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by Jenna Jacob


  The Hotties Of Haven, Book 2

  Jenna Jacob

  Noble Grayson loves to drown women in pleasure…but he loves his freedom more. When an old high school friend asks him to be the best man at his wedding, Noble jumps at the chance to spend a wild weekend in Sin City. But after a night of ecstasy with a beautiful stranger, Noble soon learns that what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas.

  Before Ivy Addison can leave scandal behind and settle down in tiny Haven, Texas she first has to survive her sister’s wedding. But when the sexy cowboy across the hall rescues her from frustration—in more ways than one—Ivy throws caution to the wind and spends one night of spine-bending splendor that changes her life…forever.

  Once Noble returns to Haven, his memories of the green-eyed vixen extinguish all interest in other females. He’s still reeling when a cryptic phone call leads him to the new bakery in town—where he gets the surprise of his life. Will he figure out that he needs Ivy more than he needs bachelorhood before she puts the fire out between them for good?


  The Hotties Of Haven, Book 2

  Jenna Jacob

  Published by Jenna Jacob

  Copyright 2018, Dream Words, LLC

  Edited by: Blue Otter Editing, LLC

  ISBN 978-1-7325731-1-6

  If you have purchased a copy of this eBook, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book. This purchase allows you one legal copy for your own personal reading enjoyment on your personal computer or device. You do not have the rights to resell, distribute, print, or transfer this book, in whole or in part, to anyone, in any format, via methods either currently known or yet to be invented, or upload to a file sharing peer-to-peer program. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. If you no longer want this book, you may not give your copy to someone else. Delete it from your computer. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Beefcake is dedicated to you, the amazingly supportive readers who have bravely followed me into the unchartered waters of steamy contemporary romance.

  I hope you’re having as much fun reading the hopes, heartbreaks, and happily ever after’s found in

  The Hotties Of Haven

  that I am writing about those sexy as sin

  Grayson brothers.

  A love and gratitude filled THANK YOU to Shannon, Rachel, Amy, Shelley, Pearl, Brea, Trisha, Vicki, Rhonda, and Brandon. I couldn’t pull this off without the hours and hours you spend helping mold the movie in my mind, the advice, direction, and compassion you give me. You all own a very special place in my heart.

  And as always,

  Thank You, Sean…

  My love.

  My rock.

  My inspiration.

  My life.



  Title Page

  About the Book

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Hotties of Haven Series

  About the Author

  Other Titles by Jenna Jacob


  “Stop beatin’ it like it owes you money, and get out of the shower. You’ve been in there for thirty minutes. I’m going to be late!”

  Noble Grayson exhaled a low curse and gripped his throbbing erection tighter. Closing his eyes, he stroked faster. Blocking out his brother, he filled his mind with visions of Trudy Hanover. The pretty blonde had moved to town a week ago and currently held the number one spot in Noble’s spank bank. Though he’d plundered her hot pussy two nights ago, he was eager to fuck her again. Trudy wasn’t exactly skilled in the bedroom, but her surgically enhanced DDDs and willingness to try all kinds of kinky things made up for it. The memory of squeezing his dick into her tight little asshole had his balls churning and muscles straining.

  Noble fisted faster as his orgasm crested.

  “And make sure you wash off the walls this time, you sick fuck!” Nate snarled, pounding on the bathroom door once again.

  Noble’s climax stalled.

  Biting back a snarl, he worked his cock with punishing strokes and focused on how he’d scraped his tongue over Trudy’s hard nipples…the way her glossy red lips parted as she screamed out her orgasm while clamping down around his cock.

  The rising roar in his ears drowned out the steady thrum of the water pelting his body. As he hammered his cock with a vengeance, his balls drew tight, and his legs quivered. Noble bit his lips together and issued a muffled grunt as thick ropes of come surged into the spray of water.

  “For the love of… Squirt your sauce and get out already,” Nate barked, fiercely banging on the door like a sledgehammer.

  “Use the other bathroom, dick-breath,” Noble rasped out.

  “Dad’s in there, dropping a deuce.”


  “Keep your tampon in. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  A shiver slid up Noble’s spine. “Christ, can’t a guy cop a damn nut in peace around here?” he grumbled, squeezing out the last of his self-indulgence.

  He couldn’t fault Nate for spazzing out like a hooker who’d missed her period. Noble would be flipping his shit if he were bringing a girl home to meet the family. Thankfully, he was far smarter than his pussy-whipped twin. Noble had no intention of ever getting that involved with any girl. But then Gina Scott—owner of the Hangover, Haven’s only bar—wasn’t a girl, she was a woman…a woman twelve years Nate’s senior.

  Noble turned off the water and grabbed a bath towel. As he dried the water from his body, he wondered what would shock their mom more tonight: discovering that Nate—the self-proclaimed virgin of the family—had given his cherry to Gina when they started bumping fuzzies six months ago, or finding out she possessed a four-letter-word vocabulary so colorful a sailor would blush.

