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Billionaire Romance Box Set: The Billionaire's Legacy: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

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by Sarah J. Brooks

  Billionaire Romance Box Set

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  More books from Sarah J. Brooks

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  The Billionaire’s LEGACY

  The Complete Collection

  Billionaire Romance Box Set

  Sarah J. Brooks

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  The Billionaire’s LEGACY

  Astonishing Encounter

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah J. Brooks


  “Can you believe this beach, Cassie?” Emma asked me. We were stretched out on lounge chairs on the sweetest white sand beach I’d ever seen. The ocean before us, all of the usual noises of a luxurious resort were all set against the backdrop of constant, rushing waves. I looked around at the activities on the beach: in the water there were paddle boarders attacking the waves and even a few surfers who were trying to catch the swell. Out of the water, almost everyone on the beach was a mirror of Emma and me, laying on lounge chairs with cocktails all around.

  “I can’t believe we’re actually here,” I sighed, closing my eyes and laying back. We had just gotten in to Belize that morning, and we’d spent most of the day traveling to the small, private island that contained Legacy, an ultra-luxurious resort known for its properties around the world. Emma and I had saved our money for over a year to be able to afford it, and, finally, here we were. The timing couldn’t have been better. Not only was it absolutely frigid in New York City, but I’d also just finally landed a position with International Travel, Inc. with their journalism department. Their magazine, Destination, was the hottest travel magazine around right now. It was my job to travel to various hotels around the world and report not only on their tourism aspects, but also on other elements: were the hotels and resorts ecologically responsible, did they sustain the local economy or bleed it dry, that sort of thing. It was my dream job, and one I’d been working for since I’d graduated from college four years earlier. My first internship had been in their solicitations department when I was a senior in college. Now, at age twenty-five, I had finally landed the job I anticipated to be my career for the rest of my life.

  The sun beat down on my body and warmed me completely through. The smell of suntan lotion was thick in the air. I had just finished rubbing some SPF 8 into my skin, starting with my feet and ending with my stomach, exposed between the two halves of my black bikini, when a shadow blocked the sun on my legs.

  “Excuse me, ladies, can I get you a beverage?”

  I cracked one eye open and shielded my eyes from the sun. A Belizean man in white pants and a t-shirt with the resort’s logo over the right breast pocket stood at the feet of our lounge chairs.

  “What do you say, Emma, should we get this vacation started?”

  “I don’t see why we would wait any longer,” she said with a grin. We ordered two pina coladas and, while we waited, we went into the ocean for a bit. When our drinks arrived, Emma signed for them, and we clinked glasses.

  “I can’t believe you’re going to be doing this for your job,” Emma said. “And me, sitting in my cubicle like a complete chump.”

  “It’s not going to be like this,” I said. “For one, you won’t be with me. It’s going to be all work and no play most of the time.” Emma shot me a look that said she didn’t believe me for a second, and I protested. “Seriously! I’m going to be doing interviews, not laying at the beach.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find a few moments to maybe pretend you’re on vacation,” she said dryly.

  I laughed. “Okay, okay, maybe I’ll find some time to squeeze in a few minutes at, you know, ever major beach in the world. And, maybe a few cocktails too. But I won’t enjoy a second of it, just for you, I promise. I’ll text you regular selfies of how miserable I am.”

  “You know, you should try to interview the owner of Legacy while we’re here. It would be pretty impressive to your boss if you used your own vacation to snag an interview with the owner of your resort.”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” I said. “But, it’s doubtful that the owner is even here. Usually my schedule will be set around when they’re in town, which takes at least a few weeks to coordinate. Especially someone as prominent as the owner of Legacy; I don’t even know who the guy is. But, the Legacy chain is worldwide. He’s probably off in Egypt this week or something.”

  “True,” Emma said. “Guess this week we’ll just have to drink and lay out until we pass out from sheer happiness.”

  We got a good start on it that day, that was for sure. By the time the sun had shifted across the sky and late afternoon came around, we’d signed off on another three or four rounds of pina coladas and earned ourselves a decent pink hue that would either deepen to a sunburn or turn to a tan by the next morning.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked. “We could go change for dinner. I’m going to want a shower.”

  “Definitely,” Emma said. We gathered our magazines, iPods, and the resort’s towels and returned to our suite. My journalistic eye was strong and I was noticing the details of this resort and how it stood out from almost every other place I’d vacationed. Emma had heard about this place from someone at her work, and, so far, it was extremely impressive.

  Everyone who stayed at the resort stayed in a suite; there were no small rooms. The resort was enormous and encompassed nearly the entire island, which was less than a mile across. Because it was an island and the resort so large, nearly every room had an ocean view. There were some so-called garden rooms, for people who thought the waves might awaken them, but the vast majority overlooked the ocean. Our room was on the ninth floor. It had three rooms: a sitting room and two bedrooms. The bathroom was off the sitting room, and the sitting room also contained a small kitchenette. While Emma showered, I sat outside on the balcony and watched people walk along the beach. There were some runners, some late afternoon sun bathers, and, of course, couples walking hand in hand waiting for the sun to set.

