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Lies That Blind

Page 5

by Diana Rose Wilson

  Chapter 5


  “This is a strange question, but you call your mother and father by their given name?” Christopher posed the question as they walked out into the hot August afternoon.

  “Yeah.” Frankie lifted one shoulder. “Just was always like that. After Frank died, I had some attitude.” She tried to convey the understatement with a smirk. “I feel like I was more of a mother to Ellen than the other way around. She was sick for many years. You knew that, right?”

  When Christopher nodded slightly she fell silent and was glad he didn’t pry for more information. Instead, he murmured quietly, “It made you who you are. All those experiences.”

  “Yeah,” Frankie said, looking out over the view of the lawn where younger people and children were running and playing in the shade of the trees. She wasn’t completely sure what it made her except hard-edged and prickly.

  She felt him watching her. His fingers caressed her elbow, it caused her to jerk her head up to look at him. “You are glorious,” he said quietly before taking away his hand. “Would you like to meet my sister, Vanessa? I know she’s been dying to get introduced. I warn you; she is exuberant.”

  “Like Sophia?”

  “More than Sophia,” he said and grinned. “Not for the faint of heart. I’ll be right here to save you.” He didn’t sound like he was teasing but before she could ask, they were moving around the corner of the building. He lifted a hand to wave at the group with Sophia, Vivianne and a trio of young men who were obviously Christopher’s brothers. They each had black curls, wild green eyes and those damn dimples.

  Vanessa looked like a younger version of her mother, tall and elegant, and her smile was radiant as she turned and caught sight of them. “Frankieee,” she crowed the name like a war cry. The expression shone like the sun and a comfortable warmth spread through Frankie. Like she’d found a long-lost sister.

  Vanessa charged them and didn’t stop as she flung herself at Frankie. It felt like being hit by a truck. “You’re here. You’re here!” she sang and spun Frankie around.

  “Van-ness-a,” Christopher snapped when she’d spun around a couple times and continued the full-contact neck hug. “Let her breathe. Stop mauling her.” He put a hand on his sister’s shoulder and the other against Frankie’s lower back and gracefully extracted Frankie from her.

  Vanessa was unapologetic as she grinned at Frankie. They were almost the same height and though Vanessa had a softer, feminine figure, there was no mistaking how strong she was. Frankie’s ribs ached with a fierce sort of joy in echo of hers. “Oh, he’s so protective.” Vanessa fanned her hand up at Christopher. “Come meet the brothers.”

  “Are they going to tackle me, too?” Frankie asked, head whirling as Vanessa snatched her hand and pulled her and Christopher along to the group.

  “Psh. That was a little tiny pounce,” Vanessa demurred with a broad smile.

  “Exuberant.” Christopher slid an arm around Frankie and she found she actually didn’t mind it.

  She liked it.

  Vanessa’s gaze softened as she looked from Frankie to Christopher and back again, dimples deepening as she held Frankie’s hand in both of hers. “Yay.”

  The brothers, Derek, Alexander and Kenneth, greeted her with various levels of curious interest. Derek, the next oldest to Christopher, was also the shortest of the brothers, making up for size with his huge smile and easygoing mirth. Alexander was more guarded and Kenneth seemed downright shy. They were all gorgeous and probably the sweetest people she’d ever met.

  She got swept up in their charms and the comfortable, familiar banter between them. At some point, Christopher drew off to talk with Sophia and Vivianne, and she found herself between Derek and Vanessa, who quizzed her playfully about her intentions with their brother.

  “He’s not like normal boys,” Derek said mildly.

  Vanessa nodded, saying seriously, “He’s very sensitive. He snores like a chainsaw and drools when he sleeps.”

  “So do you, sis.” Derek offered, reaching up to pull her hair. He was watching Frankie. “Seriously, though. We’re protective of our big bro because he takes on everyone’s troubles.” He jerked his head toward where he was speaking with Sophia but didn’t shift intense eyes from Frankie. “He is honest and faithful and—”

  “I get it,” Frankie said at the warning. “I’m not encouraging him.”

