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Blackmailing his Love: (His Love)

Page 2

by M. J. Perry

  “Please, Jon.” I begged.

  His sigh was loud. “Ok, on the condition you think this decision through. I don’t want you to jump in with both feet and realise it’s a huge mistake.”

  It is a huge mistake, I silently added. “I promise I will.” I doubted I’d be able to think of anything else.

  “Then you have a deal. When is the date?”

  Shit. “Alex wants it to be a surprise, so he’s organising everything.”

  “You hate surprises.”

  “It’s true I do, but this is different.”

  “Sure. It sounds like he’s getting everything his way just like before. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I do. He makes me happy.” Geez, the lies kept rolling off my tongue.

  “I’ve got to go. When Alex informs you of your own wedding day, let me know.”

  I ignored his sarcasm; after all, he was entitled. “You’ll be the first I tell. Speak to you soon?”

  “Yes baby, we’ll speak soon.”

  “Love you, Jon. Thanks for doing this even if you’d rather pull out your own teeth.”

  “Anything for you Callie, you know that.”

  “And I’m extremely grateful. Bye-bye.”

  “Bye, sweetheart.”

  I placed the receiver down and dropped my face into my hands. I was so lucky he agreed to give me away because I don’t think I could do it without his strength. He was entitled to tell me, no, to shout at me and tell me off for being stupid for marrying a man who almost broke me, but he didn’t. Instead, he gave me his support.

  My tummy rumbled reminding me I’d missed lunch. I wasn’t hungry, but I needed to eat, to keep my up strength for the battle tomorrow. I ate a quick sandwich and washed it down with a glass of milk. A bath was what I needed to relax, a hot, lavender scented one would hopefully wash away my tension, at least for a little while. I ran the taps, pouring a generous amount of bubble bath and waited until it was nearly full. I stepped into the water with a sigh, sinking under the bubbles, closing my eyes I tried to clear my mind as best I could. When the water cooled, I climbed out drying myself with a big fluffy towel and got myself ready for bed. Blanking my mind was not an option and as I climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin, I lost the battle and in the darkness of my room; the memories came flooding back so quickly there was no hope of stopping them.

  The four months I’d spent with Alex was the most intense, amazing and romantic I’ve ever spent in my life. Four months together and I’d known I’d found my soulmate. The first time I’d seen him had been at Jon’s gallery. I was having a show of my paintings and Alex had been a guest along with Sofia Cooper, his date for the night. I’d been so flustered when we’d been introduced, one look into his eyes and I was lost. Aware I was giving the impression I was nuts, I’d blushed and stammered a quick hello before hurrying off. I’d never been so embarrassed in my entire life, the only thing which made me feel better was knowing I wasn’t likely to see him again as we didn’t run in the same circles. Later on, in the evening, I’d been talking to a potential customer about the inspiration behind one of my paintings when I’d felt heat at my back. I hadn’t needed to turn around to know who was standing there; I don’t know if it was his delicious scent that teased my nostrils or the fact I’d been painfully aware of him all night that made me sure it was Alex, but I’d known. When I’d turned round to face him I’d blushed at the heat in his eyes. He’d asked me to show him my work and after making my excuses to the gentleman I’d been talking to, I’d taken the hand he’d held out for me and let him place it in the crook of his arm.

  I’ll never forget that night or the days and nights that followed either. I’d never been so happy. He’d always acted the perfect gentleman. For almost two months we’d kissed and fooled around, but Alex would always pull back before things went too far and it confused me. One night with my face burning in embarrassment I’d asked him if he found me attractive because I’d been worried that he didn’t. The concern on his face still made me smile now. He’d been horrified that I’d thought that and had taken me in his arms before explaining that a woman’s first time should be special and only when she felt ready. That was why he hadn’t pushed me and I could see he was genuine. I’d had tears in my eyes as I’d turned into his arms and given all of myself to him, and that night I’d fallen in love with him even more.

