Music of the Soul 1, 2, & 3 Starter Bundle

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Music of the Soul 1, 2, & 3 Starter Bundle Page 5

by Erik Schubach

  Anabella wiped her mouth on her napkin and stood, shooting me a dazzling smile that would have knocked me off my chair if Zoey wasn't there to anchor me down. Then Bella looked down at the little dynamo. “Come on little ladybug, you can help me with the dishes while the girls chat.”

  Bella went to fill the sink and Zoey darted back and fourth between the table and the sink, zipping plates over one at a time, accompanied by her little “zooooom” noises. I couldn't help but smile. Wait, I'm pretty sure I haven't stopped smiling since I came into this house.

  Sarina looked toward the girls washing the dishes, then reached over, placing a hand softly over mine, a look of awe on her face. “You are amazing you know that?” I looked at her quizzically. She continued, “Don't think I didn't notice.” I visibly swallowed thinking the worst. With a little squeeze of her hand and a twinkle in her eyes, “Ana's NEVER taken those damned bracelets off in years. And here, just a day after meeting you... I don't think she even realizes they aren't on, hiding her scars from herself. I've barely seen her fidget with her wrists this morning.”

  “You give me too much credit. It isn't me. It is all her. She's a lot stronger than she believes herself to be,” I said from a world far away as I watched the beauty placing dishes, that Zoey was dutifully drying, into the cupboards.

  I was snapped back to the conversation by a question that sounded more like a statement, “You like her don't you?” Shields up! I got this! Damage control! Then I spit out, “What's not to like?” Traitor! Damn it shields, where the hell are you? “I mean not in a... you see I... it's...”

  “You need to talk to her about it.” She almost laughed with a wink, putting me at ease, but her eyes also twinkled in that 'I know a secret' way. “She hummed to June last night.” I mumbled the stray tangent thought, possibly to divert the conversation. Sarina raised an eyebrow.

  Almost on cue the girls finished tidying and came back to the table, breaking me out of devising my elaborate escape plan, involving tunneling machines, mechanical chipmunks and dynamite. All coherent thoughts were washed away by Bella's sparkling blue orbs locked to my eyes.

  “Well ladies, as much fun as this is, I really need to get ready for work. I abandoned poor Mrs. W yesterday for little Miss Rocker here. Be down in a bit.” Anabella said as she wandered out of the kitchen, shooting me a smile. Cue butterflies.

  Sarina and I gathered up our little ones from the playpen, checked diapers and grabbed some formula then moved to the living room, sitting on the couch to give the girls their bottles. Zoey zooming off to do whatever little dynamos do, running as fast as her churning little legs could propel her.

  “You're going to meet with Mrs. W today right?” Sarina asked. I nodded and replied, “Yes, I really want to catch up with her. I didn't know it until I came back home, but I have really missed her council. I was telling Anabella last night how she had helped me out of a deep emotional pit when I was younger. Mrs. W is the only 'family' I have. I suppose technically I have a grandmother on my mother's side that I have never met.”

  Sarina shook her head. “Oh poo, I don't want to hear that. I'm already considering you to be a good friend, and a welcome edition to OUR little chaotic family. I hope you feel the same. It's funny, I would never have imagined that the person you portray in the rock world would have fit in so nicely here. If it hadn't been for the years of Ana telling us about who you 'really' are, I wouldn't have believed it. She never once faltered on her belief. I seriously feel like we have known you this whole time, and you are just now coming home, shedding that persona like an old coat. It is scary how close Ana has had you pegged so far.”

  I seriously didn't know how to respond. I was floored. Could Bella see me through my music? “I do. Feel the same, that is.” I said with a hitch in my voice. We shared a smile.

  “I don't work today, why don't I watch Eve and little Squirt here and you can take Ana in so you can speak with Mrs. Wellington. Today is a short day for Ana, she gets off at noon. There's only a few days left for Zoey to spend time with her little sister before school starts. Oh, what new chaos that is going to bring to the house.” she laughed, rolling her eyes.

