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Crossing Paths: A Brooklyn Shifters Romance Book 1

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by Daphne Snow

  He asked gruffly, “Is someone coming to get you?” Distracting himself from his thoughts running wild suddenly sparking images of Francesca underneath him moaning in pleasure.

  “I’m still figuring that part out.” She admitted looking anywhere but at him. She scratched her head a little jostling the messy bun. It was cute, adorable Benson might even say. He’d love to see her with that messy bun in his big comfy chair with some glasses on.

  Maybe even a book in hand or a cup of something hot. He shook his head willing the thoughts away. He was getting carried away. He had barely said five words to this woman and now he's imagining her in his home, intertwined in his life.

  Maybe he hit his head too hard somewhere along the way. Frannie must've noticed his frustration as she looked up at him confused. Her eyes glistening pools of chocolate and amber.

  “Are you alright Mr-.” She bit her lip and that action sent a wave of need straight to his cock. “I’m sorry I really didn't catch your name.” She asked softly, as if something for only him to hear. Feeling like a secret between the two. He doubted she knew what she was doing but it was driving him mad.

  Something, no everything about her was calling to him.

  “Alexander Benson.” He struggled out. Bring her home, she belongs to us. He had never had his beast so worked up about a woman before.

  He wasn't a good man. He was a busy man in the best of light; he had no time for amorous adventures and courting. So if his bear just wanted to take a woman he could have anyone he wanted. One who he wouldn’t ask for more then a quick fuck.

  Alexander was afraid a woman like Francescha Bianchi would make him want more. She could make him want so much more.

  Why did he want her specifically? She was curvy and she seemed fertile. Was that what it was, his bear simply wanted offspring? But Benson couldn't possibly think about raising a child right now in his life.

  She stared at him a moment longer before she seemed to become embarrassed. “Please sit down Mr.Benson don’t let me get in the way.” She chuckled but it sounded sad. As if she was chastising herself. Something Benson in particular didn't like, Francesca was more beautiful than any other woman he had ever laid his eyes on.

  Still with a stoney face he sat immediately wanting to be closer to her. He didn’t care if his suit got wet with the snow he had a million more like it. He didn’t care if the leather of his italian shoes cracked in the windy weather. He had long forgotten about his suitcase still next to the pillar even. His sole focus was on Francesca.

  He could see the corners of her mouth perk up. “I hope you're not just here to take my bag again.” He gave her a sly grin and that seemed to make her eyes glow slightly with that beautiful amber. The looks she was giving him made him want to hide her away from the world.

  Benson hated to admit these feelings of protectiveness and need were confusing him.

  He didn't fucking like it. Alexander Benson didn't act like a flustered teenage boy; he was a man people feared and a man people begged for help. Rooms became silent when he walked in and yet when he looked at her it was him who was silent. More stunned than lack of words. He had plenty he wanted to say to her, none of it felt appropriate or right as he just met her.

  “I promise I won't be making off with your luggage this time. Just looking out for a fellow member of the community.” That seemed to make her relax a bit. He looked toward her hands, they had been much darker than he thought.

  For a bear shifter, she had no concept of the cold. Warm her with your body. Axl suggested. He admitted he liked that idea. Alexander could think of a few different ways he could keep her warm; he tried to not bring those to the forefront of his mind though. He quickly took his gloves off and reached for her hands. She retreated and pulled her hands to her breast.

  The motion caused his eyes to wander there. His mind started to rack with thoughts and ideas of what he could or most certainly would do to her if she was in his bed. He had hoped to warm her hands with his. Considering how she was setting him on fire he was the warmest thing within a hundred mile radius. But he wasn't so much a vagrant to touch a lady when she hadn't wanted him to.

  So Benson opted for giving her his gloves instead. She looked down at them with a questioning gaze. “Take them, you look like you get frostbite on your fingers any minute.” She looked at her fingers and tried to curl them only to wince in pain.

  She slowly grabbed gloves and dawned soft sheepskin. “Thank you.” Relief filled her face and he felt proud for some reason.

  He kept his voice low as people continued to pour from the exit. “Why are you so cold? I can smell your bear.” Though he opted to omit the fact he could smell her attraction to him as well. When he looked at her it became more fragrant. He liked the effect he had on her.

  “She isn't exactly fond of the cold she hides from it.” She referred to her fondly; they must've been close. Which wasn’t the case for all shifters. Alexander had given Axl his name when he was just a boy and Axl no bigger than a small shrub who was now a monstrous grizzly in form.

  “Miss Bianchi if no one is coming to get-.” She looked up at him nervously.

  “No, I couldn't ask you to do that. I'll take the bus or the subway. It's not too far.” No, don't let her get away. He felt his eyes flash a bright emerald green before he regained control. He quickly pushed Axl to the back before the bear could become more emotionally unstable.

  “You're not asking Francesca. I'm offering. And besides, I don't think there are any more buses running tonight and It wouldn't be safe to take the subway.” The genuine concern he held in his voice surprised him. She had wanted to say no to him but he could see it in her eyes she was failing to find a good argument.

