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Billionaire Romance Box Set: The Billionaire's Legacy: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 22

by Sarah J. Brooks

  From my hiding place, I listened as the sound of the motor grew louder. My heart pounded and I felt like I was going to throw up. Louder and louder, until, at last, it stopped, just a few yards away from the boats. I held my breath and waited.

  The driver’s side door opened, and a flood of relief washed over me as Simon stepped out. He had a gun drawn and he immediately pressed himself against the car as he pointed the gun out, his arms locked.

  “Cassie!” he yelled. “Cassie? Are you here?”

  I called out, “I’m here!” and I slowly stood up, my hands in the air so he wouldn’t be startled by the movement. He saw me and a brief look of relief noticeably crossed his face. He didn’t holster his gun, though, he just gave one quick jerk of his head toward the car.

  “Get in, fast,” he said. I ran toward the car, ducking as I did so. If Simon had shown up with his gun drawn, there had to be a reason. I tucked myself into the front seat of the car as quickly as I could. A moment later, Simon slid into the driver’s seat and set his gun in a case on the console.

  “Let’s go,” he said, shifting the car into gear and squealing away from the port.

  As we sped through the city streets, I opened my mouth several times to speak but no words came out. I wanted to ask so many questions, but it was as though words had failed me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, finally, my voice dull with fear and anxiety.

  Simon glanced over at me, but then drew his gaze immediately back to the road as a car honked.

  “I’m taking you to a designated safe place; it’s a place Brad and I had already negotiated prior to any of this happening. He instructed me to bring you there in the event you ever got separated here in Morocco.

  A designated safe place. The words rang out in my head. Brad had known this was a possibility. My brain fought itself. Of course he’d known this was a possibility. You were fucking abducted, I told myself. He loves you. Obviously one of the first things he did was to do something to ensure it never happened again.

  The designated safe place was a small hotel that looked more like a Motel 6 than anything else. It was on the outskirts of town on the inland side of Casablanca. We had driven from one dangerous part of the city to another.

  “Is it safe here?” I asked quietly. “I mean, really?”

  Simon’s lips were stretched into a thin line. “It’s safe,” he said, putting the car into park. “The hotel is a Legacy; the fact that you didn’t recognize it as one means the designers did their jobs well. It’s called the Legacy Jewel. When you step inside, you’ll feel more at home.”

  He opened the door and ushered me into the lobby where, immediately, I had a sense of déjà vu as I looked at the same carpet, wallpaper, and furnishings as the hotel I’d fled hours earlier.

  Less than twenty minutes later, I was sitting on a plush, queen bed in my suite on the top floor—one level above the ground—and Simon was standing in the doorway.

  “I’m right next door. I’m going to track down Brad, don’t worry. He will probably be trying to call you, so don’t turn your phone off.” He paused, then looked like he wished he could take those words back. “Not that you would,” he added. He closed the door.

  I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. My hand was on my phone when it began to buzz.


  I had been willing Cassie to stay in the room. I knew she sat on the balcony more often than she didn’t, enjoying the air and the sounds of the city, much of which, she’d said, reminded her of home.

  I’d just finished a business meeting with an investor for Legacy, and I was on my way back to the suite when I saw Manuel Brown standing just off the center of the sidewalk, watching me. People moved around him as if he was a steel pole; no one ran into him or even expected him to move out of their way. He nodded, and I stopped.

  “Sir?” I said, a questioning tone in my voice that I tried to cover the best I could. “Did we…”

  “We had no scheduled meeting, Mr. White. Let’s step over here.” Manuel led me to the side of the sidewalk against a building. I could see Legacy over his right shoulder, and my first thought was of Cassie. I hoped she was still sleeping; I willed her to stay that way.

  “Of course, Sir,” I said. “You know that I’m always ready and willing to meet with you.”

  “Spare me,” Manuel said. “I’ve received word that your female companion, Cassie, has been doing more than causing you distraction. Do you have any idea how close she’s coming to uncovering the truth of who you are and what you do?”

  I shifted uncomfortably. Of course, much of the reason she was coming so close was because I had confided in her. But, how did Manuel know that? We had just been together; how could he possibly know?

  “Do you remember, Mr. White, when I told you that I wasn’t worried about Mavin Toller?”

  I nodded. I definitely remembered that.

  “Remember how I said I wasn’t worried? How I said that I was a giant with a magnifying glass and he was an ant? Where do you think I get that confidence?”

  I took a breath. “From your intellect and your courage, Sir,” I said. And your complete lack of empathy, I thought. Antoine kept me from saying it, his face flashing in my mind. I felt my strength growing as I thought of my son.

  “Ah,” Manuel replied, “that’s a very politically correct answer, and I thank you for that. The truth is, I’m confident about that because I have a very specific piece of knowledge about Mavin Toller: that he is me.”

  I stared at Manuel for a moment as his words sank into my mind. He waited, not breaking eye contact with me.

  “Sir,” I said, “I don’t understand. Mavin Toller is a former CIA agent in the United States. He’s got a lengthy history… there’s no way…” I shook my head.

  Manuel sighed as if he was trying to explain something to a four year old child.

