Blackmailing his Love: (His Love)

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Blackmailing his Love: (His Love) Page 3

by M. J. Perry

  The car slowed to a stop, and I waited for the driver to open my door. “Here we go,” I mumbled.

  “I’ll be here when you’ve finished Miss Michaels to escort you to your next appointment.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem, just doing my job.”

  Me too I nearly said because it felt like it.

  And so it began.

  My first stop was a hair salon where I got a trim. The hairdresser tried her hardest to talk me into having my hair cut to my shoulders and feathered so it would frame my face, but I told her no. I know my curls are a pain, but my hair was my favourite thing about myself. It reached down to the middle of my back and I love it, I only toy with the idea of cutting it off when I’m painting and it falls out of the bun I’ve put it in to dangles in the paint.

  Next stop was the nail salon. My nails look good after the manicure considering there was paint under them most of the time, I feel more womanly and it’s a nice change to have shiny buffed ones.

  The third stop was the boutique. It’s fancy and as soon as I walk in the door I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford their underwear. I instantly hate it and feel uncomfortable wanting nothing more than to walk back out again, but I couldn’t do that. I don’t want to imagine what Alex would say if he found out I didn’t have a dress for tonight.

  The sales assistant looked down her nose at me and she made me feel inferior. That pissed me off. When did I turn into such a wimp? I ignored the stuck-up bitch that didn’t look much older than me and turned to glance around the shop. All the dresses were beautiful but none were for me. They were too sparkly, too showy and definitely not something I could wear. I was close to walking out empty-handed when I saw it. The dress. My dress. It was black, strapless and ankle length and it looked like any other dress until I tried it on. The fabric rippled over my legs like a waterfall when I moved, the slit that ran to mid-thigh added to the allure without being over the top sexy. It was perfect, and I was in love. There was a built-in bra so I didn’t need to purchase one but I added a pair of lacy black French knickers. I had shoes at home I knew would be comfortable so I told her no when the sales assistant tried to get me to buy a pair that cost three times more than my monthly mortgage payment.

  When I walked to the counter I saw the driver walk in the door. He handed me a card to pay the bill. I hated that Alex was buying my dress, but I gave in gracefully because I couldn’t ever afford to buy my items, there wasn’t even a price tag on the dress and my mother always told me if there isn’t a price, you can’t afford it and she was right. I watched as the snooty woman wrapped up my dress and underwear in tissue paper and then placed it carefully into a box. No carrier bags here. Smiling half a smile I took the box after saying thank you and followed the driver out of the door and onto the street where the car was parked. As I slid into the back seat I sighed with exhaustion, with no sleep last night and all the pampering today I could do with an early night, but what I wanted and what I would get are two different things. All I knew was that I would need a truckload of coffee to get through tonight.


  I sat in the limo waiting on Callie to come from her house. Arnold had already knocked her door. I’d struggled to keep myself in the limo and not do the knocking myself. After Callie left this morning I’d spent it in total confusion, I was losing my grasp on my reasons for doing this and I couldn’t allow that. I couldn’t let her see how much she affected me. I need her in my bed tonight; it had been too long since I had her way too long.

  From the window, I saw her front door open and my breath caught at the sight of her. She was a vision, a gorgeous vision in black. Callie has never looked bad, even wearing a plain t-shirt and worn jeans at her house yesterday she’d still looked good, but tonight she could be mistaken for a goddess. Her dress clung to her every curve and the slit up her leg gave me a tantalising glimpse of her creamy thigh. Every man would look at her tonight and the thought pissed me off. She was mine. I shook my head. Where the hell had that thought come from? She wasn’t mine; it was only temporary. It shouldn’t bother me that she’d be the centre of attention and I didn’t want to think so hard about why it did.

  I got out of the already open door and waited until Callie stood right in front of me.

  “You look beautiful,” I told her in a husky voice. I watched as her blush spread to her chest. She’d never been good at receiving compliments.

