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Choices [Slick Rock 19] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 20

by Becca Van

Brax and Ajay ran after them and they all piled into Wilder’s sheriff’s truck. Wilder didn’t speak until they were out on the road heading away from Slick Rock’s town center. He grabbed his radio and called in a possible kidnapping, rattled off a description of the driver, the vehicle and the license plates.

  Cael’s heart flipped and sweat sheened over his skin. He didn’t need the despatcher’s response to know who had their woman. The Texas plates had given the fucker away.

  Jimmy Appleby was a dead man.

  * * * *

  Jaylynn moaned as she surfaced from unconsciousness.

  “I’m glad you’re awake, baby. We’re going to have such a good life.”

  No! She mentally screamed in denial. She knew that voice. Jaylynn trembled on the back seat of the car and tried to stop herself from rolling off when it careened around a corner way too fast. The tires screeched and just as she started to relax, she was flung into the door, headfirst. The top of her head smarted fiercely when it hit the door handle, but that was the least of her worries. Jimmy had somehow managed to find her and now she was trussed up in the back of his truck. Her wrists and ankles were bound with duct tape and even though she’d tried to tug the tape off and loosen it, she’d only managed in abrading her skin.

  She shivered as the cool night air breezed over her bare feet, arms and hands. She didn’t think she was cold because of the air temperature, more because she was scared out of her ever-loving mind. Her armpits were damp with sweat and it trickled down between her breasts.

  The tires squealed as Jimmy took another corner way too fast and while she tried to use her feet against the door on the opposite side of the cab to brace herself, it didn’t help. She was flung from the seat, banged into the seat in front of her, landing hard and painfully on the floor. She groaned when the ribs on the right side of her body took most of the impact when they slammed into the hump separating the foot wells. The air was knocked from her lungs and she panicked when she couldn’t draw in another breath.

  Tears burned her eyes, but she ruthlessly pushed them away. Crying wasn’t going to get her out of this situation. Neither was giving in to the fear coursing through her blood, making her body quake.

  Finally, after what felt like hours the pressure on her chest let up and she gasped air in through her nose. Being able to breathe helped her control the fear, trembling and the threatening tears. When the vehicle stopped weaving and swerving, Jaylynn used her shoulder to try and push herself up into a sitting position. It was difficult with her hands tied behind her back, but she was determined and wasn’t about to give up. Her first and second attempt failed. After taking a small breather to regain her breath, again, she shored up her fortitude, tensed all the muscles in her body and heaved herself up. The relief was immediate for her poor bruised ribs and while she was elated she achieved her goal, she still had a long way to go. Although she was sitting up, she was still sitting on the floor. Her aim was to get back onto the seat, but she wasn’t quite sure how she was going to manage that just yet.

  “Fucking assholes,” Jimmy yelled.

  Jaylynn startled at the unexpected sound and while she couldn’t see him, since she was on the floor behind the driver’s seat, she heard him banging his hands against the steering wheel or dashboard. She had no idea why he was so angry and was glad she couldn’t ask. She wasn’t sure she’d like his answer.

  Jaylynn ignored the angry snarling coming from the front and tried to decide what to do next. If she could turn herself around—which would be near impossible in such a small space without the use of her hands—she’d hoped by getting her back to the door, she could brace her feet on the hump and shimmy her way up to the seat. However, it was going to take way too much effort and Jimmy would be alerted to what she was doing. Not that she was trying to harm him since it would be impossible. Even if she did manage to hurt him she’d be endangering herself in the process. He was speeding and if he lost control she was likely to end up seriously injured or dead. She didn’t have a seatbelt on or any way to pull it across her lap and secure it in place.

  Maybe she’d be safer where she was on the floor.

  She closed her eyes and hung her head in defeat.

  That’s when she heard the sound of a siren.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Have you got any spare weapons?” Brax asked, his hands curled into tight fists. He couldn’t believe that Jimmy Appleby had managed to break into the house and kidnap Jaylynn while he and his brothers had been there. He’d been so intent on getting her to bed, he hadn’t thought about re-arming the alarm. That mistake could have cost him and his brothers everything.

