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Avaline Saddlebags

Page 6

by Netta Newbound

  “I can do it if you want,” Layla volunteered. “I’m finishing in a minute, and it’s easy for me to swing by on the way home. You just need to give me the address for the place, Will.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, it’s not a problem.”

  “Great, that’s one thing off the list.”

  Will handed her a piece of paper. “I’ll fill you in tomorrow morning if that’s okay, unless I get something concrete that needs immediate action.”

  “Fine by me,” Dylan said. “Thanks guys, keep up the good work.”


  I’d just finished the morning briefing when Janine pushed open the double doors, her face scarlet with rage.

  “Good morning, Ma’am,” I said, cheerily.

  “Dylan. My office. Now!” she snapped, then turned on her heels and left the way she came.

  “On my way.”

  Joanna looked worried. “What’s that all about?”

  “No idea, but I’d better go and find out.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Thanks.” My phone buzzed and I checked the screen. It was a message from Layla.

  Running late.

  Heading to sex shop.

  It was closed last night.

  I rushed down the corridor and knocked on Janine’s office door.

  “Come in,” she bellowed.

  I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, ready for the onslaught that was obviously about to be delivered. “Ma’am.”

  “Sit,” she barked.

  I took a seat opposite.

  She tossed a newspaper across her desk. It landed in my lap.

  “What’s this?”

  “Read it and see for yourself.”

  I grimaced upon reading the headline.


  “Shit. Where have they got this from?”

  “Keep reading.” Her face was twisted in rage. “A high-ranking officer confirmed to Chris Turner, the landlord of Dorothy’s, that we suspect a serial killer is targeting the trans community. Do you know how many calls I’ve had since this… this rag hit the stands a few hours ago?”

  I continued to read, astounded the reporter had made so many links without confirmation. What the reporter had actually written wasn’t so far off the mark. “This is all speculation.”

  “Can you say that for a fact? Didn’t Will spend some time with the landlord? What makes you think this hasn’t come from him?”

  “With respect, I know my own team.” I was pissed off with her attitude and accusatory tone.

  Her eyes widened, clearly surprised by my response. “I sincerely hope so, for your sake.”

  “Permission to speak freely, Ma’am.”

  Janine leaned forward. “Go for it.”

  “I’d be surprised if any member of the team would be stupid enough to confirm to any outside source what we suspect. However, the guy has been questioned about two of his customers. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to put two and two together.”

  “I want him brought in for questioning.”

  “For what reason?”

  “I want to know where he got this information from.”

  “That’s fine, but have you forgotten you’ve got me auditioning for him tomorrow? He’s bound to recognise me.”

  My words seem to cool the fire within her. “I didn’t think of that. But remember, three or more murders before we have to confirm a serial killer. If he strikes again, then what?”

  “Then we deal with it, just like we always do. We’ll get the bastard, mark my words.”

  “I don’t share your enthusiasm, Dylan. In fact, I’m dismayed at the lack of progress you’ve made so far.”

  “I disagree.”


  “Yes!” Her snotty attitude had pissed me off and I wasn’t going to sit here and let her berate me and my team without merit. “And as you gave me permission to speak freely, I will.”

  Janine cocked an eyebrow.

  “The team have been working with whatever evidence the killer has left behind which is bugger all, might I add. Plus we’re two officers down, but you don’t want to recognise any of that. They are a loyal and dedicated bunch, and they’re working their arses off.”

  “How far has that got us? We need action, Dylan.”

  “Action? I’ve only been on the job for two days! Two days! I’m trying to find my footing with the team and get them onside and you storm into our office, bark orders at me like I’m a dog, and leave me to deal with the fallout later on.”

  She was about to interrupt but I raised my hand.

  “Seriously, Janine. How do you expect the team to respect me when they see my superior can’t even pretend to?” I paused to take a breath. “Savage might have put up with you speaking to him like shit in front of everyone, but I won’t. Not under any circumstances. If you want a yes man, you’re looking at the wrong guy.” I stood up, ready to take my leave.

  She leaned back in her chair, her face flushed. “Have you quite finished?”

  “Apparently.” Right then, I didn’t care if she demoted me. I wasn’t about to be spoken down to by her, or anybody, and if she didn’t like it, tough.

  “Then sit down and allow me the chance to speak.”


  “Maybe I was a little hasty earlier in apportioning blame, but top brass are breathing down my neck. The trans community are getting nervous and shit rolls downhill, and right now, it’s heading my way. The buck stops with me, so I need answers, and fast.”

  “I get that, but respect works both ways, Ma’am. The team will do what they have to do, but back them into a corner and treat them like shit and they’ll give what’s expected and nothing more.”

  “Noted. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good. Now let me fill you in on what we have so far.”

  Half an hour later, I was sat at my desk when Layla arrived. It wasn’t good news by the look on her face.

  “How did it go at the sex shop?”

  “Dead end, I’m afraid.”

  “Dammit.” I felt deflated. “What happened–wrong store?”

  “I don’t think so,” she replied. “Apparently, that store is the only stockist of this particular item for thirty odd miles.”