  “Thank you.” She replied shyly, and I hid my grin.

  “Tonight cannot be over quick enough. If I didn’t need to show my face we’d be heading to my place right this minute.”

  Her shocked eyes met mine and I let her see the need I had for her. She quickly looked away. I expect her to fight the attraction we have but I’d win, I always do.

  When she acted like this, I could almost believe she her as innocent as she was when we first met, but I know that’s not true. I have proof, even if that proof kept slipping my mind. I let my face go blank, angry at myself for getting caught up in her and I saw her flinch at my expression, the sheen of tears in her eyes was nearly my undoing. She brushed past me without speaking and climbed into the limo and when I did the same, I found her sat as far from the door as she could get staring out the window. We’re both quiet on the drive to the hotel, she looked sad, and I squashed the impulse to reach over and take her hand.

  Climbing out once the car stopped, I offered my hand to her; she placed her small one in mine with obvious reluctance, but when she emerged and saw the press and the flashbulbs she all but burrowed into me. I’d forgotten how much she hated the press. Putting an arm around her shoulders I pulled her into my body shielding her as much as I could. Her body was shaking, and I stepped up our stride. When we entered through the hotel door, I heard her sigh of relief. Leading her over to an empty table I pushed her gently into a chair.

  “Are you ok?” I asked with concern.

  “I’m fine, they just shocked me. It’s been a while since I’ve had to deal with them.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You are?” I heard her surprise.

  “For subjecting you to the press, yes.”

  “Oh. Don’t worry, I’ll be ok. Next time it won’t be such a surprise.”

  I nodded. “Shall we get you a drink, you’re pale.” I held my hand out to her and caught her shiver as she placed her delicate hand in mine.

  “Thank you. Water would be nice.”

  “Just water? Don’t you want something stronger?”

  “I figure I should keep a clear head. I don’t want to embarrass you.” It’s a joke; she’s trying to lighten the mood. It almost worked until I saw the man she slept with walk in the door.

  “You would never do that Callie, after all, we have a deal.”

  She bit her lip, not saying a word.

  “How does it feel to be back here?”

  She frowned. “I’ve never been here.”

  How could she say that with a straight face? She stiffened at my anger, but before I could speak we’re joined by some people I know and the moment was lost. It’s a good thing too because it wasn’t the time or the place for me to lose my temper.


  We’ve been mingling for two hours. Two hours of being on show. Alex has introduced me as his fiancée to every person who’s greeted him and their reactions ranged from shock to looking me up and down looking for the reason why Alex would give up his single life for me. The looks from the women were the worst; they obviously wondered what I had that they didn’t. I’d never felt so embarrassed in my life and if that wasn’t bad enough I haven’t been able to forget what happened when we’d arrived. Did I imagine the concern he’d had for me? I might as well have because he soon turned back into the cold stranger who treated me with indifference except for the fact he hadn’t let go of my hand all night. He was so confusing; maybe this was part of his revenge too, driving me round the twist.

  “Alex,” I said quietly as I tried without success t
o tug my hand out of his.

  He looked down at me. “I need to be excused.” He didn’t let go straight away and something flickered in his eyes before his hand gave mine a quick squeeze and released me. I heard the men laughing at him for not wanting to let me go, and I hurried off before he answered, not sure I wanted to hear his reply.

  I made it to the toilets without bumping into anyone I knew and it reminded me of how very different to mine Alex’s world really was. I used the facilities and washed my hands before I pulled my lipstick out of my clutch. The door opened and Miranda Hammond walked in with a sly smile on her face. She was a stirrer, more famous for selling the inside scoop even if it was lies than for her modelling. I ignored her; slicking my lips with my gloss I checked my reflection in the mirror. Not a hair out of place, I suppose I should be glad for that.

  “Well, hello Callie. How nice it is to see you.”

  “Miranda,” I said politely.

  Putting the lid on my lip gloss I pushed it back inside my clutch and closed the latch. I glanced down at my dress and then my shoes to make sure there wasn’t tissue paper stuck to my heels and headed to the door. I was almost out when she called my name.

