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Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance

Page 2

by Adriana Hunter

  His hands were trembling as he punched in her number. Taking a deep breath, he listened as the call went through, counting the rings.

  “Come on, Kate. Pick up.” He paced through his suite, his towel slipping from his wet body. As he juggled the phone and the towel, he heard her answer.

  “Kate? It’s me. How are you?”

  “Hi, Gage. I’m fine. Better than yesterday. At least more rested than yesterday. How are you? Where are you staying?”

  “Good, I’m good. I’m at the W on Lex.” There was an awkward silence. He heard Kate’s soft laugh on the other end of the phone.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Us. I mean, we sound like awkward teenagers on the phone, not knowing what to say. It just made me laugh.”

  Gage smiled. “It’s good to hear you laugh, Kate. I like the sound of your laugh.” He took a deep breath. “Look, I’d like to meet some place, here at the W or wherever you want. I just want to see you, not do this over the phone. Are you ready to see me?”

  It seemed an eternity before she answered. “Yes, I’ll meet you. Not at the hotel though. Someplace else. I have to meet with Ursula this morning so how about we have lunch at Sarabeth’s on Park Avenue? I’ll meet you there around say, 11:00?”

  “Alright. I’ll be there.” Gage hesitated. “Kate, I meant what I said. I do love you.”

  “I know you do, Gage. I’ll see you at Sarabeth’s.”

  And then she was gone. Gage replaced the phone. Looking down he realized he was naked, the towel pooled on the floor at his feet. And he realized the sound of Kate’s voice had given him another erection. He looked at his watch; it was a long time until lunch. He scooped up the towel from the floor, heading back to the shower.


  Even though she knew he would call practically at first light, Gage’s phone call had still startled her. His admission, again, that he loved her sent a shiver through her body, making her heart sing. But her rational mind kept telling her not to be swayed by three little words.

  She glanced at the clock; if she didn’t leave now, she’d be late for her meeting Ursula. And she had the distinct impression being late would be the final straw.

  The offices for Stardom Magazine were on Park Avenue. The building always intimidated Kate, even though she loved her job. But this morning she was too nervous to even be intimidated by the glass and metal structure. She took the elevator to the 30th floor, nodding hello to the receptionist. But instead of her usually disdainful look, the girl waved her over.

  “Really, Kate? Gage Stevens? What happened? Spill the details.” The girl leaned forward, eyes wide, waiting for the juicy gossip.

  Kate was at a loss; she didn’t even know the girl’s name. “Um, well, not much. You know, tour stuff. It was pretty hectic.”

  “Playing coy? No one like Gage Stevens has ever called here asking for the personal phone number of some lowly copy writer.” The girl sat back, giving Kate a smug look. She opened her mouth to continue, but thankfully the phone rang, distracting the girl and giving Kate a chance to escape.

  Kate’s cubicle was just as she left it, with the same dusty disused air as her apartment. Shoving a messy stack of interoffice mail to the side, she cleared a space, dropping her bag on the desk. She pulled out her digital tape recorder, checking the batteries and listening for a few moments to the audio recordings. She took out the notebook full of entries from the tour, flipping through the pages of interviews with the crew, the band and with Gage. Everything that had happened, sans her personal encounters, was documented, along with her impressions and thoughts. She smiled at some of the notes she’d made, at some of the comments of the band members and crew.

  Kate flipped to the last handwritten page, cringing at the notes she’d scrawled on the plane home, in the dim light of the cabin as she flew through the dark, running away from Gage. The notes were terse, barely legible, but still captured the intense feelings of joy and exhilaration she’d felt as she’d watched Gage perform from the crush and heat of the audience. She’d been so close to the stage he could have reached down and touched her. The fans around her, all girls, had been in a frenzy, screaming Gage’s name. But for a moment, it had been just her and Gage, their eyes meeting, the noise fading away. She’d been so proud of him, to see him giving so much of himself to the crowd, to his fans, letting the music he’d created wash over them. He was truly in his element and it showed.

