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Stalk Me Please

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by C. M. Steele

  Stalk Me, Please

  C.M. Steele

  To Evelyn, Mary, and Morgan, thank you!

  Copyrighted © 2018

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Deposit Photo

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior express, written consent of the author.

  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.

  Copyrighted © 2018

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Hailey: He owns the coffee shop, so I need to stop fantasizing that he comes here to see me. In fact, he’s never spoken to me other than to order his coffee. I just can’t get over the way he sits in the corner of the shop a couple times a week slowly sipping his hot, black coffee and staring at me with intent. Why? I don’t know. I should be concerned that he’s like a lion stalking his prey, but all I can think of is stalk me, please.

  James: I watch her every chance I get. When the time’s right, she will be mine. With every smile she tosses at a male customer, the angrier I get. Buying the shop, installing extra cameras, and visiting twice a week does nothing to calm the need to claim her for my own. She’s going to think I’m crazy, but really, I’m determined.

  Chapter 1


  The noise outside my apartment building startles me awake. Groggily rubbing my eyes, I get a glimpse of the sun through the window. Shit. I look over at my cell phone and jump out of bed in a mad rush. My shift starts in twenty minutes. I can’t be late, but I’m so damn tired. I rush to my closet that’s no deeper than a foot in each direction and snatch off a clean uniform from the hanger. My last clean uniform. Another damn thing to get done this weekend. I get dressed as fast as possible, tossing my light brown hair into a boring ponytail. I’m grateful that it’s not all ratty looking.

  A shower is going to have to wait. I’m glad I took one before I attempted to fall asleep last night. If it wasn’t for my noisy roommate, I would be chipper and wide awake. She decided to have her boyfriend and a few friends over because it was his birthday.

  I’m hoping that my roommate doesn’t bother me before I make it out of the door. I mean when she moved in I thought I would learn to deal with other people, but I haven’t. It’s probably because we have nothing in common other than being female. If I didn’t need her half of the rent, I wouldn’t have gotten a roommate at all. I like my privacy. Having spent the last three years without someone close to me has turned me into a hermit of sorts. I can’t afford cable or anything fancy, so I mostly read. My library card has never gotten so much use.

  As soon as I walk out of the room I run into her boyfriend who is naked and hard. Unashamed, he winks at me before strutting into the bathroom. Fucking shit. That’s not what my virgin eyes needed to see this morning. I grab my bag and rush out the door before he comes out. He’s another piece of work. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen him in all his glory. Last time they were fucking on the couch. I rushed into my room, then later told her that shit wasn’t cool. I’m not a prude, but I have to sit there, too. Not anymore though. I’m not ready to date when I feel like I’m constantly looking over my shoulder hoping not to run into my mother. Although…there’s one person I’d make that exception for. Which reminds me, today’s his usual day to visit the coffee shop. I can’t miss seeing him.

  The walk to my job is tough but quick. Just as I get down the street from work the sky darkens. Shit. I don’t need this. The rain comes faster than I expected. I make a dash for it, using my spring jacket to cover my head from the sudden torrential downpour. There’s been little rain so far for May, but I forgot to look at the local forecast this morning. I’m practically running blindly through the streaming rain hoping for no accidents, and that’s when I crash into a hard body. I nearly fall to the floor, but strong hands help me up from behind. The one in front of me has an umbrella, holding it up for me and the man behind me. I step back into the wall of a chest to the man I’d do anything to touch. A slight shiver runs through me. I can feel his hands on bare skin as my shirt rode up. A growl emanates from his throat. I quickly try to move away, realizing my uncharacteristic reaction to a stranger’s touch and his immediate displeasure with it.

  “Sorry,” I stammer out, moving around them and into the coffee shop and avoiding any eye contact with the guy behind me. I know who it is that saved my ass from hitting the ground, which makes this even more mortifying.

  Thankfully the coffee shop isn’t busy, saving me some curious glances, well except my boss. Damon and I have an uncomfortable relationship. He asked me out before he became the manager and of course I told him no. That was two years ago, and he still seems pissed about it. “Damn, you look like a wet cat. If you were on time you wouldn’t have gotten all wet,” Damon says with more attitude than I care for at this moment. He’s lucky I need this job and I’m not a bitch enough to tell the district manager that Damon stares at me like he’s interested and how much it weirds me out.

  “That’s because Hailey was busy talking to me,” Mr. Black states behind me, drawing Damon’s attention to the powerful and sexy man.