  He could feel the nervousness.

  “I won't lay a hand on you if that's what you're worried about. If I'm anything, I'm a man of my word.” For a second he was sure he’d seen a slump of shoulder and disappointment in her eyes. Before she smiled again nodding her head. He thought for a moment though, having her in such close proximity it was going to be hard to keep his hands to himself. What the absolute fuck was he getting himself into?

  She's smart to be cautious. The goddess has chosen well. Another shocker of the night his bear was praising someone other than himself or Alexander.

  “Okay, Thank you Mr.Benson.” She nodded her head and sniffled her nose a little, the cold getting the better of her.

  He stood towering over her. “My car is this way.” Before she could grab her suitcase he grabbed it for her the wheels rattling through the blanket of snow. Her hands were still sore from the near frostbite. He didn't want her to feel anymore pain.

  She eyed him as he grabbed his own bag from behind the pillar from where it sat. Though she looked curious she didn't ask any questions and he was grateful for that. He didn't want to explain that he had been watching her for almost an hour like some kind of stalker. Unless maybe she was into that kind of thing.

  No, he needed to keep his head out of the metaphorical gutter. That of course was going to be tough around her. Everytime he looked at her his thoughts always turned in a more ludicrous sexual manner. Her in any and every position with him pressed to her nothing between them.

  They walked near enough to each other Benson could still smell her, her scent comforted him immeasurably. Frannie kept her distance, he was sure she was watching to see if he was gonna do anything weird. "Isn't the garage the other way?" She asked her fear spiking in her dewy scent. But he just kept walking down the line of waiting cars until they reached a sleek black luxury vehicle.

  A man was standing outside of it, short with a thick gray and white mustache and a pleasant smile plastered on his face. "Good Evening Sir. I hope you had a good trip." Benson looked back at Frannie, her eyes wide with surprise. The appearance of Carl made her relax her fear dying down a bit. That eased some of the tension within himself.

  "Will the young lady be joining you tonight sir?" Alexander nodded his face unreadable to ev
eryone else. Carl could probably see the internal struggle he was going through. Even though the older man was human he was the most loyal man Alexander had ever met and he always had a knack for sensing when the younger man was off.

  “We will be dropping Miss Bianchi off before heading home.” Alexander knew how his oldest friend would see the introduction. Alex never introduced anyone who was less than important. He handed Carl the two suitcases and reached out a hand for Frannie to give him her carry-on. Her eyes narrowed slightly.

  "I can throw it in the trunk. I'm not useless." She had said it in a joking tone as she looked at him. A broken smile sitting on her lips. He had never said she was and didn't like how she tried to defend an implication he never once thought. A defense mechanism he was sure. Still, it bothered him.

  "No one said you were, it's his job, Miss Bianchi. " He said gently, more gentle than he ever thought he could be with anyone. She gave him a wary glance and handed over her carry-on from her shoulder. Carl took it with a bright smile and headed to the back of the car with their things.

  Alexander opened the back door for her, gesturing a hand for her to get in first. She slipped by him the urge to grab her and haul her against him making his fist clench. She was too fast for him to make up his mind on that as she got in and made her way across the soft leather. He climbed in after her with Carl closing the door behind them.

  The car was warm and comfortable. Carl must’ve had it running the whole time not knowing when Benson was going to come around. Frannie seemed to relax even more now that she was starting to warm up.

  The thought pleased him. He didn't want her uncomfortable, especially not around him. He was aware of what he looked like, sure he was handsome but he was also typically stone-faced. Showing no emotion as he was taught. That must've sent alarm bells to her. Normally smiling happy people were the societal standard of trust, not his grumpy mug. A part of him wanted to smile at her though, he held that part back and locked it tightly within himself along with his angst ridden bear.

  “Where are you staying?” Benson asked her to bring her attention back to him as she looked at everything, her eyes sparkling in awe.

  The luxury car was nice. It had a mini bar on the inside and the seats were a soft eco friendly leather. There was even a privacy wall he could put up between him and Carl. It had been one of several he had but he preferred this black one in particular.

  She looked up at him, her amber eyes glowing in the near dark. A slight shift in the car indicated Carl Had finished placing their bags in the trunk.

  “Ah... my parents but they fell asleep early. Long night waiting up for me. I don't wanna wake them. So I don't actually know.” He could hear the slight dishonesty when she talked about her parents. The darting eyes as well told him she was hiding something.

  It was none of his business anyway why did he even want to know the truth? Fuck, it bothered him. He couldn't stop himself as the question spilled from his voice like steel.

  "Why are you lying to me?" Her cheeks became rosy with what he presumed was embarrassment and she narrowed her eyes now fixed on him. He liked her anger; it spurred him on but he also knew he fucked up by asking.

  He felt he had to recover from offending her. It wasn’t his business not yet. He ignored the sound of the drivers' door closing as Carl got in. "You know we can smell dishonesty." She looked away annoyed but no longer angry.