  If only I’d known what was coming, I could have kept a part of myself protected. That way he couldn’t have thrown my words into my face at the same time he broke my heart and called me a slut.

  I shook my head. I couldn’t understand where he got the idea I’d cheated on him from, but my gut told me Sofia Cooper had something to do with it. The night before he’d thrown me out we’d been at an event, something to do with one of Alex’s business associates and Sofia had been there walking around with a smug smile on her face. I hadn’t given her much thought at the time because she was always like that, always flirting with Alex at every opportunity even though he gave her no notice and brushed her off each time, but that night she’d been different. The journey home had been quiet and that should have been my first clue something was wrong, but Alex had been working late that week trying to get a deal sorted so I’d put it down to that. He’d gone straight to his office when we’d got home which should have alerted me too, but it didn’t. I’d tried to stay awake to talk to him, but I hadn’t managed it. When I’d woken up in the morning, I’d been alone and his side hadn’t looked like he’d slept there. I’d got myself dressed and gone in search of him to find out what was wrong, we hadn’t slept alone since we’d first made love and I’d had a bad feeling in my stomach. Instead of talking to me though he’d threatened me and called me horrible names telling me to leave otherwise he’d have me escorted off his property.

  Shock didn’t cover how I’d felt and I couldn’t do anything but stare at him speechless. He’d ignored my obvious confusion and hurt and walked to his office door to open it wide making sure I wouldn’t touch him when I walked out of it like I would contaminate him or something. His eyes had been full of hate and disgust. I hadn’t had time to process what had happened let alone ask him; I saw by the look of him he wouldn’t allow me to waste any more of his precious time and a part of me had died right there. We’d gone from happy to broken without explanations and it had shattered me. Where I’d found the strength I don’t now, but I’d walked out the door with my head held high and up the stairs to the room we shared. I’d packed my things, leaving everything behind he’d ever given me even the rose necklace I’d never taken off since he’d placed it round my neck on our third date, and I’d walked out of the door, and out of his life. I still to this day don't know how I’d got home in one piece, but I’d managed it. Once I’d got through my door, I’d broken down and stayed that way for three days until my tears ran dry and I’d been worried I’d turn into a pizza if I ate any more of it. The next month had been the hardest because my period had been late, I’d lived in a state of panic at the possibility of being pregnant by the man who’d just ruthlessly thrown me out, but my period thankfully arrived and I’d relaxed. The memories weren’t all filled with sadness, but they’re the ones that stand out more because I’ve never understood how someone could treat the person they loved like dirt. Maybe he’d never loved me. I could only hope that once this farce of a marriage was over, I could get over him for real.


  I’ve been sitting in my office for the last few hours after finally giving up on getting any sleep. I’ve been trying to do paperwork, anything to keep my mind off Callie but it hasn’t worked, the only thing on my mind is her.

  Six months ago I’d received an email from an unknown sender with a photo attached of Callie standing on a balcony locked in another man’s embrace. The image has never left me; in fact, it’s burned into my brain. My sweet, innocent Callie turned out to be just like all the other money grabbers going after the next rich man. She’d messed up thoug
h because I have far more money than the bastard she cheated on me with.

  It still stung that I hadn’t seen through her act. I, Alex Smith who ran his own finance company at thirty-four, a hardened, cynical man according to the papers got the wool pulled over his eyes by a twenty-six-year-old virgin. She’d been a virgin that was no lie, I’d seen the evidence with my own eyes, felt her tightness and the knowledge I was the only man she’d ever made love with had filled me with pride. I’d never been one to believe in love, always thought it was a fairy-tale until Callie walked into my life, but then I saw the photo and all my illusions shattered.

  I don’t think I’ll ever get over her betrayal, but having her at my beck and call for the next few months will go a long way in helping. Hopefully, I’ll get her out of my system once and for all.

