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Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Blue Saffire

  I gulp a large breath of relief, as some newcomers to the party grab this guy’s attention. I finally have a reprieve to frown at my stupid replies to our conversation. I can’t believe I’m so lame.

  “Cameron,” cute guy calls out with a huge grin, lifting his beer in the air. With me forgotten, he crosses the crowded room to greet whoever he’s calling out to. I have the fleeting thought for a moment, that he has made up someone just to get away from me.

  I’m too short to see across the room, to see if there’s truly anyone new, but I don’t much care. I turn to head for a fresh cup of beer. I’ve been nursing the same cup for a while now. I push my way into the kitchen, totally relieved to get a fresh cup and find a stool to sit on, to people watch.

  “Hey, Nicole,” Jonah says, as he walks up.

  “Hey, Jonah,” I say with my first genuine smile.

  Jonah is very handsome, but the fact that he looks just like his twin, Joelle somehow makes me feel at ease. They both have such inviting personalities. So different from my twin, niece and nephew who are like night and day.

  “I’ve been trying to make my way to you for about an hour now. Every time I go to make my move, you have a new guy at your side,” Jonah says, with a teasing smile.

  “Oh, please Jonah, I doubt you’ve been alone once tonight, for longer than a few second,” I laugh.

  “But none of them were you, Sweetheart,” Jonah replies throwing an arm around my shoulder. He winks at me and I actually blush.

  This is going to have to stop.

  “So, what do you think about our resident jocks,” Jonah says into my ear.

  I shrug, trying not to think about Caleb. “I guess they’re alright,” I say nonchalantly.

  “Oh, come on, you haven’t started drooling over these guys like Jo and the rest of the girls yet?” He teases.

  “Nope,” I say, but squirm on the stool.

  I’m lying. I haven’t been able to get Caleb’s eyes out of my head. I won’t admit it to anyone else, but I’ve felt a ping of disappointment each time I’ve noticed him missing from class this week. I only found out yesterday that the team has been away for a game.

  “So, does that mean I actually have a shot,” Jonah raises a brow at me.

  I throw my head back and laugh at his silliness. Jonah places a hand over his heart, giving me a wounded look. It only causes me to laugh even more.

  “Oh, please, Jonah,” I laugh out.



  I wasn’t expecting her to be here, and I sure wasn’t expecting to see her talking to some guy. I can’t even explain the feelings I am having right now. I want to throw a baseball right through the guy’s face. I don’t like that she looks so…relaxed with him.

  “What the fuck,” I hear Cameron growl in my ear, before he punches me in my arm.

  I turn toward him, blinking back my confusion. “What,” I growl, holding my arm.

  Cameron steps in closer and gets in my ear. “Dude, you’re fucking clicking. What the fuck is wrong with you? If this is too much, we should go,” Cameron says, in a strained voice.

  Clicking. It’s the sound I make in the back of my throat, when I’m over stimulated. I haven’t done that shit in years. I blink a few times, before I realize I’m blinking repeatedly.

  I press my lips. “No, I wasn’t,” I argue.

  “Dude, yes, the fuck you were,” Cameron snaps.

  I turn at the sound of laughter from across the loud crowded room. She’s laughing with him and she looks so gorgeous. I realize that I’m losing my shit just before I feel the sting of Cameron punching me in the arm again.

  “Pull your shit together, Cal. Fuck, Kay was right,” Cameron groans and pushes his fingers through his hair.

  I don’t stop to ask him what he’s talking about. I know why I am losing my shit, and I’m done waiting to figure out what to do about it. I need answers. I need her.

  I turn away from Cameron and start straight for her. The crowd parts for me and that’s when it happens. I watch her eyes lock with mine, as I move straight for her.

  I have no idea what I plan to do at first, but I know what my mind tells me to do when I reach her, and I do it. I walk upright between her legs, placing one hand on her waist and the other I use to tip her head back. Her eyes widen, but I don’t stop to process what that could mean.