  “There’s a locked safe in the far back,” Wilder answered as he glanced in the rearview mirror at one of his brothers. “I have a Glock 9mm, a semi-automatic rifle and a .38.” He gave the combination to the safe as Ajay climbed over the back seat.

  Wilder picked up his radio and called dispatch. “Who’s patrolling toward Egnar and Dove Creek?”

  “Damon is,” came the reply.

  “Can you contact him and get him to set up road spikes? Our assailant is heading his way fast. I want that vehicle disabled before he hits Egnar. Tell Damon he’s probably packing and he’s military trained.”

  “Roger. Dispatch out.”

  When Ajay had the weapons and ammo, he handed the .38 and some bullets over to Brax in the front passenger seat. Brax would have preferred the Glock but he wasn’t about to quibble over a gun. He was just glad he had something to protect himself, his brothers and hopefully, Jaylynn.

  “Get ready, guys,” Wilder said. “We should be coming up on this asshole soon. We’re only ten miles out.”

  Brax checked the gun to make sure there were no bullets in the chamber and then loaded it up. He could hear his brothers checking their own guns. When he lifted his gaze, he sucked in a breath when he caught sight of taillights in the distance. They were gaining on them fast.

  Either Appleby wasn’t going as fast as he thought, or Wilder was traveling faster. He glanced across at the dash and smiled when he saw the speedometer. Wilder had an added advantage. He lived and worked in this county and had local knowledge of the roads. Brax hadn’t realized how fast they were going because the deputy handled the vehicle and road curves with ease.

  Before he knew it Wilder had the vehicle close enough to illuminate the interior of Jimmy’s truck. He narrowed his eyes and tried to see Jaylynn’s silhouette but all he could see was the shadow of the asshole’s head and broad shoulders.

  Brax turned to gaze at Wilder when the deputy backed off the gas. He was about to yell at him and tell him to keep up, but realized a moment later why he’d slowed down. The truck in front of them ran over the spikes and swerved across the road. Only the two tires on the right had been blown out and Jimmy was struggling to keep control. He veered to the left across to the wrong side of the road and when the tires hit the gravel, the vehicle started to tip.

  Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. The truck in front teetered on the verge of the road before it started to roll toward the embankment. Brax held his breath, hoping and praying the truck would right itself or that the fucker would get control. Just as Brax thought it was going over, it bounced back down onto all four wheels and rolled down the slight incline. Wilder screeched to a halt, blue smoke billowing up from the burning rubber and as soon as it was safe, Brax unclipped his seatbelt, flung his door open and jumped from the truck. He didn’t turn to see who came up beside him or who was running after him from behind, because all he could think about was getting to Jaylynn.

  The front end of the truck was smashed in since it had hit a large rock and steam was hissing from under the crumpled hood and radiator. Brax slowed his approach, weapon in hand and pointing toward the vehicle in case he needed to shoot Jimmy, but no movement came from the truck. When he saw movement in his periphery and Wilder and Cael were moving toward the other side of the truck, his racing heart slowed a little, but he knew he wou
ldn’t be able to relax until he knew that Jaylynn was all right and back in his arms. He glanced toward his brothers and the other men at the worst possible time. The bastard dove through the two front seats, his gun aimed toward the floor.

  Normally Brax wouldn’t have hesitated to pull the trigger, but he was worried that Appleby would kill Jaylynn even if he managed to shoot him. The trajectory of his shot could end up veering after going through glass, and he was also concerned he’d accidentally shoot the love of his life.

  He was sure the other guys held off firing their guns because of the same reason as he had. None of them could see Jaylynn. If they just started shooting they could end up hitting her.

  * * * *

  Ajay shadowed Brax as they ran toward the crashed truck. Cael was right behind him. Wilder and Cael were coming at the vehicle from the rear passenger side. Damon was covering them all from the rear.

  “He’s on the move,” Damon snarled. “Don’t shoot. We don’t know where Jaylynn is.”

