Excess Baggage

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Excess Baggage Page 4

by Laura Barnard

  A playful smirk twitches his lips as he stares at my Kindle. ‘At least it’s the right way round this time.’

  I can’t help but smile at the memory. I can’t believe he remembered that. All those years ago, he caught me pretending to read a book while ogling him, but it was completely upside down. I had no game back then.

  ‘Just leave the poor girl alone,’ Tom snaps. ‘We’ll take good care of her.’ His eyes squint, lit with an inner twinkle of mischief. I blush like a teenager. I stand corrected; I still have zero game.

  Jack’s face falls. ‘That’s what I’m worried about,’ he says under his breath, just loud enough for us to hear.

  He walks away and dives into the pool, still as effortless as if he were sixteen. Shit the bed, he’s athletic. I have to fight the urge to lower my sunglasses and shout ‘bow chicka wow wow.’

  ‘So, then,’ Charlie says, putting his phone away.

  Oh, crap, is he going to ask me about Molly? I really don’t fancy being the one to tell him, but if he asks I won’t lie.

  ‘What happened with you and Jack?

  Oh, G, it’s worse. Info on us. I really can’t be doing with a grilling right now.

  ‘Huh?’ I say, pretending to be really into my book.

  ‘Yeah,’ Tom grins, lowering his sunglasses. ‘Me and Nic didn’t know Jack back then. What the hell went down all those years ago to cause so much sexual tension?

  ‘Sexual tension?’ I blurt with a snort. Is it noticeable? ‘We’re just friends.’

  ‘Okay,’ they all laugh, as if I’m some hilarious stand up comic. I put the book up closer to my face in an attempt to hide the blushes firing up my cheeks.

  Then I remember the missed call from Amber. This could be my opportunity to find out a bit about her. Act like I know already.

  ‘He has a girlfriend anyway,’ I state, as if he’s told me himself.

  Tom lowers his glasses to reveal eyes burning with confusion. ‘Err, no he doesn’t.’

  ‘Really? But I thought...?’ He had a missed call from her. A friend wouldn’t bother calling someone so far away, right? And can guys ever really be friends with girls?

  ‘Nah,’ Nicholas confirms with a firm shake of his head. ‘He hasn’t dated seriously since.’

  ‘Since?’ I frown. ‘Since what?’

  ‘Guys!’ Charlie interrupts, with a warning glare.

  What the hell is he trying to keep hidden? What is going on here? Since what?

  ‘He just prefers to play the field,’ Tom comments with a wink, ‘just like me.’

  Well what the hell is that all about? So, Amber isn’t his girlfriend? Perhaps just a girl toy he hooks up with occasionally? I don’t know whether I feel better or worse about that. And I really shouldn’t care. I’m the one with a boyfriend. I really have to deal with Karl at some point.

  ‘Do you guys want a drink?’ I ask, desperately trying to get away from this line of conversation.

  ‘You’re eager to change the subject,’ Nicholas says, showing a rare smile. Wow, when he does smile he’s stunning. He has the most perfect set of teeth.

  Tom chuckles. ‘Are you trying to suss out if you can get back into Jack’s pants?’

  I stand up, choosing to ignore him completely. Fucking hell, he’s an arse. ‘Beer? Cocktail?’

  ‘Go on then.’ They all agree on beers even though it’s only 11am. I suppose it’s 5pm somewhere.

  I have to walk past the swimming pool the others are in to get to the outdoor bar. I pull my shoulders back and walk as slowly as I can around it. I need to concentrate on not falling in. I attempt a sashay, but for all I know I could look constipated. I don’t do sexy well.

  I can see them in my peripheral vision splashing each other. Is Brooke flirting with him? Please don’t tell me now she’s bedded Tom she’s setting her sights on Jack. I might have to bitch slap her. But then I’ve told the girls I’m only interested in him as a friend. Still, I’d like to think that as my friend she can read between the lines. Is that too much to ask? I don’t think so.

  I get the beers from the young barman, who seems to be ogling my boobs, and walk back around the pool. It really is stunning here; one huge main pool surrounded by the most luxurious looking brown marble tiles. You can see the white sandy beach from here, the sea breeze giving us some rest from the blazing sun.

