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A Werewolf's Saga Books 1, 2, & 3 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets)

Page 29

by Michael Lampman

  At first, I never saw anyone else there, other than her, until one night, I went down to that abandoned building and this time, I went there without following her. Others were there. There were six of them. They all looked young. They all looked familiar. Three of them, the males, looked almost like I do. Their hair was cut short, and their builds stood out. Apparently, the wolves within us must be controlling our bodies somehow and making us fit. They made us strong. The women there, three of them, all looked similar. They all looked beyond beautiful. They all looked beyond perfect.

  Watching all of them made me feel calm. It felt almost hypnotic for me. Each of them had the same color hues around them, but they all seemed different in the richness of their brightness, especially for one of them. That one, a man with short black hair, had a deep bright color brown surrounding him, and it made him stand out. He also looked more familiar to me than the others did. Seeing him and feeling what I was, I felt like I had finally come home.

  I watched the group almost every night, and watched their interactions towards each other. I watched them move through the motions. They acted like they were all related to each other, almost like they were a family. I loved watching that. I felt the longing. I felt like I was watching my own family as well. It’s a weird sensation, feeling this way about strangers. Watching them, I knew that I had to find a way approach them, if only I could find the courage to do it.

  After a while, I’ve also come to realize something about the wolf inside me. Every night, I have strange dreams. Somehow, I think it’s trying to talk to me. I think it’s trying to tell me something but I just don’t know what that something is. I keep seeing the attack in the park. I keep seeing myself tear apart the young woman, and I keep seeing myself then scream with the realization of what I did with killing her unborn child. I wake up each time, covered in sweat. It makes me feel scared. I hate seeing what I did, but I don’t think that it’s me that’s feeling it. It has to be the wolf. He feels the pain. He hates what he did, and regrets it. Realizing this, I now know that I have to find out about him. Now that I’ve found others like me, I can only hope that they will help me answer that question. If not, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ve spent weeks now watching them. I still haven’t found the courage to approach them. I keep wondering how they will react to me. Will they accept me? Will they welcome me? I’m not sure, but now, I’m beginning to feel something else that’s different.

  I feel that time is running out. I feel the days growing shorter as my aggression gets stronger with every day that goes by. I’m looking at people with a type of a want, almost a hunger, and that’s making me scared. I know that the full moon is approaching. I can feel it getting closer. I can feel it getting stronger. I can almost hear it calling to me from the halo that I see around it. I remember what Richard Ross told me about the wolf coming out on the full moon. If he was right about that, then the full moon will cause the change. I can feel it already turning inside me. I can feel those eyes staring back at me from the back part of my mind, and I can feel them getting stronger. Feeling that, I have to get to some place where not many people will be around me.

  I’ve decided that I’m going to head north, out of the city, and make my way to the mountains. I have to be sure. I have to protect people. I just hope that it doesn’t happen. I can only hope that the change won’t come, but I know that it has already started, and it’s just the matter of time before it does.


  Jimmy Walls made it up to Kingston New York, trying to avoid as many people as he could. He could feel the aggression in him growing stronger with each passing minute, until now, he could almost feel himself beginning to change. He could feel his body starting to turn under his skin. He could feel his bones beginning to bend and twist. He could feel his heart beginning to race even when he was standing still. He could feel his veins bulging under his skin, and his mind starting to turn, turning colder, almost harsher. He recognized the feeling. He felt the same way after he was bitten. He felt the same way when he molted. It all told him that the wolf would be coming soon.

  Worse yet, he could feel the eyes behind his mind beginning to move. He could feel them staring at him in mirrors. He could feel their heat rush his face, burn through his flesh and rip out his soul. Feeling it, he only traveled at night. He traveled fast, and so far, it seemed to be working. The trains seemed quiet for the most part. He found very few people on it with him, and those that were, kept to themselves. That felt good. With his aggression growing, he didn’t trust himself if something happened. He only hoped that he could get to the trees before it was too late. Thankfully, the train stopped, and it didn’t take all that long to get there.

  Getting off the train, the station‘s platform felt still. Everything sounded quiet. No one was there. Seeing it all, he took a deep breath. Thank God. I don’t know how much more I can take.

  He could feel everyone’s heartbeat race and ebb. He could smell their flesh. He could even feel them. He wanted them, and with it all, he started to feel hungry. Any more of it, and he knew for sure that he was going to lose control.

  Now, seeing no one around him, he felt calm.

  He left the platform and headed straight for the trees.

  He walked for a while, and after about an hour or so, he began to get tired. The hunger in him also grew, so when he came to an unknown road, he stopped, and looked down it both ways and took another deep breath. Should I stay to the trees, or should I follow the road? He winced some as his stomach growled. The feeling made him have to look up.

  Clouds covered the sky. They made everything look dark, almost eerie—almost serene. He couldn’t see the moon, but he still felt it there, peering at him from behind the clouds. He felt its pull.

  He looked back to the road.

  I can’t go on forever. I have to stop. I have to eat. He had to decide.

