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Regency Rogues Omnibus

Page 8

by Shirl Anders

  Drummond’s features tightened in a purely masculine way, with his square jaw notched upward. He watched the languorous motion of her hands, through his eyes now partially lidded. “Very industrious of you, madame,” he answered in a husky tenor.

  Gabriella thought that she had seen Drummond exude manful intent before, however, it was nothing compared to his heightened awareness now. It was as if he scented the air and found his mate . . . perhaps his fertile mate. And, he was engaged.

  “Would you escort me to dinner, amour?” Gabriella asked huskily. “I have had it placed in the small intimate dining room across the hall.” As Gabriella spoke, she feathered one hand upward in the direction of the door allowing her mink wrap to open over the bareness of one knee. A tease, before it was covered again. She felt the thrill of it heat her cheeks as she watched Drummond skim his full bottom lip with the top of one finger.

  “I would be enchanted,” Drummond replied in a resonating murmur as he stood with a supple and panther-like quality, so tall and well formed.

  Gabriella took his proffered arm, feeling the tractable muscle beneath the superfine material of his evening jacket as she tilted her head in a coquettish gesture and smiled upward in what she hoped was an alluring manner.

  Precious, Drummond thought, however, Gabriella was alluding to a plenitude of sensual provocativeness. Interesting. His gaze followed the flow and shape of Gabriella’s fluffy mink wrap as they walked to the dining room across the hallway. It did not escape him that the wrap she wore was entirely out of place. No, it merely excited him in a way he had never experienced. It appeared his lady had not only blossomed, but effloresced into a flower of the rarest creation. His flower. His orchid.

  “Please, my lord, sit and I shall serve you.” A breathy pause followed as Gabriella pirouetted, her back to him. “After you take my wrap, of course.”

  Drummond imagined, knowing his lady-light as he thought he did, that she would be wearing a silky shift beneath the mink. She was newly shy of their intimacies together and she appeared to be trying mightily to seduce...

  Gabriella was gloriously nude! Stunned, Drummond inhaled a startled and very heated breath as the mink wrap came away from Gabriella in his hands. By god, would it always be like this as though he were seeing her nude for the first time?

  It also occurred to Drummond— quite peripherally, for his gaze was entranced by the view of Gabriella’s lusciously rounded and pale buttocks— that there appeared to be no food or summery utensil for eatery in the room. Candles flickered over a snowy-white linen tablecloth, stretched over the elongated dining table in a very provocative manner. Provocative? Since when had a mere dining linen, exacerbated in his mind, to be placed as arousing?

  “Do you like my breasts, amour? I rouged the nipples a tiny bit— can you tell?”

  Drummond’s head swiveled. Oh yes! He could see that. However, what stunned him and sent a lightening jolt of desire spearing his groin to turgid attention, and every place between, was Gabriella’s pink-lipped orchid. Bared!

  Gabriella’s heart-shaped loins were completely shaved of auburn curls and as tender looking as some newborn baby’s bottom with his passion pearl kissed between the pouted, blossom colored lips. Drummond thought, perhaps he growled— a mating sound surely— as his much touted control snapped completely.

  “Do you like it?” Gabriella asked, much too innocently, as she stroked one of her long scarlet-painted fingernails up over the plum-shaped outline of her loins. “You must shave me every morning if you wish to keep me this way.”

  Drummond did growl then, a predatory mating sound, as he swept Gabriella naked against him and took her mouth beneath his impassioned lips. They had seduced. They had played. However, now every tissue that made him a man, demanded that he take her . . . fill her . . . make her his completely.

  Drummond released his ravishment of Gabriella’s lips and bent, catching her thighs beneath his forearm as he quickly lifted her up high against his chest, while he walked the few steps to the table. “I presume you are this evening’s full course meal?” he asked huskily, neither really wanting nor needing an answer.

  Drummond did realize, however, that he needed a breath of space to tamp down on his flaming desire. Gabriella was just too precious to him to be rough with, as his inflamed lust was challenging him to do through every excited pore of his body. So, when he reached the table, he set Gabriella fully down upon its linen surface, even her dainty feet, and then he stepped backward, a pace. “Please, madame, stand so I may view my tasty morsel.”

