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The Broken Trilogy

Page 78

by Amy Cross

  “Anything I want?” He pauses, before setting the documents down and holding the knife toward my face. “I'll tell you what I want, Mr. Douglas. I want an easy life, I want to get out of the game while I'm still breathing, and I want to make sure that no-one is left behind to cause problems. As you might be able to imagine, that rather precludes the idea of leaving you alive.”

  “I have to help Elly,” I whisper.

  “Oh, her,” he replies with a smile. “Yes, she's a nice girl. I fucked her here just the other night.”

  Looking up at him, I see that he's grinning with smug, confident pride.

  “She was pretty good in bed,” he continues. “Nice and tight, wet-enough inside, and I liked the way her tits jiggled when she was riding me. She managed to seem rather enthusiastic, too, which was a nice surprise. I came deep, deep inside her little pussy, and then I came again later on her face. I made her lick me clean and swallow every drop she could, and then I fucked her again, until she was sore. She could have told me to stop at any moment, but she didn't. She just kept taking it and taking it, all for the game.” His grin widens. “She tried not to cum, but eventually she couldn't help it. That's how good I am, I made her squeal with delight as I pounded her c -”

  “Go to hell!” I shout, kicking him so hard in the left leg that his knee instantly buckles back and breaks. He lets out a cry as he falls, but I manage to grab his arm and push the knife away, before elbowing him in the face. Grabbing hold of the knife, I have no choice but to hold the blade firmly and wrestle it from his grip. The metal slices through my palm in the process, but I can't let go, not now; instead, I twist the knife back until he lets it fall away, and then I turn the blade around and ram it straight into his chest, directly above the heart.

  He lets out a shocked gasp, and then he looks down at my hand, as if he can't believe that I managed to get the better of him.

  “I happen to love Elly Bradshaw,” I whisper, leaning close to him, “so really, I'd prefer it if you didn't talk about her like that.”

  Before he can reply, I twist the knife around. His eyes open wide, and blood starts trickling from the corner of his mouth, but a moment later he slumps down. I push him away and then pull the knife out, before plunging it into his chest several more times, just to make absolutely certain that he's dead. Still worried that he might somehow manage to strike back, I leave the knife in his chest and slip my arms under him. Summoning every ounce of strength in my body, I pick him up and stagger across the penthouse suite until I reach the balcony. Once I've carried his body to the edge, I look down for a moment, seeing the plaza in front of the hotel.

  God, I used to love this view.

  “Please,” Sharpe whispers, as his eyes flicker open, “I'll give you anything you want, please, just don't -”

  Without waiting for him to finish, I tip him over the railing. Turning, I head back into the penthouse, but before I can get inside I hear screams from the plaza, followed by a muffled thump that I can only assume is the bastard's body bursting on impact. Wincing at the pain in my back, I limp over to the desk and gather up the documents I came for, before grabbing one of my notebooks and searching for a particular number. Picking up the phone, I dial and wait.

  Outside, there are more screams.

  “Michael Stone,” says a voice on the other end, picking up. “I'm sorry, who -”

  “My name is Mark Douglas,” I tell him, not even waiting for him to ask. “I know you're in charge of a very important investigation right now, Mr. Stone, and wanted to let you know that you'll find some answers in the penthouse suite of the Castleton Hotel. You'll also find a very dead body on the pavement at the front of the building.”

  “Hang on,” Stone replies, “what are -”

  “I don't have time to explain the whole damn thing,” I continue, “but when you get here, look on the desk. There'll be a document that explains everything.”

  “Mr. Douglas, you -”

  Cutting the call, I sift through the papers I retrieved and pull one out, setting it on the desk before limping across the room. When I reach the door, I glance back and take one final look at the place. I had some good times in the Castleton, and maybe in another life...

  Hearing sirens in the distance, I start limping to the elevator.


  “I hope you realize -”

  “Shut up and sew,” I grunt, sitting shirtless on a table in John the Pig's examination room at the back of the King's Arms. “It doesn't have to last forever, just a couple of days. Just until I can get to a real doctor.”

  “Charming,” he mutters. “I don't suppose you want to tell me how you got stabbed?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “If you could just wait a bit, I can go down to the basement and get some anesthetic. This needle's gonna really hurt when I -”

  “There's no time for that,” I tell him. “I need you to sew the wound shut and then get back to work on those passports. Understood?”

  “Understood,” he mutters. “Okay, this is going to hurt. A lot.”

  “Just -”

  Before I can finish, I feel a hot needle being pushed into my flesh.



  “You're not going to get out of here,” my father's voice whispers in the darkness. “You know that, right? You had your chance to run and you blew it. It's over.”

  “I'll find a way,” I whisper, staring straight ahead and trying not to relive Jess's death over and over.

  “There isn't a way,” he replies. “You did well, Elly. You did better than most people would have managed, but these people are too well-organized. They've had more than two centuries to build this up, you can't seriously think you have a chance against them. Maybe in a movie, someone would be able to fight their way out, but this isn't a movie. It's real life, and let's face it, you're no superhero.”

