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His Sweet Torment: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 37

by Michelle Love

  Pulling her to me, I feel the heat coming from her as her legs wrap around me and my cock pulses against her.

  Our kiss goes crazy and I move until I have her back against the wall and grind into her soft center. Her hands move all over my back and up into my hair.

  I pump my dick against her jeans as she moans. Then our mouths part, and I kiss her neck. “Reed. My God, Reed.”

  She says my name like it’s the only thing she can think of. And that’s exactly what I want. I want her only to think about me and leave the rest behind her in the distant past, a past which should never have been, that left emotional scars on her.

  Jenna had a nightmare on Sunday night while we were at my home in Bel-Air. She woke up screaming my name and when I asked her what happened, she wouldn’t talk. She just wanted to go back to sleep.

  I have a feeling that in her subconscious she's worrying about what will happen when Rod and I finally clash over this.

  It won’t be pretty, but I will win in the end. I don’t lose. Not anymore.

  This woman is more precious to me than all the financial deals in the world. There is not a thing on this planet that can take her away from me.

  Not as long as she wants me and what we have.

  Which I pray is forever!

  Chapter 19


  The last two months have flown by. Reed and I are leaving town the day after tomorrow and our parents are throwing us a combined engagement party and going away party tonight at the Mannings’ home.

  But getting our asses out of this bed in the room at the lodge he rented us is proving to be harder than expected.

  His hot mouth just keeps touching my body and making it impossible to stop what we’ve been doing for hours now. Every nerve in my body is tingling and super sensitive with all his attention.

  The way his hand is running up my leg as he licks and sucks my breast has me groaning. “Reed, what you do to me is unreal.”

  I can feel his cock coming back to life already, even though a mere half hour ago he came like a flood inside me.

  What his mere touch does to me is amazing. My body absolutely craves his. My insides heat with every pulse of his growing cock against my leg.

  He’s about to fill me up with his massive organ again, and already I’m aching for that feeling again.

  His hand moves over my stomach as he lifts his head, letting my breast go. His eyes are dark as he looks at me. “Guess I have one more in me. How about you?”

  I nod and bite my lip. “My legs are quivering, they want you back between them so badly.”

  He growls as he moves up my body and I keep my eyes trained on his. “One more time. Then we’ll shower and get ready for the party.”

  My breathing goes heavy with feeling his body covering mine. I move my legs up to bend my knees and he loops his arm around the back of the right one and lifts it until my knee is by my head.

  He holds my eyes as he makes a hard thrust into me. I huff with the impact and sink my nails into his shoulder. “Reed!”

  “Yeah, Angel. Say it again,” he growls at me.

  With another hard thrust, I say his name again. Then I moan and have to close my eyes as he grinds his thick cock into me.

  It’s not of this world, how this man makes me feel. I’m not even having an orgasm and yet my body is all melty and solid at the same time. It’s constantly aching and yearning for him, all the while fulfilled at the same time.

  It’s a complicated mix of things I never knew could be combined. But they can, and Reed makes that happen in me every single time.

  I wiggle and moan with his hard thrusts. Then he lets my leg go and moves his hands to take mine in them. He pulls them up over my head and pins them down with one of his.

  He moves hard and fast into me as I struggle underneath him. The wave hits me and the first climax goes into full swing. “Reed!” I arch up to meet every hard thrust.

  I screech as my body convulses around his hard cock and he keeps stroking in and out as he clenches his teeth. “Yes! Give it all to me. Cum all over me, Jenna. I want you all over my dick.”

  My body sends what’s left of my fluids out to him and he can only make a few more deep thrusts into me before it takes him with it. He makes a loud moan as he fills me with more hot semen.

  If I wasn’t on the Pill, this man would’ve gotten me pregnant for sure. He’s filled me up five times in the last few hours.

  As a matter of fact, I’m not sure even the Pill can stop this amount of baby juice.

  Once we catch our breath, I say, “Okay. We only have an hour to get ready, so we have to stop this and get up.”

