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Con Man: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

Page 87

by Amy Brent

  “Yeah, well, I just hope it doesn’t trickle down. I’ve tickled a few throats around here too, Mary’s included.” He let out a sigh. “Man, she was good with her tongue, did you ever—

  “Not going there with you, friend. Not even if you drive and buy the gas.” I didn’t want to know how many women we’d shared unknowingly as long as that list didn’t include Gemma.

  Dax leaned up and showed me his phone. The message on the screen was from Ashley, and it warned she was on her way to see me. A few seconds later, she walked in the door without a knock and looked as if she’d expected to see another woman.

  “I see you’ve finally decided to show up for work.” She glanced to my bathroom and then crossed her arms in front.

  “I hear you’ve done a lot of talking. You better make sure before you go running your mouth to whoever listens, that you’re telling the truth.”

  “Are you going to deny that you’re fucking your secretary?” She gave me a smug grin.

  “At the current moment, I have no secretary employed.” Dax looked up, and I met his eyes with a warning glare.

  “I just saw her downstairs.” Ashley put her hand on her hip.

  “She’s been ill. She’s here to collect her things. You can check with the front desk if you like. Now, about your employment status; didn’t you say that you’re going to resign?”

  “I came to talk to you about it, yes, but you never showed.”

  “I told you he had a family emergency.”

  “My daughter, Lila, is expecting her first child.” I smiled proudly. “Not that it’s any of your concern. My private life is my business, Ashley. Just because I won’t make you a part of it, doesn’t mean you have the right to stir trouble.”

  Ashley looked back over her shoulder as Gemma entered the office and took a seat at her desk. “Someone should tell the poor dear she’s no longer employed.”

  “I believe you’re right. You’re fired.”

  “I beg your pardon? This project will go nowhere without my designs, and if you think I’ll give this up so freely, you’re crazy. I was willing to let bygones be bygones since you’ve terminated her employment—”

  “She quit.” I corrected.

  “I see. No matter. You can’t just fire me for no reason.”

  “Oh, it’s not for no reason. You’ve clearly got a grudge against my family and me, and quite frankly, I don’t need your designs. As a matter of fact, please take them as a sign of gratitude and get out of my office.”

  “Your investors are not going to be happy. I scouted the locations, and it’s taken me months working on them.”

  “I’ll eat the cost of time and still come out ahead, and besides, it’s not like you’re irreplaceable; we’ve proven that.”

  “You’re not getting away with this. I’ll get a lawyer.”

  “Good, you can show them how you broke your contract. I’m sure they’ll tell you that you have no case.

  Her icy stare caused me to smile, and she spun around and found Gemma standing in the doorway as she rushed out, slamming my door.

  Dax slumped back in his seat. “So, wait. Lila’s pregnant too?”

  Chapter 28


  I stood there listening to the woman and wanted to walk over and slap her face. I didn’t like anyone talking to him that way, and as she stormed out, I was glad I was going to have her job.

  “She’s a pleasant one.” I let out a long breath as I walked into Whitt’s office and leaned against his desk. “Do you think she’s going to try a harassment suit?

  Whitt shook his head. “She’ll calm down if she knows what good for her. Making false claims like that can land her in a lot of trouble.”

  “But what about the investors? Won’t they be upset and pull out away from any scandals?” I thought for sure there would be more to it and I couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty.

  “Well, they might, if I hadn’t chosen my investors wisely.” Him and Dax exchange a nod. “You see, Gemma. Most of them are not above reproach, especially when it comes to their affairs. I do have to watch Hayes Brinkley, but I figure when he gets here, I’ll take him to dinner to discuss things. I know he’s more reasonable when his belly is full.”

  “Yeah, of lobster and steak.” Dax laughed.

  Whitt joined in, and it was a welcome sound. “And don’t forget the wine.” I had a feeling they had a good story about Mr. Brinkley from their tone, and they seemed pretty confident that things were going to work out.

  “You’re not worried anymore?” I narrowed my eyes.

  He gave me a sideward glance. “Still not out of the water, but it’s not as bad. Besides, I’ve got a secret weapon.”

  “What’s that?” asked Dax.

  “Gemma. She’s going to be our new designer.” He patted my knee.

  Dax let out a laugh that shook the walls. “You can’t let Ashley know that. She’s going to be livid, and I bet then she really would cross you.”

  Whitt took my hand and pulled me closer. “That’s why you have to keep it quiet. At least until the investors seem pacified. Gemma will come to dinner with us, and I know my girl, she’ll make things all right.” He gave me a kiss, and Dax let out a breath.

  “You always get the best girls.”

  “I do, don’t I?” His bragging tone earned him a glare, and he chuckled and brought me close for a kiss and then looked up to Dax. “Gemma is the only girl for me now. You can have the rest.”

  “That increases my chances,” Dax said with a laugh. “So are you two going to name your baby after me?”

  Whitt and I exchanged a look. “No fucking way, man.”

  Dax was clearly offended. “What’s that supposed to mean? I have a nice name.”

  “Daxter? It’s like your parents couldn’t afford to buy an E.” I covered my mouth and laughed so hard my belly shook.