  And then the spell was broken. The sounds of the crowd came rushing back, filling her ears, bodies jostling her roughly. Gage was waving to the screaming audience, leaving the stage, the concert over. And then, unbidden, the rest of that night came rushing back. Kate closed her eyes, willing the memories back where they came from.

  But the feel of Gage’s hands on her body, as they made frantic passionate love on the tour bus, his whole body claiming hers, made her skin prickle with goose bumps. She closed her eyes, helpless as the flood of impressions filled her mind. An unbidden heat rose through her body, an involuntary shudder coursing through her.

  “Kate Preston. It’s about time you grace us with your presence.”

  Kate swung around in her chair. Ursula was standing in her cubicle, hands on her hips.

  “Ursula. I’m…I’ve…sorry I’m late.”

  “My office. Now. And bring your notes.” Ursula turned on her heel, leaving Kate’s cubicle. Kate gathered her notebook and recorder, and followed, trying to avoid the curious glances of her co-workers.

  Ursula held the door for Kate. As soon as Kate was seated, Ursula closed the door. She took a seat behind her desk, looking coolly at Kate for a long moment.

  “You know that this assignment was given to you because your previous interview with Gage Stevens had been so extraordinary. We all assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that your relationship with Mr. Stevens would aid you in getting us a stellar series of interviews based on his recent tour.” Ursula took a breath.

  “But apparently your ‘relationship’ with Gage has perhaps interfered with that assignment?” Ursula leaned forward.

  “I need you to be honest with me, Kate. What do you have?”

  Kate took a deep breath. “I have my recordings of every interview, along with my notes, my impressions of the concerts, my thoughts on the interviews. There’s over 30 hours of digital content and a full notebook.” Kate set the recorder and notebook on the edge of Ursula’s desk.

  Ursula sat back, looking at Kate. Kate felt like a mouse, waiting for the cat to make its move. She tried to look composed, not to let her emotions get the better of her.

  “Do you think you can write this series and have it in by deadline?” Ursula’s voice had dropped the sharp edge; she sounded more like the boss Kate was used to.

  “Yes, of course. I’ve started the outline for the first article, laying out the format I’ll use for the rest of the series. There’s enough digital content for at least one major player interview per week, along with a strong article to run with the interview as a sidebar.” Kate stopped for a breath. She realized she was babbling and she forced herself to slow down.

  “I also have a series of photos from the concerts. They’re candid, action filled shots of the stage from the audience perspective. And I obtained some stills from Gage’s…from the manager to use with the interviews.”

  Ursula leaned forward again. After a long moment she spoke. “Okay. You have one week to get me something to print. I want this in the next issue. Get the photos to Dave so he can start work on them. That’s all.” Ursula dismissed Kate with a wave of her hand.

  Kate nodded, gathering her recorder and notebook. Once she was back in her cubicle, she allowed herself to finally draw a deep breath. One week. Completely doable. She called Dave in the art department and arranged to download her photos to the Magazine’s system.

  As she hung up the phone, she glanced at the clock. It was coming up on 11:00. She’d need to leave now or she’d be late for her meeting with Gage. At the thought of seeing him
again, her heart began to thump erratically. She drew a ragged breath, stuffed her recorder and notebook in her bag and headed for the elevators. Once she hit the lobby, she avoided the receptionist and hailed a cab.

  Gage was standing in front of Sarabeth’s as Kate’s cab pulled to the curb. She paid the driver and stepped out on the sidewalk. For a moment, she was struck by how beautiful Gage was, the perfection of his face, his body, the sun glinting on his dark hair. She wondered again, for the hundredth time, what he wanted with her. Would she ever get over her insecurities when she was with Gage?


  Gage had been at Sarabeth’s for almost twenty minutes, pacing back and forth. He knew he was early, but he still had the tug of worry that Kate wouldn’t show up. When her cab finally pulled to the curb and she stepped out, he abruptly stopped pacing.

  She was beautiful, the sun setting her red hair on fire, her grace as she stepped out of the cab. Such a simple gesture and she made it look like a ballet. He was rooted to the spot for a moment as she walked toward him.