  He’d never felt so much fear since meeting and falling in love with Jaylynn, but he was a trained soldier and was able to push his emotions aside. All that mattered was getting to her, making sure she was safe.

  Brax aimed the gun toward the driver’s window as he moved in closer and Ajay aimed near enough to the same spot from a slightly different angle. If Jimmy so much as moved, he was a dead man.

  Cael had moved around to the front of the car, climbed onto the rock and aiming at the driver through the windscreen.

  Wilder moved closer toward the front passenger window and shone a flashlight into the car. Ajay’s heart stuttered when he realized the bastard was no longer in the front seat. He gazed toward the back as Wilder directed the light into the rear of the truck and his breath caught in his throat. That fucker was in the back seat with Jaylynn holding a pistol against her head. She had tape across her mouth and from the way her upper arms and shoulders were angled, her hands were either tied, or taped behind her back. The asshole had probably restrained her feet at the ankles, as well. He couldn’t see her eyes very well, but from how wide they were, she was terrified. Fear for his woman tried to encroach in his heart and soul, but he quickly pushed it away before it could take hold. Now wasn’t the time to be feeling. Now was the time to be that cold-hearted soldier he learned to be while in the Marines.

  “Put down your weapon and let her go,” Wilder ordered loudly. “You’ve got nowhere to go. You’re surrounded.”

  Appleby didn’t so much as flinch, just kept the gun pressed against Jaylynn’s temple. His arm was wrapped around her shoulders just above her breasts. If Ajay had been certain the fucker wouldn’t pull the trigger if he shot him, he would have taken him out already, but there was never any certainty when dealing with injuries or death. Everyone reacted differently, and the person being shot nearly always jerked. Jaylynn could end up with a bullet in her brain.

  * * * *

  Cael had the perfect headshot but he wasn’t about the pull the trigger on his gun. Jaylynn was way too close to the fucker and he was scared he’d hit her instead. He could see her slight body trembling, but he couldn’t react. He needed to keep his feelings at bay so if the perfect opportunity came to light, he’d be ready to take the bastard down.

  “There’s only two ways this can end,” Wilder said in a calm voice, trying to talk the asshole down. “You’re either going to be leaving here in a body bag or in handcuffs.”

  Cael wondered what Appleby was waiting for. He hadn’t moved since he’d grabbed hold of Jaylynn and pulled her in front of him. Nor had he responded to Wilder’s speech. He began to wonder if the prick was waiting for something, or maybe someone.

  He tried to keep his gaze on Appleby and ignore the way Jaylynn was quaking, but it was hard to do since she was literally shielding the fucker. Cael glanced at Damon and wondered if he had a better chance of taking the bastard down without hitting their woman.

  * * * *

  Jaylynn could barely breathe with her mouth covered by the tape. She knew she was practically hyperventilating but she was so scared, she couldn’t slow her breathing. Jimmy was using her as a human shield and had a gun pressed hard against her head. She wanted to do something to help in her own rescue but the terror coursing through her was making it hard to think straight. The trembling was so bad it felt as if she was on the verge of convulsing, but for some reason she thought of all the wars her guys had dealt with while fighting to keep their country safe.

  The shaking slowed and while her breathing was still faster than normal, she managed to get enough air into her lungs so that they didn’t burn as badly. She could see Wilder off to one side of the truck and Brax and Ajay off to the other. Cael was perched on the top of the rock the car had smashed into and his aim was true and steady. She thought she heard someone at the rear of the vehicle, but since she couldn’t move to look, she wasn’t totally sure. While she was glad that her men and the deputy were here, she couldn’t understand why they hadn’t already shot Jimmy.

  As her panting slowed even more, her brain started ticking over. They hadn’t taken a shot because they were concerned she would end up getting hurt by one of their stray bullets or because Jimmy might pull the trigger in a reflexive action. The only way the men were going to be able to take the bastard down was if she managed to get away from him, but how?

  Jaylynn couldn’t use her hands or feet since they were restrained. All she had left was her brain, her head. A light bulb flicked on and she knew what she had to do.

