Blackmailing his Love: (His Love)

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Blackmailing his Love: (His Love) Page 10

by M. J. Perry

  She looked flustered. “No, I believe those two have, though.” She replied pointing at me and then to the man.

  Alex shook his head. “Callie meet Peter, Peter this is my Callie.”

  “Oh, hi.” I greeted understanding now why Sofia looked like she was about to bolt.

  “Callie.” Peter nodded. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “What do you mean it’s nice to meet you? You’ve slept together for god sake.” Sofia screeched loudly making me want to hold my ears.

  Peter took a step towards us and Sofia suddenly looked worried. “I will warn you only once Sofia because I’ve had enough of your lies. Either you stop this right now or I will make your life hell.”

  I could almost taste his fury, but his voice was calm, and that somehow made him scarier.

  “You couldn’t.” She sneered at him, but her lip wobbled giving her away.

  “I can and I really want to so I suggest you don’t test me.”

  “Even I can see he isn’t bluffing,” I told her earning another glare.

  “Callie is correct. I’ve heard the lies you’ve told and I’m telling you it’s over. We have proof of what you’ve done and now I’m going to speak to your father.”

  Her face paled. I almost felt sorry for her, but then I remembered that this was the woman who was hell bent on destroying me. I didn’t enjoy her being scared, but I refused to feel sorry for her either.

  “I’m not coming with you Peter and you can’t make me.” One last act of bravado came from her before she saw the movement of the security guards behind her. Her shoulders dipped in defeat and when the guards took her arms in a firm grip and led her out of the back door, she didn’t struggle. David gave us a nod and followed them out.

  I turned to face Peter, and he smiled.

  “Thank you,” I said quietly.

  “Thanks aren’t needed; I’m just sorry I did nothing sooner.”

  “Why should you have done?”

  “Because I’ve known her practically all my life. I’m aware of what she’s capable of. I made an incredibly stupid mistake sleeping with her and she used it to try to destroy you both.”

  “It’s not your fault. I don’t even think it’s hers. She needs help.”

  “She does, but even if she seems crazy she still knew what she was doing. Don’t feel sorry for her she’ll only use it against you.”

  “She will never get close to Callie again,” Alex spoke for the first time. I wrapped my arms around him to calm him. His body was shaking with rage and I know it’s been hard on him hearing the truth. It was for me, but I always knew I hadn’t cheated on him. He’d believed it which he’d beat himself up for. Sofia’s words came back to me. “She wasn’t in it alone Alex. You need a new secretary.”

  “I heard. I will have Sylvia escorted out of my offices tomorrow in front of everyone and I’ll make sure when I’m done with her the only job she’ll get is picking up litter. There’s nothing wrong with that job, but she would rather die I’m sure.”

  I’m a little turned on. “And you called me ruthless.”

  “I need to go and deal with Sofia. I’m glad the truth is out, maybe now we can all move on.” Peter spoke reminding me he was there.

  “We already have,” Alex said and I couldn’t agree more.

  I watched as Peter made his way out the door before I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed Alex. Even in heels I still needed him to bend down. I kissed his jaw, his chin and finally his lips. “I’m so glad that’s all over,” I whispered against his mouth.

  “Me too. I’m so sorry Callie.”

  “For what?”

  “I’d already decided I believed you even though the evidence said I shouldn’t, but to hear her saying those things to you, hearing her words of hate… it really hit home how you would never do anything like what you were accused of. I’m truly sorry I can never make up for how I treated you baby, but I’ll spend my whole life trying.”

  I gazed into eyes and it was easy to see how much he meant the words, how upset he was and tears blurred my eyes, but before I could say anything his lips came crashing down on mine and he kissed me until my legs gave out and I had to clutch his arms to keep myself upright. His arms snaked round my waist to keep me steady. We couldn’t seem to break the kiss both of us struggling to get closer to each other. One of my hands went to the buttons on his shirt and I opened the top one moving quickly to the next.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly, and I jumped embarrassed to be caught making out like a teenager. I pushed my hot face into Alex’s chest and closed my eyes.

  “What did I miss apart from the obvious show you two are putting on?” Jon asked.

  “Oh everything, you missed everything.” I laughed.