  Gabriella appeared hesitant, but took his hand, using it as leverage to stand. By god. This was not helping at all! Gabriella was sleek, yet enticingly well rounded, toasted to an apricot sheen in the candlelight. From the outline curve of her hips, to the sleek flatness of her belly accentuated by the dangling slope of his golden chain about her hips, to the shapely line of her legs, she was ravishing. Drummond forbade himself to look at her breasts or do more than glance at the bareness of her exquisite loins. No, not for a moment or two, not until he regained some of his composure, he thought as he began to undo his cravat.

  “A feast,” he managed to rasp, before he partially turned his back and began to take off his jacket.

  “Are you all right, Drummond?” Gabriella asked softly.

  He would lie! He would sidestep, begin to talk seductively to throw a diversion, if he could retrieve any words past his passion-cramped throat. He would ... he would. Hell!

  “I am overwhelmed,” Drummond expelled, mumbling for the first time in his life. Then he turned, taking his shirt off as he did, thinking that he had best leave his pants on — perhaps through the entire encounter! Drummond glanced up at Gabriella, rather sheepishly, he supposed for him, and found that she was smiling. Actually, she was grinning, with warmth, love, and quite a dab of feminine power. The whole while she twirled the end of the chain with his passion pearl, bringing his gaze downward.

  “I suspect that I deserve this completely,” Drummond muttered. Another first, he never muttered.

  “You do,” Gabriella challenged with a sultry giggle, then she slanted one leg outward with her pink toes pointed, just so. She was posing for him.

  “Gads, woman, you are merciless,” Drummond proclaimed, and then he was there, pulling Gabriella down to her knees in front of him. “I am begging you, madame. I am begging you to let me touch your breasts.”

  Gabriella laughed, warmly and seductively, with a woman’s innate power over her man. “My amour, I will die if you do not touch my breasts.” Then, she surprised him yet again by lifting each of her breasts plump weight upward, offering them to him. Thrilling!

  “Beautiful. Simply the most beautiful breasts that god has ever created,” Drummond expelled, bending his head downward to lock his lips around the pinkness of one of her distended nipples.

  “Drummond,” Gabriella mewled, throatily.

  Ah! He was back in control again. Drummond caught Gabriella by the back of her waist with one arm as she swayed and he suckle-bit the jutting and tight peak into his mouth.

  “Oh god-god!”

  “Mm,” Drummond purred, lifting Gabriella higher against him to take more of her nipple into his mouth, while his industrious free hand began shaping and molding the lush contours of her exquisitely shaped butt.

  Gabriella nearly swooned. No man had ever put his mouth to her nipple before! Her husband had been want to squeeze her breasts in a fashion she always imagined must be quite like milking a cow. But no man had ever licked her nipples, biting on the nips, sucking on the tight swollen peaks and sending bolts of desire straight into her loins.

  Gabriella cradled Drummond’s head in her hands, hitching her breast higher into the heat of his mouth as he tugged her lower body forward and flush against the hot skin of his tight belly. She could feel the sprinkling of his body hair crinkle against the exposed surface of her shaved loins as her toes pointed around either side of his hips. Gabriella ground her pillowed se
x against Drummond’s sinewy stomach in a primitive rhythm as he moved his mouth to her other breast.

  “Amour-amour,” Gabriella mewled low in her throat, feeling wild and abandoned, as though she could never get close enough to Drummond. Her fingernails scratched his muscled shoulders and down his back as his teeth nipped at the peak of her nipple with a recurring plucking motion.

  Oh, dear heavens! “More,” Gabriella mewled, quaking in Drummond’s arms as he chuckled, his excitement and he gave her more, sucking the entire circle of her nipple into his hot mouth. Excitedly, Gabriella found the band of his satin evening breeches and began to try to tug them downward. She wanted his cock. Oh God, she wanted his cock! “Please, Drummond,” she pleaded squirming with fevered passion against him, frustrated at her inability to lower his pants. To see . . . to touch . . . to feel! “Please!”