  “When’s the baby due?” Miranda purred.

  “Excuse me?” I asked in outrage.

  “Oh come on sugar, I’m not stupid. There is no way Alex would marry a little nobody like you unless he had a good reason and the only one I can think of is you’ve got yourself in the family way.”

  I found myself walking back to stand right in front of her. I was furious with myself more than her, I should have realised people would think that. Perhaps that’s why everyone was looking me up and down; they were looking for evidence of a baby bump. I actually wanted to throw up. “How dare you say these things to me? Alex and I are in love, we are marrying for that very reason and when we have children, it will be once we are husband and wife. If I hear any of this bullshit again, I will make sure my Alex has you in a court room being sued for slander.”

  Taking a deep breath I noticed how pale she’d gone. “Is that clear?”

  She nodded, and I hid my smile from her. “Good. Now enjoy the rest of your night won’t you.” I said as I walked out of the door not giving her another glance. I didn’t know I had it in me to be such a cow, but I was proud of myself. When I made my way back to Alex, he knew instantly something was wrong, his eyes probed mine, but he didn’t push. It wasn’t like I could explain in public; it would make everything much worse. His arm snaked around my shoulders and I gave in to the comfort he offered by resting my head on him for a minute before pulling away. I needed to get used to the gossip and the sneering looks. I also needed to remember that Alex was the reason I was in this position.

  Alex gave our excuses half an hour later, and I wanted to kiss him. I gratefully took the arm he offered and walked beside him to the waiting car. When I sat down on the leather seat I sighed in relief.

  “What happened?”

  I should have known he wouldn’t let it drop. “When I was in the ladies Miranda Hammond accused me of being knocked up and trapping you into marrying me.” I watched in fascination as his face grew hard. “I put her straight don’t worry, but I’m sure she isn’t the only one thinking it.”

  “I’ll have an announcement in the papers tomorrow morning stating we’ve reunited and are getting married. A second chance romance, doesn’t everyone love them?”

  I would if it was real. “A second chance romance that will last only three months.” Sadness overwhelmed me reminding me that I was going to lose him again.

  “I won’t change the terms, Callie.” He said in a cold voice. Of course, he mistook what I meant.

  “I don’t want you to Alex.”

  It was clear he didn’t believe me, but he didn’t argue. “You’re staying with me tonight.”

  It wasn’t a request. I nodded and turned to the window looking out into the dark night.

  The car stopped outside his house and my panic became strong. I wanted to run, to scream at him not to make me do this, but Alex wouldn’t let me get away, I knew this. He took my hand in a firm grip making sure I couldn’t escape him. It was always like this, he was always in control taking what he wanted and I never denied him. How could I when I loved him beyond anything else? I used to get swept away with the feelings but now I couldn’t let myself go. It was one thing to make love to someone who loved you but a completely different thing when that person despised you. Fear shot through me, would he be rough and act like I was here just for his pleasure? He’d never hurt me while making love, he’d always made sure it was good for both of us, but now I didn’t know what to expect. It had been so long since he’d touched me and the intimacy of what we were about to share terrified me. The last thing I wanted was to be vulnerable to him and being naked and giving him my body was as vulnerable as I could get.

  We were in his bedroom before I realise and he was closing the door behind us. Only then did he let go of my hand. I backed away from him until I found myself against the wall on the opposite side of the room. He stared at me for a second; I knew he could see my fear. He stalked towards me not taking his eyes from mine. I swallowed hard, I wanted to close my eyes, but I was frozen by the look in his. He looked like the wolf from my dreams pleased with the prey he had cornered.

  “I’ve waited a long time for this.” His voice was so deep I struggled to make the words out.

  “You have?”

  “Oh yes. I remember how good we were together. How you knew just what to do to blow my mind. You’re a natural seductress.”

