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Leo: Zodiac Killers #9

Page 10

by WL Knightly

  Darek walked into the cell and found Sin on the floor. He had been cut down, part of his clothing still attached to his bunk. He’d cut the legs of his pants up and made an effective noose.

  “He took his time to make the rope, probably plotted all night. When they did first check, he was reportedly still in his bed.”

  Carter peeked into the room and turned a ghostly white. “Dear Jesus,” he mumbled.

  Darek thought the same thing. With Sin dead, there was no more scapegoat.

  They finished up with the guards, and when they finally got to leave, Darek walked Carter back out to the car. “I’ll take you back to the hotel now. I know you’re leaving, and I need to let my partner know about Sin.” He unlocked the door, and the two got inside.

  “Yeah, I think Bay will want to get on the road as soon as possible. I’ll tell him about Sin. I’m sure he’ll be glad the asshole’s dead.”

  Darek shook his head, starting the car. “It’s not a good thing. Believe me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If someone else is murdered, this case is going wide open again, and it’s not exactly been a cakewalk keeping my partner off of her theories, some of which have taken us dangerously close to having our secrets found out.”

  “Jesus, you really have been on the spot all this time, haven’t you?”

  Carters words were such an understatement they were nearly comical. “You have no idea. But don’t worry. I’m going to do all I can to find out who is responsible. With any luck, the killer is going to get sloppy. And with Bay getting access to Justin’s house and hopefully some of his records, we just might be able to find this killer before they kill again.”

  “It hasn’t escaped me that my name is next on the list.”

  “Which is why you need to be careful.” He gave Carter a pat on the back and then backed out of the space and headed to the hotel.

  Chapter 16


  After the long morning, Carter returned to his room, not sure how to feel about Ken Sin’s demise. He had known the man, hung out with him, and anytime anyone died, he always felt like it was such a waste, no matter how much of a piece of shit the person was.

  Those thoughts always led to his father, and while some would argue that he wasn’t a piece of shit, Carter knew better. He’d always known the man behind the curtain that everyone else couldn’t see, the one that most ignored or made excuses for.

  The best thing he’d learned from the man was how to manipulate people, how to play on their faults and make them feel like they were special, only so they’d open up.

  He’d also learned that from one other person.

  Carter remembered the first time he laid eyes on Bay Collins. The boy looked like a creature from heaven with his wild platinum hair and tanned skin, silver, and gold like he’d been brought to earth by divinity or perhaps a spaceship. But that wasn’t all that was fascinating about the kid.

  The other kids listened to him. He could speak in ways that held their attention. He both lifted them up and scolded them all in one sentence. He made Carter think, opened up his mind.

  He’d only seen one other man manage to do such a thing, and to him, Carter was nothing but a sinner. Someone who could do no right, who God would punish for everything he thought and all of his wicked ways, and that was the difference between the two. While his father would knock him down for his sins, Bay accepted them.

  He had watched Bay with his club for weeks and tried to be everywhere they were, always standing just outside of their circle, hoping for a way in.

  One day, opportunity came when one boy nearly drowned in the lake. After that, the counselors had everyone split into groups of two, and the buddy system went into full effect.

  “Pair off,” said Tits. “This is going to be your new swim buddy. You don’t go into the water unless you have your friend with you.”

  The kids started to split up, all choosing their partners, and Carter waited, knowing that Bay’s group of friends were going to be a man short.

  “Seth and Ethan. Corey and Justin.” Bay pointed to the boys, and they paired off. Then he looked at Logan and Finn. “That leaves you two.”

  “I’ll be your partner Bay,” said Finn with an anxious look in his eye.

  Bay shook his head and gave the boy a hard look. “You can’t leave your brother behind, Finn. Besides, I’ve already got a partner.” He turned to Carter. “Carter Hamilton.”

  Finn looked defeated but fell in line with Logan without complaint.

  Carter stepped up and offered his hand. “Thanks, Bay.”

  The boy took his hand and gave it a firm shake. “No problem. I’ve noticed you keep to yourself.”

  Carter nodded. “Yeah, I guess it’s not easy making friends.”

  Bay gave a sly smile. “I don’t think that’s your problem. I think you’re a guy who sees what he wants and goes after it. Even if you are a bit obvious, I think that’s a very admirable trait. One that can be respected.”

  Carter had never heard a kid talk that way before, and he wasn’t sure if he should feel praised or insulted. “Thanks.”

  After that, they were inseparable, and soon after, Carter was added to the Zodiacs.

  A knock came at the door, and Carter walked over and opened it to find Bay, still silver and gold from head to toe, waiting on the other side. He couldn’t help but smile.

  “You’re in a good mood,” said Bay as he stepped past Carter into the room. “I take it you had a good visit with Sin?”

  “No, actually I was just thinking back to Camp V. The day we paired off as swim buddies.” Carter looked at him like he might not remember, but Bay laughed.

  “You know, I was already planning on recruiting you, and then you just started showing up wherever we were, like instinctively you already knew where you belonged.”

