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CRASH (A Logan Brothers Novel)

Page 14

by L. A. Shorter

  She turned her attention from the girls and onto me, her eyes consoling.

  “I'm sure its nothing, but we'd like to keep you in overnight just to make sure.”

  I nodded silently in the bed.

  “OK girls,” she continued, turning back around, “you're going to have to leave us for a little while. You're free to stay in the waiting room if you wish, although visiting hours are almost over.”

  “No, it's OK, you should all leave.” I said quickly. I didn't want to drag them all down.

  “But I want to stay,” said Lexi. “Can't I stay with her overnight.” She looked around the room. “There, I can sleep in that chair.”

  The nurse shook her head. “I'm sorry girls but no one can stay past 10, not unless someone is seriously ill.”

  “Lexi, it's fine, I'll be all right. I'm tired anyway so could do with the sleep.”

  Truth be told I liked the idea of sleeping in the hospital for the night. I doubt Brad knew I was there. But he probably did know where my halls were by now.

  Lexi begrudgingly nodded along and stepped towards the door along with the other two.

  “I'll be back tomorrow morning to take you home,” she said. She was so sweet, I loved her.

  I smiled and nodded. “Thanks babe, you're a star.”

  With that they all filtered out into the hall, leaving me alone with the nurse.

  “So what brought this on?” she asked.

  I signed and prepared my lie. The truth would stay with me.

  Chapter 23 - Crash


  I felt deflated.

  It wasn't how I'd imagine I'd feel. Not now, not after what had happened.

  I'd dreamed for months about catching my fathers killer and getting my revenge. Now it all felt so hollow, so empty. Something troubled me about it all, something I couldn't place.

  Had the wrong man died? Had Lithgow really been the cold hearted killer I thought he was?

  The thought had stayed my hand when he sat in front of me. I knew that I'd regret it forever if I'd pulled the trigger. Jones though, he could handle it. Just another day at the office for him.

  I'd dug myself into a corner. I had no choice but to see Lithgow dead after taking him to that barn. Had he gone free, I didn't know what would happen. If he really was the man responsible for my father's death, my own life would be under threat, as well as those of my family.

  I couldn't take that risk. Guilty or not, I had no choice but to remove him from the equation.

  The days after I'd struggled to sleep, thoughts of that night now dominating my mind. I turned things over and over in my head, trying to convince myself that he was the culprit. Yet there was always a piece missing, something in his eye, something in his pleading voice that made me unsure.

  I guess now I'd never know.


  “To the future,” I said, raising my glass.

  Four other glassed raised up to meet mine in the middle.

  “And the prosperity of this family.”

  They all repeated the words in unison, my body stirring at the sound. It was the first time I'd gathered together all of my brothers to fill them in on my plan. Up until now, only Kyle had been aware of the new casino project that would send our family name into the stratosphere. Now it was time for the others to be included.

  I had plans for all of them, plans to move them on from their current positions and bring all of the family together to manage and run the casino and hotel we were building. I wanted us all to benefit, I wanted us all to have a single purpose, a single perspective. I wanted all of them to share in my vision.

  “There was something else I wanted to talk to you all about,” I said, “something you all deserve to know.”

  I could see them all leaning in, gravitating towards me.

  “Our father has been avenged,” I said, trying to inject some triumph into my voice. “The man who killed him has been duly dealt with.” I felt a sting on my tongue as I spoke, still not sure if I really believed the words.

  I looked around at them all, their eyes widening. All except Kyle's. His lowered to the floor. He knew what happened that night.

  “Who was it?” asked Cade, leaning in.

  “A man called Walter Lithgow.”

  “Lithgow?” asked Zack. “The investor?” I was surprised he knew of him.

  I nodded.

  “But why would he kill dad?”

  “Suffice to say they were old business friends turned rivals. Things took an ugly turn and this is the result.” I didn't want to go through it all again. I wanted to put it out of my mind forever now.

  “Now understand that none of this can ever leave this table. No one can ever speak of this again, do you all understand? I just thought you all deserved to know.”

  They all stared on at me and nodded.

  “Good. Now lets raise a glass to our father, Charles Logan. To dad.”

  “To dad.” They all said together.

  I sat back down in my seat. I felt weary, tired. Tired of all of this, tired of thinking about my father and Walter Lithgow, tired of wanting revenge. That lust had been sated, replaced with a feeling of guilt and remorse. It weighed heavy like a rock chained around my neck.

  We sat in silence for a while, around the table in the VIP section of the bar. I'd shut the entire section off for the night, giving us total privacy. I wanted no one hearing what I said, no one else nearby when I revealed all to my brothers.

  I sensed that they each had a million questions running through their heads, so many things that they wanted to straighten out about dads death. But I knew they wouldn't question me, I knew they wouldn't push it. They'd seek clarification later from Kyle. I'd leave it to him to explain, to make them understand.

  Right now, I just didn't want to talk about it. Not now. Not ever.


  My lack of sleep was beginning to tell as the evening drew on. I told them that they should celebrate, invite their girlfriends out and enjoy the evening on me. I wasn't in the mood for such frivolities though. No, I wanted to be alone.

