The Last Blackstone Dragon

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The Last Blackstone Dragon Page 7

by Alicia Montgomery

  She walked through the glass doors of the large office building, nodding to the security guard, who waved her in. Lennox Corporation kept their main offices just outside of Blackstone. This was where Hank went when he did “office stuff”, as he called it, basically the other times of the week when he wasn’t up at the mining site. She actually preferred his little makeshift office up in the site, but he was the president of a major corporation, which was why he had to be here the rest of the week.

  Sheila, his administrative assistant, greeted her cheerfully as she entered, letting her know that Hank had stepped out to go to HR, but she could go in. Riva thanked the older lady and went into the office.

  Although there was a big mahogany work desk and a leather chair in the room, Hank preferred to work on the coffee table and sofa off to the side. He said that he never really felt settled in this office (which had been his dad’s, then Harrison’s) and he spent most of his time at the site anyway. Even now, there were various papers scattered around the table, and his laptop was sitting on top, the lid open.

  She sat down on the couch and placed the food on the one clear spot on the table. She wondered how Hank would react to her surprising him. She just couldn’t wait at home anymore.

  It had been one week since the night they first made love, and every moment they were alone together was spent wrapped up in each other. Riva wondered if this was normal, to want a person so badly, all the time.

  Daniel had been her first and only before Hank. Like any couple, they had gone through their ups and downs in the bedroom, but she’d thought that was normal.

  But with Hank…well, it had been one week and it was like she was still craving him every moment. Everything was only going up (no pun intended) and she was waiting for the down part. It was almost embarrassing, the number of times they would have sex in a day—from the moment they woke up, when he got home, and maybe other times he was able to get away in the middle of the day. She chalked it up to his shifter appetite, but that didn’t explain her own desire and need for him. Would this fade too?

  Just enjoy it, she thought to herself. There was no more tension (except sexual) between them, and no more angry or hurt words. Everything was going well, and she didn’t want to ruin it. Of course, she wished there were other things she could do except wait for him to come home each day. It was fine for now, but she was going to go crazy if she didn’t find something to do soon.

  Where was Hank? Bored, she glanced down at the papers on his desk. Spreadsheets, balance sheets, profit and loss statements. Hmmm, surely he wouldn’t mind if she took a peek? She took one in her hand.

  “Oh.” She frowned. “That’s not right,” she said to no one in particular. “Hmmm…” She sat on the floor, cross-legged, and looked at the other sheets of paper. Curious.

  She wasn’t sure how long she’d been looking through the statements, but at some point, she’d also grabbed Hank’s laptop to confirm a couple of things. Then someone clearing their throat made her startle.

  “Hank, you scared me!” she said, putting a hand on her chest. Her husband was standing over her, his arms crossed over his chest. She got up, but nearly fell over as her foot had fallen asleep. “Oh!”

  His arms wound around her and he pressed her up against him. Hmmm…he smelled so good. She wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him down for a kiss. A sigh escaped her lips as he sank down on the couch, bringing her down with him.

  “Hmm…this is a nice surprise,” he murmured. “But what were you doing?”

  “Huh?” Desire had clouded her mind, but when he glanced at the papers and his laptop, she shot up to her feet and tried to put things back in order. “Oh! I’m sorry Hank, I didn’t mean to…” Her cheeks went red.

  His brows furrowed together. “Didn’t mean to what?” He patted the empty space beside him. “C’mon, tell me.”

  Should she? How could she tell him what she had discovered? With a long sigh, she sat down next to him. “So, I don’t know if you know this, but I was going to school for my MBA.”

  “Your father mentioned it,” he said. “But I didn’t get any more details.”

  “So…just so you know, I’m not an experienced businesswoman or anything, but I have been working for my father since I was a teenager and then I worked in an architectural firm. So…no, never mind, this is stupid.” She felt embarrassed, having been caught looking at his private things.

  “Riva,” he began, and put an arm around her. “It’s not. You’re a smart girl. Now, tell me what’s on your mind.”

  She took a deep breath. “Well, I’m sure you already know this, so I feel like I don’t have to say this to you. But, Lennox Corp…you’re not doing great. I mean, it’s okay, but your profits have been stagnating.”

  “Yes, I know.” He let out a sigh. “I’ve at least been able to get us out of the red, doubling our production. I’m working harder now than when Harrison was around to help.”

  “Yes, but your expenses keep increasing. I know that most of the profits go to the town and the people, but there’s almost nothing left over after your overhead.”

  He frowned. “There’s nothing I can do about that. That’s in Lucas Lennox’s will. The town needs us.”

  “Yes, I know that. But there may be nothing left if things don’t improve. Then the town will really be in trouble.”

  “I know,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. “I just…I don’t know what else to do.”

  “Did you know that the price of blackstone hasn’t risen in twenty years? It hasn’t kept up with the times.”

  “There’s not a lot of demand,” he said. “Although blackstone is the hardest substance on earth, people aren’t exactly lining up outside the door to get it. It’s mostly for industrial use. We’ve been dealing with the same companies for decades.”

