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CRASH (A Logan Brothers Novel)

Page 9

by L. A. Shorter

  Behind him the city loomed, seen through wide windows. We were right in the center, right at the top of the highest building in town, the world at our feet. It was far removed from the city streets, a place closer to where I conducted my business. But I wanted to move higher, up into the stratosphere. And the man sitting in front of me would help me do it.

  I'd met with this same man, and others, about a week ago. It had been the most important meeting of my life, a chance for me to take the world by the balls and make my mark. My age and inexperience stood against me, but my passion and desire and ambition for success saw me through.

  At least, that's what I was told.

  Now I stood in front of this man, his expression bland and emotionless. His name was Walter Lithgow, and he held my future in his hands.

  “Sit down please Mr Logan,” he said as I walked in through the office towards his overly grand desk.

  I sat, a suspicion growing inside of me. His face was more stark than it had been the week before. He'd smiled and told me they were happy to move forward with my proposal that day, happy to work with me to create a casino to rival those in Vegas. It had been one of the most gratifying moments of my life, my hard work rewarded.

  But now. now he'd called me in once again, and I knew something was up. His face was lost of its smile, his eyes no longer bright. A feeling of dread settled in me, a feeling that my great opportunity might be about to be snatched away.

  “I have some bad news Mr Logan.”


  “I'm afraid we have talked further about your proposal and have decided, on second thought, to move in another direction.”

  I clenched tight at the arms of my chair, my fingers digging into the leather.

  “I understand that this is a major blow for you, but please be assured that we will consider working with you again in the future should our paths cross once more.”

  The fucking shit. This was it. This was my one fucking chance for something huge. The plot, the real estate: it was perfect for my proposal, completely goddamn fucking perfect. I'd never have another opportunity as good.

  I steadied my nerve and spoke, my words cold as ice.

  “And what direction are you choosing to go in, to shit on my dreams like this?”

  “Now hold on just a moment Mr Logan. I'd have you watch your tongue.”

  Watch my tongue? You better watch your fucking back.

  “We are merely businessmen looking to make as much money as possible. Regrettably the other proposal may prove more lucrative.”

  “And what is it?” I asked again, my jaw clenched.

  “A new housing development,” he said bluntly. “It will provide an immediate return on investment, and a sizeable one at that. We liked the idea of your casino, but it will take a while to recoup our money.”

  “And what about the long term? Won't it prove more lucrative for you in the future?”

  “Perhaps,” he conceded, “but it's too much of a risk. I chose, in the end, to play the safe option.”

  “You?” I spat. “It was your decision?!”

  “I had the final word, yes. The size of my investment gives me that power. I understand it is a setback for you, but this is business I'm afraid. You'll learn that as you mature.”

  As I mature! The decrepit old fuck.

  “Now please, I really don't have anything more to say.” He gestured to the door and then turned his head back down to some papers on his desk without giving me a second thought.

  Oh he'd give me a second thought. I'd make sure of that.


  I sat back down in my Hummer, my phone in hand. I dialed and waited for the pick up. It rang three times before I heard a voice, hard to decipher amid the noise.


  Well that made no sense.

  A waited a moment and the phone rang. I picked up and heard Kyle's voice clearly this time, the chatter behind him now soft in the background.

  “Crash, what's up?” His tone was typically frosty.

  We still weren't getting along, not as we used to. He only picked the phone up in case I had positive news for him about the club. Otherwise I'm sure he'd have just ignored it.

  This time, however, I would make him happy.

  “I need to talk to you urgently,” I said. “Where are you?”

  His voice picked up at the rush of my words. “At a party.”


  His words stiffened slightly again. “With Alice at her halls.” She was always a sore spot between us.

  “OK, I'm coming there now. Which halls is it?”


  “Right, I'll be there in 20.”

  I shut the phone off quickly and gunned the engine.

  Time to get this family back together.


  I pulled into the parking lot outside of Dulwich halls. There were students swarming the place, getting typically wasted for a Friday evening.

  I stepped out of the car as a few drunken jocks showered praise on it.

  “Whoa, cool Hummer man!”

  I had no time for them.

  I pressed on forward towards the main door. It was being held open by a block of wood, allowing anyone to enter and join in the party raging inside.

  There were stairs to the immediate left on entry, with a wide hall in front and doors to the right. The hall was sparsely populated with small pockets of people, drinking punch from red paper cups and chattering wildly.

  I walked through and towards the source of the sound, turning through a door into a large space, pulsing with guys and girls and their raging hormones. There was a long table to the side, massive bowls of orange liquid inside.

  God only knows what the fuck they put in there.

  Next to the orange poison there were countless bottles of spirits and mixers and stacks of plastic cups. I cut a path straight for it and snatched a half empty bottle of Smirnoff, pouring a couple of shots into a cup and sinking it in one.

  I breathed deep. Better.

  My eyes fell over the crowd in front of me, scanning for my brother. Where the fuck was he?

  A tap on my shoulder gave me my answer. He stood to my left, his face stern as usual but with a look of hope to it, as if he'd finally get the news he was waiting for.