  He grinned, wondering if their mom would threaten to wash Gina’s mouth out with soap like she still did with him and his five brothers. No doubt about it, dinner tonight was going to be damn interesting.

  While Noble wanted to be sympathetic to Nate’s plight, he couldn’t. It was too entertaining watching the stupid bastard working himself up with worry and freaking the fuck out. Of course, there was no need for so much angst. His family, especially his mom, Nola, and dad, Norman, would welcome Gina with open arms. Not out of pity over her recent brush with death, four days ago, but because Nate loved her enough to risk his own life to save her.

  Gina’s abduction had sent an unsettling pall through the normally quiet town of Haven, and even more so within the Grayson clan. It was a shock to discover town bully Victor LaCroix wasn’t just a bastard but a cold-blooded murderer. The crazy prick had been nursing a grudge against Gina after she’d kicked h
is sorry ass out of her bar. His anger had festered for six long months. In the wee hours of the night a few days ago, he’d snuck into the bar and attacked Gina. Victor had then knocked her out with chloroform, hauled her to his filthy trailer on the outskirts of town, and tied her to what Nate had described as a vile, come-and-sweat-stained mattress. Victor had planned to torture Gina, eventually kill her, and bury her in a grave next to the wife he’d claimed left him years ago. The asshat was batshit crazy beyond all reasonable doubt.

  Nate had elicited help from Emmett Hill—World War II veteran and Haven’s official Bigfoot hunter. After the two men had subdued LaCroix, Nate freed Gina and comforted her while Emmett held Victor at gunpoint until Sheriff Jasper Straub arrived.

  Older brother Sawyer had mentioned something about Nate getting in several solid punches of Grayson payback, but Noble hadn’t wormed the details out of his twin yet.

  LaCroix, the warped fuck-nut, was now sitting in the county jail awaiting trial. The prick was lucky he was behind bars and not in a vault at the morgue.

  Shoving his anger aside, Noble cinched the towel around his waist and gathered up his clothes before opening the bathroom door.

  Nate stood in the portal, pinning him with a seething glare.

  “I remembered to hose off the walls, but you might want to rinse the soap.”

  Nate rolled his eyes in disgust. “Get out, you sick fuck.”

  “Since you’re running late and all, I’ll be happy to drive into town and pick Gina up for you.”

  “You stay the fuck away from her! I wouldn’t be running late if you hadn’t raced into the bathroom ahead of me, dick-face.”

  “You have the same face I do, bro.” Damn, it was almost too easy to rattle Nate’s cage tonight. “I was only trying to help.”

  “Shove your help, come-stain,” Nate snarled, pushing past him and slamming the door in his face.

  A chuckle rolled off Noble’s lips as he strolled down to his bedroom.

  Forty minutes later, the entire Grayson clan—mom, dad, six brothers, two sisters-in-law, and the guest of honor, Gina—sat at the dinner table. The poor woman was sporting a hell of a black eye. A rainbow of colors mottled her cheekbone and blended across one whole side of her face.

  Anxiety, thick and palpable, was pinging off Nate as Gina nervously relayed the horrific details of her kidnapping.

  “I still can’t wrap my head around that level of evil. And none of us had a clue it was living right under our noses,” Nola tsked. “Victor was never a friendly man, but a murderer? It boggles the mind.”

  Gina nodded as she took a sip of water. As she placed the glass down on the table, she gave a furtive tug on her sleeves to cover the angry red rope burns and thick scabs that marred her wrists.

  “He’s definitely a sick and twisted soul, but I still think Haven is a wonderful town. Everyone has been so kind. They’ve been bringing me food or simply stopping in to check and see if I need anything. Even Reverend Thompson stopped in yesterday to tell me his whole congregation was praying for me. It’s a bit overwhelming, really. I never had a clue so many people actually cared.”

  She flashed a demure smile Nate’s way. He responded with an encouraging wink.

  “And I’ve monopolized the conversation long enough. Tell me about the ranch,” Gina coaxed. “Everyone sings praises about Camp Melody and the amazing work you do for those poor children.”

  Norman’s face glowed with pride and his chest expanded as he set his fork down and drew in a deep breath.

  Noble slid a sidelong glance at Gina. He had to hand it to her. She’d seamlessly shifted the focus off herself and her ordeal.

  It was a relief that the stabbing shards of anxiety, courtesy of Nate, and the throbbing pulses of concern, also courtesy of his twin, thrumming beneath Noble’s skin had lessened. Like most twins, he and his brother were emotionally hardwired to one another. What one felt, they both felt.

  The distress plaguing his brother would likely be around for a while. Yesterday, Nate had left Gina briefly and returned to the ranch to pick up some clean clothes. The minute he’d pulled into the driveway, Noble nearly doubled over beneath the weight of his brother’s worry. He’d followed Nate into the house and plopped down on his brother’s bed while he packed.

  Noble had sent him a pointed stare, and in his mind, he’d simply stated, You’re not leaving until you tell me what’s bothering you.

