The Last Blackstone Dragon

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The Last Blackstone Dragon Page 6

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Well, did you notice how everyone here seems to know who you are? How they treat you?”

  “It seemed like they were just being nice.”

  “Of course they are. Blackstone wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the Lennoxes.”

  “I know Lucas Lennox founded the town. But that was a few generations ago, right?”

  Laura laughed. “Yes, but who do you think keeps the town going? Who ensures shifters have regular jobs, can own businesses, and their families are safe? Who pays for the children’s education and healthcare for everyone? Lennox Corp.”


  “Yeah. Ever since Lucas Lennox founded the town, he declared it to be under his protection. He was the Blackstone Dragon, the top of the food chain, and no one messed with him. Since then, any shifter who came to live in Blackstone has been safe.”

  “I didn’t know…”

  “Yeah, no one outside Blackstone does. Most of the profits from the mining activities go to the town. But over the years, profits haven’t been so great, at least that’s what James told me. Harrison wasn’t a great businessman, despite his Ivy League education. But Lucas Lennox’s will made it clear that the town and its people were first priority. Melissa fumed each time Harrison couldn’t give her money to do renovations on the castle or go on some shopping spree. She wanted the will challenged, and after a few years, it seemed Harrison was ready to make the changes so profits would flow into their bank accounts first.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “Yeah. When Harrison died, though, there was no more talk of challenging the will. Hank put a stop to it when he took over. He hates it though. He was happy doing work in the mines rather than being president, but they needed him.”

  “Working in the mine?” Riva asked. “Wait, so Hank was a miner and Harrison was the president?” Not that she thought doing work in a mine was demeaning, but why didn’t he leave Lennox Corp and work at another company?

  Laura frowned. “Riva, do you know how blackstone is mined?”

  “Uhm…no, I mean, I assumed they just went in there and…took it from the walls?” She had visions of the Snow White cartoon when the seven dwarves went into the mine with their pickaxes.

  “It’s more complicated than that,” Laura said. “Tell you what, when we’re done with our pies, we’ll go up there and you can see for yourself.”

  As soon as they finished, the three of them piled back into Laura’s truck. Benjamin was excited that he was going to see his dad and get to go into the mining site.

  The drive to the site took over an hour. Riva didn’t realize how big the mountain was. Laura explained that mining the blackstone took a lot of planning to make sure they could find the most lucrative veins in the mountains. After they had depleted each site, Lennox Corp also made sure to try to return it to the way it was, filling up the holes and replanting trees. Unlike many industrial companies, Lennox was very careful about their impact on the environment.

  Laura pulled up to a small parking lot filled with other trucks and SUVs. Then she led them down a muddy path, past a group of trailers, and soon they arrived in front of a large, gaping hole on the side of the mountain.

  “It’s huge,” Riva said. “Do they need to dig a hole that big to bring equipment in?”

  “Er, sort of,” Laura answered as she nodded to one of the workers who handed her three hard hats, safety glasses, and vests. “Let’s put these on and go in.”

  Riva accepted the safety equipment and put them on. The helmet was a little too big for Benjamin, but Laura strapped it onto the little boy’s head tightly.

  It was surprisingly well-illuminated and sterile inside, but what was she expecting? Kerosene lamps? Rusty mine carts? Dwarves with pickaxes? Maybe back in the day, but this was a modern operation. She wrinkled her nose. Why was it important how the blackstone was mined? She supposed the engineers took care of the details.

  They walked further along, following the paths marked by LED strip lights. Finally, they stopped inside what she presumed was the main cavern. Before she could say anything, the lights flickered and went out. She gripped Laura’s arm, but the other woman gave her a reassuring pat on the hand.

  Thunderous footsteps rang through the cavern and Riva felt the hair on her arms raise. Suddenly, there was a loud breathing sound, then the cave was suddenly filled with bright orange, and then blue light. She turned away, fumbling for the tinted safety glasses and put it on. It took her a few moments to focus, then she gasped at what she saw.

  The creature—no, the dragon—was about fifty feet high, with gold scales like plated armor covering its enormous body and head. As it continued to spew fire, making the temperature inside almost unbearable, large chunks of rock fell from the walls.

  Finally, the creature stopped and a whistle sounded, then the lights flickered on. Riva’s eyes remained fixed on the dragon, who was now beginning to…shrink? Of course. She knew who that dragon was. Who else would it be?

  In a matter of moments, Hank’s naked form was standing where the dragon was. James walked over to him and handed him a set of clothes, which he put on. Behind them, workers were scrambling to get the rocks and debris into the carts. Hank and James spoke for a few moments, and then Hank walked over to the workers, chatting with them casually. He listened to each one intently, nodding and saying a few words back.

  Laura cocked her head at Riva, urging her to follow. She did, walking behind Laura and Benjamin, her steps unsure.

  “Daddy!” Benjamin cried as he ran to James.

  “Hey, Ben,” James greeted him back, opening his arms so his son could jump into them. “I didn’t know you were coming today.”

  “We wanted to surprise you,” the boy said.

  “Well, it certainly is a pleasant surprise.” He kissed Ben’s forehead and shifted him to one side so he could hug Laura. “Riva?” James’s voice raised in surprise.

