Book Read Free

Lone Heart

Page 7

by Delilah Devlin

“Think she might not say yes?” Honey shook her head. “Sweetheart, the woman all but melts when you’re in the room.”

  Lonny raked a hand through his hair. “She’s the practical sort. Worried about her ranch, about Drew—worried about intruding here.”

  Honey glanced over her shoulder at the new wing they’d built with the advance from her latest book—a sexy ménage story about two brothers and the woman they both loved. “It’ll be done in another month. We’re just waiting on the bathroom to be finished. I though you and Charli might like to choose the colors of the tile and carpet.”

  Lonny’s eyebrows shot up. “I thought you were planning on having a passel of kids.”

  “And that it was gonna be one huge nursery?” Honey laughed. “We built it for you, Lonny. So, you’d have your own space but still be with us, under the same roof. However, if you’re planning on a passel of your own…”

  “No plans, but it’s not like we’ve used anything.”

  Honey grinned. “Trying to trap her?”

  He grinned right back. “I’ll take her any way I can.”

  The sound of horses’ hooves clopping in the distance echoed over the valley.

  Lonny and Honey turned in their seats to watch True and Charli as they rode in, True atop a massive black gelding, Charli on a bay mare. Lonny noted, not for the first time, their easy familiarity. The two of them had taken an instant liking to each other, and never suffered an awkward moment of silence. Unusual for his quiet, brooding brother, but a huge relief to Lonny, who wanted them to get along.

  The pair stopped, dismounted, and tied their reins to a hitching post at the side of the yard before striding toward the table, pulling off their gloves.

  Charli’s face was pink with exertion, and she was smiling.

  Lonny stood and pulled out a chair. “Enjoy the tour?”

  “We didn’t finish. I can’t believe how big this place is.” She took off her hat and laid it on the table, before settling into the seat he held.

  Lonny lolled back in his chair and snuck his arm around the back of hers to play with her ponytail while he shared a glance with his older brother.

  Charli’s face reddened further, likely because he’d just reminded her of how he’d used her ponytail the night before. Her breaths shortened.

  True’s green eyes sparkled. “Still not used to the elevation, Charli?”

  “Takes some gettin’ used to,” she said, then shot Lonny a warning glare.

  Lonny laughed and scooted forward to kiss her cheek. “Come for a walk with me?”

  “I just got back. Do I look like I need the exercise?”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “Really want me to molest you at the table?”

  She pulled away and playfully slapped his arm. “Will you ever learn to behave?”

  Honey chuckled. True reached to cover his wife’s hand with his but smiled back at Charli. “My brother’s not big on rules.”

  Charli’s blush flared again, and she ducked her head.

  Her natural modesty was only one more thing about her that Lonny adored. She hadn’t quite figured out how to deal with the complicated relationship Lonny had with his brother and sister-in-law. “Come on. I want you to myself before True puts me to work.”

  Charli smiled her apologies to the couple grinning from across the table then let Lonny pull her from her chair.

  “Don’t worry about the horses. I’ll see they’re cared for,” True called after them.

  With their hands clasped, Lonny walked her around the side of the house, past the bunkhouse and the corrals toward the barn.

  “I’ve already seen the barn,” she muttered.

  “I’ve been a busy boy. Let me surprise you.”

  Opening the wide doors, they slipped inside. The smells of fresh hay and horses surrounded them. He walked her toward one particular stall and a pretty palomino that tossed her head and whickered softly as they approached.

  Lonny pulled a carrot from his pocket and handed it to Charli. “Meet Dovie.”


  “She’s new here. Hasn’t quite learned who’s who.” He leaned against the stall door and folded his arms across his chest, enjoying the suspicion glinting in Charli’s eyes. The woman wasn’t used to surprises. “Go ahead and feed her that carrot. I’m told carrots are her favorite treat.”

  Charli held out the carrot to the horse, who sniffed, then lifted her lips and nibbled at the end of the carrot before pulling it from Charli’s hand.