  I just lean in and capture her lips with mine. I literally growl at my first taste of Nicole’s soft plump lips. My fingers on her waist tighten and I open her mouth with my tongue. My heart almost leaps out of my chest when I feel her tongue move to meet mine. I hope like hell I am doing this right, as deepen the kiss almost devouring her whole face.

  Nicole tastes like beer and something sweet. I’ve never tasted anything so good. I push my fingers into her hair and she opens up to me a little more. I think I have truly lost myself in her. I start to groan and suck on her lips.

  That’s when her hands land on my chest and I feel her push at my hard muscles. At the same time, I feel a strong hand on one shoulder and a smaller one on the other. I cringe at the contact, but surprisingly Nicole’s touch is soothing, unlike the others.

  I take a few steps back as Cameron pulls at me. I turn to him to see…what is that… shock, frustration, anger? I look over to my other side and Dakota’s look I understand.

  I fucked up. I look back at Nicole, with her flush cheeks and swollen lips. I press my lips and start to squint. Control, I need to gain control.

  “Help me,” I plead with Cameron in a whisper. “I want her. Help me.”

  “Shit,” he sighs. He leans in to whisper in my ear. “I guess she’s the one Dakota’s been telling me about?”

  I nod, knowing that Dakota, true to her word, has been trying to figure out how to get me a date with Nicole. I haven’t been able to get her off my mind, since I nearly ran her over. I’ve sent Dakota text messages everyday I’ve been away, asking about Nicole.

  “Please,” I murmur to Cameron.

  He nods his head in understanding and turns on the charm like only my brother can. If anyone can help me, Cameron can. He’s the one that has always gotten me close to girls. Not the way I want to be close to Nicole, but close in a way that won’t bring me trouble when it counts.



  What the heck just happened? I mean, one minute I’m talking and laughing with Jonah. The next I’m locked in a stare down with Caleb, as he crossed the room. I had no idea he was even here at this party.

  I didn’t have time to process that fact either. By the time I did, Caleb was eating my face. Not that I am complaining about that part too much. I mean, wow, he can kiss.

  Things that just shouldn’t be wet, are soak and wet right now. Although, I’m totally confused right now, I’m also aware of the electricity that is zipping back and forth between us. I mean from the moment his eyes locked on mine, I was in a trance.

  Watching his huge, powerful frame move towards me was like watching a big cat stalk its prey. I was totally distracted by his broad shoulders on display under his tight sweater and t-shirt. His jeans cling tightly to his powerful thighs and his eyes look sexy and mysterious underneath his baseball cap.

  I’d be lying, if I said that I wasn’t drooling as I watched him make his way to me. It was as if the crowd parted for him, and his smooth swagger allowed him to glide his way over to me. I marveled at how his large frame moved through the crowd so gracefully.

  Wait, I don’t think graceful would be the right word. It was more like his body moved with an unspoken confidence. Like for him, moving is as easy as breathing.

  He moved as if everyone else was an afterthought. As if, they would just allow his presence to take front and center. As I watched, that’s exactly how it happened.

  I was so enthralled I hadn’t known what to expect. I hadn’t realized he intended to kiss me. Not until he was standing right between my heated thighs, with his hand on my waist and one on my face. I started to protest,
but his full lips crushed mine before I could get my thoughts together.

  I was a goner the moment his lips touched mine. That sexy groan that came from the back of his throat, turned me on like nothing has before. His lips taste of heaven, like he had been eating caramel and chocolate with a faint hint of mint.

  I was so consumed with sipping from his intoxicating flavor, and the mouthwatering scent of his cologne or body wash. It never occurred to me that we were making out in the middle of a crowded party. I mean, I have only spoken to this guy twice.

  It wasn’t until the bite of his large fingers tightening on my waist and the pull of him sucking on my lip, that I started to remember our surroundings. I could have kissed him all night, but I knew I needed to stop the madness. I placed my hands on his chest, gently pushing him away.

  I can still taste him on my lips and my cheeks are tingling from the burn of his beard. I bite my lip as I blush, finally taking in the others now standing around our little scene. Dakota is standing beside Caleb with a smirk on her lips.

