hand in hand with Amelia behind us.

  “Why don’t I show you where the bedrooms are? Then you can freshen up and we’ll have something to eat,” I say.

  “That sounds like a great idea.”

  I hold out my hand for Amelia to take, and Reece follows as w
e climb the stairs.

  “Left is to the kitchen and living room. Right to the bedrooms,” I say.

  Reece heads to the kitchen while we turn right, and end up in the hallway leading to our rooms.

  Amelia’s first.

  I open the door to a newly decorated room. It’s mostly pink—her favourite colour—with a chalkboard feature wall for her to draw on and, my favourite part, the black duvet on the bed with a large silver fern. She’s half of me too, but I always want her to be in touch with her roots.

  “Josh,” Delaney gasps.

  “This is my room?” Amelia asks.

  “It is, sweetheart. I might have had some decorators in a while ago. Just in case.”

  Delaney walks in, brushing her fingers over the duvet.

  “My bed is so awesome,” Amelia squeals, and I laugh.

  “I’m glad you like it. I knew it’d take some time to get your things over here, so I made sure that you had plenty of toys to play with, and I thought it should feel like home.”

  Delaney walks back to me, takes my hand in hers and squeezes it. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”

  “Having you here means I can spoil you.”

  “Not too much.”

  I know what she means. It’d be easy to go overboard, but I have to restrain myself where Amelia’s concerned. Delaney, on the other hand …

  “Come and see our room.” I pull her by the hand out the door. “Are you okay, Amelia? We’re just going down the hall to our room.”

  I’m not sure if she even hears me. She’s opened her wardrobe and discovered where the toys are stored.

  “She’s distracted. Show me,” Delaney says.

  I lead Delaney a little farther down the hall and open the door to our room. She squeezes my hand again as we walk in the door.

  The room’s plainly decorated. I never put much effort into it when it was just me, and while I had Amelia’s room revamped, I left our room as it was so Delaney could put her stamp on it.

  She lets go of my hand, and opens the door to the walk-in wardrobe.

  “I love it.” She beams.

  “It’s all yours. Apart from that tiny part over there for me.” I laugh.

  She crosses the room and opens the French doors that lead to the balcony. It overlooks the back yard, and she takes an audible breath while she looks over the grounds.

  I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and nuzzle her neck. “You like?”

  “I love. It’s just such a big house.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  She turns her head. “I’m not sure yet. We’ll have to get used to it.”

  “It’s yours, Delaney. Just as I am.”

  I loosen my grip and she turns around. Closing my eyes as she touches my cheek, I kiss her hand.

  “I feel like I’ve waited forever for this,” she whispers.

  Opening my eyes, I press my forehead to hers. “I know what you mean. Now, we start our life together.” I take a breath. “I’ve been thinking …”

  “Did it hurt?” She laughs.

  “Maybe when you two are all settled in, we could talk about expanding our family. I don’t know how you feel about it, but we were both only children, and I don’t want Amelia to grow up alone.”

  Delaney lights up. “I love that idea.”

  I’ve never felt so complete.

  After a quick tour of the rest of the house, I lead Delaney and Amelia into the kitchen. It’s on the same level as the bedrooms, and it’s cosy and welcoming.

  I chuckle at the sight of Reece at the table eating a sandwich. He has an innate habit of making his way to where the food is.

  Delaney’s eyes go straight to the appliances. I knew they would.

  “There’s someone I want you two to meet.”

  Mrs Becker walks out of the walk-in pantry and smiles at my girls.

  “Delaney, this is Mrs Becker. She’s the housekeeper and she organises all the jobs to be done around the house like cleaning and cooking.”

  Delaney’s not often unreadable, but she is in this moment. I’m not sure she expected this, but then again, I know she’s tired. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Becker.”

  “You too.” Mrs Becker looks at me. “Did you all want something to eat?”

  “I’m sure Delaney and Amelia do. It’s been a long flight for them.”

  “Of course.”

  Delaney shakes her head. “I’d really just like a coffee.”

  “I’ll make you one. What does Amelia eat?”

  Delaney shrugs. “Pretty much anything. Did you want something to eat, honey?”

  Amelia nods. “A peanut butter sandwich.”

  “Well, that’s easy to take care of.” Mrs Becker gives us a smile and I guide Delaney to the table while the food and drinks are being made.

  Amelia climbs onto a seat next to us.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  Delaney nods. “Just really tired. I’ll have a drink and then nap, I think.”

  I kiss her temple. “Whatever you need.”