  I was showing you my love my mind screamed. I should be offended, maybe when I think back to this moment I will be, but right now I want him. How my fear could be replaced with hunger this quick was beyond me but seeing the desire in his eyes reminded me of the old times we’d shared, of the passion and the love. Every time we’d made love it had surpassed the time before. My hands lifted to his shoulders and my bold move shocked me. Alex’s eyes grew dark, and I watched mesmerised as his head dipped down and he placed a closed mouth kiss on my lips. His hands moved to my back, and I felt my zip slowly sliding down to where it ended above my bottom. I blushed aware that my dress was gaping open giving him complete access to my breasts. He didn’t waste time instantly cupping them in his big hands he ran his thumbs over each nipple causing them to tighten. I lost myself in the sensations, I couldn’t move if I wanted to all I could do was savour the feel of him.

  “You haven’t changed Callie. You're still as beautiful.” He whispered as he gripped my dress at the sides and slipped it down my body until it pooled on the floor around my high-heeled feet. My hands fisted overwhelmed with shyness at standing in front of him in just my French knickers. His eyes swept over every inch of me. “Yes still beautiful.” He said almost to himself. His hands went to his tie, and he untied the knot and dropped it to the floor doing the same with his other clothes. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him. He was a masterpiece, he calls me beautiful, but he was himself. I wanted to reach out and caress him but I didn’t have enough confidence. My eyes caught his erection making me shiver; I’d forgotten how big he was.

  Once he stood naked in front of me he took my hands in his and helped me step out of my dress and heels and then surprised me by sweeping me up in his arms and carrying me to his bed. He grinned at my squeal of surprise and put me down on the bed. He knelt on the bed gripping my knickers in both hands, pulling them down and off then he opened my legs wide enough for him to fit between them. His face was so close I reached down to cover myself. He grasped my hand tightly. “Don’t hide from me Callie, baby,” He ordered and placed my hand by my side he did the same with the other one holding them there. I waited nervously for him to say something and when his mouth touched the inside of my thigh, I arched up in shock. He chuckled at my reaction and then I felt his mouth getting closer and closer to my mound before his tongue licked up and down my slit making me squirm with need. He let go of my ha
nds and I reached to fist his hair unsure if I wanted to pull him closer or push him away. His hand slipped under my bottom and lifted me closer to his mouth. His tongue attacked me and my whole world shrank down to his actions. I couldn’t catch my breath. I felt a finger slide into me making me scream, the pleasure too much for me and my orgasm took over. When I finally came down from my high my body was limp. Alex moved up my body and climbed on top of me careful to keep his weight off me with his elbows. I was still panting and when I got the nerve to look at him I saw his grin. His lips came down hard on mine tugging my bottom lip with his teeth demanding entrance. I could taste myself on him. There was something almost primal about it, knowing he’d just delivered me so much pleasure, that I’d been at his mercy. His cock brushed against my wet core and then in one hard thrust, he was inside me. I whimpered at the sudden pain of being stretched, and he stilled giving me time to adjust to his size. Once the sting eased, I moved a little. He watched me for any discomfort as he withdrew and when he saw none he thrust back in gently this time tearing a groan from my throat. I'd missed this; I’d missed the closeness. Raising my head, I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer so I could touch my lips to his. I poured all my feelings into the kiss, trying to tell him without words how I felt about him. He broke the kiss, and I caught the warmth in his gaze right before they went blank. He’d always been good at hiding his feelings from me, hell, from everyone, but right now it hurt more than anything. He put space between us so he could reach my breasts with his mouth sucking my nipples one at a time into his warm mouth before he quickened his pace thrusting harder and faster. I clung to his shoulders unable to keep up with his movements. My stomach clenched and my climax hit me so hard I saw stars. Somewhere in my haze, I heard Alex groan then I felt his release deep inside me. He lowered himself on top of me still mindful of his weight. I struggled to catch my breath and his was hitting my neck in little puffs. He didn’t move for a while and I used the time to try to get my feelings under control.


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