  “You still don’t understand the scope of my power, do you?” He looked at me with genuine pity, and it filled me with fury.

  “Why,” I growled through gritted teeth. “Why abduct Cassie? Why do that? Do you realize you nearly killed her?” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I shook my head, wanting to pull them back. Of course he realized it. Not only did he realize it, he reveled in it.

  “Now, now, Mr. White, don’t be overly dramatic. Cassie’s life was never in danger. If anything, had all gone according to plan, she would be keeping your Antoine company right now.”

  “Don’t you say my son’s name,” I said, my voice low and trembling with fury. I stepped toward him, but he did nothing; he didn’t flinch, step back, or even inhale.

  “That would be a serious error on your part, Mr. White,” he said. “Control yourself.”

  I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I took it out to look at it automatically, before I’d given any consideration to where I was.

  Are you okay???

  The text from Cassie had been sent moments ago. I looked up at the balcony and saw her leaning over the edge from our suite, looking at me with an expression of concern so sharp I could see it from where I stood. I looked away quickly, realizing that I was giving away her location; I pretended that I was stretching and looked the other way as well.

  Manuel didn’t buy it; he followed my gaze with his own. A smile spread across his face.

  “Cassie,” he said. “How nice.”

  I stared at him while I responded to Cassie’s text. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, and I had the feeling that if he saw me texting Cassie, he might take my phone and destroy it. Silently, with as little finger motion as I could use and still type, I texted quickly,


  “Your Cassie has been through quite a lot in the last few months,” Manuel said. “And she’s smart. She seems to have figured out some things that, well, let’s just say, perhaps she shouldn’t know. You know, for her safety.”

  “I told you before,” I said, my anger surging, “don’t threaten her. She has nothing to do with any
of this, and, you’re right, she has been through a lot! And it’s all because of this. I’ve done everything you asked. You have my son, you killed my wife, when it is enough?” I realized I was yelling. The street around us was nearly empty. I was trying to stall to give Cassie enough time to get out of our room. For all I knew, Manuel had men on their way to our suite now. My security was strong, but I didn’t know how it would hold up against Manuel’s resourcefulness.

  “It’s enough, Mr. White, when I say it’s enough.”

  A black car pulled up and, as if on cue, a man got out and held the back door open. Manuel nodded at the driver, and then looked back at me. “Good day,” he said, and a twisted attempt at a smile spread across his lips. He turned and got into the car. I watched, my heart pounding, and then I ran across the street, ignoring the honking of horns, and into the hotel.

  I raced up to the suite and stopped outside the door. The door was closed and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but looks could definitely be deceiving. I drew my pistol, which I’d started carrying on me as soon as we got into Morocco. The metal was cool against my hand. I quickly and quietly keyed into the room. I pushed the door open and watched for movement.

  “Cassie?” I called out quietly. The suite seemed deserted; it had the feel of emptiness. I walked through each room, on guard and afraid of what I might find. She must have gotten out, I thought with a small amount of relief. There would have been signs of a struggle if Manuel’s men had gotten her first; she would have put up a fight. Her purse and phone were gone. I let myself relax a little further. I checked my phone, no messages.

  I walked back down to the lobby to check in with the front desk worker. I, of course, would never ask questions directly, but it was always amazing to me how much people tell with their bodies. I would know immediately if anything was even slightly amiss.

  As I rode the elevator down, my eyes drifted up to the cameras. There was one obviously mounted in the corner above the light box, but there were also three more, in the three other corners, to prevent anyone from being able to hide in what they thought was out of the range of the camera. I made a note to check the cameras when I got into the office.

  The elevator doors opened and my cell phone pinged. I pulled it out quickly, expecting a message from Cassie. Simon’s name came up and I opened the text:

  Cassie with me. Safe place.

  The relief I felt nearly folded me in two. I leaned against the wall and stared at the message. That meant that he’d somehow managed to communicate with Cassie and had followed the plan he and I had set up following Cassie’s abduction to ensure it wouldn’t happen again.

  I raced out of the lobby, ignoring the desk worker, and ran to my car; I needed to get to the Legacy Jewel.


  I awoke to the quiet rumble of the engines of Brad’s private jet. For a few moments, I kept my eyes closed, pretending to sleep while I got my bearings and thought about my next steps.

  Brad had arrived at the hotel and we’d left within the hour, racing to his waiting plane. Seeing him had created an interesting reaction within me: he had rescued me and I felt a rush of desire for him like I’d never felt before… and I was also incredibly pissed. I was exhausted and furious.

  “Why can’t we just have a normal relationship?” I asked quietly, keeping my eyes closed.

  “What, honey?” Brad was suddenly right next to me, his concerned voice in my year.

  I opened my eyes and looked at him. “I said, why can’t we just have a normal relationship?” I could hear the edge in my voice, and I saw it in his eyes.

  He sighed and shook his head. “That’s something you can never have with me,” he said softly. “Even without all of that,” he said, referring to Morocco and the warehouses, “there’s still all of this.” He gestured around to the airplane, to the plush leather furniture and the attendant waiting to bring us champagne, caviar, or anything else from the specific menu Brad had for his private airplane. “I’m sorry,” he said.