  He looked to his right and then to his left, took another deep breath, and could smell a sweet smell coming from his left. It smelled like meat cooking on an open flame. It smelled strong, and it ripped at his stomach, making it do a hard somersault under his ribs. With it all, he winced again. I need food. If I eat, it might quench the feeling. It might stop the wolf. He nodded. It told him the direction that he needed to go.

  He turned left, walked to the center of the road, and stared down it. I should go that way. He nodded, and looked back up to the sky. I feel you, but I don’t feel him yet. He looked back down. The eyes still seemed to be there but they didn’t feel strong. It gave him hope that even with feeling the full moon, he wasn’t going to change. It’s not time yet.

  He looked left and started walking with a cautious stride in his steps. He had to keep balanced. He had to keep it together.

  He didn’t walk far until he could see several buildings just up ahead of him on the right. Seeing them, he paused. I hope you know what you’re doing. He blinked and took another deep breath. The smell of meat was obviously coming from the buildings. He could almost see the fumes on the air. He could almost taste the smell. He looked to the front of the buildings and saw only one car there, parked out front. Seeing it, he felt worried, and it forced him to look up again.

  All of the clouds were still there, but now they looked brighter. He looked back to the buildings and closed his eyes. He looked deeply inside himself and saw nothing. The eyes were there, but they still felt soft, and it made him take another deep and refreshing breath. I have to eat. His stomach growled again, telling him that what he thought was right. He started again and walked to the buildings with a continued caution in his steps. He made it there in no time flat.

  He now stood in front of an old rundown diner that looked somewhat set into the trees. Next to the diner was a small mobile home and it sat to its left. Another old looking building sat behind the diner. In bright red letters, the word Motel flashed just to the right of the diner on the front of the building in the back. Lights came from all of the buildings, and seeing that, he took another deep

  He could smell two people there, one in the diner and the other in the mobile home. He didn’t smell anything coming from the old motel. As for the two people, he could smell that one of them was a man, and the other one was a woman. They didn’t smell fresh. That seemed fine to him for some reason, so thinking that, he felt satisfied. Good. He nodded and closed his eyes again, and smelled another smell filtering around the house. It smelled musty and strong. It also seemed to smell somewhat moist. He wasn’t sure what it was, he’d never smelled anything like it before, so he opened his eyes and looked to his left.

  He moved onto the stone parking lot at the front of the diner but kept his eyes fixed on the house. What is that?

  He moved cautiously, and took his time. When he reached the corner of the diner, near the house, an animal jumped out at him so fast that it made him instantly gasp with a jolt.

  Holy fuck! He backed up and jumped. He held his breath as his heart exploded through his chest. He frankly felt scared beyond words.

  The dog’s barking erupted through the cool summer air, pierced the night and hurt his ears. It sounded vicious and scorned.

  He blinked and held his chest with both hands.

  The dog, rather large and looking rather shabby with matted hair and a mane, raced up towards him until it suddenly stopped. If it wasn’t for the leash around its neck, it would have reached him in full stride.

  Seeing that, he gushed. My God, little buddy. He breathed and let his racing heart calm. You scared the living shit out of me. He laughed out loud, and dropped his arms back to his sides. That explains the smell. He took another exaggerated breath.

  The dog didn’t care. It showed its teeth. It spit its drool. It obviously didn’t like him there.

  He looked at the large dog and smiled. “Sorry.” Inside, he suddenly felt that he understood it. I violated its territory. He nodded. It looked downright viscous and it acted defensive. It looked absolutely pissed off. I didn’t mean to intrude. He looked back to the diner, and straightened his mind back together again.

  He left the dog, made his way towards a single door at the center of the front of the building, and took another deep breath as he opened the door and went inside.

  The place looked rather small, with only a small, long, waist high bar standing just inside the door. Six stools lined it. The place looked far beyond old—it looked almost shabby. To him, it matched the look of the dog outside it perfectly.

  He walked up to the small bar, and stopped in front of one of the stools, just as an older, mid-sixties looking man wearing a flannel shirt that covered his rather large and balky frame, came up to him from behind it. His belly hung low over his dark blue khaki styled pants.

  The aroma of burnt and cooked meat flowed all around the small room. Smoke filtered around the ceiling, and with it, it added to the look of the place. Seeing everything, he couldn’t help but blink. The smoke burned his eyes some and the smell overwhelmed his nose. It caused him to hesitate some. Do I really want to eat in this place? He looked down to the floor, and saw that dirt covered it some. It didn’t look fresh, but merely stained. Seeing it all, he hoped that the food was fresh. I don’t think anything here is going to hurt me. He smiled as his stomach growled, making him nod. He laughed with the sound of everything.

  “Evening.” The older man had a genuinely uneasy smile cross his face.

  “Good evening.” Jimmy moved up to the bar and took a heavy seat on the stool. He kept his smile as he sat. The fake leather of the stool cracked some beneath him.

  “What can I get you buddy?” The heavy, older man stepped closer, until his belly reached the other side of the counter. He sounded a little gleeful. He sounded somewhat happy.