  After I showered, I put on a light sundress I’d bought for the trip. I towel dried my hair and noticed that the sun had already begun to bring some highlights to the copper. I’d been growing out my hair for ages, and it was now several inches past my shoulders. Though I usually wore it up for work, tonight I opted to let it flow over my shoulders. I clipped it up on one side, put on a small bit of make up to accentuate the blue of my eyes, and I called it good.

  “Are you ready to go?” I asked Emma.

  “Definitely,” she said. She had worn a dress as well, and, as we walked down to dinner, I knew we looked absolutely amazing. I hadn’t seen many single guys running around the resort; it seemed to be more of a honeymoon destination place… but I could al
ways hope. It had been ages since I’d had a date or been with a guy. My last relationship seemed like a hundred years ago, even though we had just broken up about a year ago. I was twenty-five and decent looking, curvy, I’d been told, in all the right places and none of the wrong ones, and I was ready to get back out into the field.

  “I wonder if there will be any cute guys at the bar,” Emma said, echoing my own thoughts.

  “I hope so,” I said. We walked into the restaurant, which was divided in half. A large bar took up nearly a quarter of the space, and bar stools and high top tables surrounded it. On the other half of the room, a more formal dining atmosphere, as formal as anything got in Belize, took up the rest of the space. The bar, because it was open to the beach and ocean, didn’t have the same luxury feel as the rooms; it was far more locally decorated. The furniture was made of bamboo and wood, and palm fronds decorated most of the walls.

  We sat at one of the tables, and, within a minute, a server wearing the same uniform as the one who had brought us our cocktails on the beach brought us menus. Everything on the menu looked good, so we ordered some traditional Belizean fare and, of course, a couple of cocktails.

  “Ladies, would you mind if we joined you?” I looked up and saw not one but two absolutely gorgeous men standing next to our table. “All of the other tables are taken, and we’re starving.” The blond man was speaking, and his friend, with black hair, stood next to him.

  “Sure!” Emma said brightly. She moved over and motioned for me to do the same. The blonde sat next to me, while his friend sat next to Emma. Their names were Tom and Marty, and they were celebrating Tom’s graduation from med school. I thought Emma’s eyes were going to pop right out of her head when he said that, and I burst out laughing.

  “What?” Marty, the one with black hair, said to me.

  “Nothing,” I said, feeling Emma kick me lightly under the table, which only made me laugh more. I’d had enough cocktails during the day to think most anything was funny, but this was absolutely hilarious. “Emma and I are just really glad that all of the tables were full!” I grinned, flirting with Marty the best I could. It was obvious that Emma had claimed Dr. Tom.

  “Well, we’re going to buy you ladies some drinks in exchange for letting us sit with you and completely interrupt your evening,” Tom said.

  “That’s okay!” Emma said brightly.

  “Emma, let the men buy us some drinks,” I said, and we all laughed again.

  The entire night was like that: nonstop laughter. We sat at the table well into the night, talking and laughing, telling stories that weren’t even funny but sent us all into gales of laughter anyway. It was as though we’d known each other for ages. Finally, the temperature cooled down enough to drive Emma and I back toward our room.

  “Are you guys going to be around tomorrow?” Emma asked as we all made our way from the restaurant to the elevator.

  “We’re going to go on a scuba expedition that’s going to take most of the day,” Tom said. “We’re heading to the blue hole. But I think we’ll be back by dinner?”

  “I think so,” Marty said. “If you don’t mind, we may crash your table again.”

  “I don’t think we’d mind at all,” I said. “I’d love to hear about the dive. Emma, too, right?” I nudged her and she dissolved into giggles.

  “Goodnight!” Emma called, waving as the elevator arrived. “See you tomorrow!”

  “Come on, drunky,” I said, dragging Emma into the elevator.

  As the elevator doors closed, I happened to look over toward the front desk. A man stood there, watching us get into the elevator. He looked like he was frowning. The last thing I remembered before slipping into bed and to sleep for the night was hoping we weren’t going to get yelled at by security… then I drifted off.


  I woke up and, for a moment, wasn’t sure of where I was. Call it an occupational hazard. Owning one of the largest, most luxurious hotel resort chains in the world meant I did a lot of traveling and, often, woke up not sure of where I was or even what time zone I was in. This morning, the sound of the ocean eliminated at least twenty-five percent of my properties. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, my eyes settling in on one of the paintings on the wall: a picture of the big blue hole, the most popular scuba diving destination off the coast of Belize. I smiled and got out of bed, had breakfast, read the paper, and then traveled downstairs to begin my rounds.

