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A Little Harmless Rumor

Page 4

by Melissa Schroeder

  “Hands over your head. Let me see those pretty breasts of yours.” She did as he ordered and he sighed. They weren’t hardcore into the lifestyle, but he really enjoyed playing like this. “Yeah. I like that. Your nipples get so fucking tight.”

  He moved his mouth back to her pussy. God, she tasted so fucking good. There was something so damned unique about the flavor as it danced over his tongue to his taste buds. He took her clit between his teeth and tugged. She moaned, long and loud—lust and longing shimmering in the depths of it. He relished the sound as it washed through him. It added another level to his already out of control arousal.

  Over and over, he pushed Jaime to the edge of pleasure, but pulled her back before letting her fall. He was about to allow it, but he sensed someone else in the room. He pulled back and looked toward the bedroom door. Sean stood there wearing only a pair of light slacks. His chest was bare and his hair looked damp.

  Randy said nothing for a long time, because he couldn’t form a thought. Just seeing Sean there, seeing the way he was watching them, had his pulse hammering. It took a few more seconds to gather enough control to engage him.

  “Like the view, lover?” Randy asked.

  Sean said nothing at first. When Jaime looked over at Sean, she lifted one hand out to Sean.


  The simple plea crumbled Sean’s resistance. He apparently couldn’t say no to Jaime. He walked across the room, his steps soft but steady. When he reached them, he leaned down to kiss Jaime, then pulled back to look at her.

  “You want to do this?” Sean asked, his voice soft. “I’ll walk away if you don’t.”

  “More than I want my next breath.” The absolute honesty was easy to hear in her voice.

  His mouth curved and he turned to Randy. “And you’re okay too?”

  He wanted to shout yes, but he didn’t. Instead, Randy returned the smile. “Truth is, Jaime and I have talked about it in the past.”

  His eyebrows rose up, and he looked at Jaime, then back to him. “Is that a fact?”

  Randy nodded and rose to his feet. He leaned over Jaime to brush his mouth over Sean’s. Randy had meant to keep it simple and sweet, but Sean cupped his face and opened his mouth, drawing Randy’s tongue into his mouth. When Sean pulled back from the kiss, his mouth curved again.

  As Sean pulled back, he hummed and opened his eyes. “Damn, she tastes good on your tongue.”

  Sean moved away and started to undress. “Go ahead with what you were doing. You don’t mind, do you, Jaime?”

  She shook her head, and Randy knelt down between her legs. He slipped his fingers into her pussy again. She was wetter than before. The added attraction of having Sean join them had heightened her arousal. Randy licked her clit, then stopped when Sean returned to the bed, now completely naked. The explosion of color from the bruises just added to his roguish quality. Fuck, the man always did it to him. Even battered, Sean could turn him into a puddle of melted lust. He was already hard, his erection curving up toward his taut stomach.

  Sean chuckled. “Like what you see?”

  Randy looked up at him. “Yeah, but you always knew that.”

  “Indeed. How about, we switch places. I want a taste of that sweet pussy.”

  Randy agreed and moved out of the way. Sean took his place.

  Sean squatted in between Jaime’s legs and leaned forward. He took a long breath in and sighed it back out.

  “It has been so long since I’ve smelled that.”

  Jaime had risen up onto her elbows to look down at Sean.

  “I think I told you to lay back and keep those hands above your head.”

  Sean frowned at her, then smacked her sex. “He gave you an order.”

  She shivered and did as they ordered. “What a good girl,” Randy said, as he squeezed her nipples in response.

  Smiling, Sean lowered his mouth again, and Randy watched as he feasted on Jaime. He couldn’t take his gaze off the picture they presented. Sean’s golden skin contrasted against her dark brown flesh in the most delicious way. Not wanting anything in the way, Randy removed his pants, then knelt on the other side of the bed.

  He kissed Jaime, long, slowly, as she moaned and jolted as Sean did something to her. Randy raised his head.

  “I told her not to come.”

  “Ah then. I guess we should take it more slowly.”

