Blackmailing his Love: (His Love)

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Blackmailing his Love: (His Love) Page 9

by M. J. Perry

  “I’m sorry for that too, but I’ll make it up to her.”

  “You’d better. Now enough girl talk. What time are you going tonight and I'll meet you there? Have you arranged security?”

  “Seven, its early enough that we should arrive before Sofia. She likes to make an entrance so she’ll wait until she thinks everyone is there. I have security on Callie as a precaution, but I don’t plan on leaving her side.”

  “Is she out to hurt Callie physically?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m not prepared to take the chance. She's a loose cannon and if she realises her plan isn’t working she could do just about anything. I got an email from an unknown address today containing a photo of you and Callie hugging three months ago. She was following her then.”

  “But why? She’s implying me and Callie are more than friends?”

  “I think so. I know there isn't and never has been anything between you two.”

  “And there never will be, she’s like my sister.”

  “I know. I don’t need convincing.”

  “Good to know. Make sure you keep her safe and I’ll see you at seven.”

  “I will. Bye.”

  Turning off the phone I sighed in relief. That went a lot better than I’d thought it would. Now all I had to do was get through tonight. If Sofia turned up, which I was in no doubt she would, security would keep her in sight and alert me. If they didn’t, David would, because he’d be there. He hasn’t said so, but I would do the same for him.


  I walked into our bedroom and stopped at the open door of the bathroom. My smile rose at the sight of Callie lying in the bath humming. Her eyes were closed, and the bubbles were nearly flowing over the rim bringing back memories of the countless baths we’d shared right there. It pleased me that she wasn’t sat around worrying. She trusted me to deal with our problems. Doubts about tonight crept in my mind, was Jon right, should I keep her here, lock her up if I have too? I dismissed the thought quickly, Callie would hate me if I did that and we needed to deal with Sofia for good.

  “Hi,” Callie smiled when she caught sight of me. She looked beautiful; her hair up in a knot on top of her head and as usual, most of it had fallen out and hung down the back of the bath.

  “Hi, yourself, are you ok?”

  “Alex, will you stop worrying about me, I’m fine.”

  “I can’t do that; I’ll never stop worrying about you.”

  She rewarded me with a brilliant smile. “Did you talk with Jon?”

  “Yes. He knew you were lying.”

  “I should have known he’d see through me.”

  I stripped my clothes off and watched as her eyes ate me up, I kept myself fit, but I’d never been proud of my body until now. “It seems Jon knew a lot of things.”

  “Is that right?” She asked breathless.

  I nodded and pulled off my underwear. I watched her tongue swipe her bottom lip and suppressed a groan. Her eyes were on my erection and they didn’t stray from there until I was in the bath hidden by the bubbles. Sitting behind her I pulled her against me until her back rested against my chest. “He knew you were lying, but he also said he could see I loved you. That’s why he didn’t call you out on the lie. He thinks you’re happy.”

  “I am happy, I was happy then, but the circumstances made me sad, I’d always imagined you would propose differently to that.”

  We sat quietly for a while. I wanted to tell her I regretted it, but I wouldn’t have her in my arms right now if I hadn’t done what I had. “The sale of the company has gone through. I own it now.”

  “Are you happy about it?”

  “I’m pleased, but I’d give it away in a heartbeat if you asked me to.”

  “I don’t want you to do that. You owe it to the old owners to keep your word.”


  Callie’s hand reached to grip my arm. “Was there anyone else in the running to be your wife?”

  “No.” I denied sharply. “To be honest, I didn’t want the company that badly until they stated they’d only sell to a family man. Your face appeared in my mind and I decided to blackmail you to get you back into my life. I knew I could use Jon to do that so that’s what I did.”

  “I never had a chance did I? It sounds a lot like you did all this to get me back?”

  I was quiet for a moment. “I might have done, but baby you have to know that a part of me really wanted to hurt you like you’d hurt me. I used your love for Jon to make you fall into my plans.”

