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Texas Love Song

Page 13

by Altonya Washington

  Luke smiled. “And what would be the point in that?”

  The men stared each other down for the better part of thirty seconds and then Luke stormed out of the office.

  Dan was slow to return to his desk chair. Once he settled down, he reached for the phone and dialed out.

  “Yes, Basil Ross, please.”

  * * *

  “Thank you for seeing me,” Avra said when she arrived to meet with Vita Arroyo that afternoon.

  “I did not think it wise to turn down an interview from a Ross,” the woman said, her melodious voice harboring a trace of curiosity.

  “I’m sorry for what that story did to your family,” Avra said once she stood in the middle of the woman’s living room.

  “You have nothing to apologize for.” Vita wrapped her dusky-blue cardigan around a still-alluring figure-eight frame. “You were a child when all that happened. As for the story…it didn’t do half as much damage as Melendez did when they fired my husband.”

  “But the reports, the story…” Avra began to fidget with the gold bracelet peeking out from a tailored cuff of her shirt. “It said your husband killed himself because he was fired and couldn’t support you all.”

  “Please,” Vita urged Avra to have a seat.

  “It’s true, my husband was depressed.” She braced elbows to knees and drew her fingers through a hoard of blue-black curls. “The financial problems after he lost his job were…massive but he did not kill himself.”

  “Did you tell the police?”

  Vita’s mouth curved on the threshold of a laugh. “Now that would have been a waste of everyone’s time.”

  Avra scooted to the edge of the brown recliner. “Do you think Melendez was responsible for your husband’s death?”

  “Why are you involving yourself in this, child?”

  “I don’t want my father and everything he’s worked for getting caught up in any Melendez crap.” Avra shook her head and kept her gaze stony. “I think he’s misplaced his loyalties all these years.”

  A thoughtful look came to Vita’s light-brown face and her mouth curved once more. “I’m sure your father knew what he was doing, bonita. Anyway—” she sighed when Avra studied her strangely “—my biggest regret is how it affected my boys.” Again, she dragged her fingers through her hair.

  “I raised Shane and Carson under my maiden name after… It was easier that way.”

  “But still difficult?” Avra guessed.

  Vita nodded, wrapping tighter into her sweater. “They had lived a wonderful life up until John was fired.” She left the sofa and went to the mantelpiece that carried photos in frames of various sizes.

  “Shane was older—always had a stronger mind. Carson… He never understood why things had to change.” She shook her head while studying the pictures. “His entire mood changed. He hated being poor—he said it all the time. Being poor while those responsible lived well…it ate at him…changed him.”

  “Why was your husband fired?”

  Vita looked around at Avra as if she’d forgotten she wasn’t alone. “I, um…have things to do, Ms. Ross, so if you—”

  “Was he at fault or—”

  “I live very well, Ms. Ross—all that happened a long time ago.”

  Avra left the chair. “But don’t you want to know why he was killed?”

  “I do know and that’s why it’s a shame Wade Cornelius is dead.” Vita’s wide eyes snapped with unmistakable fire. “He could share all the facts that were somehow omitted from his story.” She headed for the foyer and pulled open the door.

  Avra grabbed her purse from the coffee table. “Thank you for your time,” she said on her way out.

  * * *

  After a day of sightseeing and scouting locales across Kemah and Galveston, for good measure, Setha and Khouri returned to the inn for a good dinner and showers in their respective rooms.

  Later, Setha stood outside in the hall calling herself a desperate idiot.

  “To hell with it,” she muttered and applied a firm knock to Khouri’s door. He took a while to answer and she would have lost her nerve had he not pulled open the door just then. He didn’t speak right away which gave her the chance to start.

  “I’m sorry. I know it’s been a long day.” She blinked uncontrollably and rubbed her hands incessantly. “I know we’re both tired.”

  Surprised to find her outside his door, Khouri was still having trouble finding his voice. He simply moved aside so she could enter.