  Carter walked over to the bed and grabbed his suitcase. “Those were some good times, weren’t they?”

  Bay chuckled, walking to the window to look out at the city. “You’re the only one who doesn’t dwell on the bad. Everyone else sees it much differently.”

  Carter could understand that, but it didn’t erase all of the years of happiness for him. “I guess it didn’t end well, but we had some great times in those early days. They were some of the best times of my life.”

  “That’s because you got to be away from your old man, Carter.” Bay knew him like a book.

  Carter couldn’t disagree. “Oh, for sure. That was always part of it. But we had some crazy times. I could cut loose and not worry about being judged or condemned.”

  Bay walked over and gave Carter a pat on the back. “I bet it was liberating when he died.”

  Carter’s smile faded, but not because he was insulted but because it was true. “Ken Sin hung himself in his cell. He’s dead.” He thought he’d go ahead and drop that bomb to change the subject.

  Bay was unaffected by the news. “That’s too bad, I guess. Especially for Darek. How did he take it?”

  “He was pissed off. He seems to think that the case is going to heat up again.”

  “It could happen. But hopefully, on this trip, I’ll get to do enough digging around about this Betty bitch to solve the case for him.” Bay walked with him to the door and reached out for the knob, taking a moment to pause. “What do you hope to get out of it?”

  “As I said, I’d like to offer my condolences to Brandy. She’s been through a lot.”

  “That’s very noble of you.” Bay opened the door, and they headed out to the elevator. “I’m sure it’s a huge comfort knowing she’ll have all of that money to raise the baby.”

  “How much do you think Justin was worth?” Carter knew it was a strange turn in the conversation, but he’d always been curious. Besides, he wanted to know just how much there was to take.

  “A few million at least.” Bay’s tone was so nonchalant, like he’d seen more money and it was nothing special. Carter wondered just how much the man had man
aged to earn for himself, not including his inheritance, which was upward of ten million from what he’d heard.

  Carter’s heart raced thinking of all the money he was going to have. He had as much right to it as Brandy did, and he would put it to far better use. As for Brandy and the baby, they’d still have a fortune to live on to send Corey’s offspring to summer camp and college. She could give the baby the Farrow name and live happily ever after.

  “You’ve got your work cut out for you,” said Carter once the elevator came to a stop and they walked out into the hotel lobby.

  “Yeah, the will should be mostly paperwork at this point, but the real challenge will be getting Brandy to agree to let me look around. I need access to the house and all of his important papers, cell phones, his computer.”

  “Do you think she’ll just let you look around?”

  “Yeah, I think I can be pretty persuasive.” Bay looked up at him with a grin that put him on edge.

  “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?” He narrowed his eyes and searched Bay’s reaction. He couldn’t have anything happen to Brandy. She was his only link to Corey’s fortune, and Bay knew nothing about that deal. It was going to stay that way too.

  Bay laughed. “You really think I’d hurt her? You of all people should know I have many other ways of getting what I want.” They walked out to the car, and Bay unlocked the doors.

  Carter got in the passenger’s seat. “You told me you’d explain this Betty person to me. Who is she?”

  “We’re not even sure she’s a she,” said Bay, sliding in behind the wheel. “She could be a he for all Justin knew. Betty was his online lover.”

  “Online?” Carter chuckled. “How do you call them a lover? How does that even work?”

  “Apparently, not too well for Justin, but I would assume you’d get off from lip service. Don’t tell me you never had phone sex.” He started the car and then backed out as Carter processed his words.

  Once Bay was on the freeway, Carter eased back in his seat for the long trip. “If he talked on the phone with her, then he should have known if it were a he or a she, right?”

  “He never did. Trust me; the man had no idea who he was jerking his dick to. We have to find what evidence we can and look deeper. I know she sent him some photos, and what I want to do is see if the body parts match up and if it appears to be one true source or five or six. If there are any distinct features: moles, freckles, lumps, bumps. Anything that’s going to be an identifying mark. If I can narrow it down to one source, then I can focus on the background and what kind of story it tells.”

  “Don’t you think that Justin would have done that? He wasn’t a dummy; he was just a little odd.” Carter had always liked Justin’s stories of cryptids and conspiracies. They were far more exciting to him than bible verses and the stories his father tried to force on him.

  “Justin had no reason to be suspicious, and by the time he was, it was too late. He didn’t want to see it too closely, you know? It was just a reminder of how terrible things ended, and how his dreams were crushed along with his heart.”

  “That sounds ridiculous when you consider he never met the person.” Carter chuckled, but he also knew it was sad. Justin had been a good guy who deserved much better.


  Carter shifted in his seat, looking at the long road ahead. “Damn, this is going to be a long trip.”

  “We could have flown if you still had your jet.” Bay looked as if he’d rather be on the plane than behind the wheel.

  “No, this is good. It will be fun.” He didn’t want to talk about the church or his troubles. Admitting things were rocky wouldn’t do anything but give Bay ammunition, and the ride was going to be long enough.