  “Yeah, keep talking, Whittrock.” I turned my head to see Whitt’s eyes widen. “Ha! You thought no one would ever find out, huh? Your parents bought one too many surnames if you ask me.”

  “How’d you find out?” Whitt gave him a nasty glare.

  Dax brushed off his shoulders and then blew him a kiss. The two were fun to watch and often reminded me of overgrown kids. “There’s a copy of your birth certificate on file downstairs. I was dating the receptionist who let me peek.”

  “Is there anyone in this office you two haven’t dated; one or the other?” I thought it was a legitimate question, but the two shook their heads, and Dax stood up and tried to keep the grin off his face.

  “I’ll just leave you two love birds alone. Call me when Hayes arrives.” He went to the door and on his way out locked it earning a brisk laugh from Whitt.

  “You’re not going to answer the question, are you?” I gave him a nudge, and he shook his head.

  “It’s all in the past, Gemma. It doesn’t matter. I only want you.” He rested his chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

  I could feel his stubble graze my bare skin and it sent a wave of chills down my neck that tingled in all the right places. It seemed to grab his attention because his cock hardened pressing into my thigh a moment later and then he cupped my breast.

  “I was just thinking of the first time I had you in here. You and those tight skirts. I wanted to put my cock in you from the first time you came in here. I’d wanted it so bad. You’d been the fantasy girl I couldn’t have.”

  “Did you really think about me?” I reached down and stroked his hard length through his pants.

  “Oh, yeah. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be having those thoughts about you, that you were like a daughter to me and that’s how it should stay. I’d watch you by the pool, with my cock just like this.” He nudged upward into me, his cock twitching in my hand. “And I’d go upstairs and rub my cock thinking about it. Fucking you in the kitchen that day, was a dream come true. And it wasn’t the first time I’d thought about slipping your little bikini aside and working my cock into you.” His w
ords had me aching and hungry for him. I stood and slipped down my panties from beneath my little sundress I’d worn, and he lifted the cotton skirt up over my hips and leaned forward to taste me.

  “I want it, Whitt. Please. One more time in the office before I go?” I knew we shouldn’t and that he was thinking the same thing, but he nodded and glanced at the door.

  “You feel how hard it is, baby. There’s no going back from it now. I want to feel you around me, gripping me, milking my hot seed.” He stood behind me, kissing my neck and whispering the words into my ear. “Bend over the desk, Gemma.”

  “Yes, sir. Mr. Porter.” I lay across the desk and rested my breasts against it as he unzipped his pants and stepped behind me, then he held me tight, gripping my ass cheeks as he thrust inside me. I wanted to cry out with pleasure, but I had to be quiet in the office, so I bit my bottom lip and braced for him, working my muscles so that I milked his cock with each thrust.

  He worked me with relentless passion, and I endured until my release had me weak-kneed. Thankfully, I was hugging the desk, and his own release wasn’t far behind.

  Just seconds after he pulled out and I dropped to my knees to take his load and gulp it down, the phone rang.

  I nursed his head and licked and lapped at every little pearl of come that came as he answered the call.

  “Whitt Porter.” He paused. “Hello, Mr. Brinkley. Yes, that’ll be great, I’ll see you then.” He hung up the phone. “Gemma.” He offered me a hand and helped me straighten my dress once his cock was put away.

  “That was Hayes; we’re meeting him at the restaurant in twenty. Dax made arrangements, and so you should get ready to go.”

  “Me? Am I going too? Isn’t he your largest investor?”

  “Gemma, I told you. I know my investors. I know what and who I’m dealing with. So, get freshened up. No matter what happens, at least you’ll have a decent meal. I’m sure I just worked off a lot of calories.” He kissed my cheek, and I hurried into the bathroom and took care of myself.

  Thirty minutes later, we entered the restaurant and approached a table with a gray-haired old man, and a woman that I could only assume was his daughter. Whitt walked up and offered his hand to the man before pulling out my chair.

  “Whitt, long time, friend. We speak every day, but the last time I saw you, you didn’t have that many grays above the ears.” He turned to me, and his eyes lit. “Looks like the rumors I hear must be true.”

  “Hayes, meet Gemma. Gemma, this is Hayes Brinkley and his wife, Kitten.” Kitten looked up from the table and offered her hand which was dripping with jewels. I did a double take. His wife?

  “Kitten, you look stunning, as usual.” She gave him a warm smile and latched onto her husband’s arm.

  “Looks like you’re doing quite well for yourself.” Hayes licked his lips and then kissed his wife’s cheek and whispered in her ear. Somehow, I got the feeling that he wanted to taste me and she was just the type to allow it as long as she could watch or participate. Maybe it was the way their eyes lingered, trailing down my body and causing a strange feeling in my mound.

  “What’s this about a torrid affair. You know I love gossip,” said Kitten with a heavy accent. I had a feeling that wasn’t her real name.

  “Torrid is hardly the word for it,” Whitt said with a laugh. “Gemma and I go way back.”

