The Earl’s Intended Wife
Page 26
‘Must I? Cannot we make love again?’
Alex rolled over on to his back, pulling her with him so that she lay on top of him. ‘One of the things which your invaluable Anna obviously did not tell you is that men require a while between bouts of passion. However, if you lie there and continue wriggling in just that provoking and outrageous manner I can promise you that the wait will be short.’
Hebe twinkled wickedly. ‘Really? Like this?’ She was rewarded with a slap on her behind, which made her giggle.
‘Are you going to prove to be a wanton wife, Madam?’ Alex enquired severely, not quite managing to disguise how ragged his breathing was becoming.
‘Would you like that?’ Hebe enquired, seeing the answer very plainly on his face. She suddenly laughed with pure happiness. ‘Oh, Alex, I know I am only a very ordinary enchantress, but I do have some powers after all. I have turned you into a husband!’
‘More than that,’ he whispered, pulling her hard against him. ‘You have turned me into the happiest of men. I never realised that part of me was missing until I found you, my Circe. I told you that you were dangerous, for the void did not hurt until I realised it was there: then it ached unbearably. But now I am complete, whole, and will never cease to love you for it.’
And Hebe, in her new wisdom, did not seek to answer Alex with words, only with her lips as they sought and found his and spoke silently of her love for him.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-2964-8
Copyright © 2004 by Louise Allen
First North American publication 2006
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