  “I know, but I forgive you.”

  My eyes closed at her words. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I’ll take it. I love you. Let me show you how much.”

  I turned her to face me so she straddled my lap. The water ran over the rim, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was Callie. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her lips softly in a teasing caress. “You can show me how much you love me back.”

  “I like that idea.”

  “Me too, you’re fucking gorgeous Callie.”

  She blushed, and I followed that blush all the way to her nipples using my mouth to tease her. Her back arched into me giving me better access to pull her nipples into my mouth one at a time until she was whimpering. Lifting her slowly I lowered her onto my aching cock. She gasped at my invasion and grabbed my hair in her hands fisting it tightly while I used my grip on her hips to move her up and down making us both groan. The rhythm drove me crazy, and it wasn’t long before I was thrusting faster making her pant from the pleasure. I felt her muscles tighten around me and I let myself spill into her praying that I’d just made her pregnant.

  We didn’t move for a few minutes both trying to catch our breath. I felt her shiver, and I moved from under her climbing out of the now cooling water to grab a towel before helping her stand and step out of the bath onto the mat on the floor. She leaned against me and I dried her body wrapping her in a big towel. Once she was steady on her feet, I grabbed a towel for myself and secured it around my waist.

  “How about we put our robes on and I’ll bring dinner up. We can eat on the bed like old times. We missed lunch, you must be starving.”

  “I’d like that. Just like old times.” She smiled.

  “Are you ok about going tonight knowing Sofia might be there?”

  “Not really, but we need to do it. I don’t want her thinking she’s won.”

  “She will never win again,” I assure her.

  “I know because we won’t let her.”

  “No, we won’t. It’s you and me Callie, always.”

  “Always.” She whispered.


  Well, it was time to go. My stomach was in knots and my hands wouldn’t stop sweating. Alex could feel my nerves, he was holding my hand tightly, and I wondered if it was for my comfort or his. It was obvious he wasn’t happy about tonight. He saw the event as a risk and he was right, but we’d both agreed we wanted Sofia to think we had no idea what she’s been up to. If we go into hiding until David has proof of what she’s done it will seem like we’re running away.

  He squeezed my hand gently. “It’ll be ok baby.”

  “I hate the idea of seeing her. She’s done so much damage.”

  “This is the best way to deal with her.”

  “I know and I agree until I think of coming face to face with her.”

  “You’ll be fine; I won’t leave your side. You have to put your game face on which should be easy because you’ve been doing it since I blackmailed you.”

  I gave him a little smile “It’s different with her, I don’t like her one bit.”

  “And you love me.”

  “You know I do.”

  “If you see her just ignore her, it’s not like she would notice anything different in you because you used to ignore her before. If you’re nice to her, she’ll become suspicious.”

  “I couldn’t be nice to her. She ruined us; she tried to blacken my name and made me lose you.”

baby I don't want you to be nice to her, I was just making a point. Remember, I love you I’m not going to let anyone upset you.”

  “I know you love me, I’ll try to relax, but I really want to punch her in the face.” I frowned when he laughed at me.

  “You don’t have it in you, you’re too sweet.”

  I sighed, he was right. I don’t like violence. “A girl can dream.”

  “I’d rather you dream about me.”

  “I always do,”

  The car came to a slow stop, and I shivered. There were reporters on either side of the rope which led to the entrance of the hotel. I hated the press and their questions, how they force their microphones in your face like it will make you stop and talk to them.

  “I’m here baby and Jon is just inside the door waiting for us. Head up and keep smiling.” He kissed me on the forehead.

  I plastered a smile on my face and he laughed. “That’s my girl. Now come on, the sooner we’re in there the sooner we can put them behind us.”

  He stepped out of the car as the driver opened the door and held his hand out for me. I slid out as gracefully as I could and gripped his hand so hard it must hurt him. I tried to loosen my grip, but he squeezed my hand in reassurance. We kept smiling as the press shouted questions and finally we made it through the doors.