  "They got drunk, they aren't exactly in the right state of mind to be driving right now." The frustration in her voice indicated a bit of an accent he hadn't picked up before. She definitely was from Brooklyn at least originally. " I don't want to go there though give me a second." She took her phone out and started to text someone. The older model of it seeming to take its time sending and receiving messages.

  He wanted to apologize which was beyond him but he had wanted to. He hadn't meant to intrude, it wasn’t his place. Her presence was not allowing him to think straight though. The angry looked tempered to one of annoyance. He liked that hint of raw emotion. She wasn’t a manipulative person and he appreciated that.

  He was typically a calculating man and thought everything through but here she was making him unravel. The best he could do was an "It wasn't my business." Though he was telling himself that more so than her.

  Her reply had been just as curt. "It's fine."

  This woman fascinated him; she seemed so cautious of everything yet willing to be open. As if the world dealt her a shit hand and she didn't want to let it ruin her. He ran a hand through his hair frustrated. His big grizzly was content with her near and calm. Just lazily telling Benson to claim her make her theirs.

  How could he trust that instinct though? How could he know what he felt was true instead of just being a result of exhaustion and attraction?

  This woman, as beautiful and enticing as he found her to be. It was impossible she was his mate. Besides he had offended her by prying, she wouldn't want to jump into soul bonding with him anytime soon.

  If his bear just wanted to fuck her he could arrange that. He was sure of it. She wanted him even if she didn’t believe it he could scent it. It wouldn't be hard to get her back to his place. She’d look beautiful amongst the silk sheets.

  Her voice interrupted his thoughts. “I have a friend who lives in Crown Heights. If that is not too out of the way could you drop me off?” She had finished texting whoever she needed to and again the thought of it being another man made his blood boil.

  Her annoyance from earlier was all but gone. He was thankful for that. His usual bluntness would not work for him here. She wasn't fragile but he didn't need to be an asshole either.

  “Crown Heights Carl.” The man in the front who had been his faithful on call driver for over a decade slid the car smoothly out of the space he had been waiting in without another word. Typically Benson preferred to drive himself but he was exhausted from the flight and his bear was supposed to be sleeping deep within him. Not giving him shit about a mate.

  With the appearance of Francesca however, his beast was more awake and lively then usual.

  She smiled at him and again he stilled his heart clenching and blood rushing to his cock. By the gods, she had a brilliant smile. “Thank you, I really appreciate the help.” He breathed composing himself best he could. He promised he wouldn't touch her. He rested the side of his head in his hand and glanced out the window. But he wasn’t truly watching anything, just kept peering at her out of the corner of his eye.

  “I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I let you freeze to death.'' He assumed that's how she would take it. He wasn't known for being a gentleman normally but he was tonight and only for her.

  She shyly looked away from him a sly grin gracing her face.“I guess you're right. I bet you’d make a much better gentleman though if you kept your nose in your own damn business.” A sputtered laugh resonated from the driver's seat and Benson scowled at Carl looking at them in the rearview mirror.

  His woman had some bite to her. He liked that.

  No, not his woman she wasn't his she was just a woman. Not his. He just looked at her not knowing what to say; instead he just rose the privacy window between Carl and the backseat.

  Tucking a piece of fallen hair behind her ear Francesca stared out the window no longer acknowledging him. He tried to relax in the comfort of the car but was woefully unable to with the straining erection in his pants and no relief coming its way.

  The orange and yellow lights flashed by as they whizzed through the streets. Tall buildings that penetrated the inky black sky surrounding them. The snow continued to fall the harsh winds making a whistling howling sound with it. The drive to Crown Heights would take at least half an hour, maybe more depending on traffic.

  The silence which he often found comfort in was beginning to become deafening. “What do you do Miss Bianchi?” She looked up at him surprised and then down to her fingers. She had taken off his gloves and they were looking a lot better in color.

  She must've assum
ed he wouldn't be curious. Or she assumed he wouldn't ask anything else after her sly comment. He had to admit it surprised him that he was even trying. He never liked to know about people's personal life. He was only ever concerned with one thing and that was making money and making sure everyone knew he was not a person to be fucked with. She tucked some loose ends behind her ear again before answering.

  “I'm a wildlife conservationist in California. Specifically the Topanga Canyons. It was kind of an out of nowhere career move. I just figured where I would be most useful to the community and save non shifting animals as well. Not to mention get the hell outta Brooklyn. It's a rewarding job. I like it a lot more than I thought I was going to...” She trailed off avoiding his gaze. He could see her squeeze her eyes shut for a moment and shake her head as if she were inwardly hollering at herself.

  She protects us. His bear said admirably and Benson had to agree. “I was just at the Topanga canyons. It's beautiful out there. Thank you”. He wanted her to know he appreciated the fact she was looking out for the wildlife there. Something humans certainly had a hard time doing. She still didn't look up at him. But he could see the ends of a beautiful smile.


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