  Jack pulls me from my thoughts, jumping out so he’s blocking my path, a dripping wet Adonis. My mouth falls open of its own accord. I force myself to keep my tongue in my mouth.

  ‘Sure you don’t want to come in for a play, Eric?’ he asks, his eyes dancing with danger. Oh lordy, it’s tempting. What I really want to do is lick him dry and massage suntan lotion into his muscles, but I get a feeling I’d come across a bit desperate.

  ‘No thanks. Eric-A is fine, thanks.’ I smile, pleased at my playing hard to get. Now to just continue for the rest of the holiday and I’ll be grand.

  He smirks at me, licking his lips. Fuck balls, how I want to lick them myself.

  ‘You know I could just push you in, right?’ He taunts.

  I gasp, a thrill of excitement going through me and ending up in my lady parts.

  ‘I thought you’d grown up since I last met you.’ I counter, the beers still in my hand. I move around him to take them to the boys, praying to God he doesn’t decide to throw me in anyway. Knowing my luck, I’d smash my head on the side, turn the pool red and end up needing stitches.

  He lets me past. I’m better leaving him to flirt with Brooke. If he wants her I’m not going to get in his way. Especially if he’s the love-them-and-leave-them sort like his mates say.

  ‘You’re the best, Erica,’ Charlie calls when he sees me with the beers.

  Tom takes his. ‘Yeah and not a bad kisser, either.’ He winks at me, his green eyes lit up in amusement.

  I grimace, my cheeks burning up. ‘Let’s never talk about that again, okay?’

  He chuckles to himself. ‘I’ve never had any complaints before!’

  I bet he hasn’t; man-whore like him.

  Once I’ve settled myself back down on my towel, I get my kindle back out and start to read. Anything to stop my cheeks turning tomato red. Imagine Tom bringing up the kiss like that. How mortifying!

  Plus, I could really do with Jack not finding out. I don’t want him to think I’m some hussy. He was always jealous when we were younger and I’m not sure if that’s something you outgrow.


  I can’t bear knowing she’s over there with the lads while I’m here in the pool, trying to avoid the dirty looks Evelyn’s shooting my way. I’m sure Erica was aware of me as she walked away with the beers for them. She’s never been good at hiding those blushes. I don’t even think of myself as the jealous type, but fuck me, if I don’t want to pound them in the head for even daring to look at her in her tie-dye bikini.

  Knowing Tom, he’ll already be trying it on with her. I hope she sees past his bullshit. More than that I hope she only has eyes for me. Yeah, that might sound fucking arrogant, but I remember how we were all those years ago. We were obsessed with each other. Surely feelings like that don’t just go away? They clearly haven’t for me.

  I just have to think of an excuse to talk to her. Before I come up with any sort of solid plan I’m lifting myself out of the pool and walking towards her. I block her sun, throwing her into my shade. She looks up just as water starts dripping from my chest onto her stomach. She jumps in shock. It makes my dick twitch in my shorts. Don’t get a boner here. These swim shorts are completely unforgiving.

  She looks back down at her Kindle, as if completely uninterested. I know better though. I can make out the slightest pink in her cheeks and the smile playing on the edges of her lips.

  I sit down on the edge of her towel and shake my hair around, flicking water on both her and her Kindle. That should get her attention.

  ‘Careful!’ she shrieks.

  Fuck, her nipples are hard. They’re easy to make out in that flimsy
bikini. I try my hardest not to stare, but it’s tough. I’ve never been a big tit man, but fuck if Erica’s aren’t perfect. It’s true what they say, patience is a virtue. Are they erect from the water or is she turned on? Is she reading one of those mummy porn books?

  ‘What’s in this book that’s so good?’ I grab her Kindle and scan over the page. I press the top corner to see what it is, half expecting to see something like Erotic Plumbers, but instead it’s some teenager book.

  ‘No way! You’re reading Twilight?’ I can’t help but openly scoff. ‘I thought that shit was for teenagers?’

  Her cheeks turn even pinker. She snatches it back, turning away from me.

  ‘Well, maybe I’m reminiscing about being a teenager again.’

  Shit, does she mean because I remind her of being a teenager? Is she wanting to relive her youth because of bumping into me? Fuck, I hope so.

  Fuck, I need her in that pool with me. I need an excuse to touch her.