  “What I want to know is, if this, Ashley woman is so hell-bent on making trouble how are you going to assure me the project doesn’t suffer. I don’t want a single delay. Kitten is insisting on making a trip to St. Croix upon its completion, and I’d like to stay in a room I’ve already paid for.” His eyes were hard, but Whitt didn’t seem fazed.

  “I can’t say what she’ll do honestly, but I can assure it’s all out of lover’s scorn. We’d dated a few times, and she grew suspicious of Gemma, who I was at the time trying to end relations with gently.”

  “We see how that worked out for you.” Kitten threw her head back and laughed, and her dangle earrings didn’t stop swinging for some time after.

  Dax and the others joined in, and I was just grateful that Whitt was so open. I didn’t want to have to pretend for anyone, and it seemed when he said he knew his investors, he wasn’t kidding. It wouldn’t be right for Brinkley to think poorly of Whitt when his own wife was twenty years old.

  Whitt patted my arm. “Well, the good thing about Gemma is she’ll work out for us all. She’s our new designer.”

  Hayes’ eyes lit, and he leaned forward against the table. “You’re an artist? That’s amazing. And you’re familiar with the resorts?”

  “Gemma’s been drawing sketches for this job for years, Hayes. She’s perfect for the job.” Dax assured.

  My face stained with a blush. “It’s been a dream of mine for a long time.”

  “Well, assure me that this will not be a conflict of interest and three months from now I am not going to be hearing from you with a broken heart, and I’ll stay the course.”

  Whitt cleared his throat. “Gemma’s interests run deep, Hayes. We’re having a baby.”

  Kitten squealed and bounced so hard in her seat that her fake boobs bounced and jiggled. “A baby! How wonderful.” She got up, and suddenly I was being assaulted with her arms around me and kisses to both cheeks. She also rubbed my stomach before stepping back to her own seat. “Maybe the baby luck will rub off.” She gave her husband a pleading glance, and he patted her hand as she placed it on the table.

  “Well now look what you’ve started, Whitt.” Hayes chuckled, and the others joined in, and my heart swelled knowing that now everyone could know.

  Whitt leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Shout it out loud.” And then he kissed my cheek.



  I walked into my house excited to see the progress Gemma had made on the nursery when I was pounced on.

  “Wait!” said Gemma, throwing her arms around me. “You can’t go in there yet!”

  “Why? I’ve been in there all week. I’ve seen the plans.” I’d seen a black and white design and Gemma wouldn’t let me see the rest. She’d wanted this to be a surprise too, just like the baby’s gender. I didn’t care either way. I liked surprises, and I wanted her to have her fun.

  “But you haven’t seen it finished, and you don’t know which colors I went with, Whitt. Please.”

  “Finished?” I had no idea she’d get done so soon, and it was a welcome surprise to have the workers out of my house and our normal living hours returning to private time.

  “Yes! I’ve worked like a madwoman for the past nine hours just so I could take you up and show you today.”

  “What’s so special about today?”

  “Whitt. You know what day it is.”

  “I do, and I also know that I’m supposed to be giving you things on your birthday and not the other way around.”

  “Yes, but you did give me the baby and the room, so just stand still and put this on.” She walked around behind me and put the bandana around my eyes before I could protest.

  Her little baby bump bumped against me as she tied the thing on. “Can you see?”

  “No, not a thing. I hope you’re a good guide or you’re going to be a widow once I hit the stairs.” I knew I’d make it up okay and she gave a little giggle as she grabbed my hand.

  “Watch your step, Whitt. We’re at the stairs.” I carefully took each step slowly and wondered why she couldn’t have blindfolded me on the landing. “Just a little more.”

  “I wasn’t aware there were so many steps. This is taking forever.”

  “Patience is a virtue. Besides, you’re going to be excited, and I want to see the look on your face.” She stopped me on the landing and turned me around pointing me toward the nursery.

  “Now turn.” I heard a soft sound of the door opening, and her cool fingers brushed against my blindfold and pulled it down.

  The room was painted a soft blue with gray accents and a touch of green. On the dresse
r, there was a big blue cake and sign with balloons that read: It’s a boy! My eyes stung with tears which I quickly wiped away.

  “A boy?” Somehow, she’d found out.

  “I went ahead and asked after the ultrasound when you went to bring the car around. I thought I’d seen his sex, and sure enough, I had. I wanted it to be a surprise for you, so I hope you’re not angry I kept it a secret.”

  “Not at all. I can’t believe I’m really going to have a son! Lila’s going to be so excited. She doesn’t know yet, does she?” My daughter was due three days before Gemma, and she had found out she was having a little girl.”

  “One of each, Daddy. I knew you’d be excited.”

  “What’s not to be excited about? And the room; Gemma, it’s amazing. You really knocked it out of the park. The resort is coming along, and now we just have to finish Lila’s suite. You’re an impressive woman, Gemma.”

  She was too, and as my chest swelled with pride, but cock hardened and suddenly, I knew I had to be inside her.

  Her features had softened with the extra weight of carrying the baby, and she looked beautiful, dressed in a shirt that hugged her baby bump and displayed it proudly, along with her breasts which had grown two sizes and were looking so ripe and engorged, that I wanted to suck and fuck them.


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