  “I'm not giving up,” I tell him, as I get to my feet and start running my hands across the wall. I can't see a damn thing in here, but I refuse to accept that I'm stuck.

  “Maybe you could reason with him. Maybe you could strike a deal. Offer to play your part in the game. Hell, offer to suck his dick if helps.”

  “Screw the game.”

  “Elly, you have to be smart.”

  “I am being smart,” I whisper, as I reach the door and try to work out if there's any way to get it open. “I'm finding a way out.”

  “The door's locked.”

  “I know,” I mutter, taking a step back.

  “There's no window.”

  “I know.”

  “So there's no way out,” he continues. “You don't want to admit it, but you're trapped, and there's nothing you can do except wait for that bastard to decide your fate.”

  “There's a way out,” I reply. “I don't know what it is yet, but there has to be one. I'm not going to die here.”

  “You think someone's going to come and rescue you?”

  “I think...” Pausing, I realize that I'm out of ideas. “I think there's always a way out of any situation. You just have to be smart enough to find it.”

  “Or you could just go with the flow,” his voice replies. “Maybe Bob's right. Maybe the game is worth playing. Deep down, don't you feel as if this is what you were born to do? A lot of people suffered and died so that you'd have this chance. Maybe, just maybe, you should let the game into your heart.”

  “Go to hell,” I whisper, with tears in my eyes. “You weren't my real father anyway. You lied to me.”

  “You'll change your mind,” he continues. “It's just a matter of how long it takes. Don't be stubborn, Elly. Surrender to the game.”



  Constantine. I hope it's still Constantine.

  After knocking on the door, I wait for a moment. Finally a panel opens and a masked figure stares out at me.

  “Constantine,” I say calmly, trying not to sound nervous.

  The masked figure remains still for a few s
econds. I can see a pair of eyes staring back at me, unblinking, before finally the panels slides shut and I hear the locks being drawn back.

  I was right.


  The password wasn't changed.

  As the door swings open, I step inside. I need to appear confident and relaxed, or they'll start to be suspicious. Already, the fact that I'm late to the event is going to raise a few eyebrows, because people are never late to these things, but John the Pig took longer than expected to patch me up and now I have to move fast. My heart is racing and I know that Elly is here somewhere, and I also know that I don't have long. I need to find her before she gets hurt.

  “Might I take your coat?” the doorman asks, as he pushes the door shut.

  “By all means,” I reply.

  As he removes my coat, I'm left wearing just a dark blue robe and a plain mask. I can hear music somewhere else in the building, and occasional shouts, so it's clear that the event is in full swing. I lost track of how many times I came to these things in the past, back when I was Mr. Blue, but they were regular enough that I've become bored by them. The first time, though, was very different. The first time, when Alice opened the doors and showed me the full spectacle, was exhilarating. I still remember feeling as if I was entering a new world in which everything was possible, in which my every whim and desire could and would be met. I thought there were no limits, not for people like us.

  I was wrong.

  “Will you be wearing your robe, Sir?” the doorman asks.

  I pause, before realizing that I need to try to fit in. Unbuttoning the robe, I let it fall away, leaving me standing stark naked except for the mask on my face.

  “Very good, Sir,” the doorman says as he takes the robe from the floor.

  Stepping forward, I feel as if I'm even more exposed than usual. Maybe it's the scars. When I was at these events before, I was always confident about my body, but now I have several scars that will undoubtedly draw attention. There are the gunshot wounds that I suffered a while ago, which left ugly, rippled areas of flesh on my torso, and there's also the freshly-stitched knife-wound on my back, patched up by John the Pig less than an hour ago. The people who come to these events don't like to see scars; they like flawless, smooth skin. Pushing the door open and stepping onto the balcony, I know that the scars are going to cause trouble.

  As soon as I enter the main hall, I see hundreds of naked bodies, all of them masked, all of them engaged in whatever acts take their fancy. There are people having sex on sofas, on the floor, against walls, sometimes just two at a time and sometimes in large groups. Just a few meters away, at the top of the stairs, a woman is bent over the railing while one man fucks her in the ass and another feeds her grapes. It's like the scene at the end of an empire, and it's strange to think that this sort of thing used to excite me, when now I just feel sick to my stomach. As I slip past them, one of them reaches out to touch my penis, but I move away. The last thing I want is to let any of these freaks touch me.

  I just need to find Elly.

  Making my way through the crowd, I force myself to stay calm. I know that mixed in with the masked figures all around me, there are spies everywhere. The game always has spies. Even now, I'm sure I've been noticed, and a moment later I spot a figure watching me from one of the other balconies, his long-nosed mask glinting in the candlelight. I know I need to avoid causing suspicion, so even though I hate the idea, I make my way to one of the sofas, where a naked woman is lounging with a drink. Long Nose is undoubtedly still watching me from the balcony, so I need to be convincing.

  “Hey,” the woman says a little breathlessly, as if she's still recovering from her latest act of debauchery. “Nice scars.”

  I force a smile. With the mask covering the top half of my face, a smile is the only way I can show her that she's got my attention.