  He lays half on and half off me, pulling his dick out of me. “Okay. Let’s get out of this bed.”

  Reed climbs out of the bed and reaches for me. I’m pretty weak and try to sit up, but fall back.

  He laughs and scoops me up in his arms. “I got you. Seems I’ve left you unable to walk.”

  I hold onto him and lean my head on his sweaty chest that I love knowing he got that way with me. “You have, you monster.”

  He chuckles as he carries me to the shower. “Monster, huh?”

  As he places me on the seat on one side of the large shower, I smile at him. “Well, the best kind of monster.”

  “Oh, like the Cookie Monster?” He turns on the warm water and it falls over my tired body.

  I nod. “Okay, like the Cookie Monster. Only I’m going to call you my pleasure monster.”

  His eyebrows wiggle. “I like that. I’m your pleasure monster. Yeah, I like that.”

  He pours some shampoo into my palm and some in his. We shampoo our hair, then he picks me up and I lean back as he holds me around the waist and lets the water rinse my hair out. His hand runs through it to help out and then he pulls me up and kisses me.

  My head goes light. When our mouths part, I have to catch my breath. “Okay, pleasure monster. Let me out of your magic arms so we can get going to our party.”

  He lets me go and smiles at me. “It really is magical, isn’t it?”

  “It really is.”

  And I hope it stays this way!

  The guests have already arrived, like I knew was going to happen. We’re late to our own party thanks to what happened in the shower too!

  I’m not complaining. I am going to have to figure out what we can do to learn how to end the lovemaking in a timelier manner and do life things. Otherwise, we’ll never leave the house.

  A tall wall of lavender is built around the edge of the patio that surrounds the swimming pool where some of the guests have congregated. Other guests are in the house.

  I come outside to grab us a couple of beers and, as I lean over the cooler, I find I can hear a couple of male voices on the other side of it and I can smell cigarette smoke.

  I don’t pay much attention, as I recognize the voices as the cousins, A.J., and Lance. Then Lance says, “What do you think Rod will do when he finds out Reed took his girl?”

  I stop breathing. Then A.J. says, “All I know is, I’m not going to be the one to tell him. That dude has a wicked temper and has been known to beat the messenger on occasion. He can find out on his own. You know, I talked to him a few weeks ago, and he’s going to be home next week.”

  My heart stops. Then Lance says, “Oh, yeah? Is he coming in with that motorcycle gang he joined?”

  A.J. answers, “Hell, yeah. He doesn’t go anywhere without them. Shit, he joined the club to protect him from his old boss. The dude caught him selling drugs out of the shop and was about to turn him in if he didn’t give him a cut of the profits. You know Rod wasn’t about to do that, so he left. Went and found a gang to join.”

  Lance says, “I thought Jenna knew about it. I mean, I know she had to put on a good act so no one else would know. But Rod had to have let her in on what he was doing.”

  A.J. says, “I don’t know if he did or not. If he did and he comes back to find her engaged to his brother, shit will hit the fan.
Now, if he left and left her in the dark, then I don’t blame the chick for moving on.”

  “Yeah, me neither. But we ain’t Rod. He’s got serious possession issues. If he did expect her to wait, and she didn’t, well, too bad for her and Reed. That’s all I’m saying,” Lance says.

  “And now he has this rough gang behind him too,” A.J. says. I can tell he’s taking a drag off the cigarette as he pauses, and I can smell the stink from it. A stench I haven’t had to endure in the last couple of years. “I think he could be a real threat to the little love birds with that gang behind him.”

  “Hey!” I hear Reed shout as he comes out of the set of French doors that lead out onto the patio. “Need help, Angel?”

  I turn back with the beers in my hand as I hear the men on the other side of the fence snicker. Then A.J. says, “All she can get.” And they break out laughing like a couple of hyenas, a thing Reed notices, as they’re loud. I hurry to him as he starts to go back there and I stop him and pull him inside the house with me. “We need to talk, Reed.”