  Riva gave him a tight smile. “Hello, James.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  Riva stiffened, recognizing her husband’s voice. She turned slowly. Hank was behind her, the look on his face inscrutable. What was she doing here? It didn’t matter, she supposed. But she was glad she came, because she suddenly realized the enormous pressure that Hank was under. The company, the town, the people. They all depended on him. This was why he’d taken over and why he was so desperate for an heir. When he was gone, who would mine the blackstone? Who would keep the town running and make sure shifters had a safe place to live?

  The silence and tension between them was thick, but she finally broke it by clearing her throat. “Uhm, I wanted to see the mine. And how it works.”

  “Oh?” Hank raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

  “I think…it’s fascinating,” she said. “I didn’t realize…this is how it’s done.”

  More silence. Thankfully, James thought to speak up. “Why don’t you give the ladies and Benjamin a tour?”

  Hank’s silvery gaze flicked at her. “If you’re really interested…”

  “I’d love to,” she said. “I mean, if you have time. If you’re busy…”

  “No, he’s done for the day,” James offered cheerfully. “He can show you around.”

  Hank narrowed his eyes at James. “All right.”

  “And when we’re done, we should all go for dinner,” Laura said. “We haven’t been out in a while,” she added, before Riva or Hank could protest.

  “Sounds like a plan,” James said, giving his wife a kiss. “See you at five.” He flashed a smile at Riva and Hank. “Have fun.”

  Chapter 8

  As promised, Hank toured Riva, Laura, and Benjamin around the facility. He was still reeling from her presence, but kept his emotions in check.

  Why had she come here? But it wasn’t like he could do anything about it now. He just wished he had prepared her beforehand—before she saw his dragon. If she was scared or disgusted, she hid it well. Andrea…well, she had never been interested in th
at part of him.

  On the tour, Riva listened to him explain how the operation worked. She seemed quite surprised at the role he played. It wasn’t a trade secret or anything, but no one really talked about it or had documented how blackstone was mined.

  As soon as they were done, they picked up James. They all decided to go to the Italian restaurant on Main Street for dinner. Riva rode with Hank in his Jeep, not even protesting when he led her to his vehicle. It would be a long drive, and his mind searched for a neutral topic.

  “What did you think of the facility?”

  Her head shot up and brown eyes blinked at him. “Uhm, it was very interesting,” she said. “So…the dragon fire…that’s really the only thing that can mine the blackstone?”

  He nodded. “My family’s been trying to find other ways, but there just isn’t a machine strong enough to produce the heat needed. We don’t even have any instruments that can measure how hot dragon fire needs to get.”

  “So that’s why—” She closed her mouth of all of a sudden.

  “That’s why what?”


  The rest of the drive proceeded in silence, and Hank was looking forward to having at least two other people during dinner who could steer the conversation. As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, however, James called them and said Benjamin had thrown a tantrum and they were heading home instead. He urged them to go ahead and have dinner.

  How convenient, Hank thought, but had a feeling that James and Laura had something up their sleeves. Little did they know, a romantic candlelight dinner was not going to fix what was broken between him and his mate.

  Riva didn’t seem annoyed at the prospect of having dinner with him, though her back remained ramrod stiff as they walked into the restaurant. The host brought them to a quiet half-circle booth in the corner. When the waiter finished taking their orders, they were all alone again.

  Hank glanced at Riva as she sat on the other end of the booth, her eyes cast down, as if she found the napkin on her lap very interesting. Of course she didn’t want to talk to him, much less look at him. His harsh words from the other night kept ringing in his ears and made something in him ache. He knew he had been cruel, and he’d fought with himself for the last two days, trying to find the words to make it all better.

  The waiter arrived with their wine and appetizers, relieving the tension somewhat. When he left, Hank decided it would be up to him to break the impasse. “Riva, I want to apologize.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  “I want to say sorry for what I said the other night. I don’t want to hurt your father. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Her brows knitted together. “Will it hurt?”

  “Will what hurt?”

  “When I…give birth to our dragon baby.” She looked at him, her expression serious. “I don’t believe that anti-shifter propaganda, but I just want to prepare myself.”

  “No more than a normal human birth, at least that’s what I’ve been told,” he replied. “But I don’t understand. What are you saying?”

  “You’re the last Blackstone Dragon,” she said, casting her eyes downward again.

  “Yes,” he admitted.

  She looked up at him, eyes clear. “But what if you didn’t have to be?”

  He blinked. Wait…did she mean…

  She gasped when he slid closer to her. “Hank?”

  “What are you saying?” he asked, leaning down toward her face. In the low light of the restaurant, she looked even more beautiful. Her skin glowed and her burnished hair shone like polished mahogany. He could smell her perfume, mixed with her sweet scent. It was delightfully intoxicating.

  “I mean…I want to have children. Your child. And…not just because of our arrangement.” She sighed. “I don’t like how things are between us…I mean, can we start over again, please?”

  His heart beat a tattoo against his rib cage. “Riva…” He leaned down, desperate to taste her lips.

  “Hank…not here…” she said shyly, placing a hand on his chest.