  “So we can reasonably assume the location is correct.”

  “Yeah, I’d say so. Anyway, I spoke to Mr Robinson, the manager, a right little gob-shite he was too. He confirms they do stock them, but also says he sells lots of them, mainly for hen parties, he thinks.”

  “That doesn’t give us much to go on. Any in-store CCTV footage available?”

  “No go, I’m afraid. The place is an absolute dump inside.”

  “Shit!” My hopes of finding a suspect were dashed. “Have they had any multiple purchases?”

  “Yeah, some Polish bloke bought several of them a while back, but he doesn’t remember anything else about him.”

  “By any chance does our Mr Robinson know how the items were paid for?”

  “Cash, he seems to recall.” She opened her notebook and read quickly. “Reckons he doesn’t get much call for card paying customers–these things show on bank statements and most visitors to his store would rather the wife or girlfriend didn’t find out what they were purchasing.”

  I held my head in my hands. “So we have the store they were purchased from at least. Speak to Will and see if there is any street cam footage we may be able to take a peek at.”

  “Got it.”

  “While you’re all here,” I said to the room. “I suppose I’d better get this out of the way and I don’t want any wise cracks.”

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

  “I’ve decided I’ll do the audition at Dorothy’s tomorrow. I must be bloody crazy.”

  The reality of what I was doing hit home. I was going to stand in front of God knows how many strangers, in a frock, wig, and full make-up, then lip-syn
c to a song I hadn’t even chosen yet. Added to that, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I’d never dressed as a woman and wouldn’t know where to start.

  I decided to call Bella.


  Bella picked up after a few rings.

  “Hiya. I need your help.”

  “What’s up?”

  “No smart remarks, but I’m auditioning at Dorothy’s tomorrow.”

  “Oh, my God,” she squealed. “You’re kidding me?”

  “No, I’m not, but shut it for a minute and listen. That mate of yours, you know, the camp one, is he still doing drag?”

  “Roy? Yeah, why?”

  “Do you think he’d be up for helping me?”

  “I don’t know. I could call him and ask.”

  “Would you?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll have to tell him the truth about why you’re doing it, but don’t worry, I trust him with my life.”

  Later that evening, I sounded the horn and glanced at the front of Bella’s house, waiting for signs she’d heard me. She appeared in the doorway wearing a bright orange, full-length wool coat, and looked even bigger than she had on Monday.

  “Jesus, Bella, are you gonna fit in the passenger seat? Maybe you should climb in the boot?” I said through the open window as she approached the car.

  “Shut it, or I’ll sit on you.”

  I feigned terror and then laughed. “So where are we meeting Roy? At his house, I hope.”

  She eased herself into the passenger seat and closed the door before turning to me. “Nope. Afraid not. He’s at the town hall rehearsing for this year’s panto.”

  “You mean there’ll be other people there?”

  She grinned. “A few, maybe. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”

  “Bloody hell, Bella. I’ll be a frigging laughingstock.”

  “Oh, stop whinging. As if anybody will give a toss about you putting a bit of slap on. They do it every night.”

  I shook my head before pulling away. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  Less than five minutes later we parked up outside the Town Hall and I followed Bella inside. I wasn’t happy about this. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I hated the idea.

  “Daaaaarling!” Roy’s booming voice startled me. He suddenly appeared wearing a gaudy yellow kimono, his face totally devoid of make-up and no wig on—which I’d never seen before—he’d always been either dressed as a guy or fully made up as a woman when I’d seen him in the past. This look was half and half. What bit of hair he had was scraped back, and he had some fine mesh cap holding it in place.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” Bella said, holding her arms outstretched to him for a hug.

  “Goodness, Bella, you’re huge!” Roy said, kissing the air just above each of her cheeks.

  “Oi, you,” she giggled, patting his pert backside.

  “You know what I mean. Shouldn’t you be in hospital popping that little sweetheart out by now?”

  “Not long to wait, I hope,” she said, stroking her bump.

  “Right, Dylan, darling. I hear you’re ready to embrace your feminine side and need my help?”

  “All in the name of the law.” I grinned, unsure what Bella had told him.

  “Then follow me, I can’t wait to get my hands on that delectable jaw line of yours.”

  I cringed. Roy had been a friend of Bella’s from school and she’d tried to set us up on a date many moons ago, but, although he’d been more than keen, I didn’t fancy him. I was into manly men and didn’t relish the idea of being up close and personal with him one jot.

  He led us through a series of corridors to a small dingy-looking room at the back of the building. “Here we are, darlings. Take a seat. Bella, you’ll have to perch on the edge of the coffee table. There’s not much room in here, I’m afraid.” He reached for a small aluminium case. “Now, I’ve gone through all my old make-up and pulled out a selection of everything you’ll need. Give it back to me when you’ve finished as it costs a small fortune.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind buying some, but I wouldn’t know where to start, to be honest.” I sat on the only chair in the room.

  “I’m always buying new stuff so it’s fine. Now, do you want me to apply your makeup, or would you like me to show you how I do mine and you copy me?”