  “And you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out because I’m taking my wife home right now to finish what we just started.”

  “That’s more than I needed to know.” Jon groaned.

  “Sofia isn’t a problem anymore, Peter has seen to that.”

  “Who’s Peter?”

  “Tomorrow I will ring you or you can ring David now if you want to,” Alex replied as he ushered me towards the back door. I turned to see Jon frowning, but he didn’t get the chance to speak before we were gone and the doors closed behind us.

  “That was rude.” I scolded.

  “No, baby it would have been rude if we’d continued to do what we were doing right there because if Jon hadn’t interrupted I don’t think either of us would have stopped.”

  “Oh.” He was right I hadn’t been thinking clearly.

  “Now you see why I’m in such a hurry.” He said as he helped me into the car as Arnold hurried over to us. Alex sat as far from me as he could and in other circumstances it would have hurt my feelings, but one look in his eyes told me he wasn’t in complete control and I didn’t want to push him. I watched the buildings as we passed them and relished the excitement I felt at having Alex to myself with the truth out in the open. When the car stopped outside our house Alex all but dragged me towards the front door and closed it quickly behind us. My last thought was that I was glad Violet had the night off before he pushed me up against the door. My dress was ruined as instead of opening the tiny buttons down the back he just ripped it off. I didn’t have time to be sad about it because he did the same to my knickers ripping them off and throwing them to the floor to fall on my discarded dress. He picked me up placing my back against the door with my legs around his waist. I took a breath as I felt his erection rub my centre once before he plunged in joining us in one hard thrust. Passion took over, and we both hit our climax at the same time.

  “I love you, Callie.” He whispered in my ear making me shiver.

  “I love you too. Shall we go for round two in comfort?” I teased.

  “Yes, but first I need to get the feeling back in my legs. Every time we make love you knock me for six.”

  “You call that making love? It felt more like we were attacking each other.” I smiled.

  He didn’t return my smile, his face grew serious instead. “All we ever do is make love Callie.”

  “I know,” I assured him. “It’s good to know you do too. Now take me to bed, I want more.” I demanded, kissing his cheek.

  He grinned and moved towards the stairs. Even hampered by his trousers hanging off his hips he still carried me to our bedroom. It was probably a stupid thing to do given he could trip, but I loved that he couldn’t bear to put me down.

  I rested my head on his shoulder. Everything had turned out well, all I had to do now was tell him I was pretty sure I was pregnant and see how he reacted. I was happy and he would be too after he got over his shock. Finally, I could see our happily ever after in sight.

  A lot had happened, a lot of hurt and sadness and accusations, but now we had closure and made our peace. We were in it together; we could take anything that was thrown our way.

  Four months later


  I was sitt
ing in the garden outside our house watching my husband barbeque for our family and friends. I glanced down at my stomach and gave it a little rub. Finally, I was looking more like I was pregnant and less like I’d just eaten too many pies. I caught Alex’s eye and the look in them promised good things to come tonight. Ever since I’d told him I was pregnant he’d become more protective, more loving and unfortunately bossier. He wouldn’t let me do anything much now except sit on my bum and when I’d tried to paint he’d confiscated my paints until he’d spoken to the doctor to make sure the paint fumes wouldn’t hurt me or the baby. Violet was no better, but I tried not to complain. I’d had the worst morning sickness in the beginning which luckily seemed to be easing now, and they’d both helped me through it.

  I glanced round the garden and my eyes rested on Jon and his girlfriend Suzy. She was perfect for him; she didn’t let him get away with anything always keeping him on his toes. I’d never seen him so happy and he deserved to be.

  Happy doesn’t really cover how I feel. My life is full of laughter, and love, and Alex treats me like a princess and I know when our little bump is born he’ll be the best father ever, making sure baby feels safe and loved, and all the other things he makes me feel.