  “Why not?”

  “Because people will see.”

  “See that I’m seducing my wife?”

  She closed her eyes and he could detect the visible shiver that went through her. He wanted her body to shake again. Preferably with pleasure. Underneath him.

  “I want you,” she said in a low voice. “Please don’t make me beg.”

  “Sweetheart,” he growled in her ear. “The only begging you’ll do is to ask me to stop.”

  They didn’t bother with their entrees. Hank threw some bills down on the table, grabbed her hand and dragged her to the car.

  Riva’s heart pounded like a drum in her chest through the whole ride. This really was happening. She knew, the moment she saw him in the mine, that this was going to happen. How could she keep resisting? Why did she keep resisting?

  She’d realized something today. Hank Lennox was a good man. He cared for everyone around him, kept the company and the town together, even when his life was falling apart. As Hank had checked in with his employees, she could see how they looked at him with respect, and not just because he was the boss. Maybe it was seeing him in a different light, through the eyes of the town. Her heart ached for him, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort him.

  He pulled into the garage and then quickly opened her door to help her out. His touch sent a thrill through her, and she wondered what the rest of him would feel like. Not that she had to wait long. He led her up to the master bedroom, opened the door, let her in and slammed the door behind him.

  She was almost afraid to turn around, but she couldn’t help but be drawn to him. When she faced him, she saw his silvery eyes glint in the dark room, and her heart began to pound.

  “Are you sure?” he asked softly, advancing toward her.

  Her mouth and throat felt too dry to speak, so she nodded instead. Suddenly, she found herself swept off her feet, then deposited on top of the soft mattress.

  There was a buzz of anticipation in her veins and the butterflies in her stomach wouldn’t stop fluttering. Her eyes watched him as he began to undress. He kept his gaze locked on hers, his eyes naked with desire.

  A flush crept up her neck and she grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head. She made quick work of her boots and jeans, and soon she was wearing only her black lace underwear.

  “Riva…you’re so beautiful,” he said as he crawled toward her.

  She was overwhelmed by everything about him—his broad, muscled shoulders and chest, the well-defined pecs, his perfect washboard abs. Her gaze went lower, to the hard cock jutting from between his legs.

  Before she could say anything, his mouth captured hers in another searing kiss and she moaned against his lips. Large, warm hands slid to her waist and up her back to unclasp her bra, freeing her breasts. He caressed her flesh, stroking her nipples until they went hard.

  He groaned this time, and pushed her onto her back, his eyes like silver pools as he stared down at her. He moved his head down, planting kisses on her mouth, along her neck, nibbling his way to her breasts. The shock of his warmth, wet mouth on her nipples made her buck up against him, and he steadied her with his hands.

  “Please, Hank,” she cried. “I need you.”

  He said nothing, but his hands moved between her legs, tugging down her panties. She was already soaking wet, and his fingers teased at her pussy, stroking up and down. A gasp escaped her mouth when he slid a finger in and she began to pump her hips up.

  “Riva,” he moaned, moving between her legs. The blunt tip of his cock pressed against her and she let out a sigh as he began to fill her up. She was so hot and slick and ready for him.

  He whispered her name over and over again as he began to thrust into her, slow and shallow at first. It was too much, the teasing, and she urged him to go faster. She wanted more of him, all of him. “More, Hank. Please, no more teasing.”

  He grunted, repositioned hi
s body, and braced himself on his elbows so he was right above her. He slid a hand into her hair, pulling gently back so she looked up at him. Her heart pounded when she saw those silvery eyes staring at her with burning desire. He grabbed her left leg and hooked it around his waist, and began to move. Faster and harder, unrelenting. Her body began to shake as she felt the orgasm building in her.

  “Hank!” she cried as she fell off the edge. More like flung herself off, and her body felt light as her orgasm took over. She had never felt like this before, like she was flying. Like she was free.

  Hank pulled her up, placing her astride him. They were face to face now, his hand behind her head as he pressed her forehead to his. His eyes were closed in concentration as he thrust up into her and she rode him eagerly, wanting more from him. As a second orgasm approached and she tightened around him, his body began to tense and she knew he was close, too. She held onto him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she felt her own pleasure washing over her.

  “I’m coming…oh God, I’m coming again, Hank!”

  He growled, holding onto her shoulders to bear her down as his body convulsed. She cried out, squeezing around him as she felt him flood her with his sticky seed. It felt so primal…it felt right. As soon as her own body stopped shaking, she collapsed against him, sending him back onto the mattress.

  They were still for a few moments, wrapped up in each other, sweaty and satisfied. Riva kept her cheek on his chest, listening to his heartbeat finally slow down. She had done that, she realized. Made his heart beat so fast.

  He shifted under her, gently moving her to her side and then sliding out of her. She sighed, her body suddenly feeling tired. He pushed her hair aside, kissed her neck and then gathered her close to him. The last thing she remembered was the press of his warm skin against hers as they both drifted to sleep.

  Chapter 9

  Riva hummed happily to herself as she got out of her car, grabbing her purse and the paper bag filled with food. It wasn’t noon yet, but she was planning to surprise Hank with lunch, so it was good that she got there early.


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