  Charli let her have it and rubbed her palm over the horse’s soft muzzle. “She’s a beauty.”

  “She’s yours.”

  Her head swung toward Lonny. “Really? That might prove problematic when we fly back to Oklahoma.”

  “Let’s talk about that. Later. I have another surprise.”

  Charli gave the horse one last pat then rubbed her hands against the sides of her jeans and followed him as he walked toward the wooden ladder that led up to the barn’s loft.

  He stood to the side of the ladder. “After you, sweetheart.”

  Charli shook her head. “Is there a reason there aren’t any other cowboys in this barn?”

  “Being the boss has its perks. Now, get on up.”

  She tossed her head, much like the little filly he’d just given her, but began to climb the rungs, one at a time, her hips swaying just a little more than necessary.

  Lonny hid a grin, knowing she knew full well part of what he had planned. When he climbed over the top, he turned her by her shoulders toward a mountain of baled hay. “Go on around the other side.”

  She gave him a questioning glance but did as she was told, boots scuffing in the dust. When she rounded the corner, she sighed. “You did this for me? It’s kinda early…”

  “Never too early.” He walked around her and unlatched the door that overlooked the pastures. Below them, cowboys worked—the permanent hires alongside the summer workers. Some were gathered at the corral, where a horse galloped around a cowboy holding a rope. Others were riding in the distant pasture where cattle dotted the hills.

  He closed the door and looped a rope around the latch so that only a stream of sunshine lit the blankets he’d arranged atop a bed of hay.

  He turned to Charli, who stood beside him. He cupped her cheeks and bent to kiss her, loving the sweet sigh that seeped into his mouth. He tugged at her dark ponytail, freeing her hair and spreading it around her shoulders. Standing back, he removed her shirt, her bra, knelt and patted his knee, and then removed her boots and socks. When she stood only in her jeans, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her hips toward him to kiss her belly as he worked on her button and zipper and pushed her jeans and panties down her thighs.

  He followed with slow, sweet kisses, glossing her soft, bare mound, nuzzling into her folds to lick her love knot until he felt the fine tremors shiver down her belly and weaken her knees. When she folded against him, he lowered her to the make-shift bed and hovered over her, pressing kisses on her closed lids, her nose, her lush, bowed mouth.

  When he paused, she blinked lazily. “You know, you’ve spoiled me for any other man.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  Her fingers walked down the row of buttons on his work shirt. “You’re overdressed.”

  “I need the armor. I’m gonna pleasure you, sweetheart. Make you so weak you can’t deny me anything.”

  “Do I ever?”

  He raised a brow.

  Her lips pouted. “Well, I might, but only ’cause you’ll make me anyway. A girl can’t be too easy.”

  He smacked her belly with kiss then leaned away. “Now, assume the position.”

  “That’s so not sexy.”

  “Then why’d your pussy clench?” he said slyly, knowing he’d guessed right by the flush blooming on her cheeks.

  Her eyes widened, and she pressed a finger to his mouth. “Shhh! Someone might hear you.”

  He bit it then licked the tip. “No, they won’t. Now, be a good g
irl and open up.”

  Huffing, she raised her knees then let them fall open, just as he’d taught her to do.

  Already he could see the excitement sparkling in her eyes, the quickening of her breaths and delicate flare of her nostrils. When her eyes dilated, watching him watching her, only then did he bend toward her sex.

  He began with long, slow laps—from below her folds, burrowing slightly into her opening, then gliding off her clit. Lapping like a dog because he knew it would frustrate the hell out of her.

  Sure enough, her fingers gripped his ears. “Stop playing.”

  “I’m tasting.”

  “I was ridin’ a horse. You can’t enjoy that.”

  “Was just making sure you weren’t turned on—you know, my brother’s quite a catch.”

  Charli clapped the back of his head. “You are not jealous of True!”

  “No, I’m not. He’d never cheat on Honey. She’s his world, but I wouldn’t blame you if you looked…”

  Charli pulled his hair to tilt up his face. “I’m not interested in him. He’s not the one I let do all kinds of wicked things.”