  I wouldn't disappoint him.

  “We need somewhere quiet to talk,” I said. “Somewhere private.”

  He nodded and walked me back into the main hall. Alice was there, talking to another girl over in the corner. Kyle walked towards her and they spoke for a moment. She had this look on her face, like she didn't trust me, didn't like me. I guess I deserved that.

  He turned and tilted his head towards the stairs, walking up them with me following. I'd never been inside a college building like this before. It was like one massive party, one massive sleepover. I could see doors open along the wall at the top of the stairs, college kids lying around on beds and on the floor smoking and drinking and laughing.

  They spilled out into the corridor, guys throwing footballs down the length of it, girls slapping them on the arm and telling them off for almost taking their heads off. It was a world far removed from my own, from the way I'd grown up. Ever since I was a late teen, I'd been managing bars and casinos, never a moment to relax and completely let loose.

  A small sense of jealousy hit me as I looked on at the scene, one immediately quenched. No, this wasn't for me. I had far bigger fish to fry.

  Kyle stepped through a door at the end of the corridor and into a dorm room. It must have been Alice's, the floor and walls and beds coated with bright colors of pink and purple. There were two beds in there. Alice must live with a room-mate.

  I laughed in my head. I doubt Kyle spent much time over here then.

  He sat down on the bed to the left and I took the other, sitting opposite each other. It was quiet now with the door shut, the pounding noise from downstairs largely stifled.

  He looked at
me, his face set. “So what's the emergency?”

  I stared back at him. We'd been at loggerheads for too long over all this shit. It was time to unite together for mutual gain. I couldn't keep doing this alone.

  “I know I haven't been the greatest brother,” I said, conceding what most would look at as the truth. “And I know I told you I'd find a replacement for you at the club.”

  He nodded slowly, his eyes still fierce. “Yes, you did. That was some time ago Crash.”

  “I know, and I'm ready to put it all right.”

  His eyes softened slightly, that hopeful look growing stronger.

  “You remember I said I was working on something big? That I wanted to bring you in on it with me?”

  “I do.”

  “Well I've hit a major snag, and I need your help. It's time we put the past behind us Kyle. You help me, and you can step away from that club and never look back. I give you my word on that.”

  “What do you need?” he asked, his tone growing in interest.

  “There's a man who needs convincing of something. You're going to help me do it.”

  “That's all?” he asked.

  “That's the start,” I said quickly.

  A silence fell as we looked on at each other, bridges being built as we spoke.

  “OK, count me in.”

  A smile spread over my face. “Excellent.”

  We stood simultaneously and walked into the middle of the room, stretching out our hands in unison and shaking tight.

  “I knew you'd come to your sense eventually,” he said, grinning. “Come on brother, lets drink together. We haven't done so in ages.”

  “In a moment. I need to make a call. I'll join you downstairs shortly.”

  “The work never stops,” he said, his expression more relaxed than I'd seen it in months. It was good to see the real Kyle again.

  “And it never will.”

  He laughed as he turned away and walked towards the door, shutting it tight at his back and once more plunging the room into silence.

  I took out my phone and dialed. It immediately clicked to life.

  “Jones, I have something for you to do. It must be urgent.”

  “Yes Mr Logan. What is it?”

  “Have you heard of Walter Lithgow? He's a powerful investor and businessman.”

  “I have.”

  “I need you to find some dirt on him, fast. And Jones, it needs to be good.”

  “I understand Mr Logan. I'll get on it immediately.”

  “Thank you Jones. Call me when you have something.”

  The pieces were coming together.

  Chapter 14 - Elle


  My mind was beginning to blur as I stood in the middle of the tumult, drinks being downed around me. It had been a long week at college and I was exhausted after coming back from dance class. A party as wild as this one wasn't exactly what I needed right now, but who could say no to Tess?

  Alice was now taken with Kyle, and I got the impression that Tess was now latching onto me as her substitute. She was impossibly persistent, and wouldn't take no for an answer when all I wanted to do was crash out on my bed and watch a film on my laptop.

  “Oh come on babe, it's only downstairs. A couple of hours at least. Come on!”

  I didn't know why she cared so much. I mean, it wasn't like she was lacking in friends. Then again, it felt pretty nice that she was so keen for me to be there. I'd really fallen on my feet with my new group of friends round here.

  I'd been there for a couple of hours now, though, and thoughts of my warm bed were beginning to dominate my mind. Kyle was there with Alice, so I knew they'd go back to his after. That meant I'd have the entire room to myself for the night.


  I managed to duck away from Tess' eyes as I sneaked through the crowd towards the door. As I came out into the hall I saw Kyle just rounding the bottom of the stairs and moving in to kiss Alice. He had this glowing smile on his face, his step so light, like a weight had just been thrown from his shoulders.

  I smiled as they kissed. They'd seemed so glum every time I'd seen them recently, so it was nice to see them happy for once.