  Vanessa huffed, elbowed Derek hard and then smiled at Frankie. “That’s not what he means. We just don’t want to see him get hurt again.”

  Frankie turned to watch them, saw how Sophia rested her hand on his chest, leaning into him with an ease she could only imagine. They were so comfortable together.

  “She likes having her hetero-plaything. It has been like that since he came back from his work trip. Best you know what you’re in for,” Derek murmured quietly. “I’m not sure how Viv puts up with it.”

  Goodness, wasn’t that the life she’d left behind? She was Dave’s friend but never more while he enjoyed the bedmates of his pick? Dave didn’t let her touch him though, unless it involved training. What the hell did she know about being intimate with anyone?

  “Or, you tell him you don’t like it,” Vanessa suggested. “They are used to that being normal. It’s not been a problem before.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter,” Frankie said, holding up her hands. “Whatever they have going on is none of my concern.” Honestly, if he was going to let his ex-girlfriend manipulate him it was his business.


  When she turned to glance over at him, their eyes met and his expression softened before he winked at her. She could feel the pull toward him, imploring her to come extract him from his situation.


  “Excuse me,” Frankie murmured and walked to Christopher and Sophia. Christopher’s smile widened as she came to his rescue.

  “Hey.” She lay a hand on his arm, feeling the tingle under her fingertips. “Don’t mean to intrude but…the ride? Should I ask Vanessa? I don’t want to pull you away from your friends.”

  Sophia’s blush pinked her cheeks as she jerked her arms from around Christopher as though she felt the contact of Frankie’s touch through him. “Oh, my gosh. I didn’t mean to… He was just giving me some support. I—”

  Grinning down at Frankie, Christopher looped his arm around her and pulled her in close. His hand settled onto her hip, palm pressed into her and there was something more to his touch than she’d seen shared with Sophia.

  “I understand. I don’t want to cause a riff but—” She inclined her head to Vivianne, wanting to convey her understanding of the awkward situation. How could Sophia be so ignorant to her lover’s disapproval? Maybe it had been going on so long it was part of their dynamic.

  Viv didn’t appreciate her help though. “We should get going, Soph.”

  Frankie saw Vanessa’s thumbs-up when she glanced over. Christopher squeezed her hand. “Thank you,” he whispered into her curls as he led her back to his siblings.

  “I’m not sure what sort of role a champion has…but, I’m fairly sure I require one with focus and dedication. I’m sure your ex is a fine girl but—”

  “Frankie.” He chuckled softly and said, “It is a full-time job. I haven’t been selected yet.” Oh, the teasing and those adorable dimples were too much. “Have I?”

  “I don’t even know. What sort of work will be involved?”

  “Making sure you’re safe, content and happy,” he murmured, serious.

  “That is a tall order,” she said. “It’s not safe.”

  “So I have been warned. And yet? Still interested.”

  “Will I need to make a guest room for you in my new house?”

  He held her gaze. “Would you want me to stay in the guest room?” he asked, searching her features. He paused on her lips before moving back to her gaze. “I wouldn’t overstep but…it wouldn’t be my first request.”

  She wasn’t even sure she could be tru
sted with that answer. She’d kissed only one person and it had been so horrible, she never tried it with anyone else.


  What a miserable activity.

  “Frankie?” he asked softly and his thumb brushed along her hip. “Have I offended you?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I don’t know if you understand what you’re getting mixed up with. I have no idea what Amy said about me but…all of this is utterly out of my comfort zone. I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed.”

  “Never fear,” he whispered into her hair, drawing in a breath. “You smell like fucking fireworks, Sunkist.”

  She swatted at him, but he caught her hand just short of it connecting. “You are dangerous,” he said approvingly, beaming, fingers twining around hers when she didn’t pull back. Without giving her a chance to respond, he turned to the expectant siblings. “I’m going to take Frankie home.”