  The woman leans back a little, allowing me to see the dried semen on her breasts, evidence left behind by the last man who had her. There's a slightly crazed tone to her body language, as if she's simultaneously exhausted and exhilarated. I know from experience that when these parties really get going, people push themselves beyond their limits.

  Kneeling, I take hold of her knees and gently part them, before leaning closer to her vagina. She opens her legs even wider, clearly wanting me, and I get to work on her. I know Long Nose up on the balcony will still be watching, and I'm certain he'll be keen to see that I'm joining in. As I run my tongue between the lips of the woman's vagina, I try to muster a little enthusiasm, but a moment later she reaches down and takes hold of my head, gently tilting it up until we're looking at one another.

  “Why don't we take a room?” she asks, getting to her feet. “You seem tense. Let's find a little privacy.”

  Standing, I follow her through the crowd. This wasn't part of the plan, but I guess it'll help me to fit in better. She reaches down and takes my hand, but all I can do is keep looking around, just in case there's any sign of Elly.

  “In here,” the woman says eventually, leading me into one of the many side-rooms. She turns and pushes me against the wall, before pressing her naked body against mine and starting to kiss me. I want to push her away, but I know that would only arouse suspicion, so instead I allow the kiss to continue. My penis has already begun to swell, despite the fact that I feel so uncomfortable, and I figure I'm probably going to have to go through with this. First, though, I might as well get some information from her.

  “Tell me something,” I whisper. “Has anything unusual happened tonight?”

  “Such as?” she asks, kissing the scar on my shoulder. Instead of turning her off, my injuries actually seem to excite her.

  “I arrived late. I heard rumors that tonight has been a little different.”

  “Don't worry about that now,” she replies, getting to her knees. Lifting my penis with one hand, she gently kisses the tip. “Nothing matters except what's happening in this very room at this very moment.”

  “I just want to know what happened earlier,” I tell her.

  “It wasn't very pleasant. Let's not think about unpleasant things.”

  Reaching down, I grab her shoulders and haul her up. A little too rough, a little too firm, but I can't help myself.

  “What happened?” I ask again.

  “Well...” She stares at me, and I can see the suspicion in her eyes, even through the small holes on her mask. “There was a girl. Evidently she upset Mr. Raven, so she was...” Smiling, she runs a finger across her neck.

  “No,” I reply, trying not to panic, “he wouldn't kill her. He wants to use her.”

  “The other girl was dragged away.”

  “The other girl?”

  “You know. The one who everyone was making such a fuss about.”

  Realizing that she means Elly, I figure that it must have been Jess who was killed. Still, it's clear that Raven has begun to initiate his own plans, which means that I don't have much time.

  “I'm starting to think that I don't want it to end,” the woman continues, taking hold of my hand and forcing me to touch one of her large, firm breasts. “Where would we all go for fun? Sometimes I hear rumors, you know, about the organization that arranges these wonderful parties. There's gossip, you know, and sometimes one hears...” She pauses. “Well, it sounds too fantastical to be true.”

  “He must have put her in one of the cells,” I whisper.


  “So I can't stay,” I tell her, turning to leave the room.

  Grabbing my penis firmly, she holds me back.

  “I don't think you can just walk out of here,” she explains, with a hint of grit in her voice, “not without giving me what I want.”

  “I -” Before I can finish, I spot Long Nose outside the room, and a moment later he reaches the door and stares in at us. It's not uncommon for people to watch others at these events, and he's making no secret of the fact that he wants to see what we do. It's clear that he's one of the game's spies,
so I turn to the woman and realize that I have no choice but to pay her some attention.

  “This way,” she says, taking my hand and leading me over to the bed by the far wall. “I've had so much fun already tonight, but the one thing I haven't had yet is a good, old-fashioned fuck.” With that, she climbs onto the bed and rolls onto her back, opening her legs to expose herself fully. “Just the way God intended,” she continues with a smile. “Sometimes the simplest pleasures can get quite forgotten, can't they?”

  I glance at the door and see that Long Nose is still watching. It's almost as if he suspects something is wrong and wants to challenge me.

  Climbing onto the bed, I crawl between the woman's knees and reach down to give my penis a quick massage, to make sure that I'm hard. As I mount the woman, I slide myself inside her, and she bites her bottom lip as she reaches up and puts her hands on my shoulders.

  “Fuck me like you mean it,” she says after a moment. “There's a hint of uncertainty in your body language, and it's putting me off. If you can't -”

  Before she can say another word, I pull out and then thrust into her again, causing her to let out a gasp of pleasure.

  “Now that's more like it,” she continues. “I hope you can make me cum. I'd hate to have to fake it.”

  As I start fucking her, I glance over my shoulder and see that Long Nose is still there, still in the doorway, still watching us. I turn back to look down at the woman, and I can see that she's already enjoying herself. She arches her back slightly, thrusting her breasts toward me, and I respond by leaning closer and kissing one of her rock-hard nipples. Usually in this kind of situation, I'd try to make things last, but this time I just want to get it over with as fast as possible. Increasing the rhythm, I start pounding into her, and fortunately she responds well, wrapping her arms tighter around me.

  “Harder,” she whispers, her lips almost touching my ear. “Make me feel your passion.”


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