  Then there is the spitting image of Caleb, standing on his other side, as they whisper to one another. My mouth pops open when both gorgeous faces turn towards me. Wow, Caleb is a sight all on his own.

  However, looking at who I assume to be his brother, and Caleb at the same time, is enough to give anyone’s heart palpations. His brother looks just like him, only clean shaven and his hair isn’t as long, but still the same blonde color. Caleb looks to be a few inches taller than his clone. His brother is just a bit leaner standing next to Caleb.

  When his brother turns to me, I notice the biggest difference between the two. The smile on Caleb’s brother’s face is open and charming. It lights his entire face, as if he smiles like this all the time. I blink to clear my head as his voice pulls me from my musing.

  “So, you must be Nicole, I don’t think we’ve officially met, yet. I’m Cameron, Caleb’s older brother and twin,” he says reaching out his hand.

  “H-hi, ni-ice to meet you,” I stammer in shock.

  “No, I think it’s my pleasure to meet you. My little brother here may have had too much to drink,” Cameron says with a smirk. “I apologize for his drunken blunder. It’s just you have left quite an impression on him,” Cameron shrugs his large shoulders.

  “I guess the alcohol has brought his true feelings for you to the forefront. I hope you don’t hold it against him.”

  I frown as I take in Cameron’s words. I didn’t taste alcohol on Caleb’s breath. I look over into his eyes and they look clear to me. I do notice that he looks …nervous, unsure, confused maybe.

  Then there is something else. I tilt my head to the side, as I watch him. He’s pressing his lips and squinting at me, but it’s not at me, now that I’m paying attention. It’s like he is looking pass me, anywhere but at me actually. The more I stare, the more I start to get the feeling that there is more to him making that face.

  I’ve heard girls on campus talk about Caleb and the cute faces he makes. All the girls think his pout is the hottest thing, but I know that look. I’ve seen it on much younger faces. I’ve come closer to having an understanding of that face in recent years.

  I gasp as realization hits. There’s no way. I mean Caleb is in college and on the baseball team. Wait, I know I sound so stupid, even in my own head. Olivia has come so far after her diagnosis.

  She’s such an amazing little girl. My brother, Harris, is lucky to have her. My niece wasn’t the perfect child her mother wanted, but Harris has been the perfect father. Even after Kelis left him, when Olivia was diagnosed with autism.

  So, I know that look Caleb has on his face. I know it, although my brain is struggling with it. It is possible that this huge bear of a man is so much more than the great looks or the athlete everyone sees him as. So much is making sense to me now. I have never seen Caleb without Dakota, since the morning he ran into me.

  The shyness I picked up on the few times we’ve interacted. Even when I’ve watched him from a distance, and he thinks no one else is watching, I’ve noticed. Watching him next to his brother now, shows me that the confidence he gives off is mimicked from his twin.

  I’ve watched Liv do the same thing a million times. She mimics what she perceives as socially correct or the people she perceives as good role models. Sometimes, she mocks traits from characters from TV shows for weeks at a time.

  If I hadn’t seen my niece do it, I may not have put my finger on it. Heck, if I hadn’t known better, I would’ve just chalked it up to being a twin thing. I wish I could say that I am less confused, but now I wish I knew the real reason Caleb kissed me. I know from Liv that things aren’t always so simple.

  Did Caleb think I would shoot his calendar if he kissed me? Why does he want me to shoot it in the first place? Could he sense I would understand him?

  Olivia has clung to me since she could walk, maybe even before. I had been the only one that could get her to go to sleep, for months after she was born. It drove Kelis insane.

  I spent a lot of time at Harris’s place back then, excited that my favorite brother had finally had a baby girl. He and Kelis had Harris Jr. in their teens, but Harris had begged Kelis to try again, once they were married, to give him a little girl.

  I think she resented him for having to have another baby. Then she had the twins and for baby Olivia to not be perfect in her eyes, sent her running. Harris would do anything for Olivia, Keith, and Harris Jr.

