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CRASH (A Logan Brothers Novel)

Page 18

by L. A. Shorter

  Then his hands came at my neck, his fingers digging into the skin and squeezing as tight as they could. He was strong, as if possessed, his eyes bulging out of their sockets as he squeezed and pushed me to the ground.

  I ripped and battled with my left arm but my right was weak, the bone broken. I could get no grip, unable to even close my fist and strike at him. I was gasping for breath now, feeling my face growing red, my need for oxygen getting to the point of desperation.

  The world began going black as my eyes popped, his iron hands around my neck, starving me of life.

  This was it. I was going to die.

  Chapter 34 - Elle


  I was scrambling at my leg, trying to untie the material that had held me there for days, as Brad and Crash grappled to the side of the bed.

  My hands were shaking violently, unable to get a grip, unable to pull the fabric loose. I could see Crash's hands at Brad's neck, Brad scratching and clawing at Crash's face, drawing blood from his nose and cheeks.

  They tumbled out of the door onto the landing at the top of the stairs as I continued to try to untie the knots. I felt a surge of hope run through me as Crash knelt atop Brad, but he was thrown off, flying to the left and out of my view.

  I saw Brad stand and crouch, rushing in towards him and out of my eyeline. I turned my eyes back on the knot, ripping at it and gradually loosening it. I could hear heavy groans and grunts from outside the room, a loud thud hitting the wall.

  I rushed frantically now, my leg almost free, and finally managed to pull it out, the ankle red and bleeding. My entire body ached as I climbed from the bed, my legs struggling to support me.

  I could hear the sound of gasping on the landing as I rounded the door, seeing Brad's hands wrapped around Crash's neck as he struggled to release his grip. I looked down to see the crowbar on the floor and picked it up. Without thinking, I swung it as hard as I could down onto Brad's arms.

  He roared in pain and I saw his grip immediately relent, his hands retracting from Crash's neck as he gulped in air. Brad stumbled back slightly as Crash kicked out at him. He flew backwards, his body sent cracking into the banister at the top of the landing.

  It was weak, and he broke straight through it, his body going clattering down towards the main hall at the bottom of the house. I heard him hit the floor below with a heavy thud and loud crack as Crash jumped to this feat and rushed forwards, his eyes peering over the side at the body stricken below.

  The neck was bend awkwardly out of place, his body twisted in an unnatural position. I couldn't look, turning my head from the sight as Crash moved straight in and hugged me, his arms wrapping around my body once again.

  His chest was breathing heavily, his right arm unable to grip properly at my back. I cried again, tears rushing from my eyes.

  “It's over,” he said, his voice so beautiful to my ears, “he won't be able to hurt you again.”

  I could hear myself speaking through my sobs, the words gushing out. “You found me. You saved me. I can't believe you saved me.”

  His left hand was stroking at my hair as he spoke, trying to calm me. “Shhhh, it's OK. It's OK, it's all over now, it's finished.”

  The emotions were flooding from my body and I couldn't stop them. I looked up into his face. He looked completely drained, his eyes heavy with bags, his skin pale, his hair messed and unkempt.

  “You came for me,” I said again, gazing up at him.

  He smiled weakly, grimacing slightly at the pain in his arm. “Of course. I told you I'd always be there to help you and I will. Always.”

  I wanted to kiss him, tell him what he meant to me, how much I cared for him, but I couldn't. I was too drained, too physically and emotionally exhausted.

  I dropped my head back into his shoulder, resting it on his warm body, my eyes looking down at Brad's body on the floor below.

  He hadn't moved, his body lying motionless. I felt a brief urge to rush down and check his pulse, see if he was alive, help him.

  But that urge turned to anger as I looked on at him. He'd stalked me, kidnapped me, held me hostage and tried to rape me.

  No, he was dead. And he deserved to be dead.



  I stood in the graveyard, the rain trickling down from grey skies onto my black umbrella.

  “I wish I'd got to meet him,” I said, looking on at the gravestone.

  “So do I. I think he would have liked you.”

  “Really?” I asked, turning to Crash.

  He smiled. “Of course. How could he not?”

  We huddled together under the umbrella and looked at the flowers sat perched up against the white stone.

  “I'm gonna make him proud Elle. I know he's looking down on me, on all of us. I'm gonna take this family forward, like he always wanted.”

  I smiled up at him, his eyes set forward, a deep longing inside him to impress his father, to do well by his family.

  We stood for a moment in silence before turning and slowly walking back towards his car. It had been 3 months now since he'd rescued me from Brad, 3 months since that burden had been lifted from my shoulders forever.

  When the ambulance turned up they'd said that he will have died on impact, his neck and spinal column snapped. At least it was a quick death, unlike the life he'd have led in jail, always on his toes, always watching his back. When the dust settled I was happy, at least, that his own torment was over.

  The police investigation into the death didn't last long. All the evidence and character reports quickly built a picture of Brad being psychologically unhinged. It turned out that he had suffered from mild schizophrenia and depression for years, but kept it all hidden until our break up.