  “See, that’s what I don’t get. Your product is in demand. I did research on these companies—mining, manufacturing, engineering—and some of them make a hundred times more than Lennox and they don’t have any other alternative aside from blackstone. Few other materials are as stable or strong. Why haven’t you raised prices?”

  He opened his mouth, but then shut it quickly. “I don’t know. Maybe my father and Harrison wanted to keep the clients.” He thought for a moment. “Well, what would you do?”


  “You. What would you do?”

  Riva was quiet. No one had ever asked for her opinion before. Not her father, not her former bosses. “Well, I would raise the price of blackstone, for one. Do it gradually at first, so your clients won’t get sticker shock. Explain to them that it’s a business decision or chalk it up to inflation. You might lose one or two of them, but few of them have an alternative.”

  “And what else?”

  “Well…I hate to say it, but you’re going to have to cut some expenses too. But I’m sure we can find a way to make it work. Education, healthcare, infrastructure—these are all important things, but we have to keep the economy running too.”

  “All right,” he said, taking her hand. “We’ll do it. I’ll put you in charge.”

  “What?” she asked in a surprised voice. “You can’t do that!”

  “Riva,” he said. “I’m the president of Lennox Corp. I can do whatever I want.” He tugged her to him, until she was sitting on his lap. “I didn’t realize you had such talent. I’m sorry if I underestimated you.” He sighed. “I’ve been so frustrated all these months….I just have no head for this. Mining for blackstone, I can do. But this business stuff…I always just left it to Harrison. But if you think you can help, I’m willing to try.”

  “Hank…” Excitement ran through her, and not just because she was sitting on his lap. “I’m…I’ve been so bored at home. But I do want to help.” The numbers were bad and if they didn’t do anything about it, Blackstone would fall into ruin, much like the castle. Blackstone was her home now and she was going to make sure that wouldn’t happen.


  “Good morning, Mrs. Lennox,” Sheila greeted her as she entered the office.

  “Good morning,” Riva replied. “How’s today looking?”

  “Busy,” Sheila said. “Just the way you like it.”

  Riva laughed. “Okay, but remind me when it’s five. Or, you know what, Hank probably will barge in here when it’s time to go home.”

  “Oh, you lovebirds you,” Sheila chuckled. “I’ll be sure to warn you if you I can.”

  Riva walked into the office, hoping Sheila couldn’t see the blush forming on her cheeks. Lovebirds? Hank was not shy in showing her affection, even around the employees. In fact, he seemed to enjoy making her blush when he kissed her in public. Not that he cared. It was like he wanted to show the world that…well, what it was she didn’t know.

  But one thing she did know was that she hadn’t felt like this in a long time. Maybe ever. She gave an involuntary shiver. Hank had been insatiable. Hell, so was she. She’d thought they’d settle after a week or so, but it had been six weeks since their wedding and the craving for each other hadn’t faded. Just this morning, she’d wanted to get to the office a little early so she went to shower by herself. Hank joined her and they ended up having sex against the wall. She was already late by the time she walked into the office.

  But sex wasn’t the only thing keeping her occupied. True to his word, Hank had brought her on board to help overhaul Lennox Corp. The board was resistant at first, but when she presented her proposal to them, they were all gave their approval. She came in as a consultant, and went to work right away. As she’d suggested, she started raising the price of the blackstone. Their customers hadn’t been happy, and a few threatened to walk away or sue, but she stood her ground and, just as she predicted, they grudgingly complied. Of course, with some business maneuverings and negotiations, she was able to placate them and even stay on good terms.

  She sighed as she sat down on the chair. CEOs and VPs she could handle. But things at home weren’t exactly great. Melissa was not happy with the changes Riva was making at the castle. Hank had given her free reign not only at Lennox, but also to tighten the belt at home. Melissa had raged when she cut the budget, but they had no choice.

  And now it seemed Melissa had turned everyone against her. The staff would barely look at her. She could hear them whispering and then suddenly stop whenever she entered the room. Only Meg and Christopher seemed to even acknowledge her presence. She wondered what lies Melissa had told everyone. She frowned. Didn’t they know she was trying to save their jobs? If they didn’t cut expenses, they would have to start letting go of people soon.

  A beep from her purse started her. Was Hank calling? She checked the time. He was in the middle of mining operations. Maybe it was her dad. They hadn’t talked in the days after the wedding, but when she finally felt more at ease, she’d called him. He had been relieved that she reached out, as he was ashamed about everything that had happened and his part in it. Riva had assured him that she was happy and content and he had nothing to worry about.

  The number flashing on the screen was unfamiliar. “Riva Lennox,” she answered.

  “Riva, it’s me.”

  That voice... “Daniel?”

  “Yeah, it’s Daniel.”

  “What are you…” She lowered her voice and put her hand over her mouth, which was silly considering she was all alone. She cleared her throat. “Daniel, where are you? Do you know how much trouble you’re in?”

  “Of course I do,” he snapped. “Riva, I need to see you.”

  “What? No!” she cried. “You need to talk to the FBI. Turn yourself in.”

  “I can’t do that. I’m innocent. Please Riva, you have to listen to me.”

  “No, Daniel.”

  “C’mon…for old times’ sake. I need to talk to you. If I tell you my side of the story, you’ll see I was set up.”