  Even move back home with our parents at thirty-four. Just so he could have the support to deal with all of Liv’s needs. It crushed my heart to see all Harris had to go through.

  I look at Dakota and notice her protectiveness toward Caleb. I laugh to myself for ever thinking that they were a couple. I can see now, traits of their relation.

  I don’t blame her for being protective, I’m that way with Liv. My mind is racing, but I know I should respond to Cameron. I look back at Caleb and blush.

  “It’s okay…, I kissed him back,” I say, in all but a whisper.

  This time a real smile crosses Caleb’s face, making him look all the more like his brother. He even looks younger. However, it’s Cameron that speaks once again.

  “Hey, listen, I was wondering if you’ve considered working with Caleb on the calendar,” Cameron asks with that panty dropping smile in place.

  I shake my head and look between the three cousins. Three pairs of blue-grey eyes are trained on me. My eyes land once again on Cameron and I sigh.

  “I really don’t do many portraits. I mean I don’t usually photograph people. Just my family,” I shrug my shoulders. “I was honest about you having a better shot with another photographer.”

  “Something tells me you would do a great job,” Cameron says and winks at me. “Come on, Nicole. My little brother would love to work with you.”

  “Why me?” I blurt out without thinking.

  Cameron shrugs his shoulders. “Why not you? Besides, every other girl on campus would have said yes immediately, and then suggested my brother strip naked for them to ogle and put on display. Something tells me you will do something with more taste.”

  I pause to think about his reasoning and then something hits me. Dakota and Cameron are not only Caleb’s protection, they’re like his ambassadors or spokesmen or something. Caleb has yet to say a word.

  I remember the shocked look on Dakota’s face in art class, when Caleb spoke to me. It’s clear this is something out of the ordinary for Caleb, which peeks my curiosity further. Why is this so important to him?

  I think of the charity in the packet from class. It would be great to help those families. I think of Olivia and how hard things were for Harris in the beginning and even now at times.

  “I’ll do it under one condition,” I relent.

  “Name it,” it’s the first thing Caleb has said directly to me, since that day in photography class.

  I look up into his intense blue-grey eyes and drew in a deep breath. “I get to pick the charity,” I s

  “Oh, well, Caleb kind of had one in mind already,” Dakota replies, seeming a little hesitant.

  “It’s fine,” Caleb says looking a little crestfallen. “Which charity would you like to work for?”

  “Luther’s World,” I say as I watch the stunned look appear on all three of their faces.

  Caleb looks away, but not before I see the solemn look on his face. Dakota looks sad and disappointed. Cameron narrows his eyes at me.

  I quickly figure out that they all think I’ve picked the charity because I figured out Caleb’s secret. Yes, I’ve figured it out, but I would’ve chosen Luther’s World regardless. It’s a charity for families with autistic children. Like Liv and the children my mother works with at her early intervention clinic.

  Not wanting Caleb to feel self-conscious, I quickly explained my choice. “It’s a charity dear to my heart. I saw it on the list. It was the only reason I had ever seriously considered taking the assignment.”

  Caleb turns back to me; his eyes searching my face for a few moments that seemed like hours. “Okay,” he simply replies.

  I release a breath, I hadn’t known I was holding and nod. “Okay,” I smile up at him. “So, I guess we should exchange numbers so we can get started on the ideas and the shots for the calendar.”

  Caleb pulls his phone from his pocket quickly and hands it to me. I tap the screen, but there’s a lock on it. I turned it back to him.

  “It’s locked,” I smile.

  “Oh, sorry,” he murmurs and quickly taps in his password, then turns it back toward me.

  I program my number quickly and send a quick text to my phone before handing it back to him. “I texted myself, so that I’ll have your number,” I tell him.

  “Maybe you should give me your number too,” Dakota gives me a friendly smile. “I can help you guys out with the planning.”

  “No, I can handle this,” Caleb says, before I can respond.

  “Oh, okay,” Dakota nods, but the proud smile on her face doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Thanks, Nicole,” Cameron says with a smile and another wink.


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