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A Little Christmas Faith (Choc Lit)

Page 22

by Kathryn Freeman

  Love Kathryn


  About the Author

  Kathryn was born in Wallingford, England but has spent most of her life living in a village near Windsor. After studying pharmacy in Brighton she began her working life as a retail pharmacist. She quickly realised that trying to decipher doctors’ handwriting wasn’t for her and left to join the pharmaceutical industry where she spent twenty happy years working in medical communications. In 2011, backed by her family, she left the world of pharmaceutical science to begin life as a self-employed writer, juggling the two disciplines of medical writing and romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero…

  With two teenage boys and a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to bother buying a card again this year (yes, he does) the romance in her life is all in her head. Then again, her husband’s unstinting support of her career change goes to prove that love isn’t always about hearts and flowers – and heroes can come in many disguises.

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  A Second Christmas Wish

  by Kathryn Freeman


  Christmas Day, almost three years ago

  The dining room was so silent Melissa could hear her knife scraping the plate as she cut through the turkey. Why didn’t Lawrence talk to his parents, for goodness sake? Why did he just sit there, his face like thunder?

  Her eyes scanned to her in-laws. Attractive yet cold, aloof. Perhaps it was no wonder Lawrence couldn’t talk to them. His parents belonged to an era when the Lord and Lady of the manor ruled their household with a rod of iron. When guests who stepped out of line were silenced with a sharp tongue and a stern look. When children were seen and not heard.

  Lawrence was fast turning into them.

  Next to her, William started to become restless, kicking his legs under the table, shifting about in his seat.

  ‘Finish your meal, darling,’ she whispered.

  He shook his head. ‘Not hungry.’

  Lawrence’s black eyes darted across the table at them and William immediately froze. Melissa touched his small hand reassuringly. ‘Okay, if you’re sure you’ve had enough you need to sit patiently while everyone else finishes.’

  ‘He’s got the appetite of a sparrow,’ Lawrence’s mother stated witheringly. ‘He should be made to eat his meal.’

  Melissa bit the inside of her cheek and fought for control. ‘It’s Christmas day. William should be allowed to do whatever he wants on such a special day, don’t you think?’

  ‘If you give children an inch, they’ll take a mile,’ she retorted, then glanced over towards her son. ‘You’re very quiet, Lawrence. The turkey not to your satisfaction?’

  Lawrence clattered his knife and fork onto his plate and drained the contents of his third glass of wine. ‘I have no appetite for dry turkey,’ he announced, shooting Melissa a cutting glance.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered, then bit her lip, angry with herself for being so timid. ‘Perhaps if you put some more gravy on it?’

  ‘Drown overcooked turkey with lumpy gravy?’

  She felt tears prick. Did he have to be so rude to her in front of his parents? In front of their son?

  ‘Manners,’ his father scolded. ‘What’s got into you today?’

  Lawrence reached for the wine bottle and refilled his glass. ‘I’ll tell you what’s got into me. My darling wife announced a few days ago that she’s leaving me.’

  Melissa’s heart bounced inside her rib cage. Oh no. She’d begged him not to raise the subject today. She’d wanted to give William a Christmas to remember – for the right reasons. ‘I don’t think today is the time to discuss this,’ she said, unable to stop her voice from shaking.

  ‘Why not?’

  She turned to William, who was hanging his head, staring at his lap. ‘Because Christmas is a time for smiling. For having fun. Especially when you’re nearly five.’

  ‘And are you having fun, William?’ Lawrence asked his son coldly.

  William’s head shot up. ‘Yes.’

  Lawrence continued to glare. ‘Is that how you’ve been taught to address your elders?’

  ‘Yes, Sir.’

  ‘And what constitutes fun in your book?’

  Confusion flickered over William’s face and Melissa reached for his hand again, this time holding onto it. ‘Your father just wants to know which part you’ve enjoyed most today.’

  For a brief moment his eyes filled with joy. ‘Opening my presents from Father Christmas.’

  Lawrence snorted. ‘Father Christmas, eh?’

  ‘Yes, Sir.’

  ‘You seriously believe one man goes round to all the children in the world delivering presents in one day?’

  Melissa inhaled sharply. ‘Don’t,’ she hissed. ‘Please, I beg you, don’t ruin this day for him.’

  ‘Ruin it?’ Lawrence thrust his glass onto the table with such force some of the wine spilt, forming a blood-red stain on the white tablecloth. ‘I rather think you’re the one who’s ruining things.’ His eyes flicked over to William who looked impossibly small on the large antique chair. ‘Let me save you a lot of heartache later in life, son. Love, rather like Father Christmas, doesn’t exist.’