  After that, it had all been released, his mind degenerating further as he turned to narcotics and alcohol to stay the pain. There had been no one there to help him, no close friends to support him through it all, so he turned to the only person he really felt attached to - me.

  I felt ashamed by my thoughts at his death. Despite all he'd done to me, I still felt slightly responsible, as if I could have done more to help him, rather than turn my back on him completely. It ate away at me for weeks after, a guilt set deep in my body that I wasn't sure I'd ever fully get over.

  Crash took my hand in his as we continued walking through the graveyard. His touch was always reassuring to me now, knowing he'd always be there to protect me.

  He stopped suddenly, turning me towards him and kissing me.

  His eyes looked deep and emotional, almost like he was welling up, but not quite. No, Crash would never cry.

  “There are lots of things about me that you still don't know,” he said, out of the blue.

  “And I'm sure there's lots about you that I don't know,” he continued. I wasn't quite sure where he as going with this.

  His eyes lost their assuredness as he looked around, suddenly slightly uncomfortable.

  “I've never been one for words, um, I guess I'm something of a blunt object...”

  He still looked everywhere but into my eyes.

  “...I guess what I'm trying to say is that I usually talk through my actions...but some things need to be said.”

  I could feel my heart beginning to rise as his eyes eventually found mine.

  “What I really want to say is....” he paused again, fighting the words out of his mouth.

  “ you Elle.”

  He looked away again, all of his calm and composure and everything else thrown from the window.

  I smiled as I laughed inside. It was a laugh of amusement by the way he said it, but one of elation as well.

  I reached up and took his face, pulling it in and kissing it as he often did with me.

  “I guess my actions speak louder than words too,” I said, smiling.

  He knew I felt the same.

  Exposure - Kyle and Alice

  Exposure tells the story of Kyle and Alice and what happens before the events of this book.

  The book is from the perspective of Alice and tells of how she meets Kyle, how she becomes a stripper in his club, and the drama than unfolds thereafter.

  The events closely link in with the events of this book, helping to fill out the story further and shed some light on certain mysteries that are left open!

  If you want to buy the book, you can do so at the following link:

  EXPOSURE (Kyle and Alice's story)

  Exposure Sample - First 6 Chapters!

  Here is an extended excerpt from Exposure, including the first 6 chapters!

  Chapter 1

  “I'm sorry Alice but I have a responsibility to my customers.”

  The words were still ringing in my ears. “I cannot keep you on any longer. You're fired.”

  I stood outside, the cold air nipping at the tips of my fingers as I poked at the lock on my car, my shaking hands making it harder than it should have been to stick the key in. Great, another job lost.

  I climbed in behind the wheel and gunned the engine, which spluttered to life after a couple of turns of the key. I turned on the heating and a burst of foul smelling air hit my nose. I guess that's what you get with a third-hand, ten year old, banger.

  The night was stretching on as I shot down the road, the usually busy intersection now beginning to wane. Despite the warming heat in the car my hands continued to shake, more through nerves than anything else.

  I couldn't afford to lose another job, but I knew it was inevitable the way I was going. How exactly could I choose between my studies and my job, especially when they were so inextricably linked. Without working, I'd have no way of living, no way of paying my rent, of buying food, of getting around. But if I didn't study enough, I'd be kicked out anyway.

  It was getting harder at college, my assignments taking up more of my time, my grades beginning to slip. Eventually I'd begun to start turning up to work late, even missing shifts on a couple of occasions. No wonder Mr Asim fired me, I'd have done the same thing.

  I turned into the parking lot on campus and stepped out of the car. The cold once more pinched at my cheeks as I slipped on the icy ground, my heels far from appropriate in this weather. I was like Bambi on ice out there as I gingerly crept closer to the door of my halls, a couple of guys laughing at me as they passed by.

  “Looking good there Alice,” one shouted. It was Tom, a typical jock, a walking cliche wearing his college football jersey and light blue jeans.

  “Screw you Tom,” I said. I was in no mood for his shit right now.

  “Whoa whoa, easy there girl. Just trying to be friendly.”

  “Yeah well try elsewhere.”

  I finally managed to steady my footing as I inched into the hallway of my dorms, the cosy warmth hitting me immediately. I was totally spent as I made my way up the mahogany stairs, past plaques of notable alumni and various noticeboards as I went.

  I got to my dorm on the second floor and held my breath as I put my hand to the door handle. Please be out. I turned the handle and felt it immediately jam - locked. Yes, she was out.

  I stuck the key in the lock and opened the door to darkness, hitting the lights and spilling a bright yellow glow over the room. It was an unpleasant light, bringing the discomfort of the room into clear focus. It may have been a carbon copy of every other dorm room in the building, but I hadn't made much of an effort to make my spot too cosy. I guess it was because I was never in, never really found the time.

  My room-mate - Jen - she was fine. In fact, I liked her, but I didn't really want a room-mate in the first place. I wouldn't call myself solitary, but I certainly wanted my own space. If I could have afforded to live alone that's exactly what I'd be doing.

  Jen's side of the room though, that was nice. She had all this cosy bedding and bright colored throws and blankets that she put everywhere. Thankfully that extended to the more communal central areas of the room, so my side didn't look quite so bare.

