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OWNED_Satan’s Kin MC

Page 1

by April Lust

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons--living or dead--is entirely coincidental.

  OWNED: Satan’s Kin MC copyright 2017 by April Lust. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

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  OWNED: Satan’s Kin MC


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  BEAST: Renegade Reapers MC

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  More by April Lust

  BEAST: Renegade Reapers MC

  BRANDED: Wild Aces MC

  MAX: The Sin Reapers MC

  TAKE ME DEEPER: A Bad Boy Biker Romance (The Predators MC)

  TAKE ME FASTER: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (Hellriders MC)

  TAKE ME HARDER: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (The Lions MC)

  HIS BABY: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance

  DEFILED: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (Wicked Bones MC)

  CORRUPTED: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (The Angel’s Keepers MC)

  WRECKED: The Beasts MC

  His Broken Angel: Inferno Hunters MC

  His Perfect Angel: Shadow Reapers MC

  His Precious Angel: Steel Gods MC

  His Little Angel: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

  SINNER’S PASSION: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

  SINNER’S TOUCH: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

  SINNER’S KISS: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

  SINNER’S LUST: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

  Click the banner or link above to join my mailing list!

  OWNED: Satan’s Kin MC By April Lust

  He owned me from the second I moaned.

  I had no choice – I needed his protection.

  My ex was forcing me into a life of crime, and there was only one place I could run:

  Into the biker’s bed.

  I just never thought it would go this far.

  It began like a bad dream.

  But dreams end when you wake up.

  This time, there’s no escape route in sight.

  Bedding with a murderer…

  It was the last thing a nice girl like me should be doing.

  He was a stranger, a handsome face in a crowded bar.

  I never expected to leave with someone I’d never met.

  Especially not someone like him.


  Vicious. Dominant. Dark.

  Darker than I ever thought possible.

  But it wasn’t enough for him to suck me into his underworld.

  He won’t be satisfied with just a taste.

  He needs to possess me from head to toe.

  He doesn’t want to love me…

  He wants to own me.

  And I’m about to let him.



  “Shit!” I cursed loudly, and banged my fist against the door. Pain shot through my arm and I winced, but the tears that were forming in my eyes were of frustration, not pain. Somewhere, behind a door, a dog started barking loudly. “Shut up,” I muttered under my breath. The dog kept barking. I wanted to kick it, but I had no idea which one of my neighbors would be pissed off at me now.

  Ms. Wagner,

  Please note that due to your failure to pay your rent on time, you face eviction. If you’re unable to come up with the $1395 that you owe monthly by next Wednesday (3/17), we’ll be forced to evacuate you from the premises. If there are any questions about the matter at hand, please call your manager.


  Morningside Apartments

  Crumpling the notice into a tiny ball, I threw it over my shoulder and wiped the tears from my tired eyes. My key got stuck in the lock, and I had to lean down and breathe on it to melt some of the frost away. As I banged and thumped and eventually got the door open, the dog started barking again, and I menacingly glared out into the hallway. Looking around, I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn’t think of what was richer: the fact that I was about to get evicted from this shithole, or that this shithole cost almost fifteen hundred dollars a month.

  My limbs were sore, and I plopped down in my favorite chair, yanking my heels off and massaging the life back into my calves. Today had been a real fucking winner of a day. It was one of those mornings where I’d felt like everything was going to be great, and then everything turned out to be the opposite.

  I’d woken up in the morning feeling renewed enthusiasm about everything. I’d been having a great hair day, my old jeans finally fit again, and I was excited about my new bartending gig. I’d only been working at The Silk Aria for a couple of months now, but I really liked the place. And there were some cute guys there, too.

  But as soon as I’d shown up at work, the manager had pulled me aside.

  “Caroline, you’re great,” he said without enthusiasm. “But times are tough for the bar, and we have to make some cuts. I hope this is only temporary. I hope we’ll be able to figure something out and bring you back on board. I know this really isn’t fair to you, dear.”

  I’d blinked back tears when he’d told me. Yeah, it wasn’t ideal. I was thirty, and still bartending. But that was what happened when acting work was tough. Thinking about it now made me blush with shame. I was a thirty-year-old woman, unable to get her shit together. I couldn’t keep a job. I couldn’t get a man. And now, I was about to get kicked out of the one apartment where I’d ever lived without a roommate.