  Fuck. I should have expected this, Nate had replied without vocalizing a single syllable. “Sorry, man.” Nate had exhaled heavily, then walked to the door and closed it.

  “What’s wrong?” Noble’s voice had been teeming with concern.

  “It’s Gina. She’s barely eating, hardly sleeping, and her mood swings…” He’d let out a long, low whistle. “They’re like nothing I’ve ever seen before. One minute she’s clinging to me, all weepy and shit; the next she’s screaming at me to leave her alone and not touch her. I-I think she’s losing her damn mind. I’ve invited her to join us for dinner tomorrow night. I’m hoping that if I surround her with my love, and the love of our family, it might coax the old, feisty, sassy-as-hell Gina out of hiding.”

  “I think you need to get her some help. That’s classic PTSD and you know it.”

  “I do.” Nate had nodded. “I’m planning to broach that conversation with her soon.”

  “It’s a labor of love,” his dad began now, drawing Noble from his thoughts. “I started the camp in honor of my sister, Melody. She was born with a rare blood and bone disorder. Unfortunately, she died of a lung infection when she was seventeen…”

  Noble could recite this story by rote, but then so could his brothers. They’d grown up working alongside a staff of nurses, counselors, and cooks to provide sick and terminally ill children a week-long vacation from hospitals, tests, and fixating on their uncertain futures. Even his sisters-in-law, April and Brea, were now on the payroll.

  He’d never held down any other job, nor did he want to. Noble reaped an enormous amount of satisfaction from the guests’ giggles and smiles. Of course, heartache and sorrow were part of the package as well. Some never had the chance to return to camp again…at least not in body. But he and his family made sure their spirits continued to thrive and light the hearts of those left behind.

  While their oldest brother, Ned, and his wife, April, touted the joy they gained working with the kids, second-oldest brother, Sawyer, and his new bride, Brea—still in honeymoon mode—exchanged heated stares. Even Nate had stopped freaking out long enough to toss his two cents into the conversation.

  Younger brother Nash didn’t say a word, of course. The dumb shit still hadn’t managed to pull his head out of his ass or dust off the funk he’d been wallowing in, making everyone around him miserable. Noble wanted to smack some sense into the stubborn mule for breaking up months ago with his high-school sweetheart, Megan. But stubbornness was the dominant strand that held all the Grayson brothers’ DNA together.

  Norris, the youngest of the bunch, was quiet as well. After shoveling down his dinner, he asked to be excused. Evidently, killing insurgents on his gaming console held more appeal than hanging out with the family.

  “Who’s tending the bar for you, tonight, Gina?” Ned asked.

  A prickly discomfort crawled across her face before she dropped her lashes. “Gretchen Kingman.”

  That bombshell had Noble rearing back as if he’d been sucker-punched. His eyes grew wide as he scoffed. “You left one of the linoleum sisters in charge of your bar? Make sure you disinfect the place when you get back. God only knows what—”

  “Noble Franklin Grayson!” his mother chided harshly.

  “What? Everybody knows what kinky bedroom games Gretchen, Sylvia, and Annette play.” Noble slid a knowing smirk at Sawyer, who’d suddenly taken profound interest in the crumbs left on his dessert plate.

  Before Brea had come into his life, Sawyer regularly got his freak on with the wild and willing trio. Gretchen, Sylvia, and Annette
held the dubious title of the linoleum sisters because they were so easy to lay.

  “Gretchen is the only person I know who has any experience bartending.”

  “From the gossip around town, she’s experienced in a whole lot of things,” Ned said with a chuckle.

  “Yes, well…tending bar is one of them. She used to work at a big club in Dallas while earning her dental hygienist’s degree.” Gina scowled. Worry was written all over her face. “Maybe I should head back to the bar in case she’s having any trouble.”

  “Remember to bleach that sucker good. God only knows what…or rather who she’s been doing on it,” Noble cautioned, flashing Gina a crooked grin.

  She opened her mouth, probably to volley some colorful four-letter word his way but quickly snapped her jaws shut. After she politely thanked the family for a “lovely dinner,” Nate led her out the front door.

  Instantly, an awkward silence enveloped the room. Norman absently tapped his thumb on the table, staring off, deep in thought. His mom, lost in her own ponderings, absently traced her fingertips through the condensation on the side of her iced tea glass.

  Nash, wearing a usual mask of disdain, raised his eyes to the ceiling as if seeking divine intervention. Or maybe Mr. Angst was simply waiting for a bolt of lightning to come crashing through the roof. It was hard to tell.

  Sawyer and Ned exchanged some odd kind of communication, consisting of quirked-up lips and arched brows, with their respective spouses.

  All the while the tension grew increasingly thick.

  The prickly undercurrent had Noble wondering if his assessment of the family accepting Gina had been way off base.

  Whatever was going on, he found it deeply disturbing.

  Finally, his dad leaned back in his chair, stretched his arms high over his head before lowering them, and locked his fingers behind his neck. “Gina seems like a…nice girl. Clearly, Nate is smitten with—”


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