  She let out a breath. He sounded desperate. She’d thought she hated him, for putting them in this situation, but really, she pitied him. Maybe she could convince him to do the right thing. “Fine. Where do you want to meet?”

  “I’m outside now. In the parking lot across the street. Find the green Honda.”

  “What? How did you know…never mind.” She stood up and grabbed her purse. She made a hasty excuse to Sheila and walked to the elevators, then out of the building.

  She jogged to the parking lot, looking for the car. She spotted the green Honda in the corner and walked over to it. Narrowing her eyes, she saw a familiar figure in the driver’s seat.

  “Daniel?” she said as he got out of the car. He looked terrible. His normally handsome face was pale and there were dark circles under his eyes. Though he was well-dressed and clean-shaven, his hair was mussed, as if he’d spent the whole morning running his fingers through it.

  “Riva…thank you for coming.” He smiled at her and tried to draw her into a hug, but she shot him a sharp look that made him pause.

  “What do you want?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You have to believe me…I didn’t mean to do it. They entrapped me, I swear!”

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “Why did you run away then? I saw all the records myself. You did it.”

  Daniel’s handsome face twisted into hate. “And so you did what you could to try to save daddy. Even whoring yourself out to that dirty shifter.”

  “Shut up, Daniel!” she shouted. “How dare you! You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  “C’mon now, don’t I?” he said, moving closer. “Tell, me do you like fucking that…thing?”

  “This is ridiculous, Daniel. I could get in trouble. I’m going to have to tell the authorities you’re here.”

  “No,” he seethed, grabbing her by the arms. “You’re not going to do that.”

  “Daniel, what—hmmmpph!” She felt him slam her against the car, the back of her head bouncing off the side. He quickly pressed up against her, and his mouth landed on hers. His hands moved under her skirt, pushing the fabric up until his fingers brushed the inside of her thighs.

  “Get off me!” she screamed, pushing him off. He staggered back. “Never touch me again! Get the fuck out of here!”

  Hate filled his eyes, but he gave her a smile. “Just you wait, Riva. You’ll get what’s coming to you. What you deserve.” He got back into the car and drove off.

  A chill blasted across her arms. What did he mean? She began to shake all over. Daniel’s words were puzzling. But she couldn’t let him get away. The FBI agent who had interviewed her had given her his card— she would call him right away, and hopefully put this whole thing behind her.

  Hank was eager to get home. After a long day, all he wanted to do was shower, have dinner and make love to his mate. And not necessarily in that order. Riva probably wouldn’t object too much if he didn’t shower first.

  God, he loved how she was so eager and giving. And just as insatiable as he was. Was this what it would always be like with his mate? He wished he knew, though he was certainly happy to live in the moment. He could practically taste her now. But it wasn’t just the sex. He craved her, yes, but each minute without her left a dull pang in his chest. He missed her, but it was more than that.

  He’d spoken to James about it earlier today, and his cousin had merely laughed. “She’s definitely your mate, then,” he said. “Do you love her already?”

  The question had floored him, and he didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. He knew it and his dragon roared in approval. Well, I’ll be damned. He was in love with his wife.

  He couldn’t wait to tell her he loved her. But when he called the office, Riva had been out, but left a message for him that she’d head straight home after her meeting. Hmmm. She hadn’t mentioned a meeting outside the office. Probably too distracted by this morning’s activities.

  He swung by the florist and got a dozen red roses. Tonight, he’d tell her. Maybe give her a massage before making love to her. She’d been working hard these
past weeks, and all for the company. He had spoken with his accountants just this morning, and they had only positive things to say, for once.

  He pulled up to the castle’s garage, cut the engine and got out of the car. Riva’s car wasn’t there yet, but he hoped she’d be home soon. He made his way to the staircase, taking them two at a time.


  He stopped and turned around. “Melissa?”

  His sister-in-law ran up the stairs after him. “Hank!” she called again. “Thank God you’re here!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Melissa caught up to him at the top of the steps. She put her hand on her chest and took a deep breath. “I didn’t want to believe it. But I saw it with my own eyes, Hank.”

  “Hold on, what do you mean?” He gripped her shoulders. “Calm down. What’s going on?”

  “I knew she was up to something.”


  “Riva. Didn’t you think it was strange she suddenly had so much interest in the company?” She shoved something in his face. Her phone. “See? I had her followed by a detective. She’s been seeing that boyfriend of hers on the side all this time. Did you know they’d been dating for years?”


  “The guy who got them in trouble. The one the FBI is hunting down.”

  Hank grabbed the phone from her hand and stared at the photo. As his eyes focused on the screen, he felt the air rush out from his lungs. Shock shot through his system and he went very still. It was Riva—she was wearing the skirt and blouse he had watched her put on that morning. She was pressed up against the side of a green car as a man with blond hair had his arms around her. On top of her. Kissing her.

  Rage burned through him, and he wanted to destroy something. Preferably that man who had his hands and lips on Riva. No. He tried to deny it, but there it was. He scrolled through the other photos. There were others—Riva walking out of the office. Her walking toward the car. Them talking. And that last one of them in a torrid embrace.


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