Book Read Free

Common Ground

Page 26

by Wendy Smith

  For a moment, I don’t know what to say. “You’re leaving?”

  She nods. “I’ll talk to Josh tonight, but that’s my plan. He’s found the right one for him, and I’m so happy for the two of you.”

  I swallow hard. “Thank you.”

  “He was never one to bring girls home. Now you’re here and he’s happier than I’ve ever seen him. It does my heart good.”

  I smile.

  “That little girl of yours is so precious. I’m glad I was here to meet the two of you.”

  “Me too.” And I do mean it. Apart from the whole kitchen incident, I’ve seen what she does for Josh. If she’s leaving, I’ll need to learn some things from her.

  “I’ll give you all the details of who I get in to do what. Whether you get someone else in or you take it over, you’ll need them.”

  All I can do is thank her again, and she gives me such a warm smile that I know she’s okay.

  And I will be too.

  It’s a quiet night as Melly and I eat alone, and she’s asleep by the time Josh comes home.

  He walks into the living room where I’ve been lying on the couch with my laptop, still engrossed in these crazy stories about my life.

  “Oh my God, Josh.” I place the laptop on the coffee table, leap up and throw myself at him.

  “What?” He smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Did you know there’s a Facebook group full of people who believe you’re in a secret relationship with Gabby? Some of them think you have a hidden child with her.”

  He screws up his face. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s amazing. They’ve taken every single story about you out of context. I’m some kind of decoy for whatever reason. Probably because you couldn’t possibly be attracted to me.”

  His mouth falls open. “Delaney. Don’t ever talk about yourself like that.”

  “I’m fine. I know the truth. I know how irresistible I am to you.” I smile.

  “You are.”

  I slide my arms around his neck. “I know just how much you want to put another big-headed Carter baby into my womb.”

  Josh laughs. “I love you, even if you are a little cuckoo. But stay away from those sites.”

  “I’m just trying to work out what to do with myself while you’re working and Amelia’s at school.”

  He gives me a tender kiss. “I’ve got something for you to try and solve that problem.”

  “What is it?”

  “Give me a second, and I’ll show you.”

  He kisses me again before disappearing back out the door.

  I sit on the couch and wait.

  “Tada.” He brings in two boxes, one square, the other tall and thin.

  “Open these.”

  “What are they?”

  “This one first.”

  It’s like Christmas, but the box isn’t wrapped and when he hands it to me, I see immediately what it is.

  I tear it open and pull out the camera inside. I’ve got no clue how to use it, but I’m sure I could work it out. I’ve never owned a proper camera. Maybe I could do a photography course.

  He nods. “And the other box …”

  I put the camera onto the table and reach for the other box. Opening it, I slide out the contents.

  “A tripod?”

  “Well, I know how much you miss your diner, and I also know you’re not keen on starting something new here with my money. So, I thought maybe you could vlog your cooking.”

  “Vlog? Like on YouTube?”

  He nods. “People do all kinds of videos. You love cooking, so maybe you could vlog about it. You’re so talented and you have such a way with words. My name might bring the vlog attention at first, but you’ll keep your audience..”

  “A way with words like putting another big-headed Carter baby into my womb?”

  His lips curl. “Something like that. Reece is doing one for the movie with some behind-the-scenes stuff planned. It gave me the idea.”

  “Don’t you tell him that. He’ll get a swollen head.” I pause. “An even bigger swollen head.”

  Josh laughs, and flops on the couch beside me. “You already know him so well.”

  “I’m his biggest fan.”

  He leans over. “What about me?”

  “It’s always such a competition with you two. I have an unfair bias toward you, but that might just be all the sex you give me.”

  He runs his hand down my arm and takes my hand in his. “Wanna go get some now?”

  “Soon. You need to talk to Mrs Becker first.”

  Josh frowns, scanning my expression. “What’s happened?”

  “Nothing bad, but she wants to talk to you. It’s important.”

  His kiss catches me by surprise, but it’s warm and tender with a promise of things to come. “How about I go and talk to her while you get ready for bed?”

  “I suppose I could do that.”

  “See you real soon?”

  I leave him to go see Mrs Becker, and make my way to our bedroom.

  Stripping off all my clothes, I slide between the sheets. I do love this house. It’s big and crazy, and not at all a house I thought I’d ever live in. But it’s ours, and it’s what we make of it.

  Up until a few days ago, this didn’t feel like home to me. But it’s starting to now. And for the first time since we moved here, I feel truly like myself.

  Josh joins me soon after. His expression is downcast. Mrs Becker has been a part of his life for a while, and I know he cares about her. I hate seeing him sad.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “I’m guessing you know the news?” He tugs off his shirt.

  I nod. “I do.”

  “I’ll make sure she has enough to retire on. We’ll give her a little nest egg.”

  I smile. “You’re such a good man.”

  Josh drops his pants, and I grin at the sight of him. “Maybe I can show you just how good I am.”

  “Come here.”

  He slips into bed beside me, and I let out a contented sigh.

  “There’s something different about you,” he says, cupping one breast.

  “I think I finally feel settled in.”