  Eddie, the manager, had let me work the rest of my shift. I hadn’t felt so bad about it at first, but every time I waited on a table and got a compliment for my service, I felt bad. I wanted to throw the ti
ps back in the faces of all the guys who leered at my tits, but I knew that this money was going to have to last me for a long time.

  Now, at home, I felt more wired than ever. It was close to five in the morning and the sun was beginning to come up, but I couldn’t sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw my apartment being raided by the management people. I burned with shame when I thought about what I’d have to do in order to stay afloat. It wasn’t like being rejected from acting. At least with that, I knew where I stood all the time. Acting had been a tough gig, and I hadn’t ever been that good at it. But since I loved it, I’d always kept trying. And now it seemed like I’d just wasted my time. I tried to think about what I’d be doing now if I hadn’t caught the drama bug in high school. Shit. I probably could have gone to college, or become an accountant. Or even worked at a steady job I hated and still made enough to save for the occasional vacation. It was depressing to realize just how far I’d fallen from my dream.

  In high school, acting had seemed like the only thing for me. I’d been the lead in all of the school plays, and it had been one of the only things that I felt like I was really, naturally good at. But all of that changed as soon as I started trying to make it in the real world. No matter how much of a star I’d been in my younger days, now there was always someone younger than me. Or prettier than me. Or richer than me, with family who were willing to pay in order to help them get famous. Thinking it over made me feel ridiculous, and old. For an industry that didn’t love women over the age of twenty-four, the fact that I’d still been trying at thirty said it all.

  I was pathetic. I’d never been in this much trouble before in my entire life. And I had no idea how I was going to manage my way out of this.

  Chapter One


  “What’s good, brother?” Tommy clapped me on the back and slammed a glass of beer into my hand. The liquid sloshed over the edges of the cup and I yanked my hand away, shaking it off and laughing. “You gotta have better reflexes, man,” Tommy said. “Seriously, you can’t expect me to clean up after you!”

  Tommy and Steel threw their heads back and roared. After a minute, I joined in, wiping my sticky hand on my jeans and reaching down for the beer.

  “I’m great,” I told both of them. “Spent a day checking out some of the most delicious babes.” I grinned. “They closed Tinder’s down for a bachelorette party. Can you believe that shit? It was like being on the set of a porno.”

  Tommy grinned, exposing a mouth full of yellowing teeth. “That’s rich, man,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “You want to do some shooters? There are some pretty ladies in here tonight,” he said, sniffing the air. “Smells like good pussy to me!”

  Steel and Tommy started laughing so hard that one of the bartenders looked in our direction. I’d never seen her before; she was on the short, curvy side with long red hair in a braid that snaked over one shoulder and piercing green eyes. She was wearing a low-cut corset-style top that corralled her tits into a savage cleavage, and I could almost be sure that she winked at me before she turned around. Damn , I thought to myself. She is smokin’!

  “Yo, Carson,” Tommy said, clapping me on the back. “Did you not fuckin’ hear me, man? I asked you a question!”

  “He’s got puss on the brain,” Steel said with a snicker. “Can’t say I blame him!” He swung a fist out in front of his body and thrust into the air, back and forth, miming sex. “It’s been a long time for me too, brother,” he said with a laugh.

  I rolled my eyes. “Sorry,” I muttered. “What’s up?”

  Tommy leaned in. “You got any dirt on the Aztecs? I hear we’re in some deep shit with them.”

  I shook my head. “Nah,” I said. “The intel never showed up. I was waiting for an hour. Didn’t get a call or nothing!”

  “Them’s the breaks, man,” Steel said.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the redhead again. She was leaning over the bar and wiping down the surface with a dirty rag. Her tits were practically spilling out of her top. I imagined pulling her on my lap and sticking my tongue down her top, lavishing her nipples with rough strokes until she cried out. In my jeans, my cock twitched and stirred.

  “She’s rich,” Steel said under his breath. “I love it when she has her tits out like that.”

  “Hi, guys,” Diane said. She sidled up to our table and poked me in the ribs. I glared down at her. “How y’all doing tonight?”

  “Real good,” I said with a grin, pulling her closer and nuzzling her neck. Diane pushed me away with the expertise of a cocktail waitress, but she was laughing as she did it.