  Sean set his hand on her sex, barely touching it.

  “Oh, Jaime, baby, you’re so wet,” Sean said.

  “Did that make you want to come?” Randy asked her as he looked down at her. He knew Sean was continuing to tease her. “He does have the most talented tongue. I have never had a man who knew just how to suck me off the way Sean can.”

  She was shuddering, he knew the need for release was pretty much taking over her every thought, but Randy wanted to push her a little more.

  He looked up at Sean. “Maybe she needs a little lesson.”

  Sean didn’t hesitate. He rose to his feet as Randy helped Jaime roll over.

  “Up on your knees, love,” Sean said. She did as ordered again, but he expected her to. She was shaking with her need for orgasm, and she would probably do anything just to gain satisfaction.

  Sean looked at Randy; the question in his gaze was easy to see. He wanted permission to be the one to take her. But what Sean didn’t understand, not yet, was that this wasn’t just for now. Instead of explaining, Randy just nodded. There would be time for that later. Sean grabbed a condom package off the bedside table. After he ripped it open, he rolled it on. He took Jaime by the hips and yanked her to the edge of the bed. Randy watched, transfixed by the scene once again. He had never had a threesome before, and having it with these two people was something he had dreamed of for years. He loved them both so much and now, watching this, it touched his soul as much as it aroused him.

  With one hard thrust, Sean entered her. Jaime let out another long, hard moan.

  “Damn,” Sean said. He opened his eyes and made eye contact with Randy. Randy’s cock jerked at the lust he saw there. “If I remember correctly, Jaime likes a cock in her mouth.”

  “That definitely hasn’t changed.” He climbed up on the bed. “Open your mouth, love.”

  She did so readily, sucking Randy hard into her mouth. He almost came right then and there. Soon they worked in rhythm as Sean brought his hand down on her ass. The hard smack pulled a moan from deep in her throat, and it vibrated over his cock.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Randy moaned. “Suck it harder, Jaime. Yeah, like that.”

  She knew just what to do, how to run her tongue over the tip of his dick, then back down. He slipped his fingers through her hair, then he took control of her head. She opened her throat to allow him full access. Sean smacked her ass a couple more times.

  Randy thrust into her one more time before he held her mouth against him as he lost himself to pleasure. His orgasm washed over him, through him and left him exhausted. He pulled out of her mouth then leaned down. He kissed her as Sean kept fucking her, his thrusts growing with intensity. She whimpered when Randy pulled away.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you, babe.”

  He slipped beneath her, as Sean kept thrusting in and out of her. Randy knew Sean was close, as was Jaime. Randy lifted his head and licked the top of her mons, then teased her clit with his tongue. As Sean continued his movements, Randy teased them both, allowing his tongue to touch Sean’s cock each time he thrust. Suddenly, both of them were coming. Jaime’s orgasm seemed to slam through her. She screamed out, apparently surprised by the force of it. Sean thrust twice more, then came, his long groan practically vibrating off the walls.

  Randy slid from beneath Jaime just before she collapsed. Sean went with her and rolled to the side, moving them up to the pillows. Randy joined them, lying on the other side of Jaime.

  Sean and Jaime were still breathing heavily.

  “I don’t know about everyone else, but I feel better,” Randy said.

Sean lifted his head. “You’re such a smart ass.”

  “Better than a dumb one, Sean” Jaime murmured. Sean kissed her on the back of the neck, and slipped out of her.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He went to the bathroom, as Jaime snuggled closer to Randy.

  “Well, we made the first step,” she whispered.

  He held her close to him and kissed her temple. “Be patient. We’ll work it all out.”

  Randy just hoped that he could stay true to his word.


  Jamie sighed as she felt herself drifting off. They hadn’t moved much and she really didn’t want to. The cool trade winds were playing with the curtains on the lanai, and she felt as if she were floating. Jaime laid her head on Sean’s chest as Randy snuggled in behind her. God, it felt good to be sandwiched between them. She had never been with two men, but she could definitely get used to it. There was something especially wonderful about having all the attention on her.