  Bay chuckled. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.”

  Chapter 17


  After the long morning of dealing with Sin’s death, Darek thought he’d be able to return to the office and tell Lizzy all about it, but she was nowhere to be found.

  The office was busy, with most of the officers hanging around chatting as if there wasn’t a crime in the city that couldn’t wait. Max lingered around the office too, making excess trips to the coffee bar and back to his desk. The silence between them was uncomfortable, but Darek knew better than to strike up a conversation, knowing the tension would get to Max before it did him.

  “What’s your problem?” he asked after the room cleared out, all but for Darius.

  Darek looked over his shoulder, seeing that Max was talking to him. Darius lifted his head from the file cabinet.

  “I don’t think this is the time or place to discuss it,” said Darek. Darius was all ears, and Darek wasn’t going to let everyone in on his and Lizzy’s business.

  Max gave Darius a hard look until he shut the file cabinet and walked out of the room.

  Darek spun around in his chair as the man left. “What’s your problem? You really think I’m going to discuss Lizzy with you. Especially here?”

  “I mean you and me. I already told you what happened, and you’re still blaming me. If you want to let it get in the way of our friendship, then fine, but I thought you were better than that. Letting some chick come between us is stupid. Besides, maybe she’s not the sweet and innocent you think she is?”

  “Watch it, Max. I don’t want to have to knock you on your ass right now.”

  “Please. I’d like to see you try it.” He laughed. “It’s true, you know? She’s the one who came on to me. You wouldn’t have turned down a move like that. You’ve taken home girls at clubs that showed you that kind of interest, even if you knew I was into them.”

  “That happened maybe once, and that time, you didn’t tell me she was the chick you’d been pining over. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have done it, okay? And I’ve said I’m sorry a hundred times.” He couldn’t believe the man was still holding a grudge after all that time. “Is that why you did it? Because of some bar skank that we are both better off without?”

  “No, it wasn’t about you at all. Believe it or not, I can do shit all on my own. You were a shitty partner, and you’re a shitty friend.”

  “A shitty partner? How so? The chief would have shit-canned your ass in the first month if I hadn’t been around to keep you out of trouble. You made more mistakes on the first day than most officers do in their first month.”

  “Fuck you. You’re not Mr. Perfect. I had to keep them from sidelining your ass when you started passing out at work. I covered for you at least six times.”

  Darek didn’t want him to bring that shit up now. “That’s in the past. I’m better now.”

  “Yeah, and so am I because I don’t have to be your partner anymore.”

  “Yeah, well you don’t have to be my friend, either. How about that? It’s not like I know you anyway. Who the fuck are you?”

  “Someone who put up with your shit long enough, asshole.” Max turned and walked toward the door, but he stopped short and looked back at Darek. “I know you better than anyone around this place, and you know what? I feel sorry for you. Because when this case is over, you’ll see. Lizzy will be done with you too, and then you’ll have no one.”

  Footsteps brought their heads around. Lizzy stood in the doorway, watching them. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Nothing,” said Max. He breezed past her and headed out.

  Lizzy looked confused. “This is why I don’t like taking the morning off.”

  “It’s been a long time coming. It just happened that he found the right opportunity to tell me off.” Darek shook his head and unclenched his fists. “I was two seconds away from ending that asshole.”

  “He was your best friend.”

  “We were put together. Our jobs depended on our coexistence. That’s not a friendship.”

  She held up her hands as she approached. “Don’t argue with me. Let’s change the subject.”

  Darek sighed as she walked over, and then he looked up as she leaned in for a kiss
. “I wondered where you were.”

  “Yeah, I thought with you doing your thing, I’d take the morning off. After you ran out on my breakfast, I sat in the kitchen quietly eating my bacon and thought that if Reed wanted me to rest, there was no better time.” She smiled and brushed his hair back. “So, how was it?”


  “Did he slam your face into a table?” She took her chair and spun around to face him.

  Darek was glad the asshole was dead for that one reason, but he knew that despite that, Lizzy wasn’t going to be happy. “He’s dead. Hung himself with his own pants.”

  She sat back in her chair. “Wow, I didn’t expect that.”

  “Me neither. The guards said he was fine after their first check this morning, but when they went to take him down to the meeting, they found him.”

  “And so the song has ended,” said Lizzy.

  Darek nodded. “And the dance.”

  “So, now what? We wait until this asshole strikes again? At least with Ken Sin, we had someone to be responsible. The DA is going to have us busting ass trying to find someone to pin these murders on.”

  “I guess we just have to keep going over the evidence. There has to be something there. A name, something.” He hoped that when Bay got back from his trip to Michigan, he’d have a lot more information on Betty and just who the person was. With any luck, he’d find something that would match up to the past victims and close the door on the case once and for all. When that happened, Darek’s goal would be to silence the person before they had a chance to say anything to anyone about Virginia and Darek and the Zodiacs’ past sins.


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