  Wringing her hands, Setha suddenly had trouble finding her words, as well. Her present attire was probably saying enough, of course. She’d worn her pj’s on the short trip to his room. Her smile was faint when she turned to find him still standing near the door.

  “I thought we could talk a little if that’s okay,” she explained.

  “I love you.”

  The simply spoken phrase rendered Setha frozen. She stood there until her legs demanded she sit.

  “Oh,” she said.

  Khouri blinked, appearing as though he couldn’t believe he’d said the words. Restlessly, he began to pace and rub his hands across his impressively sculpted abdomen.

  “I thought I’d find a better way when it was time to say it.”

  “I love you, too,” she cut into his ramble and smiled when his legs seemed to give out.

  “Guess we’re both masters of poor timing,” she said when he leaned against the message desk just inside the room.

  “Not so sure about that.” His light eyes trailed her attire.

  Setha waited a beat and then stood and simply unbuttoned her shirt. Wearing only the pajama bottoms, she walked toward him.

  Khouri couldn’t move from his leaning stance against the desk, but his stare spoke volumes. He whispered a hushed curse of approval moments before he raised his hands to cover the dark-chocolate-colored mounds bared to his gaze. Engaging her in a kiss, it was wet and throaty seconds later. Smoothly, he lifted her up to straddle his waist, then he returned to fondling the ample, bouncing orbs.

  As his chest was already bare, Setha granted her hands free reign over the sleek caramel-colored plane. Accomplishing twin goals of torturing him and pleasuring herself, she nudged a nipple against his. The weak moan escaping his throat brought a smile to her face.

  Khouri lifted her again; that time, to take her to his bed. He settled down to feast on her breasts once he’d dropped her to the center. He treated her breasts for only a few seconds and then moved on, working his way down her body. The pink-and-gray pajama bottoms contrasted sharply yet complementary against her flawless dark skin. Khouri tugged them over her hips and groaned when he saw that she was nude beneath.

  “Damn, lady, don’t you own any panties?” he muttered while his mouth skimmed her hip bone.

  Setha giggled. “I promise to wear them the next time.”

  “Don’t bother….”

  Setha’s giggling ended on a gasp when he nuzzled her thighs. From there, his lips blazed a trail toward what he craved. She bumped herself against his cheek, silently requesting more intimate attention.

  Khouri didn’t make her wait. Setha curled her fingers into the close silky crop of his hair and melted into the act. She raked her nails across the top of Khouri’s head, urging him deeper. A disappointed whimper rumbled from her throat when he grabbed her wrists and moved above her.

  Kisses rained down across her hips, tummy and chest. He turned her to her stomach and treated her back and shoulders to the same attention. Setha nuzzled her face into a pillow and arched her bottom when she felt him outlining that area of her anatomy with the tip of his nose.

  He lifted her a bit higher and then, sliding both hands beneath to fondle and stroke her sex. Meanwhile, he subjected her to an oral treat from behind.

ha’s cries heightened during which she begged him not to stop. He did, of course, before she could climax. The respite was only to give him time to apply protection. He took her there from behind. Her cries became shaky moans and she was then pliant in his grasp.

  Khouri accepted the challenge. He gnawed the back of Setha’s neck while luxuriating in the feel of her silky locks between his fingers. Flexing them there, he encouraged her to rise.

  Setha gripped the headboard, shuddering his name as they writhed against each other in thorough and mindless need.

  “Mmm…no….” Khouri grunted, not ready for an end to the act when he felt the telltale signs of release. He would have withdrawn but Setha reached around clutching his thigh to keep him right where he was.

  Helpless then himself, Khouri rested his head to her shoulder and submitted. Simultaneously he and Setha climaxed and then dropped to the covers and into sleep.

  Chapter 15

  “Are you serious?”

  “Hey…I resent that.”