  I smiled thinking about it. It still scared me to have June out in public, it is only a matter of time before the press finds where I have secreted myself away to. I'm a little surprised I have made it the whole five days since I returned to town without them showing up. I think this redheaded gypsy mind reader was aware of it. “You know, I'd like that. Thanks Sarina.” She placed her hand reassuringly on my arm, then we simultaneously put the bottles on the coffee table and lifted our daughters to our shoulders to burp them.

  Anabella exploded into the room in a flourish, striking a pose in her equally striking solid black dress with a fat shiny white belt and low white heels. “I'm ready for my closeup!” She said, flashing us a corny smile. Causing us to laugh. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail, exposing her luscious neck and small ears built for nibbling, adorned with large hoop earrings. That dress had the privilege of draping over her form and fitting to her every curve. Damn, I'm jealous of that dress. Maybe I can plot its doom.

  A hand wiggling in front of my face made me look over to an amused Sarina. “Hey Mandy, no drooling on the couch!” Causing both Bella and I to blush.

  She continued, “Okay Ana, this is my evil plan to subvert June and turn her into one of our minions. Mandy is gonna take you into work today so she can visit with Mrs. Wellington, and maybe you can convince her to join you in your other task today.” she said with a smile, ”Leaving me here to hook up the electrodes and miscellaneous equipment to little Squirt, so she will be bent to our will. Ah hell, who am I kidding? We all know these little bundles of joy control us with just a giggle.” Leaving us all nodding sheepishly at the truth to that.

  With a satisfying grin and a lot of over acting, Bella replayed our scene from yesterday, proffering her arm, “Shall we?” I smiled a thank you back at Sarina, then took the offered arm, “We shall!” I said in my best over acted voice.

  With that, we grabbed our purses and we were off to the car and to Harmony. Me feeling quite under-dressed in my jeans, blue midriff v-neck shirt and comfortable flats, next to this stunning character straight out of a black and white movie.

  Chapter 5 - Harmony

  Anabella opened the car door in fake amazement. Eyes wide and mouth agape, shaking her head an exclaiming, “Why, it's bigger on the inside.” I almost snorted at the invocation of that Doctor Who reference. This sparked an amusing round of us trying to stump each other with Science Fiction trivia as we drove through town, stealing little glances and exchanging smiles along the way.

  I have to tell you that I do not advise driving with a hot woman beside you, I almost went through a couple of red lights, I was too distracted. Wait, Hot? It seemed like no time at all had passed and we found ourselves pulling into a parking spot just a little way down from the Harmony school. Most of this side of the block had empty, dilapidated storefronts for lease. A sign of the tough economic times I guess, but Harmony was still there, I felt a tinge of pride for Mrs. W about that fact.

  We left the car, with us breaking into fits of giggles every time our eyes met. She grabbed my arm as we walked along the weathered sidewalk toward Harmony. Careful not to look at each other, to stifle our laughter.

  I glanced farther down the street toward Dave's Diner, noticing the nicer shops, like the cute little florist with the colorful red and white awning and a bakery that was decorated like an old time Bavarian bread-house. It seems that this area may be going through a revival contrary to the looks of the particular block we were walking along.

  My eyes drifted toward Harmony, idly thinking that it needed a little sprucing up. Even a new coat of paint would give it new life. I was just thinking that I'd have to speak with Mr. W about that, when I saw something that caused the hair to stand on the back of my neck. The color drained from my face as I stiffened my back a bit, tensing my jaw.

nbsp; Bella caught my sudden change, and followed my gaze to a man with a camera leaning against the wall near the door of the school. The man looked up and spotted me, then pushed himself off the wall and started walking toward us, raising his camera with a predatory grin you'd expect to see on a hyena. With his camera bag slung around a shoulder, his whole demeanor and appearance just smacked of a typical sleazeball paparazzi. Slicked back hair, jeans and white t-shirt, who the hell does he think he is? James Dean?

  He just started shooting, hurrying himself in front of us, posturing like a mongoose cornering a snake. He just kept blocking our path and swooping in front of us every time we tried to move past him. He was crudely asking things like “So is this your new conquest, Mandy? What's your name, sugar?” while continuing to impede our progress to the safety of Harmony.