  Ignoring their playful taunts, he escorted her to the parking lot and his car.

  Chapter 6

  The Drive Home

  She felt the same wild discomfort she had riding from the airport. The black Range Rover provided more luxury than she was familiar with. The classical music seemed too fragile for her. She was too big, unrefined and awkward in the space too close to him.

  “It’s okay, Frankie,” Christopher said when they’d traveled in stiff silence for too long. “The car has survived Vanessa’s twenty-first birthday. You’re not going to damage it. We haul wet skins and crabs in the back all the time.” He grinned at her. “You really think you’re going to break things?”

  She nodded her head, looking out the window. “Yes.”

  He crinkled his nose at her and chuckled. “I have no idea how you think you could, but I don’t care if you do. I like making messes. I play rough. You saw, and felt Vanessa. We’re all like that under the polish and restraint.” He tipped his chin up haughtily. “We are rowdy, loud brats. Much to the horror of the rest of the family. Polite Wallaces on one side and uptight Harrises on the other. Mix, apply proper Welton influence and you get…us.” His eyes twinkled over at her. “Hooligans.”

  He’d removed his jacket but even the shirt had marks of the wine spill. She liked the bright dapples across his heart. He extended his hand to her, palm up, a silent offering.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she admitted. “I’ve spent a lot of years being warned about—”

  The chuckle he made was pure delight. “Hurt me. Pretty please.” That was a dare if she ever heard one. Sliding a look over at her, he added, “I’m very durable.”

  It was true. He didn’t even wobble when she crashed into him. “But not indestructible.”

  He grinned at her. “It’s never been tested,” he said.

  She let out a breath and slipped her hand into his and threaded their fingers together, smiling at the contrast of their skin tone and size. He squeezed her back, warm and confident.

  The sun was starting to decline toward the hills, long shadows dancing between the rows of grapevines. After the fourth turn since the departure from Highway 29, Frankie regarded him, eyebrows knitted. “There’s not a sign on that road. I’m going to get so lost.”

  “Are you requesting I chauffeur you?” he asked.

  “I was thinking of something easier. Like a map.” She pointed to the GPS but her heart sank when she saw it didn’t list a name either.

  “I’m not much of an artist but I could try something. I would hate to see you go missing.”

  At last, they reached the impressive wrought iron gates with the oak-tree pattern twisting in black metal. He pulled up alongside the security box and stopped, turning to her curiously.

  Her attention was on the flowers, balloons and other gifts left along the front fence line. Her mouth fell open. The outpouring of sympathy right at the gates was staggering.

  “Code?” he asked, glass sliding down to let in the hot lash of August evening air.

  Shaking off her shock, she snapped her mouth closed. “I’m not giving that to you.” She chewed at the inside of her cheek and eyed the open window before leaning over him, extending herself out into the heat to punch in the code.

  A wild thrill raced through her when the curve of her breast brushed his chest, and she saw from the corner of her eye how his eyes darkened. His quiet sigh of pleasure tickled her neck.

  Her nipples tightened and she wanted to press into him, curl her body around his and force him hard into the seat. Their eyes met just as his mouth brushed her shoulder where a scar made a silvery comet through the spattering of nutmeg freckles.

  It felt better than anything in her life.

  Warm and silken, the soft contact made her stomach tighten and clutch and a heated flush burned through her. The cedar and sandalwood scent of him was too much. She pressed into the feel of his mouth, breathing in his intoxicating scent as caution scattered like wind tossed butterflies. Feeling his movement, she turned to him, arching her eyebrows.

  He didn’t jerk away.

  She waited to see the fear and pain.

  She braced to be shoved back.

  When his lips brushed hers, her breath sucked back like the building of a storm. Her muscles locked into place with shock and she froze against him. Her heart hammered as she prepared for him to bolt.

  He didn’t recoil from her like she burned him.