  I said my goodbyes and left the VIP area, an exhaustion settling inside of me. As I rounded the corner into the main bar I noticed Alice waiting for drinks. Tess was alongside her, and Gem. I took this as a good opportunity to clear the air.

  I approached from behind and got Alice's attention. She'd never taken to me and I knew why. Now, however, I'd moved on from it all. I'd accepted that Kyle wanted to be with her, and despite dad's wishes, I had to concede that it wasn't my place to interfere.

  “Alice, can I have a word,” I said, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

  She turned, her face stony and impassive, but curious. “Sure.”

  I led her over to a free table and sat down, seeing Tess and Gem come together at the bar and immediately start whispering to each other. Those two loved a good gossip.

  “Alice, I wanted to straighten things out between us. I know that you've never liked me and rightly so.”

  Her eyes seem to perk up slightly as I spoke. She clearly wasn't expecting an admission like that.

  “I owe you an apology,” I continued. “I see how much Kyle cares about you and you him. I never should have tried to stand in the way of that. I'm sorry.”

  Her expression softened quickly, her deep frown loosening. I could see what Kyle saw in her. She was stunningly beautiful.

  “I really appreciate that Crash,” she said, her tone light. “Thank you.”

  I smiled at her. If she was to be my brothers long term partner, then she really would be family. If so, I wanted her to trust me implicitly.

  “I suppose that Kyle has told you about our plans?”

  She nodded.

  “And I understand that you're doing a business and management course?

  She nodded again.

  “Well, perhaps you can help us. Maybe we could find a position for you once you graduate, all things going well with Kyle, that is.”

er eyes broadened further. “You mean, give me a job?”

  I nodded. “Assuming you get the desired grade in your degree and ace the interview.” I smiled, seeing her do the same.

  “Crash, I don't know what to say. You'd trust me to be part of the business?”

  “Sure. If Kyle's trusts you, I trust you. You're becoming family Alice, and that's the number one thing in the world.”

  Her eyes were beginning to well up. She looked overjoyed at my words, like she had been waiting for acceptance from me forever or something.

  “You know, you can be kinda sweet sometimes,” she said, a cheeky smile creasing her face. “I've been wrong about you. I'm sorry.”

  I shook my head. “No apologies. Anything you've thought about me or said about me in the past was probably just. I haven't been the easiest guy recently. This whole thing with my father and becoming the head of this's been a lot of pressure. Now, though, all I want is for this family to move forward together.”

  “I understand it must have been hard, and I'm so sorry.” She really seemed to mean it, her eyes deep with memory, as if she'd suffered the same in her past.

  “Elle really would be lucky to have you.”

  The name sent a shock through me. Elle. I'd pushed her from my mind recently, consumed with other thoughts. Clearly though, she'd talked about me to Alice.

  “Elle. How is she?”

  My heartbeat rose a fraction as Alice prepared to speak about her, and quickened further when I heard her words.

  “Not good actually. She's having a tough time at the moment.”

  “What's wrong?” I said quickly, my face growing worried.

  “It's her ex. He accosted her in a parking lot a few days ago, was a bit full on. She's really shook up by it all, isn't quite sure what he'll do.”

  I could feel my blood beginning to boil, my tiredness discarded from my body. An energy was growing inside me, surging, an anger creeping into my head.

  “Who is he?” I growled. “Where is he?”

  A look of concern grew on her face. “Um, we don't know. He hasn't turned up since. He might have gone back to uni in California.”

  “And where's Elle? Is she back at your dorm?”

  She nodded. “She's been cooped up in there since it happened. I tried to get her to come tonight, but she won't leave the room. She's pretending she's just revising, but I can tell she's pretty rattled right now.”

  I stood quickly.

  “No Crash, I wouldn't go there. Not tonight, it's late.”

  My hands were shaking now with thoughts of this guy. Thoughts of him scaring her, putting his hands on her. I needed to know who he was, I needed to talk to her now.

  I turned and stormed from the bar, Alice's voice blurring into the background as she tried to tell me to stop.

  But there was nothing she could say, nothing she could do to stop me.

  Elle. I needed to protect her. I needed to see her safe. Nothing anyone could say would change that.

  Chapter 24 - Elle


  I lay in my bed, the door to my dorm securely fastened and locked. I'd taken to locking it now every time I was alone in the room. Before I'd been happy to leave it open, but not now, not any more.

  The feeling of Brad's lips was still lingering in my mind. I'd kissed him a thousand times before but now things were completely different. His lips carried a menace, a feeling of desperation and isolation.

  I had begun to feel as though his desire for me would never be quenched, that he'd continue to haunt my steps forever. The thought ran my blood cold.

  I climbed out of bed and over towards my desk to pick up another book. Exams were coming up soon and I had plenty of revision to get through. I guess that was one benefit of my newly developed agoraphobia: now I'd have lots of time to revise without any distractions getting in the way.