  “That’s good.” He dips his head and sucks my nipple into his mouth. I hook my ankle around his and pull him closer.

  His gentle touch down my back makes me shiver. He trails his fingers over my body and strokes my thigh, slowly drawing his hand closer to the apex of my legs. I part them a little to give him access. His long index finger swirls around my clit—tempting, teasing me in the way only Josh can.

  “Fuck.” He pushes me onto my back, and dives between my legs, his tongue working wonders as I lie back and enjoy it. Even the act of sex is more pleasurable now I’ve claimed our home.

  I want a baby.

  I cry out when Josh sucks on my clit, and I ride his face until I shatter into a million pieces as he brings me to orgasm.

  My eyes are closed, and when I open them, he’s looking at me with a curious expression on his face.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “I’m not sure. Can we try that again?”

  He shakes his head. “Maybe later.” Planting a kiss on my navel, he makes his way up my body until we’re almost face-to-face. “I need to be inside you right now.”

  “Hurry up then.”

  His eyes dance with mischief, and I grab hold of the headboard as he thrusts into me.

  “Oh, God. Yes.” I arch my back and push my hips toward him.

  “This is the Delaney I’ve missed.” His words spur me on, and he’s right. Our sex life has been pretty subdued since we arrived. I’d put it down to being tired, but that wasn’t it at all. I just needed to be me.

  “Roll over.”

  Josh pulls out of me and grabs me by the leg, and I roll onto my stomach before getting up on all fours. He pauses for a moment.


  “If my Delaney is really back, I’m going to give h
er a night she’ll never forget.”

  I laugh, gripping the pillow and moaning as he guides his cock back into me. “As if I forget anything.”

  He thrusts hard, and I let out a moan that’s so loud it makes me glad we have such a large house.

  “I gather you’re enjoying this?” he teases.

  “Give me one of those big-headed Carter babies.” I laugh, but it quickly turns into pain as I faceplant the headboard.

  “Shit. Are you okay?” He comes to a stop.

  “Keep going. I need this.” I push myself back up, and nearly die when he leans forward and grabs hold of my breast, his fingers caressing my nipples.

  “I don’t want to stop. You feel so good. But I think I’m going to …” Josh lets out a groan, pulsing inside me. He slows again reaching around to finish me off. My body jerks with him still inside, and he lets out a moan as I buck in front of him.

  I collapse onto my stomach, and he falls in a heap on top of me. All I can do is laugh.

  He joins in, rolling off me and pulling me onto my side. “I love you, Delaney. You’re nuts, but I love you.”

  “Love you too.” I sigh.

  He nuzzles my neck. “I have something else I need to tell you.”

  “What is it?” I’m still breathless, and in one of those moods where I could do this all night.

  “My parents are visiting next week.”

  Total mood killer.



  The thought of Josh’s parents visiting fills me with anxiety.

  Maybe it’s because of my own relationship, or lack thereof, with my parents.

  But they’ve been patient and given us a chance to settle into life together before coming to visit. And Amelia’s owed a chance to get to know them.

  That thought doesn’t quell the nausea I’m feeling as Josh picks them up from the airport.

  Amelia’s excited. She knows Pania’s mother as her Kuia who helped raise her at the start. But she’s never had anything to do with my mother.

  I suck in a deep breath when I hear voices.

  Josh appears in the doorway, a big smile on his face. I rise from the couch, and he walks over to me, taking my hand in his. Into the room walks a short, dark-haired woman, and a tall man who I recognise as Josh’s father. It’s easy to see where Josh gets his looks from.

  “Delaney, this is my mom, Rosalyn.”

  I draw in a nervous breath. “Hi, Rosalyn.”

  She smiles. “Hello, Delaney. You’re even prettier than your photos.”

  I blush. I’m in love with this woman already.

  “And this is my dad, Cal.”

  Josh’s father steps forward, a huge smile on his face. It’s okay. I know they’re happy to see me, but it’s Amelia they’re really anxious to meet.

  “Hi.” I nod toward them. “And this is Amelia.”

  I turn my head, but she’s not on the couch anymore. “Ouch.” A sharp pinch to my thigh makes me look down. She’s hiding behind my leg, her head peeking out around my skirt.

  Josh laughs. “It’s not like you to be shy.”

  “This is a really big deal for her.” I bend, scooping her into my arms. This takes me back. When she was three, she went through a really shy phase, and as she did then, she buries her face in my neck.

  “Of course it is,” Rosalyn says. Enchantment’s written all over her face. “Why don’t we sit on the couch together?”

  “Is that okay, Melly?” I ask.

  She nods, and I take a seat, placing her beside me.

  Rosalyn sits on the other side of her. “I’ve brought you a present.”

  Melly’s eyes widen.

  “I took a guess, but I’m sure this will fit.” She hands Melly a package. Melly rips it open and her little mouth falls open. It’s a pale pink cardigan.

  “Mummy, look.”

  “I can see, sweetie.” It’s enough to bring tears to my eyes. I’ve knitted her a few things, and know just how special this is.

  “I made it myself. Anything you need, Delaney, let me know. I’m so happy to have a little girl to knit things for.”