  I shiver from the way he says my name. It’s a lie since I only slammed into his driver, but Damon won’t question him. James Black is a man not to be messed with. He owns the coffee shop I work at and not once have we had a conversation. He stops in twice a week for a cup, but he never leaves the coffee shop happy with my service. My manager told me that Mr. Black always asks questions about me. Damon makes it sound like Black is itching to fire me.

  He sits in the corner of the café watching me work; his expression is always intense. I wonder what lies Damon has told him about me. I hate it because I’m so unbelievably attracted to him. He’s about six foot three; almost a whole foot taller than me. He’s got whiskey-colored eyes with dark brown hair and just enough scruff to make him look rugged in his suits. I clench my thighs and feel my nipples harden through my shirt.
Shit, it’s not hard to do since a fan is on and my blouse is soaked. And I’m not the only one who noticed. Damon’s brow arches as he steals a glance.

  “Hailey, in the back now,” Mr. Black barks out immediately. I only hesitate for a minute before I head to the backroom. He follows behind me, so close that I can feel his breath on my neck. It causes me to stop just inside and he lightly bumps into me. My eyes widen as I turn around and start to apologize for everything.

  He steps back giving us a foot of space; his nostrils are flaring in anger.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into your driver,” I stutter out, ducking my head, ashamed that I keep making an ass of myself.

  His angry expression switches to concern before flipping back to a scowl in a matter of seconds then he lets me have it. “I’m not pissed about that. I can see right through your shirt, Hailey. Which means every hard-on out there can.”

  “I’m sorry, sir.”

  Chapter 2


  I’m seeing fucking red because I can see her hard nipples. And knowing that her boss was looking only makes it worse. He’s about to get his ass fired. They aren’t hard to miss, but he needs to keep his eyes up. The interest he’s shown in her has gotten to the point that I have to pull her. Nothing he’s done is worthy of disciplinary action, but I’m jealous as fuck when it comes to my Hailey. She has no idea what I’m about because I’ve tried to maintain a façade until I had everything in order. I can’t wait anymore.

  “You’re not going back out there like that,” I tell her, giving her no room to argue with me. She’s intimidated by me. It’s not what I want, but for now, it’ll have to do.

  “I know. I look like a wet cat,” she mutters, blushing and looking down at her feet.

  I reach out and touch her chin. I shouldn’t touch her at all just yet, but I need her to look at me. I can’t stand it when she hides those beautiful green eyes from me. “You’re not going out there because I can see your hard fucking nipples. You’re going to go home and change into something more presentable, then you’re coming with me. I want you to work at my other business.” I want her there because I can keep a better eye on her. I don’t have all this time to sneak out of work for moments of her attention. And I need to know where she is all the time. From the first time I walked into the café, I knew that she would one day be mine. I began the buying process of the café the next day. It wasn’t easy at first, but after four months I’ve made it happen. It would have been easier to just tell her that I’m obsessed with her and hope that it doesn’t scare her, but I could risk losing.

  “Why?” she asks. This time the shyness is gone and the little spitfire I haven’t seen before makes herself known. There’s so much more I want to know about her. Not the things I can see on paper. I’ve got all her records. I know she was born on the opposite side of the country in Oregon, but she moved all the way to Chicago three years ago. I know that she spends time at the library, and she’s always looking over her shoulder. Finding out the answer to that wasn’t so hard but dealing with the matter legally has been a little difficult. It’s a big part of why I haven’t intruded in on her life. She needs to be independent as much as she needs to be worshipped. In order to get my fix, I’ve installed additional cameras in the shop. Most of them focusing on the counter. My need has become an obsession and I’ll never be sated.

  “Why? Because I’m the owner and I said so. I’m not used to explaining myself,” I inform her.

  “Well, I’m not used to being bullied around.” She crosses her arms over her chest, accentuating her breasts.

  I’m too hard to think straight. Getting her out of here and with dry clothes will do a world of good for all of us. “Sorry, Hailey. Please join my company and switch positions,” I say, hoping that she doesn’t force my hand.

  “Um. Yes, Mr. Black.” I hadn’t expected to acquiesce so quickly.

  I take off my coat and wrap it around her shoulders. My hands linger there longer than necessary. Our eyes meet, and a look passes between us that should have her pinned to the wall with my cock buried inside, filling her up with my baby.

  “Let’s get you out of here.” I take her hand and lead her directly out the door without a word to the manager. I hate him for spending so much time looking at my woman. My man Henderson is already at my SUV holding the door open for us. I help her inside, not giving a fuck if I get wet.

  “Take Ms. Scott home,” I order as I close the door. Henderson has been with me for years and has found my obsession with Hailey a bit odd, but he knows better than to remark on it. I’ve never given up a minute of work for a woman. Now, I’ve missed days watching her. Months, if you count up all the days, but what should he care, he still gets his money.