  He follows along. “Go to my old bedroom.”

  I walk through the living room with him right behind me and we go to his room. As soon as he closes the door, I fall into his arms. “They know where Rod is. He’s joined a motorcycle gang.”

  “Who knows this?” Reed asks in confusion.

  “A.J. and Lance. I heard them talking behind that wall thing. It was them you heard laughing. They were laughing because Rod is about to come back with his motorcycle gang. They were saying that Rod left town because he was selling drugs out of the shop he worked at. His boss found out and wanted him to give him some of the drug money. I guess Rod didn’t want to, and that’s the reason he disappeared.”

  Reed looks pissed. Not afraid like I am. Just really mad.

  “That selfish son of a bitch. Well, Mom’s no bitch, but you know what I mean.” He hugs me tighter. “Don’t worry. We’ll be long gone by the time he gets to town.”

  “I know that. But once he finds out about us, what if he comes looking for us? He could make one of your parents tell him where you live, you know.” I search his eyes for any sign of fear and there just is none.

  But he doesn’t know the Rod I do!

  Reed takes me by the shoulders, as I’m sure he feels my body shaking. “Jenna, stop. You know the mansion is a fortress. And the neighborhood isn’t a place a gang would be tolerated. They’d no sooner get to the first mansion in their motorcycle brigade than the cops would get called.”

  I nod my head. I know he’s right. But I have this horrible feeling.

  “You won’t let him get a hold of me will you?”

  He pulls me tight to him. “No. Never, Jenna. He will never hurt you again. Not ever. And, not right now, because we have this party, but soon I want to know everything that went on with you two. Because you’re much too afraid of him for nothing more than that one incident that happened when the cops were called to affect you like this.”

  I nod, but don’t really ever want to talk to him about what I allowed to be done to me. “I can’t believe he was selling drugs behind my back. I can’t believe he didn’t at least explain to me why he had to leave. I would’ve understood, and maybe I would’ve been heartbroken, but at least I would’ve known why he was leaving. And why couldn’t he have taken me with him?”

  Reed moves me back and looks at me with a very hard look on his handsome face. “You don’t realize how lucky you got when he left you, do you?”

  “I do, Reed. I really do. But so many questions went unanswered. I would’ve gone with him if he wanted me to. I belonged to him.” I look away quickly, as I realize I’m talking too much.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Nothing. You know, the typical we-belong-together thing. It’s stupid. I need to think about other things. This party. You and me and our wedding. There are a lot of people out there. We need to get back to them.” I try to pull out of his arms, but he won’t let me go.

  “Jenna, you don’t want him back, do you? And please be truthful.” I hate the way his eyes are drooping.

  I take in a deep breath. “Reed, I love you more than I ever knew was possible. And please believe me when I tell you none of the things going through my head are anything close to wanting him back. I will not ever be going back to life the way Rod has to have it. My life is with you, now and forever. I swear that to you. And, Reed, I want you to know that if you were in my life or not, I would not be going back to Rod. That’s not the life I want or will allow ever again. Not ever!”

  He looks a little relieved but not completely. “Promise me that you’ll never be alone with him for any reason.”

  I look him straight in the eyes, as this is the honest truth. “That’s an easy promise to make. I will never be alone with him, Reed. I’m not looking forward to ever seeing him again, much less giving him the chance to take his aggression out on me.”

  “Good. I don’t trust him.” Reed takes my hand and we leave his bedroom. And as we walk down the dark hallway to the living room, a chill runs through me as A.J. and Lance walk into the living room.

  Both men look down the hall as we walk out of it and both have the oddest smiles on their bearded faces. Then A.J. gives Reed a little punch in the arm. “So you really did it. You stole your big brother’s girl. You sure have grown a huge set of balls, Reed.”

  Reed narrows his eyes at his older cousin. “A.J., just what were you out there smoking?”