  “Hi, Gage.” She stopped in front of him, looking up, the light reflecting in her clear green eyes, making them shine.

  “Kate.” Instinctively he reached for her, pulling her against his chest. He felt her stiffen briefly in his arms, then slowly relax against his body. The world faded, the crowded sidewalk disappeared, the traffic noises ceased as he buried his face in her hair, breathing deeply, inhaling the scent of the woman that drove him wild, the scent of the woman he loved.

  “Gage... We’re blocking the sidewalk.” He raised his head, looking down at Kate with a chuckle. He realized they were being jostled by pedestrians. As much as he longed to kiss her lush lips, he stepped back, still resting his hands on her shoulders.

  “Okay. I went ahead and made a reservation. They should have something private for us.”

  He held the door and the entered the restaurant. They were seated at a booth, set in the back of the restaurant. A white-aproned waiter appeared with menus, took their drink order and silently departed, hands clasped behind his back.

  Gage looked at Kate, her head bent over the menu. He wanted this to go well, wanted it so badly he wasn’t sure he could manage to eat. It had been a long time since he’d been this nervous with a woman. He laughed softly.

  Kate looked up, startled. “What’s so funny?”

  “Me…I’m nervous, Kate. You’ve got me on edge and I forgot what it felt like to get all worked up for a woman like this. I’m not sure I can even eat.”

  Kate smiled at him. “Me too, although I am starving. I think we just need to relax. We’re not going to make any life-changing decisions over lunch.”

  Gage watched her face grow serious. He reached across the table, holding her hand.

  “I know, Kate. As much as I want whatever is next to happen right now, I know that’s now how you want this to go. And I’m willing to go slow, take as long as it takes for us to work something out. All I want, Kate, is you. And this time I’m willing to work for it, do whatever it takes to make it work between us.” He held her hand, watching a kaleidoscope of emotions flash across her face.

  She took a deep breath, squeezed his hand briefly and then let go. For a moment Gage thought she was going to bolt from the restaurant, but she looked up at him, and he saw tears in her eyes.

  “Gage, this is going to be hard. There’s so much between us now. Let’s eat lunch, keep it light and work on the heavy stuff later. Court me a little, let me get used to you here, without all the glitz of the tour. Let me get used to Gage, the man, not Gage Stevens, the star.” She was smiling, her eyes sparkling with intensity and hunger and he felt her desire wash over him as she scanned his face.

  Before he could answer her, the waiter brought their drinks and took their order. Despite his nerves, Gage realized he was hungry. He ordered a burger and fries while Kate asked for cream of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

  Gage sat back in the booth, letting Kate have her space. “So, how was the meeting with Ursula? Everything okay with the assignment?”

  Kate took a sip of ice tea. “Yeah, so far. I have a week to turn in the first article and interview. I think it’ll be fine. I’ve got notes and the recordings; it’s all there. It just needs to be written.” She smiled.

  “Ahh, well you’ll do fine. You’re an awesome writer,” Gage replied with a grin.

  “Thanks,” she smiled appreciatively. “I’m actually looking forward to writing the series. I think I’ve got my head around what I want to convey and once I get my teeth into it, it should almost write itself.”

  Gage let Kate talk about her work for a while, letting her relax, enjoying just being with her. She asked if he’d called his manager and he laughed, repeating the conversation, the threats his manager made, the general scolding he’d gotten.

  Kate looked shocked. “He threatened you? With what?”

  “Not much. I’m his cash cow, there’s no way he’d drop me. He left a message earlier actually; I need to call him when we’re done with lunch.”

  Their food arrived and they both ate heartily, keeping up a continual conversation that included everything but what Gage wanted to talk about. He was growing impatient; he wanted to forge ahead with Kate, get everything out in the open, and get it resolved. But he bit his tongue, more than once, letting her talk.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity, they were finished. Gage claimed the check, smiling at Kate. Once on the sidewalk, he wasn’t sure what to do next. Indecision had never been a problem with him, but this new take-it-slow attitude with Kate was making it hard.