  Narrowing his gaze, he pushed two fingers inside her. “Your cunt’s all juicy. You may pretend to be mad, but you like me being jealous.”

  “Not true. You just licked me like a dog.”

  His mouth opened, feigning shock. “I did not know you were into that kind of kink.”

  Charli shoved his forehead and struggled to get up. “Stop that now. That’s not funny.”

  Holding her glance, he dug his fingers in deeper. “I can’t seem to stop. I love to tease you, love to make you lose your temper and your control.”

  She settled on her elbows and glared. “Only because you love to punish me afterward.”

  Lonny grinned. “Admit it—you love that, too.”

  Her teeth caught the edge of her bottom lip, and her eyelids dipped to hide the excitement glittering in her eyes. “I do.”

  He pulled free then held up his flattened palm.

  Her breath caught. “That will definitely make a lot of noise.”

  “Do you really care?”

  In answer, she lay flat, widened her knees, and lifted her ass from the blanket.

  He gave her pussy a sharp slap then continued to tap it until moisture spilled from inside her.

  When her cunt was swollen and red, he thrust his hands beneath her firm, round butt and lifted her to rub his mouth, nose, and cheeks in her sex until her scent and juices clung to him. Then he lowered her, whipped open his belt, unzipped his jeans, and shoved them over his hips. “Play with your tits, Charli,” he gritted out.

  Without hesitation, her fingertips palpated her areolas. The tips extended, taut and engorged.

  He lifted her butt again, aimed his cock at her opening, and drove straight toward her core. She didn’t flinch. Her legs widened, thighs quivering, toes curling. He stroked in and out, slamming against the juncture of her thighs, waiting for the moment her mouth opened and her head tilted back in ecstasy. Then he held still inside her.

  He had her exactly where he wanted her.

  Charli’s eyes shot open. “No!” she bellowed, then winced because she’d just yelled loud enough the men outside couldn’t miss it. She gave Lonny a scowl, blaming him silently for her loss of control.

  “Not the answer I want, but I haven’t asked the question yet,” he said, his tone light.

  Aggravated, she rolled her eyes. “What question? You can’t just stop.”

  “Marry me, Charli. Promise you will, and I’ll give you all the pleasure your body can stand.”

  Her heart stuttered to a halt, then resumed, beating furiously inside her chest. “What did you say?”

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t been expecting a proposal.”

  She suppressed the surge of joy that suffused her chest with warmth. How dare he ask her at a time like this! “Now? That’s not fair. Dammit, I was there.”

  He circled his hips, screwing slowly inside her. “An answer, sweetheart. If you want it, you have to say the words.”

  “But… I’m not sure,” she lied. She was not going to be the first to say it.

  “Yes, you are. You know I’m crazy about you.”

  “I know you’re crazy about fucking me, but that’s not enough. Not for me.”

  Lonny blinked. “I love you. You know that.”

  She frowned, eyeing him, watching for a hint of his true feelings. “You’ve never said it,” she said, holding stubbornly to her pride.

  “Well, now I have.”

  She pouted her mouth. “Not romantic, cowboy. You’ve got my legs in the air. How’m I supposed to think?”

  “You’re not. Just go with your heart.”

  “Again. My mind’s all muddled, ready to blow, and you think I can make a decision like that?” She rolled her eyes.

  Lonny pressed deeper. “Do you love me?”

  “What the hell do you think? That I’d let any good-lookin’ cowboy do the things you have?”

  “Not a straight answer.” He lowered her to the blanket then lowered himself, crushing her to the floor with his weight.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  He came up on his elbows, but his hips weren’t moving. He was lodged so deep, he couldn’t miss the fact her inner walls were convulsing all around him.

  “You’re gonna wait,” she said, her tone flat, “just like that?”

  He gave a crisp nod. “Until you give me the answer I want to hear.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Not giving you a choice in the matter wouldn’t be fair.”

  “Got any more surprises you wanna spring on me? Did True and Honey know what you were gonna do?”