  “I’d prefer to do my own, if possible.” I smiled, relieved I wouldn’t have him intruding too far into my personal space.

  “Okay then, darling. You have quite the five o’clock shadow. When did you last shave?”

  “This morning.” I rubbed my prickly chin.

  “Well, we can go over the top of it this time, but when you’re doing this for real, you’ll need to shave as close as you can, capiche?”

  I nodded, glancing at Bella who had a silly grin on her face. I sighed, praying it wouldn’t take too long before I could get out of there.

  “Okay. First things first. You’ll need a wig cap.” He handed me a brown piece of nylon that reminded me of fishnet stockings. “Put it on, like this.” He patted his head.

  Reluctantly, I did as he asked.

  Bella sniggered, and I shot her a warning glance.

  “Okay, great. Now, we need to apply some aftershave balm. It has a lot of glycerine in it, which will help prevent your skin drying out.” He squirted some cream into his palm before handing me the bottle, then slathered it all over his face.

  I did the same. I hated the feel of it, and this was just the beginning. God help me!

  “Next, we need a good primer to fill in the pores. Just cake it on.” I watched as he squirted a dollop into his palm before focusing mainly on his nose, forehead, and chin.

  He handed me the bottle and I did the same.

  “What we need to do next is the colour correct. You’re not gonna like this and you’ll think it’s silly but it’s necessary, I promise.” He took a large lipstick-like tube and began to cover his chin and upper lip with dark terracotta coloured makeup. He looked like he had a ginger beard and moustache when he’d finished, then he drew two half-moons in the same colour under his eyes.

  “Really?” I glanced at Bella, thinking they were taking the piss.

  She shrugged.

  I took the makeup stick and proceeded to do the same.

  “Honestly, you won’t see it once we’ve finished. But you need it under your foundation to counteract the colour of the five o’clock shadow.” He looked comical and it was a huge effort not to laugh.

  “I never expected so much went into applying makeup,” I said, feeling a change come over me as I preened myself in the mirror.

  “These are just the basics. You should see what some queens do. They can take literally hours to put their faces on. Right. Once you’ve done that, we need to apply foundation. I usually use a medium coverage on the top part of my face and finish my five o’clock shadow with full coverage makeup.” He poured some beige liquid onto his fingers and spread it roughly all over the upper part of his face, right up to his hairline.

  I tried the same, being a little more frugal with the liquid.

  “You’ll need more than that,” he said, taking the tube from me and squirting a good dollop onto my fingers. “If you’re going to do this right, less is definitely not more in this case—capiche?”

  I nodded again and, cringing, covered my face with the gloopy stuff.

  “Perfect. See how lovely your complexion looks already?”

  “Let me see?” Bella said.

  I turned to show her.

  “Wow! I might try some of these techniques myself. Your skin looks a-ma-zing.”

  I turned back to the mirror just as Roy was dabbing the full coverage foundation onto a cotton bud, then he dabbed it all over the terracotta goatee area. “Here you go. You do the same.” He handed me a cotton bud. “This is too intense to use your fingers—we need to blend it in with a brush, like this.”

  “I’m never gonna remember all this,” I said, more worried than ever.
br />   Roy smiled. “I’ll write some notes for you once we’ve finished.”

  “Thanks, mate. Although I’m still not convinced I’ll even be doing this—it’s too far out of my comfort zone, to be honest.”

  “Wait till you get your full face on, you’ll feel different again. It’s liberating.”

  “Maybe for you. You’re into all that but I’m not.”

  “We’ll see.”

  My face felt strange as the foundation began to dry. I was impressed at how even my skin tone looked. There was not a hint of the terracotta makeup.

  “We need to apply a layer of powder now. I know what you’re thinking—applying makeup before the concealer is crazy, right? But it works, I assure you.”

  “You’re right, that’s exactly what I was thinking.” I eyed Bella who barked out a laugh.

  He pulled out a huge brush and dabbed his entire face before handing it to me to do the same.

  I had to admit I was shocked at how fantastic I was beginning to look. Although quite happy with my physical appearance as a man, I’d never thought of myself the least bit feminine, but I looked bloody gorgeous. I pouted at myself in the mirror and Bella screeched hysterically.

  “See, your inner goddess is emerging!” Roy said, proudly. “Now, concealer. I use my fingers for this step and blend it with a sponge afterwards.” He squeezed a blob of lighter beige makeup onto the back of his hand before dabbing it on under his eyes with his little finger and blending it in with a sponge. “Look, no dark shadows! It’s fabulous, isn’t it?”

  I nodded, and did the same, really getting into it.

  “Now more powder, but not too much.”

  With each layer, my skin looked even more flawless than the last.

  “Contour next. And, darling, if you like what you see now, you’ll be creaming in your panties shortly!”

  More hysterical laughter from Bella, but I was too serious, scared to crack my beautiful porcelain-like face.

  Taking a large brush he dabbed it into some brown powder and, with sweeping strokes, created two hollows underneath each cheek bone. “Your turn.”


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