  Her mind started going back to their lovemaking and she hummed. She couldn’t help it. For the rest of her life, she would never forget this one moment.

  “What was that for?” Randy asked as he pulled her earlobe between his teeth.


  He chuckled and it vibrated against her back. She shivered.

  “I guess we should talk about it,” Sean said.

  She laughed. “A little too late for that.”

  “No, there are things you two need to know, but I can’t tell you at the moment.”

  She shifted her weight and rose to a sitting position. Randy groaned and leaned back against the pillows.

  “Come on. I thought it was sleepy time. We haven’t had a good night’s rest in about three days.”

  Sean ignored Randy’s complaining and kept his attention on Jaime’s face. “I liked it better when we were just going with the flow.”

  “You can’t tell us?”

  Sean shook his head. She could feel him tense up. He was ready for them to abandon him. Or give him some kind of ultimatum. Well, there was going to be one, but she definitely wasn’t going to push him beyond what he was comfortable with. Not right now. They needed to rebuild those bridges they had all burned. It wasn’t going to happen overnight, but she knew at some point, they would deal with it. For the time being, she would be careful. His reaction was partially her fault. Her refusal to take their relationship to the next level—not to mention breaking it off with him then—was her fault. She had been so bloody scared at the time, and she’d made a massive mistake. But then, maybe they had needed that break…because they definitely both needed Randy.

  “You’re looking serious there,” Sean said.

  She blinked when she realized that she had been so caught up in her thoughts that she had started to frown. Before she could respond, she felt Randy’s mouth moving over her flesh. Sean must have noticed what Randy was up to, because his mouth curved. He leaned forward and licked her nipple. It tightened immediately…almost painfully.

  “Always so responsive,” he said, lust shimmering in his voice.

  Randy shifted away from her, and Sean eased her onto her back. At that point, they attacked. Sean continued to tease her breasts as Randy kissed his way down to her pussy. She was still tender from their lovemaking, but she didn’t care. Randy was damned talented with his mouth, as he proved once again. He slipped the tip between her pussy lips, and she couldn’t fight the moan. Didn’t want to. There was one thing these men understood, and that was pleasure. Having both of them heap all their attention onto her was a fantasy come true.

  Sean moved away, as did Randy. They both slid off the mattress and stood on opposite sides of the bed. Jaime looked first at Randy, then Sean. She did not care for the gleam in their eyes.

  She opened her mouth to ask them what they were up to, but Randy said, “I think you should take the lead this time, Sean. She does seem to like commands coming from you.”

  Oh, fuck. She pressed her thighs together at the thought. Randy was right. She liked being ordered around, and there was something about the way Sean did it.

  “Off the bed, Jaime,” Sean said, his smile fading as his voice took a more authoritative tone.

  She hesitated, and he did not like it.

  “Get off that bed right now, or I will make you pay for it.”

  Heat flared low in her belly. Bloody hell, she had really missed this. Randy was an excellent Dom, but there was an edge to Sean that she loved also. Between the two of them, she would probably never be able to get enough—or walk straight. They both had ferocious sexual appetites.

  She did as he ordered. Each small move heightened her arousal. Her sex was pulsing, anticipating.

  Sean pulled her close, and patted her ass. She quivered, expecting—wanting—a harder slap, but he didn’t give it. From the curve of his mouth, she knew that he had held back on purpose. Damn him.

  “Walk to the foot of the bed, then face the mattress.”

  She didn’t hesitate this time. She walked and obeyed as ordered.

  “I hate that I don’t have any toys at the house. I haven’t played in months,” Sean murmured as he walked past her, skimming his fingers over her ass.

  “We do have a few things, if you are comfortable using them.”

  There was a pause. “Hell fucking yeah.”

  They walked away and she wanted to look. Sean must have sensed her curiosity because he said, “Turn around and you will regret it.”

  They talked softly, so much so she could barely make out what they were saying. Every few words she would catch a phrase, but not clearly enough to know what they were discussing.

  “Sounds good,” Sean said. “I really like this.”