  I’m sure it’ll take a little time for them both to settle in, but they’re with me.

  And that’s all that matters.



  Fairy tales do come true.

  I know because I’m living one. But something’s missing.

  My life is surreal. I’m with the man I love, feeling like the princess in the castle who’s got her happily-ever-after with her prince.

  Only, that’s the point when the fairy tale stops. No one ever looks at what happens afterward. Do the prince and princess really stay together? Are they happy?

  I feel like I should be, and I am. I’ve never felt so fulfilled and yet so empty. It’s the strangest feeling.

  It took a couple of weeks to decide on a school for Melly. At least that kept me busy. She had school visits last week, but started officially this week.

  Josh works all day while he’s getting this movie off the ground. He bought me a car, but I only drive to school to drop Melly off, and to pick her up afterward. I’m too paranoid to go sightseeing. What if I screw it up and am late to get her? But I don’t want to hire a nanny like some other parents seem to do.

  I’m in this huge house, which doesn’t feel like mine. Every time I try to cook something, Mrs Becker appears as if she somehow knows I’m touching her appliances and fusses that she’ll make something for me until I leave.

  I keep telling myself that it’ll just take some time to work through everything, but it’s been a month since we arrived, and every day’s the same.

  I’m glad when we reach Friday. Josh has made sure to take weekends off to spend with us, and I’m looking forward to him getting home.

  My stomach grumbles. It’s dinnertime, and I head to the kitchen. Of course, Mrs Becker’s already in there, standing by the oven. Melly’s sitting at the kitchen table with a cold drink.

  “Delaney.” She smiles. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starving. Josh should be home soon.”

  She smiles. “Amelia was telling me just how much she missed mac and cheese, so I made some for your dinner.”

  I smile. “That’s very kind of you.”

  She nods. “I’m happy to make whatever you’d like. Just let me know. I’ll leave you to your dinner.”

  Mrs Becker leaves the room, and I let out a long breath.

  She’s so kind, but all it does is make it harder to push back. I’ve never felt like this before, never had any problem standing up for myself, but this isn’t a situation I’m used to. I’m out of my depth for the first time in a long time.

  “Mac and cheese,” Melly chants. She’s so happy, and my priority is making sure she’s settled.

  “Hey, you guys.” Josh slips his arms around me from behind and plants a kiss on the back of my neck.

  “You’re home,” I say.

  “Nowhere else I’d rather be.” He nuzzles me under the ear, taking a gentle bite of the lobe be
fore stepping back and heading to Melly. “Did you have a good day?”

  “School is cool,” Amelia says, bursting into giggles as he plucks her out of her chair and into his arms.

  “Is it? First week went well?” He looks at me.

  I nod. “She’ll be fine. The kids all flock to her because they think she’s a novelty right now, but she’s already got her eye on a couple of them to be friends.”

  He chuckles. “That’s my girl. Should we eat dinner before it gets cold?”

  She nods, and he plants a kiss on her temple before setting her down.

  I walk to her seat and spoon some mac and cheese onto her plate before taking my own seat and filling my plate. Josh smiles widely, taking the spoon from me and dishing up his own.

  It looks lovely. Mrs Becker has gone above and beyond to take care of us, and I am grateful. I fill the fork and take a bite. It’s loaded with onion and garlic, and when I make it for Melly, I leave all that out and add lots of bacon.

  Melly pulls a face, and I know just what the problem is. This isn’t my mac and cheese.

  “Have a try.”

  She meets my gaze. Her lower lip wobbles.

  “Amelia?” Josh’s concerned tone hurts as much as Melly struggling. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want Mummy’s mac and cheese.” Two big tears roll down her cheeks. I know she’s tired from her first week at school, and this on top has just broken her. She’s in an unfamiliar place, she’s started school with all new kids, and she’s not got a lot around her to make her feel at home yet.

  Standing, I walk around the table and pick up her plate. Scraping the food into the waste disposal, I run it to get rid of the evidence. I don’t want to hurt Mrs Becker’s feelings.

  “Mummy?” Amelia asks.

  “Hang on, honey. Let me just find a few things.”

  Walking into the pantry frustrates me. Nothing is where I’d put it, and it seems to take forever to find a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter.

  “Delaney? Is everything okay?” Josh asks.

  “It’ll be fine.” It’s up to me to work this situation out. When I feel at home, Melly will be much more comfortable.

  I spread the peanut butter on two slices of bread and piece together two sandwiches which I cut into triangles for her. It’s been a while since she ate it like that, but it was her thing for a long time.


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