  Setha shook her head while she and Khouri made the hike from the private plane to his SUV waiting across the tarmac. She couldn’t have been more surprised when he announced that their next scouting locale for the Machine Melendez account would be right in their own backyards.

  Of course, she couldn’t find much fault in the decision. She’d have probably considered it herself once the excitement of the scouting trip began to wear out its welcome. Houston, Texas, definitely had more than its fair share of dazzling and sexy places from which to shoot the new advertising art.

  “There’re more great places to shoot from than my rooftop, you know?”

  Khouri’s voice merged into her thoughts like a rich syrup might course the bark of a tree—slow and provocative. Setha sent him a sideways glance and then bowed her head and nodded.

  “That rooftop of yours is pretty hard to top, you know?” She grinned in spite of herself. “No pun intended,” she added.

  Khouri chortled while rooting around in a deep denim pocket for keys to the waiting Rover. “Yeah, it is pretty great,” he drawled, his voice softer as he acknowledged the fact.

  “Can I ask you something?” They were at the truck, but Setha turned and leaned against the passenger-side door before he could pull it open for her.

  “Whatever you want,” he obliged, reaching out to smooth away a lock of her hair from the corner of her eye.

  She cleared her throat, but there was no sound. “On the roof…that day,” she began once she discovered where her voice had run off to, “when I kissed you. Why didn’t you kiss me back?” She tilted her head, closely observing him when he appeared to be taking his time producing an answer.

  “Wanted you to act first,” he admitted, weighing the keys in his palms and smirking over his response. “I, um…wasn’t too sure about your status after that mess in the alley. When you did make the move, it threw me, I guess—that damn well never happened before.” He leaned back on his long legs and waited on her reaction. “I’m sorry if I upset you,” he tacked on when she kept her head down.

  Setha began to shake her head then. “Wasn’t that. I mean…it was. I—damn…”

  “What?” He tugged on the hem of the burgundy tunic top she wore with denim capris.

  Tossing back her head, she rolled her eyes and debated on whether to confess her thoughts. She acknowledged that what he’d just shared couldn’t have been easy for him to admit. The least she could do was to be just as forthcoming.

  “I guessed you were a man who wasn’t used to a woman making the first move.” Her heart lilted when his full, contagious laughter hit the air.

  “Setha, Setha…” He moved close, dropping a kiss to her collarbone, exposed as a breeze beat against the material of her blouse. His mouth lingered there for a lengthy period and then with a ragged sigh, he stepped back. “You are definitely not looking at a man who takes issue to a woman making the first move. It tells me a lot.”

  “What does it tell you?” Her dark gaze was riveted on his bright one.

  Again, Khouri was toying with her hair. “That you want what I’d like to give you.”

  Her lips had barely parted in reaction to his candor, when his mouth slanted across hers. The pressure was beckoning and coaxed her lips farther apart to welcome his tongue which barely circled and thrust against hers. He kissed her fully then. Setha eased her hands up along the rust-colored polo shirt that complemented his caramel-toned skin. She arched into his tall, athletic frame then, taking what he gave and giving in return.

  * * *

  “Are we going to your place?” Setha asked later. Khouri had bypassed her exit and he appeared to be heading downtown.

  “Not quite,” he said, risking a glance at his wristwatch before smoothly maneuvering the Rover around the slower-moving vehicle in front of him. “We’re gonna take a look at good ole Houston from a visitor’s viewpoint.”

  “Come again?” Setha turned on the seat to watch him curiously.

  “I booked rooms at the Seasons,” he said as though that was nothing out of the ordinary.

  Setha was watching him with a mix of humor and disbelief. “A little much?”

  “How do you figure?”

  Her humor and disbelief intensified. “That’s a five-star hotel.”

  “Your point?” He handled the traffic with finesse while their verbal sparring match continued. “This is heavy business we’re taking care of here.”