  “God I love you, Gabriella,” Drummond rasped as he broke away from her. But he gripped his large hand in her hair, gently tugging her head back, arching her neck up to him as he gazed down at her with his eyes sharp and lustrous in passion. “I am going to fill you, Gabriella. I am going to mate you in as many ways as possible on this table, until you are screaming your love for me.”

  “Yes. Yes,” Gabriella moaned, as Drummond moved his hands to pull his pants down and kick them off his feet.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “First,” Drummond uttered as he grasped Gabriella’s shoulders, pulling her to her feet. “We are going to do it this way.” Drummond forcefully turned her away from him, then crowded behind her with one hand snaking over her hip, until he took hold of her naked loins.

  “My god,” he groaned, and Gabriella groaned with him, while her spine and buttocks undulated backward against him excitedly. “Bend over,” Drummond rasped, not waiting for her as he pushed his chest along her back taking her down across the table. “Have you ever been fucked like this before, Gabriella?”

  “Oh, God no, Drummond, please,” she whimpered, catching wads of the tablecloth in fists above her head as Drummond’s hands separated her thighs from behind and his fingers began to circle her clit. “Oh, um-um,” she moaned excitedly.

  “That’s it. Your orchid is so sweet and hot,” Drummond murmured huskily as Gabriella felt the scorching head of his cock pushing against the quivering opening of her sex. “And, this begging little entrance is mine.”

  “Ohmygod,” Gabriella squealed passionately as Drummond filled her with a searing, jarring thrust of his cock, lifting her feet upward as he pumped his massive organ inside her!

  Drummond’s cock stretched and stretched her tightly, filling her with blissful pressure and hot torrid friction. Then as he withdrew, she could feel his entire rigid length, like a molten rod of steel, until the plumper crowned-head nearly left her, and then he thrust forward again. “Ah-Ah!”

  “That’s it, kitten,” Drummond panted. “Take all of me.” Drummond pumped faster. “All of me.”

  “Oh, Drummond-Drummond,” Gabriella gasped as Drummond started a staccato rhythm of thrusts, while his fingers smeared hot friction over her throbbing clit. With each rapid pump inside her, Gabriella’s bottom rose upward, and her sex speared fire, until she could barely breathe.

  Then, Drummond slowed his fast-flying thrusts, moving his fingers from her impassioned clit to grab her bare buttocks with both hands as he languidly stroked his thick organ deeply inside her, over and over again. The change of tempos was intoxicating and Gabriella squirmed on the length of Drummond’s piercing column. Then, he changed position, leaning forward with his hands under her arms and his legs bent so his thighs pushed upward against the back of her thighs.

  “Oh, God,” Gabriella mewled throatily as her bottom plumped upward against Drummond’s taut belly with each solid and spearing stroke that he took.

  “You are so tight, kitten,” he uttered with labored breath. “Each time I try to leave you, you grab my cock back.” Drummond started pumping faster. “So hot and slick.” He rotated his hips in a circle with each thrust. “So passionate,” he hissed, losing breath as his thighs slapped Gabriella’s buttocks faster.

  Gabriella’s body slid back and forth on the table, riding her toes up off the floor beneath each of Drummond’s powerful thrusts. “Rub— my clit— Drummond— please,” she begged in breathless pants.

  “Yes,” he answered, and then he pulled the scorching heat of his throbbing cock out of her. Making her whimper at the loss, but Drummond lifted her instantly, turning her to face him at the same moment. His lips crashed down over hers and his tongue burrowed deep into her mouth as the momentum of his weight carried her spine onto the table. Instinctively, Gabriella lifted her legs upward with her inner knees catching Drummond’s flexing and sinewy buttocks. Drummond tore his lips from hers.

  “Rub your clit, Gabriella, and I will watch while I am filling you.” Drummond straightened, hooking her knees behind each of his elbows, spreading her thighs open before him. Then the head of his cock was at her entrance, pushing inside her slowly. “Do it,” he commanded with fire in his charcoal eyes.

  “Drummond,” Gabriella whimpered, arching her back upward as the sensation of Drummond pushing his cock deeper and deeper inside her made her pant with pleasure.

  “Do it,” Drummond commanded roughly again, as he pierced her fully with one powerful thrust!