  ‘You should be in the pool with us. Come on, we’re gonna have a volleyball game.’

  ‘Volleyball?’ Charlie hollers, his eyes lighting up excitedly. ‘That shit is my game!’ He goes running off towards the pool. He’s such a geek.

  I turn to Erica. We lock eyes, both clearly thinking the same thing. We burst out laughing hysterically. I love when she laughs. She has the cutest little chuckle.

  ‘Knowing you, you’d probably try to drown me again,’ she says, seeming genuinely scared. She’s adorable. Of course I’m going to dunk her.

  God, doesn’t she know that I’m just looking for an excuse to feel her skin against mine? Surely everyone knows by now that when a boy drowns a girl in a pool it’s because he fancies her?

  ‘What if I pinkie swore?’ I hold up my little finger and pout out my lower lip. She always used to melt when I’d do that.

  ‘Ugh, fine,’ she relents, faking indifference. I still got it.

  I watch as she lowers herself into the pool, smiling, as if surprised at the warmth of it.

  Do not get a boner. Do not get a boner.

  I lower myself in. I catch her watching my stomach muscles contracting. I grin; yeah, she wants this.

  She swims over to the others, attempting to ignore me. I swim quickly behind her like a pussy whipped little bitch.

  ‘So, shall we do boys against girls?’ Molly asks innocently, all cute wide eyes. She’s the sweetest.

  ‘Whatever,’ Tom shrugs, ‘let’s just get started.’ He launches the ball over the net and Brooke immediately bounces it back to him, her tits almost escaping out of her bikini top.

  He shoots it back to our side. Erica’s ass is suddenly backing up into my dick. Fuck. I wince my eyes shut in effort, but it’s no use. I get a semi.

  She looks behind her shoulder at me. I quickly attempt to get the ball so I don’t have to look at her. I manage to hit it back over to Brooke who smashes it back.

  Erica tries to leap into the air for it, but I’m not letting her win. I grab her around the waist and throw her to the right, inadvertently dunking her under the water.

  She splutters, spitting out water. ‘What the fuck, Jack?’ she gasps, her eyes wide with innocent betrayal.

  I can’t help but grin. ‘Hey, I’m just trying to play the game.’

  She clenches her jaw, a new steely determination in her eyes. ‘Oh, it’s on now.’

  The ball is bounced towards us again and this time she’s backing up into me deliberately, swaying her arse suggestively against my now completely hard dick.

  ‘Fuck,’ I hiss, losing concentration. She gets to hit the ball.

  The next time it comes back she pushes her arse back again. Shit, she’s completely playing me.

  I practically growl. ‘Two can play that game you know,’ I whisper into her ear.

  I press my erection against her arse cheeks. Fuck! This game just took on a whole other level. I want her to look back, acknowledge me somehow, but she doesn’t. Instead she freezes in place, her breathing laboured. Hell, it feels good.

  Just when I think she might freak out, she instead presses her butt back against me greedily. Oh yeah! That’s it Erica. I take hold of her hips and adjust so my dick is pressed against her pussy. One little slip of those flimsy bikini bottoms to the side and I could be inside her in seconds.

  She looks around at the others, probably wondering if it’s obvious, but everyone seems none the wiser. This is awful. If I carry on like this for much longer I’m going to come in my swim shorts like some horny fourteen year old.

  ‘Erm...I think I left my travel iron on,’ she suddenly says out of nowhere, not particularly to anyone.

  What the fuck? She’s going to suddenly stop now? Just when it’s getting hot and heavy. I was expecting an invite back to her hotel room, not her leaving me with blue balls.

  She swims to the edge, get outs, grabs her towel and flees as quickly as she can.

  Chapter Six


  I still can’t believe I let that happen. Yes, of course I wanted it to, but that doesn’t mean that it’s right. I’ve already had three texts from Evelyn asking where I sneaked off to. She knows, I know she does. Evelyn knows everything. She’s like one of those mums with eyes in the back of her head.

  But fuck me, when I think of his thick erection pressing into my arse it’s hard to feel sorry. It’s impossible not to feel turned on and like I want to go to bed just so that I can dream of him touching me for real. I know he treated me badly in the past, but what’s wrong with a bit of a holiday romance?

  You have a boyfriend. Oh, shut up sensible side of my brain.