  Jimmy could hear his heart’s rhythm beat softly behind his chest. His smell flared strongly to his face. His cologne filled his senses instantly, and replaced the smell of burnt meat. Under all of it, he could smell the man’s sweat. It told him that he must have had a long day. He reeked of labor. He smelled of nothing but work and grease. “I’ll take a burger.” He placed his hands to the countertop in front of him. He paid close attention to the sounds of his own voice, and so far, there didn’t seem to be a hint of a growl within it, so he relaxed even more. “Make it two.” He smiled as his stomach flipped again. A soft moan followed it, so he had to swallow some, just to keep it from wanting to jump out of his chest.

  “How you want them?” The man returned his smile.

  “Rare.” Jimmy nodded and kept his eyes light. His stomach growled again, showing its pleasure with what he ordered.

  “You got it.” The older man nodded and turned, left the counter and disappeared around a side door at the back of the bar, just to his right.

  As he left, the smell of his cologne caught him just right. It smelled so strong that he almost gagged it down. Thank God. He turned back to the bar after watching him leave.

  “Stop it!” Suddenly, a woman’s voice came from behind him, and it made him flinch.

  He turned and watched a young woman with a small boy push her way through the door. He could see that she was wearing a rather fine looking type of a suit. Her face looked made up to the max and her hair looked well done. He could even smell the hairspray that she used to keep it there. She also looked wealthy. She looked out of place for such a place as this.

  Ahead of her, her smell of sweetness came in with her. Her scent came on strong and overwhelmed him all at once.

  It smelled like heaven on earth. It smelled like paradise to a hungry mind. Instantly, he rushed his hands to his face to try to hide from the smell. It instantly overpowered his taste. It smelled so strong that he could almost see it. It looked like a mist. It rushed at him and instantly caused his eyes to start watering, and his stomach to roll around hard inside of him. Everything made his thoughts turn ravenous all too fast. He looked at her and his mouth moistened to the point of almost drooling. He just couldn’t help himself.

  “Stop being a pain in the ass!” the woman said to the boy. He looked like he was maybe ten years old or so, and he looked like he was fighting her as she pulled him through the door. “I’m not going to just stand outside and stare at the moon.” She huffed with her voice sounding frustrated. Her face fit her words.

  The boy huffed. “Ma, I wanted to see the trees.”

  “You can see them later.” She turned from the boy and back to the inside of the diner.

  Jimmy swept his eyes back straight ahead. The smell of meat cooking off in the distance replaced the sweet smell behind him, and he instantly felt thankful for it. He let it flush his mind. He focused on it, and thankfully, it seemed to work. He could still smell her, but she already started to fade into the mix of smells. He took another deep and refreshing breath, and when he felt sure that he could contain himself, he dropped both hands back to the counter in front of him, and forced himself to relax.

  The woman stepped up to the bar, but the boy stayed at the door.

  He could hear the subtle tapping of her heart now that she stood beside him. She felt so close to him that he could almost feel her body’s heat on his right hand. With her there, her scent came back like a thunderbolt. It seemed to surround him instantly. With both, it blasted his mind. Jesus Christ lady, why don’t you just climb on my fucking lap? He turned, and looked back to the counter. He stared at his hands. He had to blink several times. He had to swallow. He began to sweat. His heart started racing, and his mind began to dim. This was such a bad idea. He now had to consider that he might have to leave. With his body tensing up, he might not have the choice. He took another deep breath, trying to catch his mind again, but it didn’t seem to work. He began to regret the small fact that he couldn’t.

  The woman looked at his back; she must have, because he could feel her eyes on the back of his neck, and he could feel her body tighten some and then twitch. He could smell her moisten. He could feel her excitement.

  She feels excited to see me. I’m turning her on, all of those
senses said. You don’t want me lady, trust me on that. He couldn’t believe what he felt oozing out of her.

  “Hello?” the woman suddenly shouted out, calling out to the back of the counter. She felt tired. She obviously wanted service, and she wanted it now. She waited only a second before she repeated it. “Hello? Is there anyone here?”

  “He’s in the back.” Jimmy kept his eyes and nose facing the bar. He couldn’t bring himself to turn and face her. The sweetness of her scent seemed to be getting stronger now that she was talking. He could smell her breaths. He could smell her entire body with it.

  The woman huffed as he felt her heart beat faster. Her breathing became stronger.

  He could feel her impatience. “He just started to fix my order.” He nodded. The hamburger cooking filled the aroma of the room, and again, he breathed it in, trying to force it down his throat.

  The woman turned to him and instantly gasped. She took one-step back.

  He felt her revolt for him all at once.

  Her eyes exploded over her face.

  The man sitting next to her had a flap of what looked like skin hanging from his right cheek. The side of his face looked cracked and broken. He had what looked like skin lying on the right shoulder of his shirt. He looked almost like he was falling apart.

  Jimmy heard the gasp, turned, and looked right at her. The smell of her sweetness and the hint of her sweat flushed his face. He also gasped. Seeing her now straight on, she looked wonderful. Her smell coursed strongly through his chest. He had to blink several times before his eyes began tearing up again.


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