  She heard the crack of the belt. Fuck. They had just gotten that at the store in Rough ‘n Ready the night before.

  “I take it you’re waiting for a spanking,” Sean said. He drew out the word spanking and she shivered. “But, first, I want to make sure you deserve it.”

  Randy was still behind her, but she heard the vibrator. If Sean was a spanker, Randy loved to torture her with a vibrator. They were going to bloody kill her.

  “Why don’t you start with what we talked about, Randy?”

  Randy said nothing, but he chuckled. He laid on the bed, face up, with his head by her at the foot of the bed.

  “Lean forward, one hand on each side of Randy, flat on the mattress.”

  She complied, bringing her closer to Randy’s cock. She licked her lips.

  “Not yet, pet. We need to make sure you earn the right to suck on our cocks.”

  The temptation was almost too much to bear. She closed her eyes and waited.

  “No. Keep your eyes open and look at Randy’s cock.”

  She did, and then Randy pressed the vibrator against her sex.

  “Now, remember, your orgasms are ours to give you. You do not come without permission.”

  She said nothing, but Sean asked, “Do you accept this?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The moment she said it, Randy dipped the head of dildo into her pussy. It was just enough for the vibrations to jolt her clit. He moved it further in and she hummed.

  “Oh, you were right. She really likes that,” Sean said, his voice deepening.

  “I told you. She gets so fucking wet.”

  Sean leaned over her shoulder, his breath feathering over her ear when he spoke. “You like that, don’t you, Jaime?”


  She could barely get the word out. Randy kept moving the vibrator deeper, and she could barely hold back her orgasm. Sean tugged on her ear, and licked it before moving onto the bed. Randy slowed down the vibrator, but took one of her nipples into his mouth. The dual torture was almost too much to bear.


  “Oh, such a dirty mouth,” Sean said, dark amusement filling his voice.

  He wrapped his hand around Randy’s cock, and she watched as Sean stroked Randy. Sean turn
ed his head and looked at her as he lowered his mouth to Randy’s cock. He licked up the underside, then took the shaft into his mouth. She watched, unable to look away as Sean started to deep throat Randy. It brought a moan from Randy, which vibrated over her nipple then through her body.

  Randy tore his mouth away from her nipple. “Fuck, yeah, that feels good. Yeah, fuck. Fuck, just like that.”

  Sean continued working him over as Randy held the vibrator with one hand, then molded his other on the back of Sean’s head. It was one of the sexiest things she had ever seen. She couldn’t look away, even if Sean had ordered her. Then, Sean pulled back, giving Randy’s cock one last long lick before he moved off the bed.

  “Liked that, didn’t you, princess?” he asked, his voice was deeper, darker.

  “Yes, sir.”

  He licked his lips and hummed. “Randy has always been a tasty treat.” He smiled. “And you didn’t look away like a good pet.”

  Randy chimed in. “She is fucking wet too. I’m amazed she hasn’t come yet.”

  “Oh, that deserves a little reward.”

  He picked up the belt where he had left it on the bed and moved behind her. Randy started to lick and tease her breasts again, turning up the vibrator another notch.

  The moment the belt hit her ass, she jolted and almost came. She dug her fingers into the sheets, forcing herself not to come. He hit her again; the sharp sting of the belt left her flesh hot. Jaime closed her eyes in anticipation of the next smack, but it didn’t come.

  “I told you to keep your eyes open and on Randy’s cock.”

  It took a second or two, but Jaime forced herself to do as he ordered. He smacked her with is bare hand as a reward.

  “Damn, your skin is hot.”

  He moved back again and hit her three more times. By the time he was done, every nerve in her body was singing. She was at the edge about to come, but Randy removed the vibrator, then moved away from her, slipping off the mattress. He joined Sean behind her.

  “Damn, babe, I bet you loved that,” he said as he skimmed his fingers over her ass. The light touch was enough to tease her more.

  “You did so well, Jaime, so I think you need another even better reward,” Sean said, as he took her hand and moved her away from the bed. “Care for a ride, Randy.”


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