  Bella's eyes held nothing but fear in them, and I also knew she didn't know what he was saying as his smug face was behind his camera. She was looking at me almost pleadingly as she started wringing her hands on her wrists almost manically. That was it for me, nobody makes Bella feel that way, I tried not to explode! I thrust my arm beside him and swept him aside forcefully enough for us to push past.

  As we passed by, he suddenly lurched forward reaching behind me, grabbing at Anabella's arm, turning her toward him, snapping pics of her the entire time. My temper flared, and I swear there was fire in my eyes as I punched his arm hard, effectively knocking it roughly out of the way. Not even thinking, I yelled with venom dripping in my words, “Don't you EVER touch my girl!”

  The sleaze bucket just looked at me, then back at the school, where Mrs. Wellington was standing with one foot out the door, watching while speaking animatedly on her phone. I could see the debate on whether to push his luck flash across his face. Haltingly alternating between raising his camera again and glancing at Mrs. W who had fire in her own eyes.

  He finally resigned himself to the fact that he had better take off. His shoulders slumped as he lowered the camera when he turned back to me hissing “Fine, bitch. I have what I need anyway.” Then he stalked off in a huff, casting a glare toward Mrs. W.

  I turned to Anabella who, judging by the crooked smile on her face and the sparkles in her eyes, clearly wasn't afraid anymore. Instead she was just grinning at me in amusement. I sputtered out, my hands flying everywhere as I spoke “Sorry Bella, I should have been more careful. I usually circle the block to look for this kind of crap. You didn't have to be subjected to that. It is just how my life is, zero privacy. I don't even know how they knew I was back home.” I was chewing my lower lip, frantically trying to find the right words.

  I noticed she wasn't fretting with her wrists anymore. She just flitted my babbling outburst away with a dismissive gesture of her hand, and bumped my hip with hers as she grabbed my arm again dragging us toward the school. “Your girl, huh?” she teased with a mischievous sparkle in her eye. Shit! I did say that, I hope I don't scare her away with my big mouth. I really need to find an off switch for it. She seemed to really enjoy teasing me and making me tongue tied.

  I felt my cheeks go warm and my earlobes get hot as the blush she can so easily bring to my face returned. I swear I've never blushed so much in my life as I have the past two days.

  We approached Mrs. W., with her face creased in concern, and a dangerous mother lion look in her steel grey eyes. “Are you girls, okay? I'm sorry, I should have expected something like that.” She grabbed our elbows and quickly ushered us into the building, giving one last look around outside with a fierce glare, before entering the school herself. Somehow, she looked intimidating, even with her tiny 5'1” stature. I would NOT want to get on her bad side! She could probably snap a man's spine in two with her strong hands, which were toughened by decades of instrument playing.

  “Oh!” she said, and put the phone back up to her ear, “Sorry officer, where were we?” She listened a bit, with the same measured look that she gave me when I was twelve and wasn't grasping a simple concept like diatonic scales. “I know the sidewalk is a public space young man. But I also KNOW that our city has both loitering and physical detainment laws! That... man...” she almost spat the word, “was leaning against my building for fifteen minutes, AND he kept impeding my dear employee and her friend as they tried to make it inside. Yes, I just happen to have his license plate number right here.” and she rattled it off from memory.

  I could imagine the officer on the other end of the line, head down like he was being scolded about common sense by his grade school teacher.

  After a few seconds of listening, she continued in a softer, quieter voice, a faint smile playing on the corner of her lips, then glancing over and shooting us a toothy, triumphant grin. “Why yes, I 'would' appreciate if you upped the car patrols around here for a few days. Thank you so much officer. Goodbye.” She hung up, turning a deliciously evil grin toward us. Eeep! Scary lady is scary!

  I grinned at her, remembering how tough but loving she could be all at the same instant, I spent many an hour cleaning instruments as punishment for being too hyper and not listening during our lessons. I uttered in amusement “You've softened up over the years.” And we all shared a laugh. We moved over to the worn waiting area chairs with their blue plastic seats and backs supported by their wire-frame chrome legs. We took our seats next to each other and started our visit.