  The problem was, I was distracted. Not by my friends or dance class or anything like that. No, I was distracted by thoughts of Brads eyes on my window. Thoughts that he'd be waiting outside for me to go off to the shops or out to class. Thoughts that he'd eventually make his way into the building and towards my room, his desperate eyes staring through the door at me, hidden away in my bed.

  Lexi had come over several times to see how I was doing. Her and Alice and Tess were all worried, all there trying to convince me to go to the police.

  But for what? What would I say? That my ex boyfriend is around and he, erm, kissed me and ran away. He hadn't really done anything. He hadn't attacked me, he hadn't tried to rape me or even threaten me.

  I knew the police would laugh me away.

  No. This was a problem that I had to deal with. I'd broken his heart, I'd made this mess. It was up to me to try to make things right so that we could both move on.

  A part of me knew I was being naive. It knew that I wasn't dealing with a normal person, that my words could do nothing to satisfy him. But I had to try. I had to try to put this to bed once and for all.


  The door knocked loudly.

  The sound sent a jolt running through my body, causing me to drop my book to the floor.

  I sat up in bed, my breath lost. I could see the shadow of two feet at the bottom of the door, someone waiting for me to open it up.

  I stayed silent, not a sound in the room or out in the corridor, hoping that they'd go away and leave me alone. A sound of metal scratching pierced the quiet and I looked to see the handle turning down slowly. My eyes were set on the lock.

  I did lock it, didn't I?

  I got my answer as the handle turned back up, followed quickly by another knock. I willed for whoever it was to leave, walk away, think I wasn't in.

  Then a voice filtered through the door, muffled by the wood but unmistakable. My heartbeat rose quickly, my nerves settling. It was soft, concerned, a deep well of worry within it.

  “Elle, are you in there?”

  I slid from the bed and towards the door, stepping lightly. I still wasn't sure I wanted to see anyone right now so was keen to make sure my presence remained in doubt.

  His voice came again.

  “Elle, I'm just here to see if you're OK. I want to know you're safe.”

  I reached for the lock and twisted gently. It clicked open and the handle quickly turned. The door swung open and Crash stood before me, his eyes troubled.

  He looked me up and down quickly and gave me a hug. I must have looked a mess wearing my sweatpants and without any make-up on. He'd never seen me like this.

  His arms were strong around me, his embrace making me feel safer, more secure. I couldn't help my eyes from welling up, tears lightly dropping from them as I lifted my own arms around his broad and muscled back.

  He released me and brushed my tears away with his fingers. His eyes seemed to be changing. Going from concern and worry to anger, those raging eyes that I'd seen before once again catching blaze.

  “Why are you here Crash?” I asked him. The last time he'd come to see me he'd basically said that he had feelings for me but couldn't act upon them.

  “I saw Alice at the bar,” he said quickly. “She told me that your ex boyfriend attacked you in a parking lot?” His eyes were fully burning now, his jaw clenching.

  “He didn't attack me, not really. He just...” My words began trailing off.

  “What did he do?”

  “Nothing. He just creeped me out is all, he wasn't violent.”

  His eyes stayed fixed on me. He knew there was more to it. The way I was behaving: hiding in my room, scared to even answer the door - that wasn't normal. No, my face told a story of its own.

  “Do you know where he is?” he asked, his voice turning more cold and businesslike.

  I shook my head. I had no idea if he was still in town. No, that was a lie. I know he's here. I can feel him.

  “It's OK,” he said, “leave it to me. I'll take care of it.”

  The many words of warning and rumors about Crash that I'd heard came floo
ding into my head. I'll take care of it. I didn't even want to think about what that meant.

  “Please don't Crash. This is my problem. I don't want anyone else involved.”

  “No Elle, I am involved now. Nothing can change that. Tell me his surname.”

  I hesitated. His stare told me that he wasn't leaving until he had the information that he wanted.

  “Crash I don't want him to be hurt. He needs help, not to be beaten up or....worse.”

  His eyes were still set. “I only want to talk to him. He needs to be told Elle, he needs to know what he's doing to you.”

  I knew he was right. I figured that coming here would be enough for me to move on and avoid the issue forever. But no, he'd found me now. Maybe he did need to be told.

  “I know his first name's Brad. What's his surname.”

  I hesitated.

  “Come on Elle, I'm not leaving until I have it.”

  I breathed deep again, my mind running in several directions.

  “Scott,” I said eventually. “His name's Brad Scott.”

  He reached and took my hand. It was still trembling lightly. “It's OK Elle, you don't have to be scared of this guy any more. I'll have a friendly word. I'm sure he'll go back to California when I'm done.”

  I couldn't help but feel as though he was only telling me what I wanted to hear. Inside his words, deep within them, was a hidden menace.

  “Please Crash, please don't hurt him. It's not his fault.”

  He hugged me again.

  “Elle, I told before that I'd be there for you if you needed me. I'm not lying to you. I swear I'll just talk to him. Nothing more.”

  He leaned in and kissed me softly on the cheek, his lips lingering. I felt an urge to turn my head so that our lips met but he pulled away before I could.

  “Don't worry Elle. Everything will be OK.”

  With those words he turned, a consoling smile on his face, and walked briskly out of the room.

  Chapter 25 - Crash


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