  “I’m good, too,” she chirped. “Can I bring y’all a round? Shots? Tequila?”

  “That’d be great, hon,” I told her. “Hey, who’s that smokin’ redhead behind the bar? I haven’t seen her before.”

  Diane leaned in close and grinned. “That’s Caroline,” she said. “She just started a little while ago, but she’s real good, don’t you think?”

  I growled under my breath. “She’s a babe and a half,” I said. “Is she single?”

  Diane shrugged and walked backwards towards the bar. “Ask her yourself,” she called. “She doesn’t normally work Fridays, this might be your only chance.”

  Downing the last of my beer, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and walked closer. Up close, Caroline was a little older than I’d first pegged her, maybe in her late twenties. She was pretty in a tough way, the kind of girl who looks like a wildcat in bed. And on the streets—the way her green eyes gleamed, I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.

  “I’d ask what you want, but you already have a drink,” Caroline said. She pointed to my table and I turned around to see Steel and Tommy downing shots. “Can I get you something else?”

  “Besides your number?” I smirked. Caroline rolled her eyes and turned away. As she whirled around, I caught a sniff of her perfume: spicy vanilla and chili. A shudder ran through me, I instinctively knew that her hair would smell exactly like that.

  “Not supposed to go out with customers,” she said smoothly. “What about a drink, though?”

  I laughed shortly. “If you’re asking me, sure,” I said.

  Caroline rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible,” she said. “I have to work now,” she finished. “Later!”

  I watched her heart-shaped ass walk away and felt another twinge in my cock. Damn , I thought. After a long week of work, she would have been a sweet little girl to have in my bed. Then again, maybe it was for the best. Running into my one-night stands after the fact wasn’t usually pleasant, and if she worked here, chances were that I’d see her again.

  “Carson, get your ass over here!” Steel called, and Tommy started hooting. I rolled my eyes and walked back towards my friends. They were goofs, but they meant well most of the time.

  “You guys can’t wait a fuckin’ second?” I complained. “Didn’t you see I was trying to talk to her?”

  Tommy laughed shortly. “Tonight’s not about pussy” he said in a quiet voice. “We gotta talk about our future, the future of the club! Man, I can’t believe this kinda shit’s been going on!”

  “I know,” I said in a conspiratorial tone as I leaned in closer, Caroline almost forgotten. “Over the past couple months, we’ve had two Aztec run-ins.”

  Steel nodded. “And I have intel saying that they’re planning something,” he said quietly, running a hand through his dark hair. “I don’t know when, but I heard something about a string of arsons.”

  I frowned. “Arson is fuckin’ serious,” I said quietly. “We can’t get tangled up in that. Not while we’re using so many resources on this turf war.”

  “I know,” Tommy said patiently. “But we don’t know the whole story yet. We can’t make any decisions. We’re gonna vote on it tomorrow,” he said. “You going to the clubhouse?”

  I nodded. I always spent my weekends at the clubhouse. Drinking, fucking, gambling, sometimes taking care of a fallen brother. Ever since I’
d been patched to Devil’s Own, the club had been my life. Tommy was the VP, and he and I had grown up together. Steel was a friend of his from way back—crazy and violent, but not a bad dude. None of us were bad dudes, really. Maybe unethical and cruel sometimes, and maybe mixed up in some bad shit, but not really bad.

  “Carson,” Tommy said, “you gotta have my back on this. You know Josh doesn’t always agree with us,” he said in a low whisper. “Things ain’t goin’ the way he wants them to. He wants us to get back into running guns, you know that?”

  I shrugged. “It’s better than the dope,” I said finally. “But everyone knows that we won’t be able to kick any Aztec ass until we’re really done with that. They have too much of a share on the dope market. We’re not going to break in without incident.”

  Tommy looked at me, his black eyes blazing. “I know that,” he said finally. “I’m just so fuckin’ nervous about this.”

  “Get your panties out of a twist,” Steel hissed. “You know Josh knows what’s best for the club.”

  I looked at Tommy. “I’m gonna get another drink,” I said. “You boys want shots?”

  Tommy and Steel hollered and whooped, forgetting that the moment had been tense. I breathed a sigh of relief as I went up to the bar. Caroline was still there, and she eyed me with interest this time.


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