  Mrs. W gave a genuine smile to me and grasped my hand between hers “It truly is good to see you Mandy. We only have about fifteen minutes before my first student arrives, but if you have time to stay, I'd love to catch up between sessions.” She was sort of signing as she spoke, even I knew that she was missing a lot of what she said. But the fact that she was trying, put me to shame. I REALLY need to attempt to learn if I wanted to be around my Bella more!

  I nodded with a smile of my own, “Of course! Besides, I'm stuck here till noon anyway. I'm the sunshine girl's ride today.” Motioning my eyes toward Anabella, my gaze freezing for a second as our eyes meet. If she only knew the power she has over me with a single glance. Bella shook her head with mock indignation, slapping my arm, “Hey! You make me sound like a chore!”

  Mrs. W chimed in with a conspiratorial grin, “Don't worry about it Ana, Mandy here was always my most troublesome and hyper student. I contemplated strapping her to the practice chair with duct tape on more than one occasion.” We all snickered. “But seriously, she was also my most gifted student, and a true joy to have around. Her compassion for music and eagerness to help out around here were unparalleled.”

  “And Mandy, Ana here is my most gifted non-student. She and her mother rented out, and almost lived in that back room, though she never got a lesson from me.” She smiled in the memory, “But she reminded me so much of you with her dedication and love for music.” She had that same conspiratorial grin looking back and forth between Bella and I.

  Before we could say anything, she looked directly at me. “Now tell me honey, how have you been? I've really missed you around here. Truthfully now. You know that your particular brand of horseshit doesn't fly with me.” I looked around, and Anabella turned toward me with a soft, reassuring smile.

  “Honestly, right now, really good. The same can't be said for the years between when I left here and now. I hit rock bottom, then I tunneled farther down because I hadn't punished myself enough. The more I bought into the rocker lifestyle the more I betrayed myself and my music.” I stopped lost in the thought of what caused my turnaround, my June. I continued, “But things changed last year.” my voice dropped to a whisper, afraid the admission would bring down a mountain on me. “I have a daughter now.” At that, Mrs. W's eyes widened a bit.

  “So now I'm back. I want to find the girl that used to help out here. Who learned that there are good things in this world. The girl that loved her music for what it was and not exploit it.” I paused. “I truly missed you, Meg.” The fact that I used her first name for the first time in my life was not lost on her, and she leaned over in her chair and engulfed me into a w
arm hug. I looked over at Anabella and saw her tearing up with a truly happy smile as she watched our interaction.

  The door opened and a young teenaged boy stepped through with a guitar case. We sat up and Anabella stood and walked over toward him and checked the schedule “Hi Jimmy. Mrs. Wellington with be with you in a minute in room two. Have you been working on your chord progression exercises an hour a day?”

  She eyeballed him as he said, “Yes, Miss West.” She squinted a little at him “Jiiiimmy?” He flustered “Well not EVERY day, but I've been trying hard.” She flashed a smile and I saw him go weak for a second, a dreamy look on his face. Poor boy, I know what that damn smile can do to a person. There should be a law! “Now shoo. Off with you to room two!” she motioned him away with a flourish of her hand.

  As he passed us he looked shocked when he saw me but continued back. Bella rejoined us. When Jimmy closed the door we all laughed, hard. Mrs. Wellington grinned at me “Ana's my secret weapon around here.” She thought for a second as an evil grin spread across her lips.

  “Judging by that sleazeball earlier, it seems your secret is already out that you've returned home. Would you like to really blow Jimmy's mind, Mandy? If it isn't an imposition, would you step in for a second and show off some of your intricate, complex chord progressions, so he can see where this is all heading? Just let him know I'll be right in?” I shook my head in disbelief, this just reinforcing that she hasn't lost her flair for the sneaky, and appreciation for shock factor.

  I spoke like I was a child in a class. “Yes Mrs. Wellington.” We all giggled as I trudged off like a condemned woman to room two. I saw Bella and Mrs. W start whispering excitedly between them. I was totally convinced that they were plotting my doom.

  I opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind me, and glanced at the shocked boy standing there, not breathing, a look of disbelief on his face. “Jimmy sit down! You look like you're going to pass out. Now breathe!” He sat dumbly “But you're... you're...” I hate that sentence, I truly do, so I finished for him “ to show you why chord progression is important. Now show me your best.”


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