  Instead, he purred an invitation against her mouth, his big hands cupping her face as he caught her lower lip between his and sucked. Soft and lingering, he pressed his teeth into her until the sensation provoked a small mewl of desire from her.

  Oh. Fuck.

  He growled into the sound, releasing the bite, but his mouth crushed back to hers. The low, rumbling purr vibrated through her and made her nipples strain through her wine-stained dress. He coaxed her with his tongue, teased her, carefully invited her lips to part for him, and for her shy tongue to touch his.

  He tasted like the ginger cookies, wilderness, and dewy midnight shadows. Perfect.


  A heartbeat passed and then another before she allowed the air to sigh from her lungs. Her mouth softened and as she pressed against him, a small, pleased growl vibrated from somewhere in her chest.

  The answering moan he made was of broken relief, filling her as his tongue curled into hers, sharing the intimate caress as though she were the best thing he’d ever tasted.

  Christopher slid one hand into her hair while the other caressed her face. His thumb brushed from the corner of her mouth down to her chin as he lured her deeper into him, all the while uttering those sweet, hungry sounds. Hers.

  She slid her hands to his face, felt his dimples, the corners of his mouth, the angle of his strong jaw and then found fists full of his dark curls and held him in place, afraid he would bolt at any moment. Just a little more.


  He moaned into her, arching toward her and pulled her closer.

  In contrast to the hand in his hair, the kiss remained a careful caress of his lips on hers. She grew bolder against him, their breaths mingling in hot, shuddering gasps, hearts pounding together.



  She curled toward him, grunting and snarling in frustration as her hip caught against the arm rest and something painful in the console prevented her from getting closer. There was just not enough room to accommodate both their large bodies.

  He chuckled against her lips and his hand tightened in her hair, teeth finding her lower lip for a sharp bite that made her efforts melt into a pool of shivering hunger.

  The code-box chimed, indicating the gate had opened and closed without them noticing.

  He released her as she jerked back. She was the one who fell away and into her side of the SUV with a gasp of shock.

  “What. Was. That?” She blurted through her fingers. Her head rang as though a choir of heavy-metal angels were playing between her ears.

  “A kiss.” His words sounded muffled. His mou
th looked…fucking delicious. Swollen and wet from the kissing. From her.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. Oh, God.” She closed her eyes, horrified. She’d bit him. Her own lips sang with the same sort of ache. “I should have been more careful. I should be—”

  “Frankie,” he purred her name, growling around the ‘R’ as he cupped her face, and suddenly the scent of him blotted out everything else, the feel of his fingers caressing along her eyelids and the backs of her knuckles.

  “I…never— I don’t know— You—” She tried several different sentence starts and each faltered into silence. “Fuck.”

  He hooked a pinkie through hers, pulling to reveal her mouth. She hesitated with a moment of resistance before allowing him to guide her. “Shouldn’t kisses always feel like that?” he asked and very softly kissed the side of her lips, the spot that burned from the bite.

  Her smile quivered, curling up at the corners. “Yes,” she agreed.

  His eyes softened, glittering in the fading daylight as his fingers wrapping around hers possessively. Not afraid. Not in pain. “You didn’t hurt me,” he said firmly. “You are delicate and careful.” His expression brimmed with the same affection she felt swelling in her chest. “You taste like lightning.” He grinned at her impishly. “And gunpowder.”

  She crinkled her nose at him. “Ew.”

  He mmed softly and licked his upper lip, eyes closing. He lifted her hand to his face and nuzzled her scarred knuckles, kissing each one. “And oranges.” Finally, he relented, sighing heavily. “The code?”

  “That does not sound sexy.” She smiled wider and he grinned at her, crinkling his nose back at her.

  “Made you smile, Sunkist.” He pulled her in and kissed her, once. Then released her so he could punch in a code of his own, smirking. “And…I have a code. I should have said.”

  “You are a brat.” She swatted at him. He caught her hand and drove through the gates when they opened.

  “My property connects to yours on the far side. I could always ride up to your door on my trusty steed.”


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