  It was my routine every morning after breakfast to spend at least two hours walking around my property. Though I wasn’t in town as often as I liked, I’d developed what I considered to be a good reputation with the locals of Belize. Foreigners like myself weren’t always welcome, but I had made it a priority to give jobs to as many local residents as I could.

  “Good morning, Mr. White,” my secretary, Anna said. She greeted me as I was about halfway down the beach.

  “Good morning, Anna,” I said. “How does the day look?”

  “It’s fairly full, Sir,” she said. “But, a call just came in wondering if you have time for a meeting at four o’clock. You didn’t have anything scheduled, so I blocked out the time. The caller was rather… insistent.”

  At this, I stopped walking and turned to Anna. “Who was it?” I asked.

  “A Mister Brown, Sir, from Columbia.”

  I nodded, not allowing the rapid increase of my heart rate to show. “Yes, Anna, that’s fine. That was good judgment on your part. Thank you.”

  Anna ran through the rest of my schedule, but I barely heard it. I went through the day in body only; my mind was on my upcoming phone call with Mr. Brown, whose first name was Manuel. Manuel Brown only called meetings when something urgent was at hand; I had followed his orders to the letter the last time we’d spoken, and I had no idea why he was calling this soon.

  After my morning walk, I returned to the office and followed the schedule Anna had set for me. We were in process of expanding properties into the Middle East, a project that was fraught with difficulties, but would, ultimately, be worth the effort.

  My phone rang promptly at four o’clock. I stood and walked to the glass doors that opened onto my balcony.

  “Yes?” I answered.

  “Hello, Bradley,” Manuel said. He always addressed me by my full name.

  “What do you need, Manuel?” I asked. “I met all of your demands the last time you called.”

  “Yes, you did very well. We were pleased. I’m calling today to let you know that we will need a new property to work with in Central America. You are in Belize at the moment, is that correct?”

  My stomach squeezed. I shouldn’t have been surprised that Manuel knew exactly where I was. The GPS technology he had access to likely could have told him my exact location anywhere on the Earth at any time.

  “I am,” I said.

  “Expect a delivery in the next few days,” he said. “You will need to prepare a space. Underground is best.”

  “Storage or active work?” I asked.

  “Storage,” he said. “A shipment about the size of what was sent to Turkey will be arriving.”

  I thought about Turkey, and how the landscape had afforded the luxury of underground storage.

  “You understand I’m on an island here,” I said. “Creating a basement isn’t really an option.”

  “That’s not really my problem,” Manuel said, imitating my voice. “Get it done.”

  He hung up the phone. I stood where I was for a moment, thinking of all of the choices I’d made, some smart, most poor, that had led me to this place. I sighed. I had learned early on not to disobey Manuel Brown. I couldn’t build a basement, but I would find the space for the shipment as he directed, there was no question about that.

  I walked down to the restaurant. It was happy hour, and I wanted both a drink and the opportunity to check in on how the guests were enjoying their vacations. I never interrupted the guests directly; I didn’t need to. My employees were experts at reading what the guests
needed and wanted, and they had my full permission to make things happen. Tonight, everyone seemed happy. We had several honeymooning couples, and they had all been provided with champagne and a complimentary dinner.

  My eyes scanned the crowd and settled on a group of four, two women and two men. The men I recognized; they were part of a scuba group that had been staying with us for over a week. The women didn’t look familiar. As I moved closer to get a better look, the redhead caught my eye. She was stunning. Her hair was a dark copper and it moved in the light as she laughed, which she was doing often. Her eyes, a brilliant light blue, seemed too blue to be real, yet I somehow knew they were.

  “That table,” I said to my bartender. “The two women with the divers… who are they?”

  “Ah,” Sammy said. “That’s Miss Cassie and Miss Emma. Miss Cassie is the one with red hair; Miss Emma is the blonde. They just arrived this morning from the States. They’re here for a week. Beautiful women.”

  I looked sharply at Sammy, and he shrugged. I smiled. “That they are, Sammy. What are they drinking?”

  “Pina coladas, Sir.”

  “Send four over on the house. Don’t tell them, just leave them off the bill.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Sammy said.

  I stood back and kept my eye on Cassie. I made a note to check her reservation information. She was, quite simply, the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. As the night wore on, I continued to pass by the restaurant. If Cassie went to the gentlemen’s room, I wouldn’t be surprised. At nearly midnight, the party broke up and the four walked, still laughing, toward the elevator. I held my breath as they said good night. No kissing, no drunken feel ups. They said good night and the women left in the elevator while the men returned to the bar for another round. I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I was holding, and I turned to walk back to my own suite. I had thinking to do; I had to figure out how to create an underground storage facility before the shipment arrived.


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