  A.J. and Lance laugh as the eight or nine family members who are in the living room stare at us all. Reed is a good two inches taller than A.J. and a foot taller than Lance. He’s built so much better than they are, too.

  I have no doubts that Reed could wipe the floor with both of them. But I don’t want any of that crap at our party, so I say, “Come on, guys. Give us a break. And please don’t think anyone stole anyone. I was a very single woman these last couple of years.” Then I tug at Reed’s hand to get him to follow me outside.

  He does, but looks over his shoulder at his cousins. Or, as he always calls them, Rod’s cousins. But their words tell me that if that’s how they look at this, then Rod will too.

  And that’s going to be a problem!

  Chapter 20


  The moon’s light is the only light we need as Jenna and I hold each other in my parents’ swimming pool at two in the morning. Everyone went home a few hours ago; my parents are dead asleep; and I found myself wanting to spend some time in the pool alone with my angel.

  After ditching our clothes, we jumped in and now I have her back against the side as we kiss and I hold her in my arms. “So, when do you think you might want to officially become Mrs. Reed Manning?”

  Her green eyes sparkle in the moonlight, and I find them so damn beautiful it physically hurts. “Sooner than later, I think.”

  I swish her around in the water, then press her back against the side so I can press my cock against her where it loves to be. “Do you remember telling me you hoped one of our kids would have the dimple I have in my chin?”

  She nods and a blush covers her cheeks. “The way you talked then, I did feel as if you were talking about a child you and I would have. It sent this odd sensation deep inside me when you said those words. And now look at us. Someday we really will have kids. Who knew?”

  I wink at her. “Me. I always knew one day the jackass would fuck up too bad and that would end.”

  “Is that why you paid for my college? So you could keep tabs on me?” She gives me a scowling look.

  “Yes,” I admit.

  The way her face goes all sweet and loving tells me my admission made her heart melt. “Reed, how sweet. How romantic. I had no idea. I really didn’t.”

  “I was biding my time. I knew it would come. But it was damn hard not to knock my brother out of my way. But I knew he had to really show you who he was for you to see you didn’t belong with him.” I push a damp piece of hair behind her ear, then lean down to nib
ble the tasty earlobe.

  She makes this moaning purr sound that drives me insane, and my cock grows. Her legs wrap around me. “Reed, please, I’m going crazy to have you inside me.”

  I move her a bit and slide my cock into her sweet spot and my body goes to that place only she takes me to every time I enter her. It’s the most magical shit I’ve ever experienced.

  It’s intense pleasure that sends my mind to a place it’s never gone to until I made love to her. She is the one for me. There is no doubt in my mind.

  I make a gentle stroke as she moans my name, “Reed.”

  “Jenna,” I moan back as my lips graze her neck. Her soft and sweet neck.

  My cock fills her completely. There is absolutely no space left as I move inside her, and her legs squeeze me. “Reed, I can’t believe we’re going to be married and live in your mansion. It’s like a fantasy.”

  My lips touch her ear. “Our mansion.” I move her back and forth as I put my hands on her waist.

  She runs her hand over my cheek and pulls her head off my shoulder to look at me. “You made that money and it’s yours, Reed.”

  “I did make that money.” I rotate my hips and move my cock around to make sure it hits her in just the right way. Her eyes roll up as she hangs her head back.

  “God, Reed! How do you know how to do these things?”

  “I didn’t until I found you. It all comes very naturally with you. And I bought that mansion with only you in mind, Jenna. That is our place. It has been since I got it. Don’t ever think anything other than that. That was bought to be our home, and now it will be.” I give her another swirl of my hips and her groan fills me with satisfaction.

  Her mouth falls on my shoulder, where she bites it as her nails move over my back. I see she wants a little rough action, so I push her back to the wall and move as fast and hard as I can into her.

  The low moans turn into little pants and then she’s making quiet squeals as I feel her body going into an orgasm. I go hard and fast until I find mine too. Then I ease the hard thrusts and make slow strokes as our bodies end the intense pleasure we seem to give each other.


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