  “Ah! Ah!” Gabriella could barely breathe as her fingers found her feverish clit and she petted it, piling her breasts up into mounds between her arms as she stretched to reach.

  “Yes,” Drummond panted. “Your bare little pussy drives me wild!”

  God, Gabriella was ravishing, Drummond thought ardently as he watched Gabriella’s opulent breasts bouncing with each of his stabbing thrusts. He took the heels of Gabriella’s feet up to his neck, holding her legs along his chest as he bent forward. He was sweating and he was on fire as he picked up the pace, pumping his jutting cock into Gabriella’s contracting sheath of liquid heat that grabbed his cock back with each stroke.

  Drummond turned his gaze to see his engorged shaft sliding in and out of Gabriella’s tight vagina as she fingered her clit feverishly. This sight brought him so close to ejaculation that he had to strain to hold back. Waiting for his love . . . his life, to climax first as he coupled Gabriella harder and faster and she began to unravel.

  “Oh god-god, Drummond!” Gabriella cried, arching up off the table, quaking.

  Drummond could feel the spasm of Gabriella’s orgasm clutching his enamored cock in ripples so hot and tight that it drew up his balls as his vision faded and his belly clenched. “God!” He spilled his seed in an explosion of pleasure that shook him and continued with each slapping thrust he took. Each grind was rapture, gutting him until he could barely stand.

  Finally Drummond slowed, dropping Gabriella’s legs to his hips, his cock now limp, but still inside her. Drummond leaned his arms over Gabriella’s shoulders as he tried to catch his breath and she began to rub his biceps languidly. She was a kitten stuffed with cream, so dreamy and sated were her lovely eyes. A woman well mated by her man. And what a woman, Drummond thought. God, she was worth everything to him.

  However— he was not through with her yet, Drummond decided with an arrogant grin as he gently lifted both of Gabriella’s legs to one side. Curling them up onto the table, while he pressed his hips forward, keeping his partially stiff cock still inserted inside her. Gabriella gave him an endearing, questioning look.

  “Again,” he stated.

  “Oh, amour.”

  It was well after midnight when Drummond finally carried Gabriella upstairs. They were both nude and he smiled, thinking there was no one to see them. He would have to remember to give his servants the night off more often. He and Gabriella were both happy and well loved. It was a night neither of them would ever forget. He had taken Gabriella on the floor, in the chair, against the wall, and several times over the table, until they were both beyond replete. As happy as he was though, he still had not forgotten their
need to talk. That and the present rumble in his stomach announcing its claim that he had gone without dinner. He was therefore pleased, upon entering their bedchamber, to find food waiting in a candlelight offering before the fire.

  “Did you believe that I would starve you?” Gabriella giggled as she stroked his chin. “Although, I can see that I am absolutely no judge at how long these, um – affairs could take, and our food is surely somewhat wilted.”

  “Affairs,” Drummond murmured as he nuzzled Gabriella’s cheek. “As in loving my lady until her knees are weak?”

  “As in that,” Gabriella agreed with a smile, while Drummond seated himself in the chair with her in his lap.

  “We shall simply have to salvage, madame,” Drummond advised her as he leaned forward to take a cover from one of the dishes. “And, I am so weak you shall have to feed me,” he finished looking down to investigate his find. “Apricot tarts! Kitten, how did you know?” Drummond exclaimed, with a deep purr of pleasure.

  “I remember, Drummond,” Gabriella replied sweetly.

  Drummond turned his gaze to Gabriella. “You remembered,” he barely whispered. He was touched.

  “Everything, Drummond. Every detail,” Gabriella replied, kissing his cheek.

  “Lord, Gabriella.” Drummond hugged Gabriella to him fiercely. “I do also. Everything . . . through all these years.” He swallowed hard. “I just could never fathom why you...” Drummond stopped at the tightening in his throat.

  “Oh, Drummond,” Gabriella exclaimed softly. “Drummond, I must tell you, I can see that.” She embraced him tightly. “We were so wronged, my love,” she finished in a whisper.

  Drummond tightened his arms around Gabriella as he nuzzled his face into her hair. “Then, we shall eat while you tell me the story, my love.”

  “Yes, Drummond, I will tell you all of it.”


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