  Since all the trouble with Sofia, life has settled down. Peter stayed in touch with Alex calling him a lot to check on us, on me. What might have started out as guilt soon turned into a friendship. He and Alex have become close. He’s kept us updated on Sofia and told us about her drug use. Apparently she’d started on diet pills to keep herself thin and when she’d felt they’d stopped working she started on the big stuff. We still have no answers as to why she became so obsessed with Alex and then me, but at least she’s gone now and will hopefully stay that way. The help she was getting in rehab and the restraining order we have should make sure of it. David found out what she’d been planning, and it sickened me. I shuddered even now at the thought. Sofia made a sex tape and somehow it had my face on her body just like the photo- shopped photos she’d sent Alex. David destroyed the tape and made sure there were no copies then he’d had her friend arrested. He’d found out her friend did it a lot and countless women had been blackmailed because of the fake photos he’d made. I owed David so much; if that sex tape had leaked I don’t know what I would have done. I know it wasn’t me, but the press wouldn’t have. When Alex had found all this out he’d been on the warpath if Sofia had been close I fear he would have strangled her to death.

  The chair next to me moved, and I turned to face Jon. He rubbed his hand over my stomach before taking my hand. “Happy?”

  “Oh yes,” I grinned. “Completely and ridiculously.”

  “I’m glad it all worked out Callie, I was ready to hurt Alex.”

  “I know, but I had faith in him.”

  “So did I,” Alex said from behind me. I turned to face him with a smile and his gaze trapped mine.

  “I know that look, time for me to leave.” Jon groaned.

  I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, but Alex swooped down and pressed a kiss to my lips.

  “I love you.” He whispered against my lips.

  “I love you too.”

  “I love this little one too.” He said as he placed his big hand on my stomach.

  “And she loves you.”

  “He.” Alex corrected.


  “We could do this all day.”

  “We could, and you’d still be wrong.” I teased.

  “As long as the baby is healthy I don’t mind what we have.”

  “Me neither.”

  “I can’t believe we’re having a baby. It doesn’t seem quite real after all the things we’ve been through.”

  “I know what you mean, but I think it’s our reward.”

  “Yes, I like the sound of that.”

  I giggled. “At least we know the baby will never want for anything. The nursery has more things in there than we’ll ever use.”

  “It’s ok; we’ll keep it for the next one.”

  “The next one? Can we have this one first please!” I said laughing.

  He chuckled cupping my face in his hands. “Happy?”

  “More than I could ever tell you.”

  “Can you show me?”

  “I think I could do that,” I said fluttering my eyelashes.

  “Guys, can’t you at least wait until we’ve all gone.” David groaned from behind us.

  I looked up at him and blushed. “I didn’t know you were there.”

  “It’s because I’m stealthy.”

  “No, it’s because she was so wrapped up in me she saw no one else.”

  “Whatever you say,” I laughed. “I need to pee again.”

  Alex stood up fast and held his hand out for me when I was on my feet he swept me into his arms.

  “David, will you watch the barbeque, please? I’m going to help my wife.”

  I can hear David laughing behind us. “I can pee on my own.”

  “I know, but it gives me an excuse to get you alone because I have something for you.”

  “You do?” More surprises. I was getting used to them now.

  “Just one thing.” He dropped me gently to my feet making sure I stood steady. “I had this made for you.” He took my left hand, and I felt him slide a ring in front of my wedding ring.

  I brought my other hand to my mouth blinking back tears. “It’s so beautiful, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” The ring is a perfect match to my rose necklace.

  “I’m glad you like it baby, but you’re wrong.” I looked up at him through blurry eyes. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I couldn’t hold back my sob. How could this sweet, thoughtful, sexy man be mine?

  “Stop crying Callie.” He ordered and wrapped his arms around me.

  “They’re happy tears.”

  “I don’t care what they are; I don’t like it when you cry.”

  I rubbed my cheek against his chest hearing his heart beating strong and steady in my ear. “I’m so lucky.”

  One of his hands went to my stomach, and the other cupped my cheek. “We both are.”

  “I know. I’m thankful every day for what we have.”

  “Me too.” I sighed. “It’s been a long time coming, but I see our future and it’s going to be an amazing one.”

  “I’m going to make sure of it.”

  “We both will.”


  A note from M.J

  Thank you so much for reading Blackmailing his Love, if you enjoyed Callie and Alex’s story please think about leaving a review.

  Get in touch with me on Facebook at:

  Other Works

  *Her Mistake

  *Unlikely Love

  *Her Vampire Love




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