  “Yes, sir,” he says.

  “I live at…” she starts to give her address.

  “We know,” Henderson adds, catching himself, but I’m not going to lie.

  “How?” That brow of hers that I’ve grown very accustomed to raises. I want to kiss it, then make my way to her lips that constantly tempt me. Everything about her tempts me. She barely reaches the middle of my chest and she is slender from a lack of eating. Even though she’s skinny, Hailey has womanly curves.

  “You’re one of my employees. I have that information at my disposal.”

  “Do you need my blood type too?” she jokes angrily.

  “No, you’re O-,” I mutter, looking down at my phone. I don’t know why the fuck I can’t lie to her. It’s as if she’s got something over me, keeping me honest with her. I nearly slipped up the first day I met her. That’s why I sat as far away, but close enough to see her pretty face.

  “What? How do you know that?”

  I close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose. I want to tell her that I breathe for her, but that would come off crazy. “Hailey, do me a favor and don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.”

  She turns slightly in her seat, staring at me with a mean grimace. She crosses her arms and bites out, “I want the answers. Are you trying to steal my organs or something? It’s clear you don’t think I’m a good employee.”

  I can’t stop myself from laughing. It takes a minute, but I finally respond, “Steal your organs? What the fuck are you watching and reading? I don’t think you’re a bad employee at all.”

  Her brow darts upward, shaking her head. “You stare at me while I'm working with a scowl on your face.”

  “That’s because you’re smiling at other men,” I inform her.

  “I’m doing my job,” she tells me as if I’m unaware that she’s supposed to treat the customers kindly. I just happen not to care for it one damn bit.

  “Exactly, and I don’t like it.” A blush steals over her face, and she tilts her eyes downward, ducking my intentional gaze.


  “We’re here,” Henderson says, saving me from revealing my obsession.

  “Come let’s get your things.”

  “Okay, but don’t think I’m done grilling you. I don’t even know where we’re going.”

  “We’re going inside your apartment,” I reiterate. I’m not going to tell her that we’re going back to my house. Henderson opens the door for me. I jump out and take her hand. As soon as she places her tiny, soft fingers in my hand, she looks into my eyes. They’re swarming with questions and something else.

  I lead her to the apartment and we walk up the two flights. This place isn’t secure enough, but I did add security outside the place. She never sees them, but they see her. Last night he told me that they had a party. I wanted to scream about it and charge inside, but then the jig would be up.

  She slips her key in the door and opens it to see a dude walking around naked. My hands come over her eyes and I snarl at the fuck. “Put some fucking clothes on before I kill you,” I roar.

  “Chill dude. It’s not like she hasn’t seen me naked already.” I’m ready to kill a motherfucker as he goes into a room down the hall.

sp; “What the fuck does that mean? Is he your boyfriend?”

  “No, he’s my roommate’s boyfriend and I’m not sure why he’s still roaming around naked. Fucking gross. When I left this morning, he strolled out of her room in his birthday suit. What the hell does it matter to you anyway? You’re my boss.”

  “Let’s get you changed.”

  Chapter 3


  He walks me to my bedroom but doesn’t go inside. He stands just outside the door. Guarding it as if anyone is going to walk in. I know exactly why he’s acting the way he is and I’m trying to keep my cool. He wants me in his bed. Not wanting me to smile at other men was a dead giveaway. The way he nearly growled at Mia’s boyfriend and covered my eyes. I know I should be freaking out, but why would I when I think about him every time I get a moment to myself. I’ve fantasized about the man. I look for something sexy to wear, then hop in the shower. He’s just going to have to wait. If he wants to pitch a fit, he can come in and wash my back. Fuck, I can’t believe I’m letting my virgin mind go there. Well, my mind isn’t a virgin. It’s been through various ways James could fuck me. I run my hands down my body, letting my fingers dip just a little lower and into my sweet spot. What kind of job did he want? I moan, picturing me on my knees taking his cock between my lips. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I always imagine myself with the skills of a porn star. I’m so close. I can’t stop the need to come.

  “Hailey,” James calls out from the bedroom door. It sounds needy and it does the trick. I come. Hard as hell, I come. Hearing him say my name is all it takes. I’m leaning against the shower wall when I hear him outside my bathroom door.

  “I’ve got to get to the office. Come on, woman.” His voice is gruff and sexy, and it turns me on all over again.

  “I’m coming,” I call out.

  “Sweetie, it sounded like you already did,” he grunts out.


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