  The door to the apartment opens. I brace myself, half expecting Evelyn to come running in to smack some sense into me. I smile when I see Brooke walking in. Followed by Evelyn. Shit. Just when I thought I was safe. She looks mad.

  ‘Why the hell did you run off?’ she shrieks, coming straight for me.

  ‘Did I?’ I ask vaguely, avoiding her enquiring eyes. ‘I just fancied a bit of time out of the sun.’

  ‘Bullshit,’ Brooke cackles. ‘You just wanted to come up here so you could touch yourself while thinking of Jack.’ She lifts an eyebrow comically.

  ‘Brooke!’ I screech, slapping her on the shoulder.

  ‘Oh please,’ she laughs, rolling her eyes. ‘Like we didn’t all see you rubbing against each other like a pair of horny kittens.’

  Oh my God, they saw? My cheeks fire up. This is mortifying. If they saw, did everyone?

  ‘I really can’t believe you,’ Evelyn says, on a sigh. ‘You’re falling into the same pattern as when you were bloody fifteen! How the hell do you see this ending well? He still lives in Peterborough.’

  I roll my eyes. Thanks for stating the obvious.

  ‘That’s not even that far away,’ I shrug, pretending to inspect my toe nails.

  Her face turns murderous. ‘Please don’t tell me you’ve got some ridiculous fantasy in your head that he’s going to fall in love with you.’

  Ouch. That hurt more than it should have.

  ‘Of course I haven’t.’ I fold my arms over my chest. ‘I just think you’re so against us.’

  ‘Of course I am! I had to clear up the mess he left last time.’

  ‘How bad was she?’ Brooke asks, clearly intrigued as she rubs in some aftersun.

  I glare at Evelyn, hoping she plays it down.

  ‘She was bloody broken.’ Jeez, always with the drama! ‘I’ve never seen a person cry that much in my whole life. And even when she stopped and said she was over it, you could still see she wasn’t.’ She locks eyes with me, a sympathetic smile on her lips. ‘It’s like the lights in her eyes went out and she was just going through the motions.’

  ‘Shit,’ Brooke gasps, grimacing at me.

  I still remember it like it only happened yesterday, the pain fresh in my heart. After the holiday we chatted every day on the phone for three months. My Mum invited him and his family up for her 40th birthday so we finally had a chance to
see each other again. He came up with Charlie. We snuck off from the party and headed back to the hotel room they were sharing with his younger brother.

  We started making out, got naked, but I was so bloody nervous. It showed when he tried to finger me and I was like a bloody vice. I could tell he was frustrated which just made it worse. It had to happen that day. There was so much pressure on it. His brother walking in eventually stopped everything anyway.

  When he’d gone back I’d texted him and said I was sorry I was so nervous. Asked if he thought we’d have another chance to try to have sex again.

  I still remember his devastating text. ‘I couldn’t even get my finger up there. What makes you think I’ll ever be able to fuck you?’

  It still to this day is single-handedly the worst and most severe text I’ve received and I’ve had some humdingers. I think it’s because he was my first love. That’s the only way to explain the hurt. I didn’t text back and neither did he. He tried to call once a few days later but I didn’t answer, too embarrassed. And that was it. The end of our love affair.

  Yet that didn’t stop me thinking about him, blaming myself for being too scared and timid. Wishing I’d never asked him the question in the first place. We were so happy and I ruined it. I should have answered his call, heard him out. But my pride outweighed my heart.

  ‘It wasn’t that bad,’ I huff, rolling my eyes. Everyone cries over their first love.

  ‘It was,’ Evelyn snaps, in her typical know it all way. ‘You need to stay away from him. No good can come from you two hooking up. No good.’

  ‘I told you there’s nothing going on anyway, so just stop your whinging.’

  She huffs. ‘I’m sorry that I have to be the sensible one all the time, but I don’t want you getting hurt again. Plus, there’s Karl to think about.’

  Fuck, I keep forgetting about him. How can I be rubbing up against someone’s erection and still have a boyfriend at home? I’m going to hell.

  ‘Yes Mum,’ I snarl with an eye roll. The worst thing is I know she’s right about Karl. I can’t keep ignoring it. ‘I’m going to send him an email and tell him it’s over.’


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