  “Exactly.” Setha studied the Houston skyline coming into view. “It’s business—a scouting trip meaning we’re not even gonna get much use out of those five-star rooms.”

  “Not so, Miss M. I plan on getting every bit of my money’s worth.” He turned his head, giving her the benefit of his gaze shielded by the sunglasses he wore.

  Setha didn’t need to see his eyes to note the suggestion of his words. Their meaning reached out to caress every part of her. At that point, she didn’t care where he took her so long as he made good on what his words promised.

  “So, is the Seasons your usual spot to ‘get your money’s worth’?” She settled back against the seat while issuing the tease.

  “It’s my usual spot when I don’t want to be found.” His voice had taken on a hushed, thoughtful tone.

  Setha turned her head on the butter-soft rest and regarded the outline of his striking profile. “Pretty hard to go incognito at a five-star spread, don’t you think?”

  “Ah, Miss M…” He angled the powerful SUV around another vehicle. “Only if you take the penthouse.”

  * * *

  Ezekiel Jaiquez was about to leave his five-star property when Khouri and Setha arrived. The hotel entrepreneur remained behind the front desk to welcome the new guests and old friends.

  “EJ.” Khouri reached out to take the man’s hand in a tight grip as they made a pretense at hugging across the desk.

  “How’s Fee?” EJ’s tone was as intent as his stare while he waited for a response.

  Grinning, Khouri shook his head at the man’s usual inquiry. “Fiona’s still too young for you,” he issued his usual reply.

  “Hell, man, how long you gonna give me grief?” EJ placed a hand across the Adidas logo in the corner of the T-shirt he sported for a casual visit to check up on one of his many businesses. “So I was ten when she was—”

  “Four. Like I said, ‘too young for you.’”

  The men shared robust laughter until EJ noticed Setha who had been laughing as hard as the two of them.

  “Well, damn, girl, long time no see.”

  “How you doin’, EJ?” Setha stood on her toes to embrace him and accept his kiss to her cheek.

  Khouri leaned against the tall, white oak desk and watched the exchange.

etha noticed and waved a hand. “I’ve used EJ’s other hotels for some of my fundraising events.”

  “I see.” Khouri raised a brow in EJ’s direction. “You know I’ll have to tell Fee about this.”

  “Aw, man!” EJ threw back his head and clutched his heart. “Can’t a brotha get a break?”

  Laughter and boisterous conversation carried between the threesome for a long while.

  * * *

  “EJ’s on a roll. I had no idea he owned this place, too.”

  “Don’t tell me he hasn’t tried to get you here a time or two?” Khouri asked, unable to help but be mildly curious about the particulars of Setha’s relationship with the hotel connoisseur.

  Setha frowned, genuinely confused. “No…he actually never mentioned this place for an event.”

  Khouri had to laugh. “I don’t think he would’ve had the place in mind for charity, Seth.”

  Her steps slowed during their walk from the elevator bay to their rooms. “Well what, then?”

  “Enough,” Khouri ordered in a teasing tone, barely able to maintain his steps behind the porter who carried their bags. “I refuse to believe you’re this clueless about your looks.”

  “What?” Setha almost stopped her steps then, too.

  Khouri only turned to her, arms spread in silent explanation.

  She rolled her eyes in understanding. “Honey, I grew up with three brothers and those jokers never let me get too full of myself.”

  The porter had opened one of the main doors to the adjoining suites. Both rooms were equally stunning and tucked away in a corner wing two floors from the top. Setha figured it was probably possible not to be found if quartered in such quiet, exquisite luxury.

  “Guess they had quite a job cut out for them,” Khouri said once he’d tipped the porter and walked him to the door. He took a seat on the back of one of the eggshell-colored sofas and watched her at the double doors leading out to the balcony that spanned their rooms.

  “I resent that remark, Mr. Ross. Don’t group all us ‘sisters’ in the same category based on your experiences,” Setha drawled, her attention still focused past the balcony doors.


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