  A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts and I called for them to enter, a look at my watch told me it was nine fifteen. Callie was here. I knew she would come, her love for Jon was strong and she would do anything to protect him. Other men might have felt threatened by their relationship and their closeness, but from the start, I’d always known they were like brother and sister.

  I watched as my secretary ushered Callie in and closed the door behind her leaving Callie and I alone. I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach when I got a proper look at her face. She looked tired; the minimal make-up she wore didn’t cover the black smudges under her eyes, but more than that she looked scared, of me or of what was coming I wasn’t sure. I ruthlessly pushed the feeling away. I won’t let her vulnerability ruin my plans, especially when I’m so close to getting her back in my life and in my bed. Besides didn’t I fall for her act before? Not again. Looking at her though, I realise revenge isn’t at the front of my mind right now. She was the best lover I’d ever had, she might have been innocent in the joys of making love, but she’d been a willing student and I’d really fucking enjoyed being her teacher.

  “Callie,” I greeted. “Please sit down.” I gestured to a chair and waited until she sat before perching on my desk in front of her. I didn’t miss her eyes widen when she saw how close I was or how she averted her eyes from my crotch which was at her eye level. She was tense and uncomfortable with the scrutiny she was under. Tough.

  “I see you made the right choice.”

  “Well, as I didn’t exactly have a choice it shouldn’t surprise you.”

  There’s the feisty woman I remember. I grinned at the fire in her eyes and felt my body responding to it just like always. I shifted on the desk, enjoying her blush when she saw my growing erection. Shrugging I didn’t bother to hide it what would be the point when none of this would be happening if I didn’t still find her attractive.

  “You have an appointment at a boutique then afterwards at the salon. My secretary has all the details.” One look at her and it’s obvious she’s pissed. Good. “You’ll need to be dressed and ready to leave at six. I have a client’s celebration party to go to and it will be the perfect place to make our courtship public knowledge.”

  “We’re going out tonight?” she asked in surprise.

  “Yes. We need to be seen together before we announce our wedding date and what better place than the hotel where your dirty secret came out.”

  She looked confused, and it pissed me right off.

  “My dirty secret?”

  “One day you’ll admit what you did. In fact, I’ll make sure of it, right before I kick you out of my life for good.”

  She doesn't deny it, perhaps she knew there was no point, or she just doesn’t care. Either way, I’d already found her guilty.

  She rose to her feet, like a queen dismissing her subjects. “I’ll get the information from your secretary.”

  I shook my head. “We’re not finished Callie, sit down.”

  She sat.

  I reached over and picked up the prenuptial agreement I’d had drawn up. “Read it, sign it and give it back as soon as you can. You’ll see that you come into this marriage with nothing and you will leave with nothing.” Her mouth opened to speak, probably to argue about signing it, but I cut her off. “Don’t think about arguing with me because I won’t change my mind,” I told her.

  Her lush body stiffened, and the fire was back in her eyes. “I want nothing from you except your word you’ll leave Jon alone.” She said through her teeth and I watched as she dug around her handbag pulling out a pen. Her hand trembled as she reached out to take the paperwork from me and I saw no hesitation as she signed her name on the dotted line. She thrust it back at me and stood up again. “There. Can I go now?”

  I must look confused, I most definitely felt it. Her behaviour didn’t add up. “No. there’s one more thing.”


  “This,” I growled before cupping her face in my hands and kissing her. She gasped in surprise and I used it to my advantage thrusting my tongue into her open mouth. I dominated her, not giving her a choice but to kiss me back, and when her hands tangled in my hair, I knew I’d won. I pulled away reluctantly, finding it hard not to drag her back into my arms when I see her kiss-swollen lips. “You can’t fight it any more than I can.” Her shocked eyes meet mine. “I have no problem admitting I still want you. I’m going to enjoy our time together. Maybe you’ve learnt some new moves.” My words hurt her; I saw the pain before she looked away and guilt filled me again.

  “I won’t be an active partner in this little charade; I’ll be lying back and thinking of England.”