  I reached for him, and he put his arms around me. He pulled me toward him, and folded me into him tightly, squeezing me until my breath got tight, but I felt the most secure I’d felt in months. It felt good, and I felt my body respond. I pulled back slightly from him and looked into his eyes. I kissed him, pressing my mouth to his so fiercely our teeth almost hit. I wanted to be closer to him, closer than we’d ever been; I wanted him fully inside of me.

  I slithered down off the couch and settled myself between his legs, putting my hands on his thighs. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me, his head cocked questioningly.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “You don’t need to do this…”

  “I want you to fill every orifice in my body,” I said. “I want you to keep me safe.”

  His eyes widened, and he undid his jeans, slipping them off over his hips. I helped him remove them. His cock was full just based on our conversation and my position alone, the promise of what lay ahead, and I took him into my mouth. I rolled my tongue up and down his shaft, and I felt him relax under my touch, almost as if he was in a trance. I pressed my hands to his thighs and stood on my knees, accessing him in a new angle, an angle in which I could completely fill my mouth with his cock, nearly to my throat, and a little beyond. It was exciting and felt a little dangerous, a little slutty, and I bobbed my head up and down faster and faster as his moans grew in volume.

  I reached for his balls with my hand and cupped the hard, stretched sack in my palm; it was hot, alive, and I trailed my fingertips lightly over the thin skin. He shuddered and groaned loudly, grabbing my head and bucking his hips.

  “I’m gonna cum,” he gasped. “So fucking hard, holy fuck!” And he exploded, literally shot himself into my mouth. Hot cum filled my mouth and I swallowed it down hungrily, eagerly, licking every last drop off of his cock, then licking my lips as he laid back, his entire body limp.

  I sat for a moment at his feet, then I began to slowly take off my clothes. I started with my jeans, slithering them off over my hips. I hadn’t bothered with underwear that morning, since I’d left in such a rush. Brad watched me as I slowly showed him that detail. I began to pull his shirt up off over my head, and he leaned forward and stopped me, putting his hand on my forearm.

  “That’s my shirt,” he said, his eyes hot with arousal.

  “It is,” I said. “It was the first one I grabbed this morning when you told me to get the fuck out of the suite.”

  “Keep it on,” he growled in a low voice. “I like you in my clothes.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I said coyly, and I dropped my hand, then I leaned back, sitting on the floor with my legs out in front of me, propped up by my hands. I looked at him, burning his eyes with my own.

  He moved to the floor and laid me back gently by putting his body onto mine. He kissed me again, then slowly began to move down my body until he reached my waiting, already wet pussy. The carpet under me was plush and soft, but Brad reached up and grabbed a blanket from the couch anyway and slid it beneath us both. He bent my knees and put his face between my legs. His tongue was warm and slick, gliding along my labia like a stone skipping across a pond, teasing my clit in a way that made my breath quicken immediately. I shifted my hips, tucking my tailbone to give him greater access to my clit, and he put his hands around my ass, pressing his palms into my cheeks, as he buried his face deeper in me. His nose rubbed my clit as he began to flick his tongue in and out of my vagina; I felt my muscles contracting in rhythm with his tongue, climactic energy building within me. He pulled my hips close and wrapped his lips around my clit, my juices warm and flowing, and he began to suck, a concentrated vacuum that, within just a few seconds, pushed me over the edge into the most intense orgasm I could imagine. My body seemed almost confused with the sensations; I felt my climax in my fingertips, in my hair, in my eyes. Every nerve was active and jumping, and I cried out my release. He let go, and I laid back, sweating, breathless, and I began to laugh. He sidled up next to me and put hi
s arms around me, pulling me against him. He’d remembered that I’d said I wanted him close. I giggled into his chest.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked mildly, the sound of his voice muted by his swollen lips.

  “I don’t know,” I said, and very quickly, my giggles threatened to turn into tears. I stopped and took a deep breath. “I needed that, I think.”

  “I did, too,” he said, and he pulled me close. “Do you want to take a nap?” he asked.

  “I said every orifice,” I reminded him, and I pulled away from him and rolled onto my back. He looked at me as if he’d just won the lottery, and he climbed on top of me. I spread my legs and looked at his cock, which was already ready once again. His cock was hard, red with arousal, pre-cum glistening at the tip.

  He bent my knees and entered me, sliding in so easily I hardly felt anything but the most welcome warmth and pressure, and he began to thrust. I felt the rumble of the engines beneath me, the vibration once again setting my nerves on a pleasurable edge. He thrust fast and slow, each time he built up to where he was about to cum, he stopped and slowed down. We teased each other in tandum.

  He grabbed my ass again, something he knew I loved, only this time, he began to slowly spread my cheeks with his hand.

  “You’re so wet… everywhere,” he said. And he was right; I felt lubricated absolutely everywhere. He looked into my eyes. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  I nodded, the anticipation of what was to come almost too much for me to speak. He slowly slid his index finger into my ass, gripping my cheeks and continuing to thrust slowly. My eyes widened and my body responded with a blanket of warmth moving from head to toe.


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