  “Shall I get you a cab? Are you going back to work this afternoon?” Gage was scanning the street, looking for a cab. He finally turned back when he realized Kate wasn’t answering him.

  She was smiling at him, an unreadable look on her face.

  “The answers are: yes. And: no.” She took a step forward, placing her hands on his chest, looking up into his eyes. He caught a glint of something in those green depths, something playful and mischievous, but still guarded.

  “I want a cab, but I want you to take me to your hotel.” She stood on tiptoe, kissing him quickly. “I’ve always wanted to see the inside of the W Hotel.”


  Somewhere during lunch it dawned on Kate that Gage was really making an effort, to let her do this at her own pace, to really listen to her. She wasn’t sure exactly when the idea began forming in her mind, but she realized as she watched him trying to hail a cab that right then, at that moment, there was nothing more she wanted than to be in bed with him. They could talk later; right now she wanted the immediate connection that took her breath away, made her giddy and made her body sing. She wanted Gage with an immediacy that almost scared her, but also made perfect sense.

  And as much as she knew letting herself tumble back into a relationship with Gage could be devastating, might be the totally wrong thing to do—and probably was—she wanted to take that chance.

  Kate wanted to take the lead for once, if Gage seemed willing. If I can control this, I can keep myself from getting hurt…again.

  The cab ride to the hotel was brief. Gage seemed a bit puzzled by her sudden change of attitude, but she didn’t give him a chance to question her. Before the cab even pulled away from the curb, she pulled him to her, his face in her hands, kissing those beautiful lips, her tongue probing and then, as he opened his mouth to her, dancing with his tongue in his mouth.

  By the time they reached the W, Kate was hot, ready to take Gage on a wild ride. Gage punched the button for the elevator, pulling Kate against his hip as they waited impatiently for the car to arrive.

  “So, what’s gotten into you?” He whispered into her hair, his hand moving restlessly over her back, his breath hot against her skin.

  The elevator door opened and he propelled Kate inside, hitting the button for his floor. He had her back in his arms before the elevator door slid shut. Kate looked up at Gage, taking in the dark eyes and
beautiful lips. She ran her finger down his nose, tracing his lower lip with the tip of her finger. Gage gently sucked her finger into his mouth, his tongue hot against her skin as it flicked over her fingertip.

  Kate caught her breath as an involuntary shudder coursed through her body. She felt her face flush, her heart beat faster.

  Gage was looking down at her, his eyes dark, heavy lidded. He slowly pulled her finger out of his mouth.

  “Kate…what are you doing?”

  Before she could answer, the elevator door slid open. They stood for a moment, lost in each other’s eyes. The chiming of the door sliding shut brought them back to reality. Gage reached out for the door and it sprang back. He took Kate by the hand, leading her down the hall to his room.

  Inside, they were at each other instantly, Gage’s question forgotten. Kate’s eager fingers were undoing the buttons of Gage’s shirt, pulling the fabric away from his body. She let her eyes travel over his chest, the smooth hot skin beneath her fingers, the hard muscles beneath. She leaned forward, licking one nipple, feeling it harden at her touch.

  Gage’s hands were pulling at her shirt. She stepped away from in him and in one swift gesture, pulled the shirt over her head, her hair crackling with static. She reached for the fly on Gage’s jeans, fingers working the snap and zipper. Gage’s erection was pushing against the fabric; she could feel the heat of his body as she tugged at his clothes.

  He’d moved his hands to her breasts, squeezing them through the thin material of her bra, running his thumbs across her nipples. The sensation sent jolts of pleasure straight through her, pooling low in her stomach. She caught her lip in her teeth, closing her eyes briefly, her fingers stilling for a moment, letting the sensations of his hands on her breasts wash over her body.

  She opened her eyes, finally tugging his jeans free of his narrow hips. His erection was there, right in front of her, curving up the plane of his stomach. Gage kicked his jeans away, his hands sliding down her back to cup her ass, pulling her against his body. He looked down at her, eyes dark and heavy-lidded. There was a brief hesitation and then he claimed her mouth with his, branding her with a searing kiss, setting her whole body on fire.


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