  I passed by them, their passion blinding them to everything else in the hall, and climbed wearily up the stairs. There was a lot of activity on my floor outside my room. But I didn't care. No amount of noise could stop me from sleeping tonight.

  I stopped as I reached my door. There was a voice coming from inside, a guys voice.

  What the fuck.

  I listened closely. It was a one way conversation, some guy on the phone. I couldn't work out who it was through the door, the voice muffled.

  Seriously, Alice needs to start locking the door. Probably some random guy looking for some privacy to make a call.

  Well, he'll have to shift it. I need my bed.

  I turned the handle and opened the door quickly, ready to reprimand the guy with some choice words.

  My heart literally stopped.

  Standing right there next to my bed was Crash, sliding his phone into his pocket. His face crinkled into that same expression I'd last seen on him as he saw me - one of shock, one of surprise - as he saw me.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I kinda shouted it. I didn't mean to be rude, but what the fuck?!

  His face as stuck in a frown. He seemed equally as shocked to see me as I was to see him.

  “Do you live with Alice?” he asked. “Shit that makes so much sense now.”

  The door hung open to my back and I heard a drunken voice shouting from behind me.

  “Hey Elle, is that your new guy?” It was Tom, some football jock, surrounded by his jock friends. The guy was a sleaze.

  I didn't deign to answer him, but just turned and shut the door.

  “Who was that?”

  I swiveled back around to see a look of interest on Crash's face. Or was it jealousy. I was too tired to know right now.

  Maybe being tired and not giving a shit was a good thing. Frankly after what happened when I last saw him I might have just died on the spot had I been fully awake and sober. Right now I didn't care.

  “Just a random guy from round here. He's friends with Alice.”


  “That's what I said.” Wow, that was frosty.

  “Well what does Kyle think about them being friends?”

  “I don't know. What does it matter? Can a girl not have guy friends just because she's got a boyfriend?”

  He had this look on this face. I couldn't place it.

  “So, you haven't really answered my question,” I said again. “Why exactly are you in my room?”

  His face loosened. “I came to see Kyle and we needed some privacy to talk. Alice said we could use the room. Is that not OK?”

  “It's fine, I guess.” I couldn't remember the last time I had been this defensive and downright snappy. It wasn't usually my personality.

  Whatever they'd spoken about, though, it was obviously good news for Kyle the way he'd looked when coming down the stairs.

  There was a weird awkwardness hanging in the air as I stood there, still next to the door, my eyes refusing to meet his for more than a few moments. I didn't quite know how to feel, or what to say. Why did he, of all people, have to be in my room!

  It had only been about a week since I'd humiliated myself in front of the entire square outside the museum. A week since Crash had looked at me like I was a lunatic when I rushed in to kiss him.

  Then Alice had gone on to ward me off him, insinuate that he might have been involved in murder. I had no idea whether to believe her or not. But why would she lie?

  His voice broke me from my thoughts, his tone deep and his words slow, each of them clear and cutting the air.

  “I'm sorry for what happened in the square,” he said.

  I met his eyes briefly but couldn't hold them. “Why,” I said, averting my eyes, “it should be me apologizing.”

  He moved in towards
me, closing the gap between us. His frame loomed above me, his suit snugly fitted to his athletic frame.

  I didn't know where to look. He continued in closer, his scent filling my nose. He reached for my face, sliding his fingers over my cheek.

  “Look at me,” he said, his words soft but commanding.

  I did as ordered, my eyes moving up his body to meet his own. He held a smile on his face, his teeth masked my his lips. They moved slowly, opening to release more words as my eyes lingered on them.

  “I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to kiss you back.”

  The words made my heart miss a beat or two, my body going warm all over with anticipation. I looked at his deep hazel eyes as he leaned in closer, his tongue lightly sliding over his lips.

  My breath was lost for a moment as his lips met mine. They were soft, his tongue gently massaging my bottom lip before moving deeper into my mouth. His hand lingered on the side of my face, gliding slowly down to my neck and up through my hair.

  I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to.

  I could hear Alice's warnings in my head but I didn't care. They were quickly drowned out by Crash's touch, his hand sliding over my shoulder and inching towards the small of my back, his fingers feeling at my skin, their tips warm and sensual.

  Every touch was like a light bolt of electricity rushing through my body. He was like an artist with his fingers, drawing patterns across my back, up my neck. My body grew hotter as his hands began exploring further, his left sliding down my back and to the top of my ass.

  I felt a surge rush through me as it drew lower, his fingers gripping at the fabric of my skirt and pulling it up. I felt his hand meet my bare ass, his fingers sliding beneath my underwear.

  I could hear his breathing rise as his lips slid down to my neck, his hands growing more intense as the passion between us grew.

  This was only going one way, but there was no stopping it. Did I want to stop it?

  The guy was beyond beautiful, the sort of man I thought would never be interested in a girl like me. It made me hot to think that he wanted me, but nervous as well.

  He was rich and powerful, the sort of guy who knew what he wanted and didn't stop until he got it.

  He's probably slept with hundreds of women. He'd probably be demanding in bed. Maybe he'd want things I'd never done.


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