  I nod. “Thank you so much.”

  It takes about five more seconds for Melly to end up on her grandmother’s lap.

  She’ll be just fine.

  By the time we’ve finished lunch together, Melly’s keeping her grandfather entertained on the other side of the room, regaling him with stories of All Black games and the haka.

  “She’s beautiful,” Ros says.

  I look up and smile. “She really is.”

  “There’s so much of you in there, but I can see Josh. Especially around the eyes.”

  I nod. “I saw him in her every day from the moment she was born.”

  “That must have been hard for you.” Her expression is so full of empathy. I’m sure Josh has told her my story.

  “Very.” I suck in a big breath. “She was a reminder of everything I’d lost. But at the same time, she gave me the courage to keep going. I’ll tell you something else, too. I think she’s almost guaranteed to follow in her father’s footsteps.”

  Ros laughs. “We’re in for a bumpy ride then.”

  “I’m sure.”

  She turns serious. “Josh told me about your mother. I’m so sorry that you couldn’t get in touch with him. We would have been there for you.”

  I swallow hard. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” She wraps her arms around me, and holds me like a mother should. Is it weird that I’ve known her for an hour and she feels more motherly than my mum ever did?

  I sniff. “It’s really important to me that we develop a good relationship. Especially for Amelia. She doesn’t really know what it’s like to have grandparents.”

  “Oh, I think we already have that sorted.” She lets go and holds me at arm’s length. “I wasn’t impressed when Josh called me, but once he explained the whole story … well, I can’t say I understand it all, but I don’t have to. You two have worked things out, and now I have a precious granddaughter to love.”

  I smile through my tears. “She’ll have you wrapped around her little finger in no time. That’s what happened to Josh. I think he’d let her do anything right now.”

  She laughs again, wrapping one arm around my shoulders. “He’s over the moon to have you two here. And I know we live on the other side of the country, but I’m only ever a phone call away if you need an ear.”

  “Thank you.”

  “His life isn’t easy. But maybe he won’t be so much of a nomad now he’s got the two of you to come home to.”

  I nod. “I hope so. It sounds like he’ll be more settled since he’s formed his own business.”

  Her lips curl. “As long as he can keep Reece under control.”

  I laugh. “I’m not sure anyone can keep Reece under control.”

  “I think you’re right.”



  Josh’s parents stay for a week. And by the end of that week, I feel like they’re my parents too. Amelia is like a pig in mud with all the attention. But once they’re gone, and we’re back into our regular life, I feel lost again.

  It takes a couple more weeks, but I reach the point where I pull out the tripod and camera, and set them up on the other side of the bench in the kitchen. I’m still unsure about the vlogging thing, but it could be fun. Maybe if those fans online actually see me in Josh’s house, they’ll accept the truth. And if Josh appears on camera, it might hammer the message home even sooner.

  I pull out all the ingredients to make mac and cheese. It’s a basic dish and a good starter. And Melly and Josh love it. We can have it for dinner, and then have leftovers tomorrow.

  “Hey, beautiful.” I look up to see Reece walk into the kitchen. It’s not like him to turn up in the middle of the day, but he’s a big fan of my cooking. I don’t mind the extra mouth to feed. It’s like having a neglected puppy turn up on your doorstep when you’re
making meat pies.

  He still jokes about stealing me away from Josh, and it’s flattering. It might be annoying if I thought he was serious, but he’s also our biggest supporter. And Melly adores him.

  “I love how you just walk into my house, Reece.”

  He chuckles. “You’re cooking?”

  I shoot him a look that I hope conveys how unimpressed with his skills of deduction I am. “How did you guess?”

  He leans against the bench. “What are you doing?”

  “Making mac and cheese.”

  His eyes widen. “Yum. I usually say you can’t beat my mother’s mac and cheese, but I bet yours is amazing.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.” I shoot him a sly smile.

  He turns to look at the tripod. “What’s with the camera gear?”

  For a moment, I pause, unsure whether this really is a stupid idea or not. “Well, I was thinking of filming myself cooking.”

  Reece nods. “Food porn. Nice. Cooking naked?”

  I roll my eyes. “You never stop, do you?”

  “Not often.” His expression is thoughtful. “So, why are we doing some filming today?”

  My cheeks burn. “Forget it. It’s stupid.”

  “Seriously. What are you doing?”

  I lean over the bench and chew my bottom lip. “Josh brought home the camera and tripod. He thought I might enjoy vlogging for a hobby.”

  Reece grins. “Nice. I’m having fun doing it for the film. I have plans to do some amazing behind-the-scenes videos. With this being a first for us, it’s a good record of what we’re doing.”

  I smile. “Josh told me. It sounds great.”

  “So does this. Good little opportunity to earn some money on the side too. I know you sold your business before coming out here.”

  My ears prick up. “Money?”

  He chuckles. “You can monetise your videos. Get something out of it. I know Josh’s motives would have been to encourage your interests, but why not make a little cash at the same time?”

  That makes me feel a little better about it. I could sit back and try and find things to fill my time, but making my own money would make me feel more useful. Maybe that’s partly why I’ve felt so lost.


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