  She stared through the windscreen of the truck at Cael. She couldn’t see his eyes but was hoping he could see hers since Wilder was shining a light into the rear of the car. Praying and hoping he would realize what she was up to, Jaylynn winked first one eye before waiting a beat and then winked with the other.

  Cael shifted on the rock, rolling his shoulders as if trying to get comfortable or to relieve the tension in his tight muscles.

  “Put the gun down and get out of the truck,” Wilder ordered.

  “Fucking idiot,” Jimmy mumbled angrily. “Does he think I’m stupid?”

  Jaylynn felt Jimmy move and as he did so the pressure of the gun against her head lightened. She didn’t stop to think about what she was doing, she just reacted as quickly as possible.

  She drew her head forward slightly, inhaled, held her breath and snapped her head back as hard and as fast as she could. Pain slammed into the back of her head and skull as it connected with Jimmy’s face. He howled as bone and cartilage crunched and his hold around her shoulders loosened. Using her feet against the hump in the middle of the floor, she pushed off and away from the bastard with as much force as she could.

  Gunfire erupted around her in a loud barrage just as her forehead crashed into the window. Her vision blanked as darkness invaded and while she tried to suck air in through her nose so she wouldn’t pass out, there was no stopping the rapidly approaching unconsciousness.

  Jaylynn slumped against the door as she lost consciousness.

  * * * *

  When Brax saw Cael flexing his shoulders, he knew something was about to go down. He gave the other guys a signal just after Wilder drew the fucker’s gaze when he ordered Appleby to put down his weapon and get out of the truck.

  Jaylynn smashed the back of her head into Appleby’s face, her aim right over his nose, and then she shoved her body to the side. He didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger and neither did any of the others. The only person who hadn’t shot their gun was Damon and that was because he’d moved out of the line of fire. Appleby jerked as multiple bullets slammed into his body. He and Ajay only managed to wing him in the shoulder and side. Wilder’s shot was dead center in his chest, and Cael’s was right between the eyes.

  Jimmy Appleby would never harm Jaylynn or another human being again.

  Brax spun toward the back door of the truck, but Ajay was already there. As he carefully pulled the door open, he reached in to steady Jaylynn so she didn’t fall out onto the
ground. As soon as he had the door wide open, Ajay carefully lifted their woman into his arms.

  Tears of anger and relief burned his eyes, but he quickly pushed them aside. Jaylynn had bruises on her arms where Jimmy had grasped her viciously and there was another forming on her forehead where she thumped it into the window. The imprint of the gun muzzle was embedded in the skin of her temple as well as bruising, but she was still breathing, and she hadn’t been shot.

  Ajay carried Jaylynn away from the truck and sank to his knees. Brax hurried over and crouched next to them. Cael wasn’t far behind. When he raised his hand to brush the hair back from her forehead, Brax realized his hand was shaking, but he didn’t care if anyone saw what state he was in. All he cared about was Jaylynn.

  “I thought you might want this,” Damon said.

  Brax looked up, nodded and swallowed around the emotional constriction in his throat as he gratefully took the knife Damon held out toward him.

  “Did she get shot?” Cael asked as he lifted her arms up so Brax could slice through the tape wrapped tightly around her skin.

  “No,” Ajay replied hoarsely. “She just hit her head twice that we know of. First into the fucker’s face and then on the window. I think the last hit knocked her out.”

  “I’ve already called for the paramedics,” Damon said. “They should be here any minute.”

  “Thank you,” Brax said as he glanced at first Sheriff Damon Osborn and then Deputy Wilder Sheffield. If it hadn’t been for these two lawmen, they might never have gotten Jaylynn back. He quickly pushed that thought aside. He didn’t want to think about what that fucker would have done to her, stolen from her.

  Brax cut the tape around Jaylynn’s ankles and tugged it off. He winced at the red welts left on her abraded skin. Cael was trying to very carefully and gently remove the tape across her mouth. Ajay held her cradled in his lap, propping her upper body up with one arm and his chest while he massaged the blood back into first one arm and then the other.


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