  “I told them to keep the hands away from the barn.”

  She rolled her eyes and groaned. “Lord, everyone knows what we’re doin’.”

  “And you’re avoiding the question. You don’t give a shit whether the whole world knows I’m fucking you. Admit it. You get horny at just the thought of getting caught.”

  “Do not.”


  She raised her head. “I’m such a liar, why would you trust my answer?”

  “Because you’ve been married before,” he said, his voice getting louder. “Because you were happy with Daniel and respected your vows. You aren’t a cheater, and you won’t lie to get me to start making you hot again.”

  “Then why wait to ask when you have me here, like this?” she said, raising her voice.

  “To remind you how good we are,” he said, his face clear of humor, his voice earnest. “To prove to you again that you do it for me, Charli. I don’t need any other woman, won’t ever tire of being with you like this. I’m in this to stay. I’ve already given you my heart. It’s yours to break.”

  Sure that was the most romantic thing he’d ever said, Charli cupped the side of his cheek, tears blurring his features. “I never expected to love another man, not as much as I did Daniel. But you’re a persistent bastard.”

  His grin was strained. “I never expected to love such a stubborn woman, but you challenge me, make me want to tease and torture you until all the starch is gone—then do it again the next time I see the stubborn tilt of your chin.”

  She smiled through her tears. “You don’t care that I have a few years on you? That we might not be able to have a half dozen little proofs-of-your-virility running through the house?”

  “I need you, Charli. Just you,” he whispered. “I’m tired of being footloose. I’m done with roaming. I want to sleep in the same bed every night with the same woman. I want to grow old with you by my side.”

  She swallowed hard. “There are no guarantees we’ll make it.”

  “No, there aren’t. But I won’t take chances, won’t be reckless with what we have.”

  “I love you, Lone Wyatt,” she whispered.

  “Marry me?”

  “I want that more than I want to breathe.” Then she smiled. “Really, I need
to breathe.”

  He hugged her close and rolled to his back. She arrived on top, her lungs dragging in deep breaths.

  “I still didn’t hear a yes,” he said, his mouth pulled into a crooked grin.

  The way his face relaxed, his boyish smile so wide and pure, he knew what her answer would be. Still, she’d make him work for it. After all, she couldn’t be that easy. He’d be disappointed if she were.

  Tossing back her hair, she began to move, rising and lowering, rocking on his big, thick cock. His large hands smoothed over her skin, touching her breasts, then sliding downward. When his thumb stroked her clit, she bounced with a little more enthusiasm.

  “Woman, I’ll never tire of this view.”

  “Didn’t peg you for a lazy man.”

  He chuckled then began to pluck her clit, squeezing and pulling on it until she felt the flutters in her tummy, the coiling tension tighten, and then cinch some more.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice muffled because he’d stolen her breath again.

  “Didn’t hear you,” he said, giving her a harder pinch.

  “I’ll marry you,” she gasped.

  “Still not loud enough.”

  She slammed down and jerked up, riding him faster and faster. When the pleasure overcame her, she screamed, “Yes! Yes!”

  Through the crack in the door, she heard laughter in the distance, sparse applause, and cowboys’ whoops. She’d be red-cheeked for days, teased about the enthusiasm of her acceptance, but she didn’t really care. She was marrying a lusty man, one who’d give her more pleasure, more love than she’d ever dreamed she’d know again.

  A sob wrenched from her, and she slumped against his chest.

  His hands glided in the thin sheen of sweat coating her skin. His kiss brushed her temple. He gathered her closer and gave her cheek a smacking kiss. “Let’s go tell True and Honey.”

  “Think they don’t already know? Hell, everyone on this mountain heard me.”

  His laughter shook her. “Honey’s eager to plan the wedding.”

  “Don’t suppose she’ll settle for something simple?”

  “She’s going to insist on the works.”

  “Let’s elope.”


  Charli shook her head. “I’m a coward and a liar. Doesn’t sound like you’re gettin’ such a great deal.”


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