  ‘He does,’ William shouted, shifting agitatedly in his chair. Melissa had never heard him answer his father back, ever.

  ‘If you believe that, then you’re as big a fool as I am.’

  William started to cry and, as he scrambled desperately off his chair, he sent his plate clattering to the floor.

  ‘You bloody idiot,’ Lawrence bellowed.

  Melissa slid off her chair and scooped her sobbing son into her arms. ‘You’re the idiot, Lawrence,’ she replied as evenly as she could. ‘Mr and Mrs Raven,’ she nodded over to her in-laws, ‘I’ll leave your son to entertain you. I’m going to take William upstairs.’

  She spent the rest of the day playing games with William in his playroom. Because it was a far better way to spend Christmas afternoon than sitting with his stuffy parents, Melissa almost felt like thanking Lawrence for his petulant outburst at the dinner table. Almost. But she would never forgive him for taking the magic out of the day for William. Though she’d tried to reassure him Father Christmas did exist – that his father thought he was being funny saying he didn’t – she wasn’t sure William believed her.

  When he was finally asleep in bed, Melissa walked hesitantly back downstairs. She found Lawrence sitting by himself in the lounge, staring into the fire. With the crackle of the logs, the cosy glow of the flames and the fresh smell of the pine tree she and William had carefully decorated, the scene should have brought her a warm, fuzzy Christmas feeling. It didn’t.

  The man on the sofa was too cold, the atmosphere far too tense.

  ‘Decided to come back down, have we?’ Lawrence stood and walked towards her, his dark eyes glittering menacingly.

  ‘You upset your son today,’ she accused, fighting for calm though her heart was hammering. ‘How could you do that?’

  Irritation flickered across his face. ‘You mollycoddle him too much. He’s turning into a real mummy’s boy, frightened of his own shadow. He needs toughening up.’

  ‘He’s a few days away from being five. ’ She dared to look up at him. ‘I asked you not to discuss the separation today. It wasn’t the right time.’

  ‘I beg to differ. My parents had a right to know.’ He bent his head and she caught the smell of stale wine on his breath, mingling with his exotic aftershave. ‘I still find you incredibly attractive, Melissa.’

  The words – ones she’d heard often over the years – were almost a purr. Once she’d believed them. Now she knew it was his way of keeping control. One minute charming, the next cruel, it made sure he kept her unbalanced. ‘And you’re still trying to manipulate me,’ she retorted, twisting her body away from the confines of his. ‘I won’t be pushed or pressured by you anymore.’ Back ramrod straight, she raised her chin. ‘You got away with it when I was young and naive. Now I’m old enough to fight back.’

  Lawrence took a step away, his long hair falling away from his sharp features. ‘How is telling my wife she’s attractive, trying to manipulate her?’

  ‘You blow hot
and cold, and I’m tired of second guessing your mood. Tired of feeling on edge all the time, wondering how you’re going to react to me. How you’re going to treat your son.’

  His lip curled. ‘You make me sound like an ogre. Have I ever hit you, hurt you?’

  ‘Physically, no.’ Damn, her voice had started to tremble. She took in a deep breath before speaking again. ‘You had an affair, Lawrence. Did you really think that wouldn’t hurt me?’

  He laughed harshly. ‘That was ages ago and there were reasons for that. Reasons I’ve explained and you accepted.’

  ‘It doesn’t mean I forgot, or forgave. I can’t trust you any more. I can’t trust your mood, your fidelity, your treatment of William. I want out.’

  ‘So you’ve already told me.’ Reaching out a hand, he ran his finger down her cheek. ‘Do you remember the day we first met? You were modelling my new range and I’d never seen a more exquisite creature, yet when I went to introduce myself you were so unsure, so shy. I knew right then you were not only going to be a superstar, you were going to be my wife.’

  ‘And you made sure of both.’ Her life had changed almost overnight. He’d thrust her into the limelight, turning her from a painfully shy, unheard of young model into Melissa Raven, supermodel and wife to the hottest designer in the country. ‘I’m grateful for what you gave me,’ she added, moving away from his touch. ‘But now I want to live my own life, not one made for me.’

  He sighed, dropping his hand and swivelling dramatically on his heel before settling elegantly onto the sofa. ‘It’s a mistake,’ he barked coldly. ‘Without me backing you, your career will tumble.’

  ‘You think I care that much about wearing clothes and smiling for the camera?’

  He glared back. ‘You will, when the glamorous lifestyle you’ve enjoyed comes to an abrupt end. Still, it’s your loss. I’m not going to beg you to stay.’

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she fought for the courage to ask the most important question. ‘Will you want joint custody of William?’


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