  Jon walked over to meet us and I hugged him hard without letting go of Alex’s hand.

  “Sweetness shall we go and get drinks? People are starting to stare and the headlines tomorrow will have us in a ménage relationship if you don’t let go soon.”

  Alex laughed loudly causing people to glance over, and I blushed scarlet. He was right, the press like a good story even if there’s no proof of it. I pulled away and followed Jon to the bar. Alex ordered me a glass of iced water. I’d decided earlier not to drink knowing I’d need all my wits.

  “Is she here?” I asked Jon quietly.

  “No, she hasn’t arrived yet.”

  “I’ve just seen David over there,” Alex nodded his head to the left and I caught sight of David. “He’s keeping his eye out and when he sees her he’ll give us a heads up so we can prepare.”

  “Ok.” I agreed. I hoped I didn’t see her. I’m not afraid of her, but of what she had planned.

  The host tapped Alex on the shoulder and the next couple of hours went by in a blur. Everyone seemed to want to speak to Alex and his new wife which was flattering and annoying because most people were just being nosy. One brave man asked me how I’d managed to snare Alex into marriage, he’d leered at my breasts and I’d seen the flash of anger in Alex’s face before he’d reined it in and very calmly told him that he’d made me marry him because he loved me. We’d shared a secret smile then, Alex and I, because he wasn’t lying there was he, he had made me.

  The need to use the ladies room had me excusing myself or at least trying to. Alex wouldn’t relinquish his grip on me and at one point he said he would come with me. I had to remind him it would look weird if he did, and finally he caught David’s eye from across the room and let me go after brushing his lips across mine. His eyes were on me as I made my way towards the ladies room. David met me before I made it and linked his arm through mine as he got close. “I haven’t seen her, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t slipped past us, be on guard just in case.”

  “I’m not worried. If you haven’t seen her I’m sure she isn’t here.”

  David grinned. “I’m good love, but I’m not perfect.”

  “I’ll keep my eyes open.”

  “I sure hope so Callie else you’ll walk into a few things.” He winked making me laugh.

  “Poor choice of words, but you know what I mean.”

  “I know, but it’s nice to hear you laugh. You’re very pretty when you do.”

  “Thanks,” I said blushing. He nodded and, he was all business again. When he turned I saw he was wearing a small ear piece. I wondered who he was listening to. I opened the door and checked my reflection in the mirror before using the facilities. After I flushed the toilet, I opened the cubicle door and walked straight into an angry Sofia. Before I could ponder how she got in here without David noticing she spoke.

  “You stupid bitch.”

  I flinched at the venom in her voice. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You heard me. I worked hard to get Alex to chuck you out yet somehow you’ve managed to weasel your way back into his life.”

  “You were behind the photos weren’t you?” I asked. I’m proud of how strong I sound when my insides were a quivering wreck.

  She clapped her hands, the echo making my head hurt. “Well done. You’re not as stupid as I thought. I was behind the newspaper story and the photos of you and your friend Jon too. I also tipped off the press on your wedding day thanks to Alex’s little secretary sharing that little titbit with me. She also told me how unhappy you seemed and I figured I could make up a little story about blackmail in the hopes I could get Jon to fall out with you for being so stupid.” She shook her head. “Only he didn’t. He actually went along with your wedding even though I could tell he didn’t want to be there.”

  I’d never heard anyone be so proud about trying to ruin someone’s life. I would have laughed at the coincidence over the blackmail in normal circumstances, but I felt sick at the lengths she’d gone too to separate Alex and me. Surely she couldn’t be sane. “Why did you do it all?”

  “Alex is mine!” she shouted at me. “He should never have been interested in you in the first place. You’re not his type yet somehow you got him to choose you, with your mousy hair and fat figure over me.”