  The claws are out. Why does that make me proud? “Trust me Callie; there is no way you’ll have anything or anyone on your mind but me when you’re in my bed. I’m certain of that.”

  “You won’t know that will you.”

  “Oh, believe me, I’ll know, but from experience, I remember once I have you in my bed you melt for me and will do anything I ask. Isn’t that right?”

  She blushed. No denial, though. “That was a long time ago.”

  “I’ve just proved nothing has changed just as I proved it last night too. It takes all of two seconds before you sigh and kiss me back. Why don’t you admit that I’m your weakness?”

  She shook her head. “You are not my weakness. Perhaps I just wanted to see if you kiss like I remember. I’m disappointed, though, I think you’ve been kissing too many women who don’t care about pleasure as much as how big your bank account is.”

  “You shouldn’t talk about those girls like that Callie; after all, you’re one of them. We have proof of that. It’s just a shame the guy you picked over me isn’t half as rich as I am. Did you realise this and decide you’d try a bigger fish? You haven’t succeeded if that’s the case because why else would you be living in such a small house when you could live in a mansion.”

  She bristled. “There is nothing wrong with my home. I love it and we can’t all live in mansions otherwise what would the rich rub in the working class faces?”

  “Hit a nerve did I? It’s funny you didn’t deny the things I said. Does that mean you’re looking for someone to finance your life? While we are married, I’ll provide you with everything you will need to be presentable. As my wife you will be popular with the newspapers and I won’t let you embarrass me, but I will not give you anything else, you’ll be disappointed if you expect me too.”

  “I should start getting ready.”

  It frustrated me that she didn’t rise to my bait. Her tone suggested my accusations didn’t bother her, but her hand shook as she picked up her handbag from the chair and her eyes were bright with unshed tears. I should be happy, I’m doing what I said I would do, I’m making her pay, but I felt nothing but regret. This was going to be harder than I thought.

  “Yes, we’re finished; by all means go make yourself beautiful. Don’t forget to buy new underwear; I’ll look forward to taking it off later.” I smirked at her expression and walked to the door to open it for her. She made sure not to touch me as she walked past and I nearly flinched at the memories of the morning she did exactly the same. />
  “Bye Alex.” She said softly, and I wondered if she was having the same thoughts. I closed the door on the sight of her slumped shoulders and knew I had to put her out of my mind. I was already so behind with work and if I was going to take time off to have a honeymoon, I need to get on top of it. It’s a lost cause though, because excitement for tonight was running through my veins, excitement for her body, her curvaceous body which I knew just as well as my own, and spending time with the one woman who I didn’t think I would ever get over even if I tried to kid myself that in three months she’d be out of my system for good.


  I walked out of Alex’s building with a folder in my hand and a list of all the things he expected of me today. Alex’s secretary gave it to me along with the information that the driver from this morning was downstairs in the carpark waiting to take me to my appointments. The driver opened my door as I got close to the car and I slid in after saying thank you, I even managed a weak smile. I was dreading it all; the whole pampering thing wasn’t for me. I hadn’t decided how I felt about the situation yet or the fact that Alex could drag such an explosive reaction from me with just a kiss. We’d always been good together, I have no experience of another man to compare him to, but I figure he’d be the best even if I did. I couldn’t deny the chemistry was still there between us, he’d proved it with a kiss. To my deep shame, I couldn’t stop my response to him, my body knew him and it wanted him even after his rejection, his threats and his words of contempt for me. As for the other things he’d said, that I’d left him for a richer man who turned out to not be as rich as Alex, I knew I could deny them until I was blue in the face and he’d never believe me. Why waste my breath? I could only hope he would eventually see I wasn’t like that, that he’ll see me as the same woman he fell for in the first place.

  There were more important things to think about right now though, like the fact Alex wanted me in his bed tonight. I should feel disgusted, but I was excited and that made me angry. When did I turn into a woman ruled by lust?


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