  Did I care? Hell yes I cared! My life wasn't meant to be quite this shit, but it had been a downward spiral from the get go. It wasn't like I had a mom to call up when I was feeling low or a nice family home to return to when things got tough. No, I just had a semi abusive father who didn't care two hoots about me. His only contribution to my life was helping me out with my college fees, something he only did because it had always been my mom's dream for her little girl to go to college.

  I sat on my bed and stared over at the ever growing pile of college books stacked on my desk. Every one of those damn books sucked my coffers dry. Quite why they were so fucking expensive I didn't know.

  Not tonight, I can't bare it, I thought as I looked at the the half finished paper burning into my mind. I needed it done by Monday but I just couldn't stand to think about that right now. Sleep, Alice, sleep and think about everything tomorrow.

  I tapped my touch activated bedside table lamp and shut off the main light at the door, casting the room into darkness but for a light orange glow next to my bed. It looked nicer like that.

  I lay down on the lumpy mattress and pulled my light tog duvet over my body, the warm fabric of my pyjamas and dressing gown pretty much the only luxuries I had. It was cold in the room, so cold I could see my breath clouding in front of me in the warm light. I wasn't going to put my heater on though - that damn thing eats electricity.

  Think about things tomorrow Alice. Chin up, tomorrow's another day.

  Chapter 2

  A knock on the door woke me from a typically fitful sleep. I'd laid there for what seemed like hours before finally passing out, my high heart rate a constant thorn in my side.

  Oh god I felt like shit, my eyes heavy and mouth dry as I clambered out from under my duvet.

  “Alice, Alice, it's getting late.”

  It was Tess, by best friend. She was on the same course as me and had gotten accustomed to banging down my door when we had any early morning classes.

  “Hey, hey, I'm coming,” I croaked through the door as I quickly assembled an appropriate outfit.

  After a quick brush of my teeth I was opening the door, seeing the expression on Tess's face as she eyed me up. “Another late night?” she asked, her bright blue eyes in stark contrast to mine. Mine were brown, although right now I guess 'bloodshot' would be more accurate.

  “You have no idea,” I said as I shook my head and bundled a couple of books under my arm.

  “Err Alice, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we study Jane Austen as part of our course.”

  “Huh?” I said, totally bemused.

  She nodded her head down at the books I was holding - Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.

  “Oh, right,” I said, “what is it today?”

  “Advertising Alice. What's with you, you're even more scatty than normal.”

  “I'll tell you on the way.” There was no time for chit chat right now.

  A little while later we sat side by side at the back of a white-walled classroom, whispering in hushed tones as our lecturer droned on to the rest of the class.

  “So what are you going to do?” Tess hissed.

  I huffed louder than I should have done. “I don't know. We're got this damn paper due in a few days so I guess I need to get that done first. You know my grades have been slipping - I need to ace this one.”

  “Yeah, sure, but you need to ace your rental payment as well babe.”

  She was right, and the timing really couldn't have been worse. Rent was coming up and I was running on fumes now, my funds all but depleted by the latest set of textbooks we'd been urged to buy. I'd get my final bit of pay from Mr Asim, but after that I'd be lost. I needed a job, fast.

  “Do you know of anything?” I asked in hope rather than expectation.

  “Sorry babe,” she said, shaking her head. I didn't expect her to - she didn't need to work after all, so why would she know if there were any jobs going.

  “That's all right, I'll ask around.”


  We looked up to see th
e lecturer, and the entire class, looking at us. I guess our conversation had been a little louder than we thought.

  “Miss Newton,” he said, “his words entirely accusatory, “of all the people in this class I would expect YOU to be listening most intently.” His words carried a sting, and now everyone knew how badly I was doing. Thanks for that.

  I didn't deign to respond.

  “Now, so the rest of the class can maximize their college education, would you please keep it down. And, perhaps, listen in yourself - it might do you some good.”

  What a dick.

  As soon as class ended I was off. I had a couple of lectures lined up for later in the day but they were way down on my priority list. I could catch up with what I missed later, but now I had to get that damn paper done. I headed straight for the library for the rest of the afternoon, busily diving into my books and clicking away on my laptop as the hours ticked on by. When it shut, I returned to my dorm in a bid to keep the train moving.

  It was Friday night and, without my waitressing job dragging me away from my dorm, I'd be able to knuckle down for the entire weekend and get it done. Priority one - finish my paper. Priority two - find a job. The sooner I could get priority one finished, the sooner I'd be able to move onto priority two. Simple logic.

  Fuck it. Jen was back. I'd hoped to have the place to myself tonight, see how much progress I could make.

  “You in for the night Jen,” I asked, hoping for a response in the negative.

  “Yeah, why?” She was unusually frosty.

  “Oh, nothing, I just need to get some work done that's all. I find it easier to work alone.” I didn't want to push her out but there was a suggestive slant to my words that I couldn't hide.

  She hardly seemed to be listening to me, her words so quiet. “Oh, sorry. It's OK, I'll just be sleeping anyway.”


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