  She rubbed her hands over her super thin body as if she was better than me. Maybe she was more attractive, but Alex loved me for me, curves and all.

  “You and Alex weren’t together when I met him.” I pointed out.

  “We were on a break. I allowed him time to sow his wild oats before he came back to me ready for marriage and babies.”

  I probably shouldn’t poke the crazy person but I couldn’t help myself. “I don’t think Alex got the memo.”

  “That’s what you think. He obviously doesn’t want to tell you the truth which is that he loves me and we’re going to marry.”

  I pitied her. She actually believed what she was saying. “He’s married to me.”

  She huffed. “He only married you to get revenge on me for sleeping with Peter. He’ll divorce you and it will all be fine. You can disappear back to wherever you came from and Alex and I will be happy.”

  “Who’s Peter?” I shook my head before she could answer. “Don’t answer that I don’t care. Alex and I are not divorcing.” She was really loose- tongued it made me wonder what else I could get out of her. I was curious why Alex hadn’t burst in here looking for me, he must have noticed how long I’d been gone, but then she spoke again.

  “Yes, you are going to divorce. I’m going to make sure of it. No one passes me over for a poor artist with bad taste in clothes. I’ve got rid of you before and I’ll do it again.”

  “How did you get my face on those photos?”

  “Clever wasn’t it?” she bragged. “I have a friend who is amazing at photo-shop he very kindly helped me for a small fee.”

  “Not much of a friend if he charged you for his services,” I muttered. “Who is the man in the photo?”

  “Oh, that’s Peter. It was a mistake to sleep with him but I used it to my advantage. I saw a lone reporter on the balcony as I plastered myself into Peter’s arms. He pushed me away because he’d already asked me to leave, but not before the guy got the shot. It didn’t take much to bribe him for the photo then I took it to my friend and suddenly I’d been transformed into you. It’s funny really because you don’t travel in our circles so you’ve never met the man who you supposedly cheated with.”

  I shook my head at her explanation, so much effort to ruin what Alex and I had. “How can you be so cruel? You’ve messed with Alex, hurt him and yet you claim to love him. Love doesn’t wound, it heal

  “Whatever.” She hissed. “I’m bored with this conversation. After tonight, you won’t be a problem anymore. I’ve already set everything up.”

  My stomach clenched. Would Alex believe her next set of lies? I hoped he wouldn’t, but it was out of my control. I shrugged, hiding my emotions. I didn’t answer her and instead, made my way to the sink and washed my hands. I caught the smirk sent my way, and ignored it. It was difficult, but I would not give her the satisfaction of showing her my worry. Drying my hands I turned to face her. “Do your worse.”

  Shock flashed on her face for a second before she grinned. “Oh, don’t worry, I will.”

  I held my head high and pushed open the door walking straight into a furious Alex.

  “What’s the matter?” I whispered.

  “You’re asking me that after what you’ve just been through in there?” I lost my breath in a whoosh when he pulled me hard against his body. “She will never get near you again.”

  “I’m confused, how do you know what happened in there?”

  “I heard everything baby.”

  “How? Were you standing with a glass at the wall?” I half joked.

  He chuckled softly. “There’s a bug in your handbag. I slipped it in there before we left the house.”


  “I’ll explain everything later. Do you trust me?”

  He’s nervous of my answer I can see that. “I trust you, Alex.”

  “It took everything in me not to storm in there when I heard Sofia talk to you. David held me back and made me see that her confessing to you gave us the proof we need to get her out of our life. I didn’t like it one bit though.”

  “It’s ok, I’m ok honey.” I reached up to cup his cheek. “She’s definitely just proven she is one crazy bitch.”

  Sofia opened the door and walked out looking cool as a cucumber like she hadn’t just accosted me and confessed to her crazy schemes. She shot me a glare then turned a smile on for Alex. He looked over his shoulder ignoring her and I followed his gaze seeing David and another man step into sight.

  “I believe you two have already met,” Alex asked Sofia.


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